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│ RACE v2.00 - RemoteAccess Caller Editor │
│ Copyright Michael F. Janke 1989,1993. All Rights Reserved. │
│ │
Due to a severe bout of procrastination, the RACE documentation was not
ready in time for the RA 2.0 release.
Rather than hold up RACE, I felt it would be best to release it without
documentation and follow up a short time later with proper documentation.
RACE is not that difficult to use, even without documentation, and many
are veteran RACE users and would probably prefer to have a version that
works with RA 2.0 than have to wait for docs.
Note that the info contained in this file is everything that is new
since version 1.52. To get it done as quickly as possible, bug fixes
are not listed. If you have been using the 1.60x beta versions of RACE,
much of this info will be a repeat of what you already know.
There are almost no configuration changes required. You can put the new
RACE executable files over your old version and RACE 2.00 will use your
current RACE.CFG with no difficulty. There are a few changes in
RACECFG.EXE, but only in the removal of one miscellaneous configuration
item and in the addition of the new user fields for report templates.
Hiding the user password is no longer an option in RACECFG because RACE
does not display (and cannot display) a user password. RA no longer
stores a text password in the user file. Only a 32-bit CRC of the
password is retained and this number would have little meaning to a user
of RACE. Neither RA's RAMGR or RACE allow editing of the password field.
You may only enter a NEW password.
Make sure you have deleted the RA 1.11 USERON.BBS file. I'm sure the RA
upgrade instruction will say the same thing, but in case you miss it...
As of March 1, 1993, the licensing fee for RACE has gone up to $15
and now includes the registration of eRACEm. Neither program is
available separately and you are required to pay the $15
registration fee even if you only use one of the two programs.
New Fields
All new fields in RA v2.0 are supported in RACE 2.00. Most need no
explanation and will get none. Refer to the RA docs if you're not
sure what a field represents.
RACE has one extra field that is in the RA 2.0 structures but does
not appear to be used by RA 2.0 at this time. RA calls this the
"Organisation" field. RACE calls it the "Company" field and I have
made it available in RACE. The only way data will get there at this
time is if YOU manually put it there. Whether or not RA will use
this field in the future is unknown.
The field RA calls SEX is called GENDER in RACE. The GENDER field
is changed by entering E)dit mode, cursoring over to the field and
then using the spacebar, plus or minus keys to toggle to the desired
setting (unknown, male, female).
Field Movement
RACE now allows moving about the user record in any direction while
in edit mode. The <TAB> key will move to the field on the right.
<SHIFT-TAB> will move to the left. The arrow keys will move up and
down as always.
Date fields
Proper date format is now (once again) forced. You may only enter
the date in MM-DD-YY format and an invalid date will not allow you
to leave the field until you correct it. The jury is still out on
this one. Some will like it, others will hate it. I personally
haven't decided either way. Whatever the majority wants is ok by
User Passwords
As mentioned previously, RA no longer stores the user password in
the user file. This is for security purposes. RACE no longer
displays a password field in a user record. To give a user a
password, press <CTRL-P>. You will be prompted for a =NEW=
password. If a user forgets his/her password, he/she is out of luck
and will have to provide you with a new one for entry in their
Hot keys for attributes
They're gone. The ALT-keys are no longer used to toggle attributes.
RACE now refers to these attributes as TOGGLES. These keys have been
replaced by ALT-T to pop up a window in which you may edit whichever
toggle you wish. Do not mourn the loss of the ALT-D key to delete a
user. Your <DEL> key performs the same function and it has been
there all along.
Mailing list
RACE has a SUPER SIMPLE, ULTRA-NO FEATURE mailing label function
built in. Pressing <CTRL-M> will cause RACE to create a file called
RACEMAIL.DAT in the current directory. No prompt is provided, RACE
just goes right ahead and creates the file. If it already exists,
it is overwritten. This is a pure ascii file containing the
following fields:
Any capable word processor should be able to mangle this file into a
usable mailing list with which you can print labels. Note that the
Address fields are only placed in the file if they contain data.
Adding new users
Adding a new user is now possible while another user is online.
Also, the new user takes various bits of info from the user record
that is currently on screen when you press <A> or <INS> to add a new
user. You could create a 'template' user for this purpose or just
move to any user that has standard access before using the add
function. DON'T FORGET to use <CTRL-P> after the new user record is
saved to install a password for the user. If you don't do this, the
new user will have the password of the template user. This is
useful in some situations but may be undesirable in others.
User toggles are no longer displayed in validate nor are the hot
keys (Alt-keys) available to toggle the attributes. As in the main
screen, ALT-T will bring up the toggle window.
Templates will no longer LOWER the security level of a user. If the
user already has a level higher than that provided by the template,
it will remain.
