Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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911 lines
-Revised 5-13-95 for Professional-YAM 17.42+
:: Alternate Phones.t file for Novation Access 1-2-3 modem board
:: on Port 2 Also contains various goodies including script to visit
:: BIX and Compuserve Special Interest Groups (SIGs), CBBS(TM)
:: and Microcom SX1200 dial script
:: The AUTOEXEC.BAT file should include the line
:: yam call res;x
:: to set the Novation to a correct state (no autoanswer, correct format).
:: Includes "allsig" script for calling CIS bulletin boards,
:: downloading marked messages and uploading replies.
:: (called by the "allsig" entry below)
:: Messages to be uploaded should be in the following form
:: #: 86866 S10/B Protocol (C)
:: 15-Jan-88 22:51:52
:: Sb: #86793-#QB Protocol Problems
:: Fm: Julie Elliot 70003,1402
:: CompuServe's Extended Quick B Protocol (supported by Pro-YAM)
:: protects both flavors of XON and XOFF characters (^Q, etc.).
:: I have no problems downloading with or without MNP enabled.
:: a file successfully uploaded is renamed to Zfil.tmp; an unsuccessful
:: one is renamed to Yfil.tmp
:: While downloading messages or scans from a SIG, pressing F9 will
:: "lock" the keyboard, allowing subject entry for later retrieve
:: commands.
::nemail script courtesy Earle Robinson assumes Easyplex Prompt mode
:: Following script assumes the SIG "fil" "ns" "br" options set,
:: the SIG prompt is ^H, and initial login page is PERSONAL FILE AREA.
:: Messages to upload to SIGs are in files such as 068xy.
setup port 2
set mpre "A%D\336 I";
set mcon "@pat 1i OK\r\n; wait -f2;put \045U\336\0400\r;wait -f2;pat"
set break "@break putw %B\336\ 1\r putw %U\336\ 0\r"
pd1 pz480 : turn on time stamping, set PST timezone
pi8 : fast retries for modem to hear dial tone
: display nlmode : I call Unix sometimes
:: If color display (Paradise Board) make it colorful and faster
if dc ps4 pn3 pr97 pu6 display warpdrive
set phones "c:/phones.t"
set f3 @rb; set f4 "@kermit rb"
set f5 @!~ansiterm
set f6 "@accept s2 Receive-File: obey rc\ %s2"
set f7 "@accept s1 Send-File: obey sx\ %s1"
set f8 "\PXXXXX"
set f10 "@help"
set fs1 "@find speed %phones"
set fs2 "@accept s1 Name:; find \n%s1 %phones"
set fs3 "@find \\\v\r %phones"
set fs4 "@speed 1200 putw %H\336\r"
display bell=visual
set calllog /memo/calllog
set emdir /memo; set twxfile twx;
set callpath /tmp/*.xx?
set call1 "%C\336 0\r"
set call2 "%C\336 2\r"
set answerback "\r\nYOUR NAME CITY\r\n\21"
set rxlog /tmp/rxlog
set txlog /tmp/txlog
set quitcmd "@put \003\336off\r pat; wait"
300 speed 1200 put "%\336S\336 \3361\336\r" sleep 1 speed 300
1200 speed 300 put "%\336S\336 \3362\336\r" sleep 1 speed 1200
remote cd /; port 1; speed 38400 remote
reset break sleep 10 speed 300 put "%\336I\336\r" sleep 10
speed 1200 pat 1 OK; put "\045I\336\r"; wait -f14
putw "%C\336 0\r"; putw "\045F\336 4\r"
answer speed 1200 putw "%C\336 2\r"
cisxpc speed 2400 226-0627
pat 1i "\256"; wait put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "\004xpc\r"
pat 1 "not"; pat 2 "\033"
wait -vf30
if !2 fail
xpc 1 "cis02;"
dis -v
goto cis
cis nolog speed 1200 232-1072 sleep 20 put \3
cis: set fins "rt "; set fdel " only\r"
lput "\E[H\E[2J"
lput "SIG Download Browse hot keys: F3=B Protocol F8=XMODEM F7=capture"
lput "\E[2;24r\E[?6h\E[H"
set f3 "@source %lib/kcisdl.t"
set f7 "@source %lib/ckcisdl.t"
set f8 "@source %lib/xkcisdl.t"
pat 1 ID:; pat 3 LOGSTU; wait
put 1,1\r
pat 1 assword:; wait
if 3 o echo " Sorry Folks "; return
put "guess\r"
pat 1 OK; pat 2 Plex!; pattern 3 "Function: "
if n o return
keys ena -fcs!p conference
cis02 nolog speed 1200 226-0627
pat 1i x; wait put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "cis02;" goto cis
cis1200 nolog speed 1200 232-4026 sleep 20 put \3 goto cis
navobsy speed 1200 %l-202-653-1079 t -u7e
echo "type @tco for list of commands"
oem speed 1200 621-3746 pat 1 \5;wait; put \1; sb /o/omen; o
omen-tech speed 1200 %l-503-621-3746 t
omen-techl speed 1200 621-3746 t
omen-voice %l-503-621-3406\v
echo " Shift-F4 to Disconnect "
savenet accept s1 "SaveNet Autodial. Number:"
speed 1200 %l-%s1\v
echo " Keyboard Shift-F4 to Disconnect "
setsavenet set l "7969000W123456"
set m "7969000W123456503"
hitmenot: echoc "NOISE:"; wait -f2
echoc "Noisy Line - Disconnecting already."
