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Assembly Source File
900 lines
; An executable, driver for networking MSCDEX to a remote
; CDNET drive using NETBIOS. Execute before MSCDEX.
; Requires CdServer be active on server before activating.
; UsageMsg:
; SHSUCDN [/?][/C:ClientName][/S:ServerName][/D:DriverName][/Q][/U]
; Assemble using MASM 6.0 and link as an .exe file.
; Requires: NETBIOS.INC
; CDN is a copyright-reserved, free use program.
; (c)John H. McCoy, 1993, Sam Houston St. Univ., TX 77341-2206
.model tiny, os_dos
option nokeyword:<length name>
option expr16
fptr typedef far ptr word
nptr typedef near ptr word
rh struc
Length byte ? ; header size in bytes
SubUnit byte ? ; cd drive number
Command byte ? ; device command code
Status word ? ; device command status
Reserved byte 8 dup(?)
rh ends
rhINIT struc
byte size rh dup(?) ;rh common
NumberUnits byte ?
dword ?
dword ?
byte ?
rhINIT ends
rhIOCTL struc
byte size rh dup(?) ;rh common
MediaDesc byte ?
CBPtr fptr ?
BytesToTransfer word ?
StartSector word ?
VolIdPtr fptr ?
rhIOCTL ends
IOCtl_RDHACommand equ 0
IoCB_RDHA struc ; Ioctl_0 command block structure
IoctlCommand byte IOCtl_RDHACommand
DeviceHeaderAddress fptr ?
IoCB_RDHA ends
rhTransfer struc
byte size rh dup(?) ;rh common
byte ?
DtaPtr fptr ?
SectorCount word ?
StartSector Dword ?
ReadMode byte ? ; we support cooked mode only
byte ?
byte ?
rhTransfer ends
LastDosDriverCommand equ 14 ; varies with DOS version
FirstCDExtendedCommand equ 128
DeviceError equ 8000h
DeviceDone equ 0100h
DE_UnknownCommand equ 03h ; OR with DeviceError
DE_ReadError equ 0Bh
DE_GeneralFailure equ 0Ch
AsciiNul equ 0
cr equ 13
lf equ 10
QMark equ '?'
Display MACRO msg
mov dx,offset msg
mov ah,9
int 21h
; ** NetBIOS.INC prototypes
NetAddName proto near syscall Name:nptr
NetCall proto near syscall LocalName:nptr, RemoteName:nptr
NetDelName proto near syscall Name:nptr
NetReceive proto near syscall DTA:fptr, Length:word, Session:byte
NetHangup proto near syscall Session:byte
NetSend proto near syscall DTA:fptr, Length:word, Session:byte
assume cs:@code, ds:@code
; dos device header with CDROM extension fields
DevHeader label word
NextDriver dword -1
Attributes word 0C800h
nptr Strategy
nptr Interrupt
DeviceName byte 'SHSU-CDN'
word 0 ; CDROM reserved
byte 0 ; 1st CDROM drive letter
SubUnits byte 1 ; number of drives
LocalSession byte 0
; strategy call saves req hdr addr here for use by interrupt call
rhAddr label far ptr
rhOffset word ?
rhSegment word ?
rhBuf byte size rhINIT, (size rhINIT -1) dup (0)
; work space for oversize readlong
DtaPtrSave Dword ?
SectorCountSave word ?
StartSectorSave Dword ?
SectorsRead word ?
; CB size
IoCB_InSize byte 5,6,1,1,9,130,5,4,5,2,7,7,11,13,11,11
IoCB_OutSize byte 1,2,1,9,130,1
ClientNameFlag byte 0
ClientName byte 'CD-CLIENT '
byte "$"
ServerName byte 'SHSU-CD-SERVER '
byte "$"
DriverName byte 'SHSU-CDN'
byte "$"
Author byte "John H. McCoy"
; Driver Strategy routine
Strategy proc far
; es:bx contains request header pointer. save it.
mov cs:rhOffset, bx
mov cs:rhSegment, es
Strategy endp
; Driver Interrupt routine
Interrupt proc far uses ax bx cx dx si di ds es
; setup ds addressing
push cs
pop ds
; process command
mov al, es:[bx].rh.command
xor ah, ah
.if al >= FirstCDExtendedCommand
sub al, 128
.if al > 8 ; 128 thru 136 valid CDROM Commands
jmp UnknownCommand
shl ax, 1 ; convert to word offset for jmp table
mov si, ax
jmp CDExtendedCommandTable[si]
CDExtendedCommandTable label word
nptr offset ReadLong
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset ReadPrefetch
nptr offset Seek
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
.elseif al <= LastDosDriverCommand
shl ax, 1 ; convert to word offset for jmp table
mov si, ax
jmp DosDriverCommandTable[si]
DosDriverCommandTable label word
nptr offset UnknownCommand ; we do init when loading
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset IoctlInput
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset UnknownCommand
nptr offset IoctlOutput
nptr offset DevOpen
nptr offset DevClose
nptr offset UnknownCommand
les bx, es:[bx].rhIOCTL.CBPtr
mov al, byte ptr es:[bx] ; 1st byte of dta is subcommand
.if (al == 2) || (al > 15) || (LocalSession == 0)
; invalid sub-command or not conected to remote CD
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_UnknownCommand)
jmp ExitRestoreRH
.if al == IOCtl_RDHACommand
lea ax, DevHeader
mov word ptr es:[bx].IoCB_RDHA.DeviceHeaderAddress, ax
mov ax, ds
mov word ptr es:[bx].IoCB_RDHA.DeviceHeaderAddress+2, ax
mov ax, DeviceDone
jmp ExitRestoreRH
; valid command and connected. Lookup IoCB_InSize since some
; callers apparently don't tell us. Do it here since we need
; it to bring back the CB.