Changed the acceptable input for the "Send predefined message" from
"Y/n" to "Y/n/i". Previously, if you answered "n" to this prompt,
you were automatically prompted for "Text file to import." This no
longer occurs. If you wish to import a text file for the message
(other than the predefined message file), press "i" for import
instead of "n".
Upgrading users with predefined templates is now possible from the
main screen without going into Validation. Press the number key
coinciding with the template you want applied to the user currently
on screen and the template prompt window will open up just as it
does in Validation. At this point you may hit <enter> to apply that
template or type the rest of the number if it is more than one
The number zero (0) has a special meaning. If 0 is pressed, the
template list window will open up instead of the prompt window.
This will allow you to scroll through the list. Once the
appropriate template is highlighted, hit <enter> to apply that
template to the current user.
RACE now creates and constantly updates an index file for the answer
file. This file will have the same filename as the answer file and
an extension of .IDX and it will be created in the RA system
directory. There will be one .IDX file for each answer file you
view with validation. Each record in the .IDX file (one for each
set of answers) consumes 9 bytes of disk space.
Creation and updating of the index is done automatically. RACE
parses the answer file and updates the index each time you go into
validation or when you <P>ick a new answer file from within
RACE also does a simple test of the index before parsing. RACE
reads the last index record and attempts to go to that position in
the answer file. If that position does not exist (such as when you
deleted the answer file but not the index) then RACE will rebuild
the index from the start.
The above test will not account for all possible problems. If, for
example, you manually edit answers out of the file then allow RA to
add new answers before ever running RACE, the test may past but the
last old entries in the index may not actually point to the start of
a set of answers. If in doubt, delete the .IDX file and allow RACE
to rebuild it. It only takes a few seconds on average sized answer
This index file contains a 'last read' pointer so that RACE knows
where you left off on validating during your last use of CTRL-V type
You may now allow your answer file to constantly grow and not have
to put up with RACE starting at the beginning each time you go into
validation. Keep in mind that the 'last read' is wherever you were
when you quit last time not the highest record number you viewed.
If you jump to the first record then quit, RACE will start at the
first record on your next entry to validation.
You now move forward AND backward through the answer file using the
right and left arrow keys. You may also use HOME and END to jump to
the first and last set of answers respectively. RACE no longer uses
Validation Mark Deleted
M)ark will allow you to toggle a set of user answers DELETED in
the index. This will not affect the status of the user, only the
answers. The answers will only be removed after running eRACEm with
the -A switch. Note that this feature of eRACEm only works in the
registered version.
Validation FIND
F)ind will still allow you to find other answers the currently
viewed user may have but you will now be prompted "Search Forward?".
<Y> or <ENTER> to this prompt will search forward otherwise hit <N>
to search backwards. Once the search has begun AND answers are
found, you may move back and forth to the various answer sets of
that user by using the arrow keys. Once you are at the last set of
answers for that user (in either direction), RACE reports no more
answers found and the find command is toggled off.
Validation search
S)earch will allow you to search for a specific user's answers.
Since RACE searches the index file for a CRC match and not the
answer file, it will only find EXACT matches. Your input is
converted to uppercase and then a CRC is calculated on the name.
RACE then searches the index for a match. Because of this method,
partial names will never score a match since the CRC will never be
exactly the same.
Validation Vip & Trash
V)ip and T)rash have been added. These will insert the currently
viewed user name into the VIP.CTL or TRASHCAN.CTL file as the
command letter indicates. Removing the user names from those files
is still done by the old manual method.
Validation Answer file
If you do not care to keep your answer file around, remove the index
file when you remove the answer file. In other words, if you remove
the NEWUSER.ASW, also remove the NEWUSER.IDX file. As mentioned
above, RACE attempts to handle invalid indexes but it is possible to
confuse it.
The "Storage file" is no longer supported in RACE. Because of the
indexing method and RACE's ability to start where you left off, it
was felt that this was redundant. The actual answer file may now be
used as storage. This makes it easy to review a particular user's
answers at any time while in RACE.
Global C)hanges
New items have been added to the C)hanges menu. The items added are
set by number and that's the input RACE expects. It knows nothing
about what you have named language #1 or whatever. So, you'll need
to know the number before going into RACE to make this change. The
first language in your language list is #1 and so on.
The entry window that permits setting the parameters for the changes
has one new item added: "Use Flags"
When you get to this field, hit <ENTER> if you want to base the
global changes on flags (in addition to security, group, all/equal
to, etc.). When you hit <ENTER> a second window will open to allow
you to mark the flags RACE should examine to determine whether or
not to change the desired item in a user record.
NOTE: RACE only makes a comparison for flags that are ON. For
example, you cannot make changes on users that have flag A8 OFF.
Go into Use Flags field, hit <ENTER> then place an X in the
position(s) you want RACE to examine. If the user has that/those
flags ON in his record AND all other parameters are met, the changes
will apply. As with elsewhere in RACE, use CTRL-ENTER to save
changes and exit the flag entry screen.