nolog bye; fail
allstel speed 1200 295-3028
goto allst1
allst24 speed 2400 241-0496
allst1: on !c o abort
while "L<5&&!1" put "\r" wait -f1
pat 1 @
put "D1\r"; wait -f40
if !1 o abort
put "C 202202\r"
goto allsig
allstym speed 2400 222-2151; ph1; ena -h
on !c fail
pat 1i x; wait -f5 put A pat 1 "log in"; wait -f5
put "cis02;"
goto allsig
alls02 speed 1200 nolog 222-2151; ph1; ena -h
on !c fail
pat 1i x; wait
put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "\b\030cis02;" goto allsig
alls12 speed 1200 nolog 232-4026
pat 1 ID:; sleep 20; ph1; ena -h
while "c&&!1&&L<8" echo "Sending ^C" put "\3" wait -f2
if 1 put "\r"; goto allsig
allsxpc speed 2400 222-2151
pat 1i "\256"; wait -f5; put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "\004xpc;tymnet.1\r"
pat 1 "not"; pat 2 "\033"
wait -vf30
if !2 fail
xpc 1 "cis02;"
dis -v
goto allsig
allss goto alls1 :: short tour
allsra goto alls1 :: Retrieves only marked messages
allsrm goto alls1 :: Retrieves marked msgs in selected SIGS
ens goto alls1 :: Just the news, ma'am
alls300 set remote vif
alls3: speed 300; goto alls2
allsig set remote vif
create -+ cis00.tmp
alls1: if S==300 232-1072; goto alls00
:: if jargs,upl sp 2400 274-6400; goto alls00
:: if jargs,upl 232-1072/300; goto alls00
sp 19200; 274-6400/mnp_s
:: 274-6400/mnp_s/2400+274-6400/a_mnp_s/2400+232-1072+232-1072/300
alls00: on !c echoc "Carrier Lost ABEND"; bye; fail
if "hREL|ARQ|LAPM|LAP-M|V42" goto alls2 :: check for reliable modem
echoc "Unreliable connection: Checking for Line Noise"
ena -E7e :: WARNING this tickles a bug in CIS email (long msgs)
sleep 20; if !df sleep 50
if m o; echoc "Noisy phone line, trying 300 baud"; sp 300; goto alls1
alls2: sets invok %args; echo "args=%args"
pat 0i "Host" "CIS\r"; pat 1i "^C"; pat 2l "? NTWCCN"
pat 3 "NO CARRIER"; wait -f2
while "c&&n&&L<9" echo "Sending ^C" put "\3" wait -f1
if 2 o; echo "Try another Network??"; fail
if "3||n" echo "NO Response to ^C"; o; fail
:: ph1; ena -h
allsig: pf40
ena -jt
display vt100
pat 1 ID:; pat 3 LOGSI; pat 4 "?? LOG";
pat 20pv$ "\nNO CARRIER\r\n"
on "20||!c" goto allsabend
pat 5 "\256\256\256\256\256\256\256"
pat 7$ "\r"
allsnfg: put "\b\b\b70001,1234"; wait -f2
put "\r"; wait -f52
if "1||4" goback allsnfg
put "not-this\r"
pat 21pc$ "" "\21"
echo " Allsig "
cd %tmp
:ena -+; >cis00.tmp
if !r create -+ cis00.tmp
echoc "Allsig:%telno %remote"
if df echoc "Running in the Foreground."
if !df echoc "Running in the Background."
restime; timestamp
if "du||dv" if "!df" dis -tJ; echoc "Disabling Throttle"
pat 1 OK
pat 2c "Mail wa"
pat 3 LOGSI
pat 4 "?? LOG";
pat 5c ENTER "\r"
pat 6 "REAd,"
pat 7c "TOP"
pat 8 "nter choice!"
pat 9c "Press <CR> to continue: " "\025\r"
pat 10 "Enter choice number!"
