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- If you are upgrading from a version 4.2s or later you need only replace
- the .Exe files that have changed.
- -------------------------------------------------
- If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 4.2s, the Language File
- structure was changed. You need to replace the .Exe and QRDBLANG.Dbf
- files with the ones in this update. If you are using a special Language
- file and are updating from a verrsion prior to 4.2s then you need to
- change the language file, change it as follows.
- field r12 thru r15 are changed from 70 characters in length to 20
- characters long.
- fields r16 and r17, 70 characters long were added.
- r12:='Memo not Found';
- r13:='Version Unknown';
- r14:='Could not Open';
- r15:='Notify Sysop';
- r16:=' User With Edit Access has File, please try later ');
- r17:=' File is in use, Only Read Access can be given ');
- -------------------------------------------------
- If you are updating from Versions of QRDB prior to 3.x read the following.
- If you have type 3 Database files, use QRDBMgr to check Security levels.
- Add, Edit and Delete features have been added to the type 3 DataBase,
- and security level fields in QRDBMgr have been expanded to control
- access. One other thing on the type 3 DataBase field codes in QRDBMgr
- have also been changed to N,O,R and K. The old (D) code will be
- interperted as (O) in any existing files.
- ║ │ │ │(N)/A │ ║
- ║ │ │ │(O)pt │ ║
- ║ │ │ │(R)eq │ ║
- ║ │Name Typ Len│ │(K)ey Display Label Line Col │ ║
- The following is an answer to a couple of Frequently asked questions
- 1. QRDB looks in the directory it is run from for, DorInfo*.Def or
- Door.Sys. So it should be run from the directory your system puts
- Door.Sys in. Door.Sys shouldn't be put in the QRDB directory, because if
- it is you can only run one node as the QRDB directory can contain only
- one copy of Door.Sys.
- 2. QRDB uses the following lines from Door.sys
- 1. Comm Port - COM0: = LOCAL MODE
- 2. Baud Rate
- 10. User Full Name (First and Last)
- 11. Calling From (City, State)
- 15. Security Level
- 19. Minutes Remaining THIS call
- 20. Graphics Mode - GR=Graph, NG=Non-Graph
- 21. Page Length
- -------------------------------------------------
- Version 4.2 added expanded User Record Ownership support for type the 3
- database. In the case of a Type 3 database where rebuilding indexes is
- common. QRDB will maintain a .Dbf field named REC_OWNER. It will place
- the name of the originator of a record in the REC_OWNER field. QRDBMgr
- will then use that name when rebuilding indexes.
- If you are interested in who own's user generated records in Type 3
- database's that were created prior to this Version 4.2 User Record
- Ownership support. Run ListKeys <Index FileName>
- Example: ListKeys USERBBSO.IDX
- Version 4.2 also adds a new search feature. It provides a fast search
- for use with a very large databases. The search is similar to QRDB's other
- search function with the difference that this function searches key
- fields only for it's string match. In the case of a dual word search it
- looks for the first word in the key fields. If it finds a match, then it
- searches the complete record for the second word. A Command Line Options
- /K is required if QRDB is to include the special Key field Search. This
- feature was inspired by a user with a 1.5 million record database.
- A file that was added in ver 4.0, QRDBLang.DBF is also required.
- If you use the Fossil version of QRDB, it is the file called QRDB_fos.Exe,
- depending on your setup you may have to rename it QRDB.Exe. Earlier
- fossil versions were in a seperate package and were called QRDB.Exe.