Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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│ Remote Access Time Bank - v1.00 │
│ Copyright (c) 1991-93 by Ivan F. Martinez │
│ │
Beta Team And Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Copyrights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Overview and Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Description of the files that compose the System . . . . . . . . 7
RATB.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
RATBCFG.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
RATB.RAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
RATBEDIT.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
RATBCFG.COR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
RATB.BLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
External Support Text Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Installing RATB for the first time with RA . . . . . . 14
Installing RATB for the first time with PC-Board . . . 15
Upgrading from versions previous to 0.80 . . . . . . . 16
Personalizing your Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Language Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Final Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Documentation: Flávio Lucarelli and Roberto Narciso
The RATB 1.00 Beta Team is:
Araken Salamene 4:801/31
Eldon Alencar 4:809/3
Flávio Lucarelli 4:801/30
Luciano Zoppe 4:801/7
Martin Gut 4:801/4
Roberto Narciso 4:801/11
Ruben Pinto 4:801/9
Stenio Pita 4:809/1
Thanks to :
Luciano Zoppe - The first to register RATB
Flavio Lucarelli - The first to register RATB outside of Säo Paulo
Andrew Milner - For Remote Access, well worth the US$50
Remote Access Andrew Milner and Continental Software
PC-Board Clark Development Co.
ARJ Robert Jung
X00 Raymond L. Gwinn
BNU David Nugent & Unique Comp. Pty Ltd.
RATB is an external program (door) for RA and PC-BOARD, which allows
each user to bank online time, kbytes and netmail credit (RA only) for
use or exchange at a later time, just as in a bank account.
RATB will only work with PC-Board 14.5, or Remote Access 2.0. Previous
versions of these software will not work with this version of RATB.
(Items marked with a {+} are only available to registered users, to
register see information contained in the file REGISTER.FRM)
- Checks for user inactivity (Time-Out):
The program checks for the user's inactivity time-out, disconecting
him if his inactivity time has reached the limit determined by the
- Checks if the user has used the BBS for the minimum time configured
to be able to execute RATB:
The program counts the time used since the beginning of the
connection up to the moment when RATB is loaded, not permiting the
user to use RATB and showing the file BBSFIRST.A?? or .RALs 68th
prompt if the time used is less than determined by the SysOp.
- Checks for remaining time before executing RATB:
The program checks if the users remaining time is equal to or
inferior to the time determined in the configuration file, if it is
it will return to the BBS and display the file TBINSUF.A?? or the
11th prompt in the .RAL file.
- Checks for Minimum remaining time:
The program does not let users deposit all of their time, not
leaving enough time for the disconection procedure, for example. The
same value configured as minimum time required to use the BBS before
accessing RATB is also used as minimum remaining time.
- Works with Ansi/Avatar Active or Not.
- Acccepts Color Configuration:
In the configuration module there is an option to configure all of
the colors that the user's see while using RATB. The colors of the
program may be configured in the file RATBCFG.COR.
- Accepts the use of Hotkeys:
RATB works with hotkeys, that is, the user does not need to press
[Enter] after every command. The keys may be defined in each
language file.
- The SysOp can alter any account:
When entering RATB, the user's security level is automaticaly
checked. If it is equivalent or higher than a SYSOP SECURITY LEVEL,
he will have the option of cancelling and changing transactions made
in any account.
- The SysOp can do transactions with his accounts on a no-limit basis:
If the option 'Sysop Free Limits' is selected in the configuration,
the SysOp will be able to do any transaction in his account without
any daily limits being verified. However the maximum limit of the
account is still obeyed.
- It is possible to hide a certain user's account from the list of
User's with access level of a SysOp or higher may alter an account
and make it secret or not, in other words, only SysOps will see
secret user's on the list of accounts.
- Sorts the accounts:
The accounts can be sorted in increasing or decreasing order,
alphabeticaly, by Time, Kbytes or Credits.
- It is possible for users to transfer Credits, Time and Kbytes among
The maximum value permited for each transference is configurable,
being able to deactive transferences using value '0'.