pat 11c "Enter choice or <CR> for more!" "\025\r"
if 3 goto allsabend
if 4 goback allsig
if 2 source %lib/nemail.t; pat; on !c goto allsabend
if 6||7||8 put "\25\bTOP\r" wait
on !c goto allsabend
if 2 source %lib/nemail.t
on 20||e>45||!c goto allsabend
expand %lib/plxupl.t 001*
set s9 "rtn"
if iremote,allss set s9 "rtn"
if jremote,allsr set s9 "rea wai"
set sk ""
if iremote,ens goto alens1
set now "The Epoch"
set s7 "IBMCOM"; set s8 "IBMCOM"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "SCOFORUM"; set s8 "SCO"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "UNIXFORUM"; set s8 "UNIX"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "HAYFORUM"; set s8 "HAY"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "TELECO"; set s8 "TCO"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "WINBTU"; set s8 "W4"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "SYMDEVTOOL"; set s8 "SYMT"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "WINNT"; set s8 "WINNT"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "MSLANG32"; set s8 "MSLANG32"; source %lib/dosig.t
:set s7 "WATCOM"; set s8 "WAT"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "IBMHW"; set s8 "IBMHW"; source %lib/dosig.t
:set s7 "OS2DF2"; set s8 "DF2"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "VAXFORUM"; set s8 "VAX"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "DECPCI"; set s8 "DEC"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "CORELAPPS"; set s8 "COREL"; source %lib/dosig.t
:set s7 "BLASTER"; set s8 "BLAST"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "CEVIDEO"; set s8 "CEF"; source %lib/dosig.t
if S>300 set s7 "hom-11"; set s8 "HAM"; source %lib/dosig.t
if iremote,allss goto allens
:: goto allstop
pat; pat 1 "ZNT:TOP"
pat 2 "Press <CR> to continue" "\r"
put "\25g ziffnet\r"; wait
if !1 goto allstop
set s7 "EDITORIAL"; set s8 "PCME"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "UTILFORUM"; set s8 "PCMU"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "PROGRAMMING"; set s8 "PCMP"; source %lib/dosig.t
allstop: pat; pat 1 "TOP"; put "\25g cis\r"; wait
set s7 "UKSHARE"; set s8 "KS"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "IBMSW"; set s8 "IBMSW"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "IBMSYS"; set s8 "IBMSYS"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "pcs-129"; set s8 "IBMNEW"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "CONSULT"; set s8 "CON"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "DDJFORUM"; set s8 "DDJ"; source %lib/dosig.t
:set s7 "BPROGB"; set s8 "BOR"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "bpforum"; set s8 "BPF"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "XTALK"; set s8 "XTALK"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "PICS"; set s8 "PICS"; source %lib/dosig.t
:set s7 "COOKS"; set s8 "COOKS"; source %lib/dosig.t
set s7 "ISSUES"; set s8 "ISSUES"; source %lib/dosig.t
set remote "allsig"; timestamp
if %sk echoc "WARNING: %sk SIGS bypassed"
echoc "Allsig SIG TOUR Ends: %telno %remote %e Errors detected"
allens: w; if du echoc "Sortsig"; "!/u/spool/yam/sortsig&"; echoc "Returned."
if %sk echoc "%sk SIGS bypassed"
echoc "Delete allsig.xx"; del allsig.xx
alens1: echoc ENS-huggit
: source %lib/ens.t
echoc "Allsig disconnecting"
pat; pat 1l "onnect"
pat 2l "call cleared"; pat 3l "NO CARRIER"
pat 4l "DISCO"
on !c
put "\25off\r"; wait -F20
close; o
allsabend: on
if 20 echoc "Carrier Lost Msg seen"
set? s0 e
if "e>45" echoc "Error Count = %s0; Limit Exceeded"
if c pat; putw "\25off\r"
echoc "**** Allsig ABEND ****";
if !%sk set sk "No"
echoc "%sk SIGS bypassed"
echoc "Allsig ENDS: %telno %remote %e Errors detected"
o; close
allsigne goto alls1
:: for SCO ODT and similar systems:
allsig-tcp @telnet -E -8 compuserve.com
ena -n
pat 1c "compuserve.com)" "CIS\n"
pat 2c (LOGON "logon\n"
pat 3 14400,
put "14400\n"
set remote vif-telnet
goto alls2
:: Sample entries for the 300 bps PC-jr built-in modem
setup port 1; speed 300 display bell=visual
set mprefix "\16 D "
answer putw "\16 A\r"
:: "simple" script included in the Manual chapter on Scripts
pcs068 speed 1200; 232-4026 : Works with CIS nodes only (not *net)
sleep 20 : wait two seconds
put \3 : Send Ctrl-C
pattern 1 ID: : Wait for CIS to request your accnt #
put 10001,123\r
pat 1 assword: : Wait for CIS to request your password
put "your password\r"
pat 1 OK : Wait for the "OK" signal
put "g pcs-068\r" : Call pcs-068 SIG
t -c : Go online, enable B protocol
:: Sample Script to call one of several Numbers (described in Manual
:: chapter on Scripts)
dial1 speed 2400 123-4567
dial2 speed 1200 123-5678
dial3 speed 300 621-3746
tour call dial1
if !c call dial2
if !c call dial3
echo "Connected Already"; t
:: Alternate "host" entry previously used on Telegodzilla. This one uses
:: two disks, requiring special procedures to maintain security.
