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76 lines
echo "menu.hst revised 03-11-94"
goto cmdch
badcmd: echo "%s1: Unknown Choice"
cmdch: echo "Professional-YAM Novice Host Menu %t"
echo ""
echo "l list files in current directory"
echo "n newest files listed first"
echo "c change directory"
echo "d download a file (XMODEM protocol)"
echo "b batch file download (Y/ZMODEM)"
echo "br download with ZMODEM File Transfer Recovery"
echo "u upload a file (XMODEM)"
echo "rz upload file(s) with ZMODEM (Automatic, just send it!)"
echo "p leave a private messeage"
echo "q quit to YAM command mode"
:echo "s demonstrate remote program execution (DOS Shell)"
echo "g good-bye"
echo "r REGISTER DSZ, ZCOMM, or Order Professional-YAM (VISA/MC/COD)"
choos: acceptl s1 "Please enter your menu choice plus RETURN "
if !du if !c fail
if is1,rz rz; goto cmdch
if is1,s echo "Calling COMMAND.COM"; bbs; goto choos
if is1,l dirr; goto choos
if is1,n echo "Type Ctrl-X to terminate"; dirt; goto choos
if is1,g echo "\nCall Again sometime ..."; sleep 20; put "\n\n\n\n"; bye; quit
if is1,u accept s2 "File " echo "Start your xmodem SEND routine" rc %s2; goto choos
if is1,d accept s2 "File name: " echo "Start your xmodem RECEIVE routine" sx %s2; goto choos
if is1,c goto chdir
if is1,e quit
if is1,q quit
if is1,r goto reg
if is1,p goto chpr
if !%s1 goto cmdch
if is1,br goto recovr
if !is1,b goto badcmd
accept s2 "File name(s) "
if !%s2 echo "No file name(s) specified"; goback cmdch
echo "Start your YMODEM (BATCH) RECEIVE routine"
set ifs " ,"
split s2
szb -k %z0 %z1 %z2 %z3 %z4 %z5 %z6 %z7
goto choos
recovr: accept s2 "File name(s) "
if !%s2 echo "No file name(s) specified"; goback cmdch
echo "Start your ZMODEM receiver"
set ifs " ,"
split s2
sz -r %z0 %z1 %z2 %z3 %z4 %z5 %z6 %z7
goto choos
chdir: echo "\nThe following directories are available:"
echo "upgrade New version of Omen Technology s/w for licensed users"
echo "upgrade/scoxenix ... for PC-AT Xenix"
echo "upgrade/386ix ... for ISC, Bell Tech., Microport "
echo "upgrade/VMS ... for Digital's VAX/VMS "
echo "home The home (login) directory\n"
accept s2 "Directory: "
echo ""
if is2,home set s2 ""
obey "cd /host/%s2"
goto choos
reg: source register.t; goto cmdch
chpr: put "\r\n\n\nFree BBS DSZ registration requests must be accompanied\r\n"
put "by a paid DSZ or ZCOMM registration, or Professional-YAM order.\r\n"
put "\r\n\nDo you wish to register DSZ, ZCOMM, or order Pro-YAM now (y/n) ?"
if y cd /host; source register.t; goto cmdch
put "\r\n\nFor support please call voice 503-621-3406 11 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time.\r\n\n"
put "The majority of questions callers leave in messages are answered in\r\n"
put "the opening message (welcome.txt) or info.txt. Have you read these\r\n"
put "files carefully??? "
if y private; goto cmdch
cd /host
more welcome.txt
goto cmdch