- It is possible to Exchange Kbytes for Time and vice-versa:
The value of each Kbyte in Minutes and of each Minute in Kbytes is
configurable, if this value is '0' this function will be
- Support Multi-Node systems:
Locks the system files, making it possible for RATB to work in a
multi-node system without any problem at all. However RATB does not
permit two users who are accessing the board at the same time to do
any kind of transfer between themselves.
- Option for Personalizing the Menu:
RATB has a default menu, but this one can be substituted with a
screen (ASC, ANSI, AVATAR) mande by the SysOp. For this to be
possible, RATB has various control codes which are substituted by
the respective text when displayed to the user (the codes will be
described ahead).
- Two Types of Menus, the Normal and Expert:
If the user selects the EXPERT menu, a reduced menu will be
displayed. This avoids wasting time trasmitting a bigger menu.
- It is possible to configure a personalized title in the place of 'RA
- Support for Various Languages:
RATB has language files (which may be edited by the SysOp), wich
contain all of the text displayed to the users and have a .RAL
- Birthday Present Configurable by Access Level:
(For up to 10 different access levels)
On the date of a user's birthday he may receive Time, Kbytes or
Credits. The quantity is configurable by the SysOp.
- Support for a configuration for each line and/or Access Level:
Different limits may be configured for each of the BBS's lines
and/or for each access level. For each configuration a different
file will be created.
- Utility to Edit the Accounts without Acessing RATB:
With the utility RATBEDIT it is possible to alter, consult and sort
the accounts without having to access RATB. (See Description of
Files that Compose the System).
- Option to Define a Minimum Security Level to Access RATB:
If the user does not have the minimum security level, the
TBLEVEL.A?? or the 36th .RAL prompt will be displayed to him when he
attempts to access RATB.
- Listing of the Last Transactions made in the Accounts in Recent Days.
- Supports a Black List:
If the user's name is in the RATB.BLK file, he will not be able to
access RATB and will see the TBBLACK.A?? file or the 39th .RAL
- Disconection from RATB:
The GOODBYE.A?? file is displayed.
- Option for the User to Deposit everything that he has left.
- Internal Chat
- Checks for the time of the Next Event:
RATB checks for the time of the next event, not letting the user
withdraw or buy time, if it passes over the event's time.
- Supports the Use of Control Codes:
(RA only)
In the menus and in every text file displayed by RATB, RA's control
codes ^F and ^K may be used.
- Option to Create LOG files in one Directory Only:
The directory must be specified in the variable 'LOGPATH' defined in
the Environment. (Ex: SET LOGPATH=C:\RA\)
- Supports PCBoards Environment Variables:
PCBNODE - indicates node used.
PCBDIR - indicates current configuration directory.
PCBDAT - indicates the name of the configuration file.
- Supports the Use of the @COMMAND@ Variable and @Xnn Attributes:
(PCBoard only)
In the menus and text files displayed by RATB, it is possible to use
PC-Board's variables @COMMAND@ and the attributes @Xnn.
This is RATB's main program, which should be executed by the BBS.
Command line paramaters that can be used with RATB.EXE, to
automaticaly execute some options: {+}
DEP_TIME - Deposit Time
DEP_KB - Deposit Kbytes
DEP_CRED - Deposit Credits
DEP_ALL_TIME - Deposita All possible Time
DEP_ALL_KB - Deposita All possible Kbytes
DEP_ALL_CRED - Deposita All existing Credits
WITHD_TIME - Withdraw Time
WITHD_KB - Withdraw Kbytes
WITHD_CRED - Withdraw Credits
WITHD_ALL_TIME - Withdraw All possible Time
WITHD_ALL_KB - Withdraw All possible Kbytes
WITHD_ALL_CRED - Withdraw All existing Credits
QUIT - Skips the menu and returns to the BBS
BYE - Disconects after executing commands
';' - Interpreted as an [Enter] (Carriage Return).
If RATB receives any other parameters that are not listed above, it
will assume the command as if it were given by the user.
For Example:
RATB 1;100
RATB will think that the user typed:
'1' [Enter] '100'
In RATB, you will find Sysop Keys very similar to Remote Access. By
typing F9 you will see a list of all functions available. Some of
these are:
ALT-C Enables a Chat mode with the user, not available when in
local mode.