:: It assumes the .t files exist on the D: drive, and also D:/host
:: directory.
host echo " host "
set disks "cd" : Must be lower case
set lib "d:"
set rcmdlog "d:/rcmds"
set phones "d:/phones.t"
port 2; o : Hang up the Xenix connection
port 1; speed 2400
set callers /host/callers
set welcome "@type welcome.txt; purgek; nulls 0"
: set password Ritchie
set password ""
if !%challenge set challenge "@gosub .%lib/challeng.t"
set rxlog /HOST/RXLOG; set txlog /HOST/TXLOG;
set unrestrict notthis
set xhelpfile /HOST/xyamhelp.t
d:; cd /host : set directory on D:
c:; set home /HOST; cd : set directory on C:
set private c:/memo/private; set messages c:/host/messages
set emdir c:/memo; set twxfile twx;
set answerback "\r\nTelegodzilla (Omen Technology Inc.)\r\n\21"
set call1 ATZ\r\336ATZ\r
set call2
@o; sleep 3; sp 2400; putw "\336ATZ\r\336\336ATX1 M0 S0=1\r"; clears; ena -8n
set callpath c:/tmp/*.xx?
set outahost
@o; pH0; sp 2400; set remote "Local"
set disks "abcd" : Must be lower case
putw "\336ATM0H1\r"
set baudstr "@gosub .%lib/baud2.t"
if !dX px2; py9600; set linkpass "Giznoid";
if !dX set outalink "@kill; put \r\4;o;port 1;bye"
: if !dX set bbs "~l >com1" :: WARNING - see manual "Security" chapt
set menu c:/host/menu.hst
pH120; pk3; host
:: Alternate "host" entry currently used on Telegodzilla with
:: TrailBlazer modem (300/1200/2400/19200 bps).
:: It assumes the .t files exist on the C: drive root directory
host echo " host "
set emdir c:/memo; set twxfile twx;
set disks "c" : Must be lower case
set lib "c:"
set rcmdlog "c:/tmp/rcmds"
set phones "c:/phones.t"
port 2; o
port 1; bye; speed 19200
set callers c:/host/callers
set welcome "@type welcome.txt; purgek; nulls 0"
: set password Ritchie
set password ""
if !%challenge set challenge "@gosub .%lib/challeng.t"
set rxlog c:/HOST/RXLOG; set txlog c:/HOST/TXLOG;
set unrestrict somethingelse
set xhelpfile c:/HOST/xyamhelp.t
set home /HOST; cd
set private c:/memo/private; set messages c:/host/messages
set answerback "\r\nTelegodzilla (Omen Technology Inc.)\r\n\21"
set call1 "@gosub call1"
set call2 "@gosub call2"
:settings for 2400V modem below
:set call1 "@bye;sleep 100;sp 1200;putw \5\r\336O111211311122\r\336I\r"
:set call2 "@bye;sleep 100;sp 1200;putw \5\r\336O111111311122\r\336I\r"
: set call3
: @echo "Now awaiting incoming calls. Press F1 to exit."
set callpath c:/tmp/*.xx?
set outahost "@gosub outahost"
set baudstr "@gosub .%lib/baud2.t"
set rmtcheck "@source C:/host/checkrmt.t"
if "!dX&&!dD" px2; py2400; set linkpass "Giznoid";
if "!dX&&!dD" set outalink "@kill; put \r\4;o;port 1;bye"
: if !dX set bbs "~l >com1" :: WARNING - see manual "Security" chapt
set menu /host/menu.hst
display bell=visual
pk3; host
dialsx pat : dial routine for Microcom SX/1200 modem
if "%telno<2" echo "Please do not use \"call dialsx\""; abort
bye; pat 1 "4"; ena -dQ; pq1
while "!1&&L<10" put "4" wait -f1
if !1 echo "No response From Modem"; fail
pat 1i "!"
