Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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Copyright (C) 1992,93 / J.H.R. Software (TM) / All rights reserved
J.H.R. Software (TM)
P.O. Box 1966 2280 DZ
Rijswijk / Holland.
[ 1 ] File Overview
[ 2 ] File(s) needed
[ 3 ] What does the program?
[ 4 ] How it works
[ 5 ] How to install
[ 6 ] Configuration file
[ 7 ] Registration
[ 1 ] File Overview:
ROBO_U_C.CFG : Configuration file of program.
ROBO_U_C.ENG : English documentation
ROBO_U_C.EXE : Main programm
ROBO_U_C.LOG : Logfile (optional)
ROBO_U_C.ERR : Errorfile (made after error)
[ 2 ] File's needed:
ROBOUSR1.DAT : User record of Robobbs.
ROBOUSR2.DAT : User record of Robobbs.
ROBOBBS.CFG : Config record of Robobbs.
DORINFO?.DEF : Optional, if given in cfg file.
[ 3 ] Wat does the program do ?
It adapts data from several Robo-users in one run.
Because their are many options, you can search on users every way
you want.
It's also possible to change the userdata on-line with dorinfo?.def
[ 4 ] How does it work
First, it reads ROBO_U_C.CFG for the necessary data to run the utility.
When there is an error made in the configuration file, you will be
informed and the program will stop. If all data is entered correct,
the utility will state what it wants to do. If you have put
CONTROL_QUESTION on, you will be asked to continue or not.
If the option DORINFO?.DEF is ON, a search will be made with help of
the username in dorinfo?.def. This data will be entered in the userbase.
If the option is OFF, all user-records will be processed. Checked is
if the Search_User entrys match your entry. If they do, the date will
be changed.
If SEARCH_DATA has the switch "ALL" , all users will be adapted.
[ 5 ] How to install
You can choose one or more of the following parameters
Searched is for ROBO_U_C.CFG.
Searched is for another cfg-file, path needed. For example
Check the CFG file carefully, because the programm will not
work without proper settings.
If you like to give new users with level 5, who don't have access
to the timebank, their first ten minutes in that bank, you should enter
PATH_ROBOBBS "c:\robobbs\"
;PATH_DORINFO "c:\robobbs\" { Not used}
SEARCH_USER "access"
;END { End of cfg file }
It seems difficult, but after some study you will find out, it isn't.
The cfg-file included will help you: all examples are entered.
Mind that Acces-Downloads-Uploads need figures,
Name-City-Password etc. need letters.
In FLAGS you activate the FLAG-number from 1 to 8 with figure and
confirmation, like 1YES. Flag 1 will be processed for changes.
Remaining options like USERSOUND - MAILCHECK - NO_PAGE - need YES or NO.
For Example: all users with USERSOUND and YES will be processed.
[ 6 ] Configuration file
; Cfg file for ROBO_U_C v0.01ß
; Every line starting with ; will not be processed.
; Empty lines are not allowed
; With this cfg file you tell the programm what to do
; Structure: <Config info> - <Needed action>
; ■ PATH_ROBOBBS = Path of ROBOBBS.CFG file.
Path_Robobbs "C:\Robobbs\"
; ■ PATH_DORINFO = Path and filename of DORINFO?.DEF. Only the data
; of users in dorinfo?.def will be processed. Search
; option can't be used when this option is ON
;Path_Dorinfo "C:\Robobbs\Dorinfo1.Def"
; ■ SEARCH_USER = Choose the field(s) to search for. PATH-DORINFO can't
; be used.
; _ Name _ Handle _ Password _ PhoneHome _ PhoneData _
; _ City _ LastYear _ LastMonth _ LastDay _ LastHours _
; _ Calls _ TimeLeft _ Access _ Bank _ Birthdate _
; _ Uploads _ Downloads _ UserFlags _ Expiry _ ExpAccess _
; _ NonDelete _ OverRide _ ReadAll _ ReadKill _ NoExpire _
; _ NoRatio _ NoPage _ NoTlimit _ Speedtime _ Usersound _
; _ Mailcheck _ Street _ Postalcode
Search_User "Calls"
; ■ SEARCH_DATA = Enter search string. If you put Calls on 5, all users
; with five calls will be given.