ALT-J Will Shell to DOS, type 'Exit' to return.
The menu option are regarding to the possible operatins on depositing
and withdrawing time, kbytes and netmail credit. These options are
very simple and need no more explanations. The option to list the
acoounts will list all user accounts that are not hidden (it will
however show the SysOp the hidden accounts also). If any of the user's
listed is using RATB on the other line, he will have his last movement
date as "NOW". The option to List Movements shows the last
transactions made by a user in his account.
There are still three more options on the menu, only available to
registered users, which are for the SysOp's use only, Change Accounts
which lets you alter any account, as long as the user is not connected
at the same moment, the option to delete an account, and the option to
sort the accounts. {+}.
Configuration fields are listed bellow:
Maximum time - Time deposit limit of an account.
Maximum Kb - Kbytes deposit limit of an account.
Maximum Credit - Credits deposit limit of an account.
Max. Daily Time Deposit - Daily Time deposit limit.
Max. Daily Kb Deposit - Daily Kbytes deposit limit.
Max. Daily Cred. Deposit - Daily Credits deposit limit (0 disables
this option).
Max. Daily Time WithDraw - Time withdraw limit.
Max. Daily Kb WithDraw - Kbytes withdraw limit.
Max. Daily Cred.Withdraw - Credits withdraw limit.
Max. Daily Time Transfer - Daily Time transfer limit (0 disables this
Max. Daily Cred. Transf. - Daily Credit transfer limit (0 disables
this option)
Max. Daily Kb Purchase - Daily Kbytes purchase limit.
Purchase Value of Kb - Defines how many Kbytes can be purchased
with 1 minute of time. (0 disables this
Max. Daily time Purchase - Daily time purchase limit.
Purchase Cost of minute - Defines how many minutes can be purchased
with 1 Kbyte. (0 disables this option)
BirthDay Time - Defines how many minutes users will
receive in their accounts if they enter in
RATB on their birthday date.
BirthDay Kb - Defines how many Kbytes users will receive
in their accounts if they enter in RATB on
their birthday date.
Time Out Limit - Defines the time (in seconds) in wich RATB
will disconnect RATB if no key is pressed.
SysOp Security Level - Defines SysOp's Security Level. Any user
with this level or greate will be able to
access the SysOp Maintenance Functions.
SysOp Free - Defines if SysOp will not have his account
movementations checked for daily limits.
Account's Limits are always checked.
Minimum time remaining - Minimum user's remaining time wich user
must have to enter in RATB.
Minimum used to enter - Minimum BBS use time to enter in RATB.
Path to Time Bank file - Pathname to RATB data file (don't forget
name and extension)
Title Color - RATB Title Color.
Values Color - Color of All RATB Values.
Normal Color - Remaining Screen Itens Color.
Select Color - Color of Selection Prompts.
- Color codes must be in (foreground)/(background) format:
0 - Black 8 - DarkGray
1 - Blue 9 - LightBlue
2 - Green 10 - LightGreen
3 - Cyan 11 - LightCyan
4 - Red 12 - LightRed
5 - Magenta 13 - LightMagenta
6 - Brown 14 - Yellow
7 - LightGray 15 - White
- Adding 16 to background color code, blinking mode will be enabled.
- To create configurations for diferent node or security level, type
F1 and enter the node/security level number. If you create a
configuration for security level for a node wich does not have its
own configuration, any other level wich access this node will
continue to use the Default configuration.
- Security Level configuration are valid only for the defined security
level and not to the levels above it, i.e. if exists a configuration
for level 200 the level 300 will not be afected by it.
- Security Level configuration is prioritary over node configuration,
i.e. Users with level 50 are able to withdraw 100Kb per day if one
of then is connected in node 2 where it is possible to withdraw only
20Kb per day, he will still be able to withdraw 100Kb.
- The user's birthday gift (Kbytes, Time and Credits) will be credited
to all users with levels equal or higher than any birthday gift
configuration lines.
It is the RATB default language file, it cannot be edited and must be
in the same directory of RATB. (See Language)
It is the Accounts Editor, wich also makes data files maintenance.