put "5"; wait -f1
put "se0\r" ;wait -f1
put "sbrk1\r" ;wait -f1
put "sf11\r" ;wait -f1
put "sfm0\r" ;wait -f1
put "sx1\r" ;wait -f1
put "smaut\r" ;wait -f1
put "s1p4\r" ;wait -f1
put "s1c1\r" ;wait -f1
pat 1 "CONNECT "; pat 2 "NO C"; pat 3 "IN USE"
dis -Q; putw "dp%telno\r"
wait -f60
dis -d
if 1 pat; return
pat; bye; fail
: following "xenix" script assumes a prompt such as "omen:tty2b /u/caf"
: which is setup with the following Korn shell stuff in .profile
if [ "$HOME" = "/" ] ;then _=# ;else _=. ;fi
PS1="$HOST:\${TTY##*/}..\${PWD##*/} $_"
PS1="\$sgh$HOST:\${TTY##*/} \$sgr\$PWD\$sgR $_"
xenix pe0; port 2; if e port 1
sp 19200; set dirrx ""; ena -yZ
display vt100
xen0: put \r
pv-1; pk3; pf6; kbdlock 2; echo "KEYBOARD LOCKED"
pat; pat 1 "ogin: "; pat 2 "tty"; wait;
if 2 echo "Already Logged in!"; goto xen2
if !1 put "\r"; wait; if !1 bye; wait
if !1 abort
while !m put " " sleep 1
wait -f2; put "accountname\r"
pat 1 "rd:"; wait; put "secretpassword\r"
pat 1 "caf"; wait
putw "\336TERM=5425\r"
xen2: set plog ""; set rxlog ""; set txlog ""; set rcmdlog ""
kbdlock 0
if zmodem pp5 pt20; if jargs,ga putw "ga\r"
if jargs,rep bye; goback xen0
amrad-bbs speed 2400 1-703-734-1387 t
amsat-bbs speed 300 1-512-852-8194 t
answer speed 1200 putw ATM0S0=1\r
ans300 speed 300 putw ATM0S0=1\r
baltimore speed 300 1-301-655-0393 b450 t
barefoot speed 300 nolog 286-6366 sleep 20 put \r
sleep 10 pp3000 ena -pt sleep 2 put \r
pattern 1 >; wait; put N\r wait put passwd\r
pg62 t
bethesda speed 300 1-301-229-3196 b450 t
:: Login script for Byte Information Exchange (via Tymnet)
bix speed 9600 222-2151+222-0900
pat 0 "CARRIER"
pat 1 "log in"
pat 2 "error" "\r"
pat 3 "user name:"
pat 5 "host shut"
wait -f4; put "A"; wait -f2
set s9 "login"; pf15
bix: put "BIX\r"
pat 4i "ame?"; wait
if 5 fail
if "c&&!4" goback bix
if jargs,new put "new\r"; t; quit
put "yournamehere\r"
pat 1i "assword:"; wait
dis -h; put "yourpasswordhere\r"
cd %tmp
if !r create -+ bix0000.tmp : make sure capture file is open
:: if dZ zmodem pl8192 :: Temporary - see manual
ena -yZ :: Disable Security Challenge to save time
if jargs,h ena -h
pat; pat 1$ "\n:"
if "hYou have [*1-9]" source %lib/bixmaild.t
expand %lib/bixmailu.t 002*
if is9,Mail put "q\r"; set s9 ""
expand %lib/bixmsgu.t BIX*
put "\r"
pat 1$c "Read:" "all\r"
pat 2 "No unread messages in conferences"
pat 3c$ ".More.." "\r"
wait -f10
del bix.xx
echo "BIX Script Finished"; pat; if !df off
set adlopts "mr"; set f3 "r\r"
cbbs-nw speed 1200 nolog 284-5260 t
cbbs-r-nw cls dirr f? c1
speed 1200 pi10 putw "ATM0 S7=12\r" nolog 284-5260
cbbsx: kill
: cd \tmp
create -st+ cbbs.tmp
pat; pf3 pattern 1i CBBS
if n put \r wait
if n put \r wait
if n put \r wait
if n put \r wait
if n goto cbbsfoo
put \013
pattern 1 "1st time"
wait put n\r
pattern 1 "FIRST name"
pf8; wait
put "firstname;lastname;password;x;p\r"
pattern 1 Function:?
pattern 2 "many wanted:?"
wait ena -t
if 2 put "0\r" wait
put "or;*\r"
pattern; pattern 1 Function:; wait;
pg63 pp2000
if ff1 putw e\r f -tpx f1 put s\r wait if 1 "!ren f1 f1.tmp"
if ff2 putw e\r f -tpx f2 put s\r wait if 1 "!ren f2 f2.tmp"
if ff3 putw e\r f -tpx f3 put s\r wait if 1 "!ren f3 f3.tmp"
put g\r pattern 1 "Comments Y/N:?"; wait;
if fc1 putw y\r f -tpx c1 put y\r "!ren c1 c1.tmp"
else put n\r
dis -tp
pattern 1i "on++"; wait; timestamp nolog close pe0 return
cbbspoll del /tmp/cbbs.xx
if f/tmp/f?||f/tmp/c1 echo "Message(s):"; dirr /tmp/f?
