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Version 1.06
Copyright (C) Dale K Maupin & Renegade Software
All Rights Reserved
Remote Access 2.xx or 2.50.g1 File Tagger and Sender
Private File Transfers for Preferred Users
The archive consists of two executable files: CfgSend.Exe and
RaSendit.Exe. CfgSend is executed by the sysop and it allows him
to select a desired file and place it on hold for a particular user.
It also holds the configuration information used by the entire
program. Upon exiting CfgSend, it will automatically set a user flag
in the appropriate user's account to allow the program to run
seamlessly. Other BBS users will never know the program is there.
See RASENDIT.DOC for further information about that program.
Unpack the archive into your RA home directory. RASendIt requires
the config.ra file to operate. RASendIt is completely multi-node and
uses file and record locking to accomplish this task. Two programs
are included in this archive. RASendIt.Exe which is the file sender
and CfgSend.Exe which is the config program to set up the file tags.
A data file named RASendit.dat will be created in the RA directory,
this file has all the data from CfgSend. A log is created with the
name you specify in the setup program. A copy of DSZ.Com must exist
in the directory where you place RASendit. The RASendit data files
must reside in the RA directory and also it's key file if you have
one must also reside in that directory. The Door.Sys or Dorinfo1.Def
file needed to operate will be found in the directory you specify
on the command line.
Two display files are provided for use with RASendIt and will be
displayed as the user logs on to RASendIt. The names of these files
must be the same as the ones provided:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If these files are not found in the same directory
as RASendit (RA) then a default display will appear. Do NOT place
the ansi and asci screens in the \txtfiles subdirectory.
You must specify the BBS type on the command line !!!
CfgSend 2 for RA 2.50.g1
Cfgsend 1 for RA 2.02
Upon entering CfgSend at the dos prompt (within the RA subdir-
ectory), a menu screen will pop up with various selections. You
should highlight the first and press <enter>. You will be prompted
for the user name (whom you want to receive the file(s)). The
program will search for the name or fragment of name that you provide,
and ask you for verification.
Go down to the next selection and enter the file name (or as
much of it as you know). You will be prompted whether you want to
search the entire filebase or just a range of filebases. You will
also be given the option of entering the path and filename exactly.
The program will search for the closest match and ask you for
IMPORTANT NOTE: The selected file must be previously adopted by RA
for it to be recognized.
The rest of the selections are intuitive and work in much the
same manner.