Typing any invalid parameter, RATBEDIT will display the list of valid
Command line parameters (maintenance mode):
-AL Checks account limits. Verifies if any user has account
values higher than configuration defined values, and
correct it.
-CU Converts users name case to Uppercase.
-CL Converts users name case to Lowercase.
-DM[dias] Deletes accounts of users wich have not entered in RATB for
the last 60 days or for the specified number of days.
-DI Deletes accounts of users wich are not in the BBS users
-KL[dias] Deletes tranfers files data (Data about Movements and
transfers) when they are older than 7 days or older than
the specified number of days.
-P Pack users file, Eliminating deleted records.
-PE Pack users file and also eliminate accounts with all values
(Time, Kbytes and credits) equals to zero.
-PT Deletes transfers files data when they have already been
-R Creates ACCOUNTS.LST file, wich contains the list of all
RATB users accounts.
-S[+|-]<n> Sorts the Data file: + = direct order (Default) {+}
- = reverse order
Sort Creterium n = 1 - Name
2 - Time
3 - Kbytes
4 - Credits
5 - Surname
In sort every hidden marked user will be place in the file begin. This
option is only available in registered version.
If none parameter is passed to RATBEDIT it will enter in interactive
mode where you can view/change/delete/etc. The functions available in
interactive mode are:
ALT-C Converts users name case to lowercase, this option is
usefull only when you have just converted a file from
earlier versions or from RATS wich store users name in
ALT-D Deletes a record.
ALT-I Includes a new account.
ALT-P Purges deleted records.
ALT-S Sorts the file.
ALT-T Resets user's daily movements.
ALT-U Undeletes a deleted record.
Direita e
Esquerda Moves the cursor between fields.
Cima e
Baixo Moves the cursor between records.
[Enter] Edits the field under the cursor.
ESC Returns to DOS.
F Troggles user's flag 'Free', wich means this user's
daily limits will not be checked. (Except the account's
L Troggles user's flag 'Locked', wich means this user does
not have access to RATB, it makes the same effect if you
put this user's name in RATB.BLK (Descripted forward)
H Troggles user's flag 'Hidden', wich means this user will
not appear in the accounts list. (Except for SysOp)
WARNING: It is not possible to change an account of an user if he
is using RATB.
This file has the color configuration of RATBCFG.
If you want to edit it here is a description of contents of each line
of the file:
1st Line - > Window's Color
2nd Line - > Window's Border Color
3rd Line - > Title's Color
4th Line - > Data Entry Field's Color
On fault of any value will be used 07 (LightGray).
It is a text file, wich can be edit with any ASCII editor. If any
user's name is here then this user will not have access to RATB and
the TBBLACK.A?? file or the prompt 39 of the language file will be
displayed to him if he tries to enter in RATB.
Example on RATB.BLK:
If BATMAN tries to enter in RATB and will receive the warns.
All bellow described files may be created in three versions:
ASCII (.ASC), ANSI (.ANS) and AVATAR (.AVT), in this last case you
must to disable any compression type (If you uses AVTCONV run it with
the /r- parameter)
In all cases the PCBoard's @COMMAND@ variables and @Xnn attributes;
and the RA control codes ^Kx and ^Fx can be used.
In all cases you can use the ^K]nnn code to display the select
language prompt, where nnn is the prompt number.
BBSFIRST.A?? : If an user tries to enter in RATB and does not have
used the BBS for the minimum time this file will be
displayed or if it is not present the prompt 68 from
the .RAL
BYE_RATB.A?? : Is displayed every time a user disconnets in the RATB.
If it not exists the GOODBYE.A?? file will be
RATBHLP.A?? : This file shuld contain the HELP file for RATB, if it
is not present the RATB.HLP file will be displayed.
RATBMNU.A?? : This file should contain the customized menu in normal
mode. (See Personalizing Menu)
RATBMNUX.A?? : This file should contain the customized menu in expert
mode. (Therefore it should be a short menu)
TBINSUF.A?? : If user does not have enough tune to use RATB this file
will be displayed or if it is not present the prompt 11
from .RAL
TBLEVEL.A?? : Will be displayed if user does not have the minimum
security level to access RATB, if not present the
prompt 36 from .RAL will be displayed.