echo " call cbbs-r-nw"
echo " if e return"
echo " !del cbbs.xx"
goto host
cbbsfoo: pe1 o
cii300 speed 300 1-201-542-5059 t
cis speed 4800 239-6124/mnp_s/2400+239-6124/mnp_s/2400+232-4026
put \3
cis: pat 1 ID:; wait
put 70001,0001\r pat 1 assword:; wait; put "wrongo\r"
pat 1 OK; pat 2 Plex!; pat 3 "\nFunction: "; pat 4 "!"
if n o return
pat; t -fcs!p
cis24 speed 2400 nolog 222-2151 : Compuserve via Tymnet 2400 bps
pat 1i x; wait -f5 put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "cis02;"; goto cis
cis02 speed 1200 nolog 222-0900 : Compuserve via Tymnet
pat 1i x; wait put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "\030cis02;" goto cis
cisdat speed 1200 %l-604-687-7144 : Compuserve via Datapac
sleep 25
ena -t
put "..\r"
pat 1 "DATAPAC"
wait -f4
put "P 29400138\r"
dis -t
pat 1 "Name:"
wait -f20
put "cis\r"
goto cis
cistel speed 1200 295-3028 : Compuserve via Telenet
on !c o abort
while !1 put "\r" wait -f1
pat 1 @
put "D1\r"; wait -f4
if !1 o abort
put "C 202202\r"
goto cis
denver2 speed 1200 1-303-777-4326 t
denver3 speed 1200 1-303-690-4566 t
gcos speed 1200 621-3746 set bs "@mput # lput \b\40\b"; t -h
navobsy speed 1200 %l-202-653-1079 t -u7e
echo "type @TCO for list of commands"
pcshare speed 1200 222-0900 :: Tymnet local node
pat 1i x; wait put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "\b\030dpac;3020 827 00294\r"
pat 1i "\021"; wait
put "logon pcshare pcshare\r"; wait
put "+xx xxxx\r"
kermit pi1: t -h7m
pcshare-fdx speed 1200 222-0900 :: Tymnet local node
pat 1i x; wait put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "dpac;3020 827 00294\r"
pat 1i "\021"; wait
put "logon pcshare pcshare\r"; wait
put "+xx xxxx\r"
kermit pi1: t -7m
pcsource-pdx speed 2400 297-1084 t
pctj speed 2400 %l-301-576-7285 t
pcweek speed 2400 %l-617-375-4000 t -8g
pdx-rbbs-pc speed 1200 281-8322 t -8g
pdx-opus speed 2400 %m-639-4009 t -8g
shotgun speed 2400 760-4521 t -8g
rose speed 2400 761-3205 t -8g
pdx-fido speed 1200 297-9145 t -8g
pvhug speed 2400 760-6411 t -8g
pl24 speed 2400 241-0496 goto pl1 : People-Link via Telenet
pl speed 1200 295-3028 : People-Link via Telenet
pl1: patt; patt 1 TERMINAL
while !1 put "\r" wait -f1
pf40 patt 1 @
put "D1\r"; wait
if !1 o abort
put "set 0:33,64:1\r"; wait -f1
put "c 312 63\r"
pat 1 "PRESS <RETURN>:"; wait -f15; put "\r"
pat 1 "ID:"; wait -f15; put "myacct\r"
pat 1 "PASSWORD:"; wait -f15; put "nothis\r"
set f9 "/next\r"; set f10 "/dlo;fil;xmo;\r\r"
savenet accept s1 "SaveNet Autodial. Number:"
speed 1200 %l-%s1\;
echo " Keyboard Shift-F4 to Disconnect "
setsavenet set l "796-9000,,T654321"
set m "796-9000,,T654321-503"
unix set _fdel "@cls put q\r"
set _fins "@cls put n\r"
set _f5 "@create -+ /tmp/unix"
set _f9 "@cls put ps\ -lax\r"
set _f10 "d\r"
speed 1200 nolog 292-1000
pat; pat 1 ogin:
while "c&&!1&&L<5" put \r echo "Break Sent" wait -f4
if !1 echo " Computer Does Not Respond "; o return
unixlog: put unix\r pat 2 assword:
wait put WronG\r pat 2 dumb :we get this when logged in
wait if 1 goto unixlog
if !2 echo " Login Unsuccessful "; o return
put vt52\r pat 2 > :ask for vt52 termcap
wait keys t -s :strip control characters from any file
:: Directory entry "fax" is used to receive binary data dumps from an
:: AEA PK-232 operating in facsimilie decoding mode. "dumb" terminal
:: emulation and "I" (super-image) mode are used to capture all 8 bits.
