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Changes to RADCD 1.04
! Some great new features in Version 1.04 -
Given the added benifits, some of these may be REGISTRED ONLY
features. Yes, RADCD to some extent now needs registering.
BUT..... all features in previous versions remain accessible
whether you are registered or not. Any new features that will
only work in registered mode, are marked with {+}
1. First, after a speedy message from a user or two, after release
of 1.03, I put support for the TASK enviornment variable back in.
Didn't know it would cause such a stir..... sheeesh! <smile>
2. Version 1.04 has been developed under WIN95. I don't know if that
made the difference or not, but display and logwrites of filenames
'were' comming up rather weird as a result.
So to ensure that all works as expected, you need to keep any
Message/Support files for RADCD in the same directory as RADCD.EXE
It is strongly suggested that you make a directory for RADCD,
ie: F:\RA\RADCD, and place ALL files for use with RADCD in that
If you do not, Version 1.04 of RADCD may NOT work properly.
Yuh been warned pardner!!
3. Some Configuration Keywords have been changed, they are marked in the
Some new ones have been added, [ NEW ]
And, some are no longer supported: MsgFile=, you may no longer
specify a different message file than RADCD.MSG, as multi-language
support has been added, and this would defeat the purpose of that.
See #5 below.
4. You can specify a RA.LOG to be read, no matter WHAT environment
variables have been set. See the Keyword 'RALogFile'.
5. Multi-Language support has been added! (FINALLY!)
Also, the ROOT name of the user message posted when a drop is detected
has changed. It is now DCDMSG instead of RADCD.
You should have a copy of the message for each DIFFERENT language that
your users use, ie English, Dutch, French etc.
And you MUST have at least ONE message file, in the language you
desire, that will be used if any other cannot be found. (DCDMSG.0)
RADCD gets the language number for the user from their record in
USERS.BBS (which should be in the directory specified in config for
the UserMsgBase=)
it then assigns this number as the message file extension.
At a MINIMUM, you should have DCDMSG.0 this will be used for any
user not having a langauge defined, OR.... if it cannot find a
message file to match the users language number. RADCD will switch
to the "0" file automatically if another is not found. If THIS one
cannot be found, the program will abort.
The message files MUST be in the same directory as RADCD.EXE
Example Names: DCDMSG.0 - DCDMSG.1 - DCDMSG.3 - DCDMSG.5
If you do not want to send messages in a different language, then all
you need is DCDMSG.0
You may have message files, with extensions up to .255
6. User Security Modification - {+}
RADCD will now also let you lower a users security level if they
DROP more than a specified number. When this happens, it generates
a message to the user (sysop created) about this event, and also
writes a note to the SYSOP about the user security change.
The User Message is sent to the same message folder as the CARRIER
DROP message, the Sysop Note is sent to the same folder as the
Data File Report.
The user message must be named SECDOWN.### where ### represents
the user language numbers. You MUST have at least SECDOWN.0
Placement of these message files is the same as DCDMSG.###
Two new configuration KeyWords have been implemented for this feature,
MaxDrops= Number of Dropped Carriers to allow before SecDrop
DropSec= The security level you want applied to this user,
may be from 0 to 65535.
NOTE: Samples of DCDMSG and SECDOWN message files are included
Once again, for both the Carrier Drop Message, and the
Security Drop message, you must have at the minimum, a
DCDMSG.0 and a SECDOWN.0 in the RADCD directory, else an
error will result.
7. Another FILE is used also, RADCD.USR which is a RADCD User File,
it holds information on users, similar to RADCD.DAT, but is used
strictly to determine if a user has dropped carrier on your system
more than the allowed number.
This file is updated everytime a user drops carrier.
If a user is already in the file, his total drop count is updated,
when you, the sysop, run the check (more later) on drops, if the
user has passed the limit, and their security is lowered, the
drop count is set back to 0, ready for more.
8. As the RADCD.USR can get rather loaded with user data, some of
which either no longer call your system, or no longer drop carrier
when online (GRIN), RADCD allows you to PURGE the file without
deleting it (more later). What this does is remove any user record
that has 0 in the Drop Count field. You can also, if you wish,
occasionaly DELETE the file, for a fresh start, or mark records as
deleted, and run PURGE.
9. New RADCD Startup Commands:
The following commands should be run by themselves, as RADCD will
not process any other command given with these on the command line.
This will scan the DCDUSR.DAT file, and apply security
modifications, and generate user messages and sysop reports
about these actions. You can run this anytime you wish,
after each call, in midnight maintainence, weekly, whatever.
Will remove any user records who have 0 in the Drop Count
field. Also removes any record that has been marked as
Deleted. (See VIEW below) Keeps the filesize down.
Presents a list of all users currently in the RADCD user file,
giving their name, and total drops detected to date.
By pressing the Spacebar, when a name is highlighted, you can
mark the username as Deleted. Any records marked as DELETED
will be removed when you run the PURGE command, as well as
those with ZERO drops.
NOTE: Viewing is available, but records may be marked as
DELETED only in Registered Mode.
10. If you are a Registered User, you can keep RADCD from writting
the "Created By" banner in the generated messages.
Simply uncomment the new Keyword "ClipLogo" {+}
11. Added some ERROR at Location messages to the code, so that if an
error occurs, and I cannot find it via the RTE message addresse,
I may find it this way. If RADCD says (or logs) a line saying,
for example, Error: ----------- at DU75 - Please forward that
location message to me when reporting an error.
12. The HELP screens have been enhanced, when you use any of the following
on the command line: ? -? -h -help, the screen clears, and a Menu is
presented. Your choices are: <A>uthor Contact
<S>tartup Commands
<C>onfiguration Keywords
<M>essage Macros
13. New Files: There are several new files that are created/required
for proper running of Version 1.04.
DCDMSG.### - User Dropped Carrier Notice - (DCDMSG.0 REQUIRED)
SECDOWN.### - User message re: Security Change -(SECDOWN.0 REQUIRED)
DROP.RPT - Security Mod message to Sysop - REQUIRED
RADCD.USR - User File, Created and Maintained by RADCD
14. The generated screen(s) listing dropped callers, now also gives
the Node the caller was on. Obtained from the TASK or NODE
environment variable. If not set, it assumes Node 1.... logical!
eof CHANGES.104