TBBLACK.A?? : If user has his name in the RATB.BLK (black list) file
he will not have access to RATB and this file will be
displayed or if not present the prompt 39 from .RAL
- Note about RATB's Presentation Screen:
The presentation screen will appear every time a user enter in RATB
if it is not registered or only in the first time he enters if RATB
is registered.
There are three basic types of instalations, ahead is a descrip-
tion for each one of these.
RATB instalation for the first time in RA:
- Create a directory for RATB
In this example RATB will be in a directory of its one, but you may
put it in any directory.
Enter the RA directory (CD\RA) and make a directory for RATB
- Unpack the archive RATB_100.ARJ
Use the ARJ archiver: ARJ E RATB_100 C:\RA\RATB
- Run RATB's configuration program: RATBCFG
To configure read the description of RATBCFG, all fields are
listed there.
- Put the option 'Time Bank' in one of your menus
In RA's directory (CD\RA) run the Menu Editor (RACONFIG -M).
* Choose the Menu where you will put the option, generally we choose
the Menu where the other doors area.
* Choose the line where you will put the option, type <INS> and an
empty line will appear.
* Type [Enter] to edit it. (See the Screen with details in the next
- Create in RA's directory (C:\RA) the file RATB.BAT (You may use any
ASCII editor or the command COPY CON RATB.BAT)
RATB.BAT should have the following commands:
(In case you used the COPY command, press Ctrl-Z)
- Edit and configure your EAGLE.CFG file (Instructions on how to
configure it are in the file itselft, to edit them use a simple
ASCII editor).
- Define the variable EAGLE with the name of the directory and of the
file where the configurations are:
Put the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT or BBS.BAT file:
If your EAGLE.CFG is not in RA's directory (C:\RA), simply change
the line above to the directory where it is. If you wish to change
the name of the file, change it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file also.
╒════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Edit Menu Item ╕
│ │
│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 │
│ 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456 │
│ ^[T]^ Time Bank │
│ │
│ *C /C \RA\RATB.BAT*M │
│ │
│ Action Execute sub-program (Type 7) (a) │
│ Display (b) │
│ OptData (c) │
│ HotKey T │
│ AutoExec No │
│ Colour Colour example │
│ │
│ MinSec 20 TimeUsed 0 FlatCost 0 │
│ MaxSec 0 TimeLeft 0 TimeCost 0 │
│ A flags -------- Age 0 Terminal Any │
│ B flags -------- MinSpeed 0 Nodes │
│ C flags -------- MaxSpeed 0 Groups │
│ D flags -------- Credit 0 DayTimes │
│ │
│ │
(a) Indicates what RA should do: Execute a Sub-Program
(b) Indicates what should be written in the menu
(c) Should contain the name of the sup-program to be loaded. *C is the
path of the COMMAND.COM file which should be accessed every time
that a BATCH file is executed. The *M is to SWAP from the memory
to the disk. The RATB.BAT file is explained below.
For information on the rest of the items above, consult your RA
documentation. If you're not going to Shell to DOS from RATB, *M will
probably not be necessary.
Installing RATB for the first time running PC-Board:
- You need to load a FOSSIL driver for RATB to work (Future versions
will have their own internal routines for serial communication
The well know FOSSIL drivers are BNU and X00. RATB was tested with
X00, but BNU should present no problems.
(X00.SYS / X00.EXE are the fossil files)
- Put this in your CONFIG.SYS file:
In your AUTOEXEC.BAT file:
(Please, don't load it twice ! :))
UPGRADE from previous versions:
The files from versions previous to 0.80 are not compatible, to make
them compatible you must have the file RATBUPG.ARJ, available for
download at the Eagle BBS. This will allow you to install this new
version without loosing your old configuration and accounts file.
- Execute CONVCFG.BAT to convert the configuration file, since the
account files are the same format everything should work perfectly.
After that you may dele the program 0__to100.exe and CONVCFG.BAT.
