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REM-ADS.EXE (c) - Version 3.1
(c) 1992, Michael H. Knoll - Star Systems
Compiled 03/17/92
REM-ADS.EXE (c) is Shareware. You may distribute the full original
archive freely under the condition that no modifications are made to it.
This program, quite simply, removes bulletin board advertisements from
.ZIP (c) files, clearing up much needed space. I ran this program on my
bulletin board upload drive, which was 165 Megs of data and REM-ADS (c)
removed 15 Megs of other bulletin board advertisements The program uses
PKZIP (c) and STRIPAV, so you will need these programs in your path.
File needed by REM-ADS Version 3.1 :
REM-ADS.EXE - of course the main program.
* REM-ADS.LST - the file containing the list of BBS ads
to be removed.
* REM-ADS.CMT - the file containing the new zip comment.
(c)PKZIP.EXE - used to physically remove the ads for the
archived files. (NEEDS TO BE IN PATH)
STRIPAV.EXE - used to remove the authenticity verification
flag from the .ZIP (c) files. Packaged with
REM-ADS (c) Version 3.1
Please note that the files with an asterisk next to them are totally user
configurable. Any new ads that you may want removed, will have to be placed
into the REM-ADS.LST.
Command line options of REM-ADS.EXE (c) is as follows :
/i - Initialize. - Used on the command line
alone, will prompt you for the directory
name that REM-ADS.LST resides in and allow
you to input your serial number and
registered name.
/a d: - All Drive x. - Allows the user to specify
which drive to process. REM-ADS.EXE (c)
will process the full drive, all
directories on the drive.
/s d:\dir\filename.ZIP - Single File x. - Allows the user to
process only a single file (filename), the
.ZIP (c) extension is assumed. This works
great for bulletin boards for new uploads.
Please note that this option is only
available in registered versions.
Please note : You may not use /a & /s at the same time.
I have been informed of a counting error within REM-ADS (c). This is not
an actual error. What happens is that when PKZIP (C) removes a 0 (zero)
byte file, the zip is then updated and it is actually more bytes than the
original archive. While it can be annoying, the 12 bytes (average, from
what I have seen) does not make a big difference. Those users who will be
adding a comment to the .ZIP will see a greater addition to the archives.
Registration for REM-ADS.EXE (c) will be available by mail only, by the
order form attached to the end of this document.
PKZIP & .ZIP are copywritten by Phil Katz/PkWare.
REM-ADS.EXE is copywritten by Michael H. Knoll/Star Systems.
How to reach the author (Michael H. Knoll) :
Graffiti Bridge, Home of Star Systems - 313/626-9006
- 313/443-0600
Compuserve account - 76336,1535
Please support the shareware concept by registering today.
Order Form
Enter registration name in the space provided below,
exactly the way you want it to appear (Up to 49 Characters) :
Please check one : Home ( ___ ) Business ( ____ )
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City : _______________________________ State : ____ Zip : ______________
Phone : (______)_____-________
Please have check or money order made out to Michael H. Knoll.
Include 10 (ten) dollars (American funds) and mail to :
Star Systems
c/o Michael H. Knoll
6435 Maple Hills Drive
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
You will receive a card with your serial number and registration
information in the mail within 10 days from the time the order is received.