:: Keyboarding F9 opens a new capture file and sets the PK-232 to signal
:: mode (to terminate the previous picture) and then to FAX mode to
:: allow lock-on to the next FAX picture it receives.
:: Keyboarding F10 disables the status line, clears the screen and sets a
:: two line scroll region. Limiting the screen to two active lines reduces
:: Radio Frequency Interference generated by the CRT display.
fax speed 9600 display dumb; set f9
@ife r close; kill; create -Ij fax...; put "si\r\336fax\r"
set f10
@display stat=0ff; cls; lput "\E[1;2r"
:: Directory entries for GEnie (General Electric Information Service)
:: This calls various ge*.t scripts supplied on SCRIPTS.ZOO
:: /usr/lib/yam for Xenix/Unix systems, or SCRIPTS.ZIP.
genie speed 1200 287-9045; goto g24a
genie96 speed 19200 249-1347/mnp+1-800-331-8544/mnp set adlopts "lrW16384"; goto g24b
genie96n speed 9600 249-1347+1-800-331-8544 set adlopts "lrW4096"; goto g24a
genie24 speed 4800 249-8365/mnp set adlopts "lrW16384"; goto g24a
genie24d speed 4800 %l-213-835-0411/mnp set adlopts "lrW16384"; goto g24a
genie24s speed 4800 249-8365/mnp_s goto g24a
genie24u speed 19200 249-8365/mnp goto g24a
genie24m speed 2400 1440210-410-900-8011/mnp goto g24a
geniexpc speed 2400 1-800-638-8712 goto g24a
genie24n speed 2400 249-8365; set adlopts "lr"; goto g24a
genieroc speed 9600 %l-716-546-8200/1200; goto g24a
g24a: : ena -7e;
ena -yZ :: Disable Zmodem Security verification to save time
z pt100 pp100 pc0
while "c&&L<40&&!m&&!k" mput "H" lput "H" sleep 4
g24b: on !c goto genc
pat 1i "U"; wait -f4
if !1 echo "No Response from Genie"; bye; fail
genielog: pat 1 "PASS"; pat 2i "REENTER U#"
if !dP put "\b\b\b\b"
while "L<5&&c&&!1" put "account1234,\r" wait -f5
if !1 fail
put "password"
if jargs,test put ",,!TEST"
put "\r"; pat
set f3 "@set s5 xxx; source %lib/gekxdl.t"
set f8 "@set s5 x; source %lib/gekxdl.t"
ph2; ena -h
cd %tmp
if dS t; ret
:: WARNING! These must agree with your GEnie terminal setting!!
set pr "\006"
set ldel "\025\336"
set intr "\003"
pat 0c "<CR> to continue" "\r"
pat 1 "<HEL>p"
pat 4 "<H>elp"
pat 5c "GEnie Announcements " : Mandatory commercials
if 3 o; fail
if "5" put "\r"; wait
pat 0 "Enter #"
put "PORT\r"; wait
if "hYou have .* WAITING." source %lib/gemaild.t
create -+ gen0000.tmp
if !jargs,upl if !jargs,tour pat; t; return
put "m8008:1\r"; wait
put "3\r"
pat 7i "Ticker Symbol(s) or <CR> to end"; wait
put "pep,ats,wlm,aapl,vc\r"; wait
put "\r"; wait
gemail: if !jargs,nomail expand %lib/gemailu.t 003*
set s7 "615"; set s8 "IBM PC RoundTable"
if jargs,tour expand %lib/gefdl.t dow/G615*
expand %lib/gemsgup.t G615*
if jargs,tour source %lib/gert.t
set s7 "985"; set s8 "SYSOP Lounge"
if jargs,tour expand %lib/gefdl.t dow/G985*
expand %lib/gemsgup.t G985*
if jargs,tour source %lib/gert.t
set s7 "160"; set s8 "GE Unix RoundTable"
if jargs,tour expand %lib/gefdl.t dow/G160*
if jargs,tour source %lib/gert.t
expand %lib/gemsgup.t G160*
if du "!/u/spool/yam/gsort&"
echo "args = %args"
if jargs,upl goto geup
del /u/spool/yam/genie.xx
pat 1l "OFF"
if !df put "bye\r"; wait; off
pat; t; return
geup: cd /u/t/upgrade
expand %lib/geupl.t ge*.key
if !c goto genc
del /u/spool/yam/genie.xx
pat 1l "OFF"
put "bye\r"; wait; off
genc: echoc "Carrier Loss detected"; off
xpc speed 1200 nolog 222-0900 :: Tymnet local node
xpc1: pat 1i x; wait put A pat 1 "log in"; wait
put "\004xpc;PASSWORD\r"
pat 1 "not"; pat 2 "\033"
wait -vf30
if !2 fail
xpc 1 "information\r"
t -!v
xpc24 speed 2400 nolog 222-2151; goto xpc1
scount set s1 !
echo "bang away."
echo %s1
sets s1 "%s1!"
if %s1<10 goto scountt
count echo "40 times"
while "L<40" echo "Isn't this a great day?"