If the environment variable 'ra' is defined, RAT's log will be
created in RA's log (in RA's format). If not, a separate Log file
will be created in the directory appointed by the variable of
environment LOGPATH.
RATB will search in it's directory for the files RATBMNU.A?? and if it
finds them it will show them, instead of show the standard menu. The
RATBMNU.A?? files are text files, which are processed and displayed,
the program accepts the formats ANS/ANS/AVT.
In the file it is possible to use macros (control codes), where the
program will substitute these for the prevailing value, when it finds
it. The marcos have a special format, so it is possble to create a
menu with windows and so on.
Below are the list of macros:
Macro Substitute
───── ─────────────────────────────────────
%A User's Name (40 characters)
%z User's Name (Variable length)
(All of the next fields are 5 characters long and are justified to the
%B Remaining Time
%C Download Limit
%D Credits Available
%E Time deposited in the account
%F Kbytes depositded in the account
%G Credits deposited in the account
%H Time deposited (today)
%I Maximum Time Deposit per day
%J Kbytes deposited (today)
%K Maximum Kbytes Deposit per day
%L Credits deposited (today)
%M Maximum Credits Deposit per day
%N Time Withdrawn from the account (today)
%O Maximum Time Withdraw per day
%P Kbytes Withdrawn from the account (today)
%Q Maximum Kbytes Withdraw per day
%R Credits withdrawn from the accont (today)
%S Maximum Credits Withdraw per day
%T Time Transfering (today)
%U Limit for Time Transfering per day
%V Credit Transfering (today)
%W Limit for Credit Transfering per day
%X Time bought (today)
%Y Limit for buying time per day
%Z Price to buy time
%1 Kbytes bought (today)
%2 Limit of Kbytes purchase per day
%3 Price to buy Kbytes
%4 Credits bought (today)
%5 Limit to buy Credits per day
%6 Price to buy Credits
%8 Price of the Bkytes transfered on that day
%9 Daily time limit for Kbyte transfering
%! Maximum Limit of Time in the Account
%@ Maximum Limit of Kbytes in the Account
%# Maximum Limit of Credits in the Account
All of the next fields have 20 characters and are justified to the
%a - %o Options availabe for account transactions.
%p - %v Options for the SysOps, Listing of accounts and exiting RATB.
These options are loaded as a chart, so that the SysOp options may be
inserted along with other options that will be substituted by them if
the user does not have SysOp access level.
So that they stay in a determined position and appear for all of the
users (although they are not available for use) you may use the macro
^K]nnn where nnn is the nuumber of the language text.
RATB will seach at first for the file referent to the language
selected by the user in the BBS, and in case of not finding it, it
will search for the RATB.RAL file. For example:
The user Jon Doe has selected the language number 2 which in the BBS's
RA corresponds to Portuguese, so when he accesses RATB, RATB will
search for a file entitled RATB2.RAL, where the text should be
configured in Portuguese.
If this file is not found, RATB.RAL will be displayed, since it's the
DEFAULT file in English. RATB.RAL cannot be modified.
For information on how to create new language for RATB, check
EAGLANG's manual, where the whole process is explained.
If you're using a non-registered copy of RATB, besides the official
language it will only accept the number 1 language.
The registed copy is limited only to the ammount of language's
available by RA or Pc-Board. {+}
This program complies with the laws of SHAREWARE, in other words, you
may use this program for a period of 30 days to test it and if you're
satisfied, send in your registration.
Information on how to register are available in the REGISTER.FRM file.
This program does not have any type of guarantess, except that it will
work according to what is written in this documentation file, not
being responsible for any loss of data or damage that it may cause.
You use it at your own risk.
Every time that modifications are made in RA's or Pc-Board's
structures and influence in the program's operation, a new version of
RATB will be available for File Request at the Eagle BBS, in the same
week that RA is made available.
If you find any helpful comments, suggestions or bug reports, please
feel free to contact use by sending a netmail to:
Eagle BBS - Ivan F. Martinez
Access Speeds:1200/2400
FidoNet 4:801/6
24 Hours
Av. Três, 655 - Parque Los Angeles
ZIP 09750
Säo Bernardo do Campo - SP