; If you use "ALL", every user will be processed, even
; if you've put data behind one or more fields. If you
; have activated Search_user on Userflags, you have to
; enter here the number of the flag, f.e 1YES
; Is Search_user activiated on
; - NonDelete _ OverRide _ ReadAll _
; _ ReadKill _ NoExpire _ NoRatio _
; _ NoPage _ NoTlimit _ Speedtime _
; _ Usersound _ Mailcheck
; enter here YES or NO., f.e USERSOUND YES only processes
; users with sound on.
Search_Data "5"
; ■ CHANGE_FIELD = The field that has to be changed. Choose:
; _ Name _ Handle _ Password _ PhoneHome _ PhoneData
; _ City _ LastYear _ LastMonth _ LastDay _ LastHours
; _ Calls _ TimeLeft _ Access _ Bank _ Birthdate
; _ Uploads _ Downloads _ UserFlags _ Expiry _ ExpAccess
; _ NonDelete _ OverRide _ ReadAll _ ReadKill _ NoExpire
; _ NoRatio _ NoPage _ NoTlimit _ Speedtime _ Usersound
; _ Mailcheck _ Street _ Postalcode
Change_Field "Bank"
; ■ CHANGE_DATA = Changes the fields, as explained after this example
; Name [36] _ Handle [36] _ Password [36] _
; PhoneHome [15] _ PhoneData [15] _ City [36] _
; LastYear [ 4] _ LastMonth [ 2] _ LastDay [ 2] _
; LastHours [ 2] _ Calls [ 4] _ TimeLeft [ 4] _
; Access [ 3] _ Bank [ 4] _ Birthdate [ 8] _
; Uploads [ 4] _ Downloads [ 4] _ Expiry [ 6] _
; ExpAccess [ 3] _ Street [26] _ Postalcode [ 9] _
; You can enter text, the [ ] is the maximum length.
; In this example: birthdate in MM-DD-YY "02-24-93"
; Expiry in YYMMDD "930224"
; ExpAccess like "930224 10" will put the expiraton
; date on 02-24-93 and the Expiration Acces on 10
; De UserFlags are entered with number and option
; "YES" ,"NO" or "TOGGLE". F.e. "1YES" will put Flag 1
; ON or 2TOGGLE will toggle Flag 2
; With _ NonDelete _ OverRide _ ReadAll _ ReadKill
; _ NoExpire _ NoRatio _ NoPage _ NoTlimit
; _ Speedtime _ Usersound _ Mailcheck
; you have the same options: "YES" or "NO" or "TOGGLE"
; for a switch.
Change_Data "10"
; ■ CONTROL_QUESTION = If YES: it will tell you what it wants to do and
; waits for confirmation. If NO: run without check.
Control_Question "YES"
; ■ MAKE_LOGFILE = All changed users will be put in a logfile with the
; original and changed field data. If NO, no logfile
; will be written
Make_Logfile "YES"
; < END >
; An example to process all users who will get 10 minutes in the timebank
; Path_Robobbs "C:\Robobbs\"
; ;Path_Dorinfo "C:\Robobbs\dorinfo1.def" { OFF}
; Search_User "Name"
; Search_Data "All"
; Change_Field "Bank"
; Change_Data "10"
; Control_Question "No"
; Make_Logfile "Yes"
[ 7 ] Registraton:
A Following options won't work without registration:
■ ALL in SEARCH_DATA field
■ Online change through PATH_DORINFO option
Copyright (C) 1992,93 / J.H.R. Software (TM) / All rights reserved
J.H.R. Software (TM)
P.O.Box 1966 2280 DZ
Rijswijk / Holland.
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