:: VISA/MC Credit Card Authorization to Voice Response Computer
:: call visa,accountnumber,exp,price with touch tone modem
:: example: yam call visa,000-229-005-000,1187,15400 (expires 11/87, $154.00)
:: NOTE: Many modems do not accomodate this long a dialing string
:: The number after the phone number is your merchant number
visa split args "," "," ","
echo "VISA : Account %z1 EXP %z2 PRICE %z3"
if !%z3 abort
speed 2400; gosub waketb
pat 1 OK
put "ATS8=20 S11=150\r"; wait
split args "," "," ","
if !iMODEM,tb.t goto visa1
put "ATDT2280040,541356080604715#%z1#%z2#%z3#;\r"; wait
putw "ATS61=160\r"
echo "Repeat (y/n)?" while y putw "ATD*;\r"
putw "atz\r"; o
if du off
visa1: put "ATDT2280040,541356080604715#;\r"; wait
put "AT&Q0\r"; wait
put "ATB0\r"; wait
put "ATBDT%z1#%z2#%z3#;\r"; wait
echo "Repeat (y/n)?" while y putw "ATD*;\r"
putw "atz\r"; o
if du off
:: Package with rma.t rmarea.t and rmupl.t for "RemoteAccess",
:: a BBS system.
pcctour speed 19200; timestamp; if b0400 echo "Later, man."; off
set n1 "First"; set n2 "Last"; set n9 "my_password"
source %lib/rma.t
set s7 "PCC"
set s8 "80" ; source %lib/rmarea.t
set s8 "53" ; source %lib/rmarea.t
set s8 "57" ; source %lib/rmarea.t
set s8 "59" ; source %lib/rmarea.t
del pcc.xx
if du "!/u/spool/yam/rsort&"
:::if df return
put "g"
pat; pat 1c "want to log-off [y/n] :" "Y"
pat 2c "note to the Sysop [y/n] ?" "N"
pat 3l "GOODBYE"; wait; pat 3i "\n"; wait
o; return
opus speed 1200 775-1689/1200
ena -8gsJ
set n9 "my_password"
if jargs,tour create -+ pcc000.tmp
on !c echoc "Pcc-Opus: Carrier Lost"; return
echoc "Sourcing opus.t"
source %lib/opus.t
if !r echo "SCRIPT FINISHED - Keyboard Commected"; return
pat; pf20
pat 1 "\nSelect: "
put "\b\bm\r"; wait
if c echoc "Carrier Detect Active"
if !1 fail
set s7 "PCC"
set s8 "10"; source %lib/opusarea.t
set s8 "24"; source %lib/opusarea.t
del pcc.xx
if du "!/u/spool/yam/osort&"
pat; pat 1i "]?"
put "\b\bg\r"; wait
put "y\r"
pat 1l "hang up"
pat 2l "call"
put "n\r"; wait
o; ret
:: old entries mostly supplanted by call2 and call1 entries in
:: the modem specific dialer scripts
call2 sp 19200; gosub waketb; putw "ATM0H1\r"; sleep 20
sp 19200; gosub waketb; putw "ATX3Q0M0S10=10S50=0S0=1S95=2S7=30\r";
call1 sp 19200; gosub waketb; putw ATM0H1\r"
call2e bye; sp 9600; if iMODEM,mmv32.t sp 19200
gosub waketb; pat 1 OK
put "ATX4 Q0 &Q0 H0 M0 B1 S0=1 &E1 &E4 &E14 \44BA0 &B0\r"; wait -f2
handshake on
call1e bye; bye; sp 9600; handshake off; gosub waketb; putw ATM0H1\r"
call1h bye; sp 19200; gosub waketb; putw ATM0H1\r"
call2h bye; sp 38400 :: Change this to match speed in inithst
gosub waketb; pat 1 OK
put "ATX6 Q0 S0=1 &A2 &B2 B0 S28=0 &H1 &I0 &K0 &M4 &R2 &Y0\r"; wait -f2
:: put "AT&K3 S15=16\r"; wait -f2 :: Dual Standard/v.42bis
put "AT&K3\r"; wait -f2 :: Dual Standard/v.42bis