lea bx, IoCB_InSize
mov dx, ax
les bx, rhAddr
mov es:[bx].rhIOCTL.BytesToTransfer, ax
; send rh and then control block to remote CD
; first the rh
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp IoctlError
; then the CB
les bx, es:[bx].rhIOCTL.CBPtr
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, dx, LocalSession
les bx, rhAddr
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp IoctlError
; rh comes back first
INVOKE NetReceive, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp IoctlError
; then the CB if device done
.if es:[bx].rh.Status == DeviceDone
les bx, es:[bx].rhIOCTL.CBPtr
INVOKE NetReceive, es::bx, dx, LocalSession
les bx, rhAddr
.if al == NB_Ok
jmp Exit0 ; returns device status to MSCDEX
jmp IoctlError
les bx, es:[bx].rhIOCTL.CBPtr
mov al, byte ptr es:[bx] ; 1st byte of dta is subcommand
.if (al > 5) || (LocalSession == 0)
; invalid sub-command or not conected to remote CD
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_UnknownCommand)
jmp ExitRestoreRH
; valid command and connected. Lookup IoCB_OutSize since some
; callers don't tell us.
lea bx, IoCB_OutSize
mov dx, ax ; keep size, we need it to send dta
les bx, rhAddr
mov es:[bx].rhIOCTL.BytesToTransfer, ax
; some programs also lie about the rhlength
mov al, 26
mov es:[bx].rh.length, al
; send rh and then control block to remote CD
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp IoctlError
; then the CB
les bx, es:[bx].rhIOCTL.CBPtr
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, dx, LocalSession
les bx, rhAddr
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp IoctlError
; rh is only thing coming back
INVOKE NetReceive, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al == NB_Ok
jmp Exit0 ; returns device status to MSCDEX
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_ReadError)
jmp ExitWithStatus
; When MSCDEX loads it has DOS do Open, use IOCTL input to get the
; device header address and then closes the device. It then opens all
; subunits and gets a status from each.
; Subsequent calls are direct to strategy and/or interrupt address obtained
; from the device header.
.if LocalSession == 0
INVOKE NetCall, offset ClientName, ; call server
offset ServerName
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp OpenError
mov LocalSession, ah
; send the rh ; get # of CD's attached
mov bx, offset rhBuf ; init uses a local rh
INVOKE NetSend, ds::bx, ds:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al == NB_Ok
INVOKE NetReceive, ds::bx, ds:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al == NB_Ok
mov al, ds:[bx].rhINIT.NumberUnits ; save in header for
mov SubUnits, al ; MSCDEX to use
mov ax, DeviceDone
jmp ExitRestoreRH
les bx, rhAddr
.if ClientNameFlag != NB_DuplicateLocalName
INVOKE NetDelName, offset ClientName
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_GeneralFailure)
jmp ExitWithStatus
DevClose: ; just acknowledge
mov ax, DeviceDone
jmp ExitWithStatus
; save sector count
mov cx, es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount
mov SectorCountSave, cx
; send the rh to remote CD
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
; and get it back
.if al == NB_Ok
INVOKE NetReceive, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp NetworkErrorExit
; now get the dta
mov cx, es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount
.if (cx == 0) || (es:[bx].rh.Status != DeviceDone)
jmp Exit0 ; rh.status tells all
mov ax, cx
mov cx, 11
shl ax, cl ; bytes to xfer := sectors x 2048
mov cx,ax
INVOKE NetReceive, es:[bx].rhTransfer.DtaPtr, cx, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp NetworkErrorExit
mov cx, es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount
.if cx == SectorCountSave
jmp Exit0 ; usual requests will return here
; request to big, bring back the rest of the pieces
; first initialize work space and save rest of the rh info
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.StartSector
mov word ptr StartSectorSave, ax
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.StartSector
mov word ptr StartSectorSave+2, ax
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.DtaPtr
mov word ptr DtaPtrSave, ax
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.DtaPtr
mov word ptr DtaPtrSave+2, ax
mov SectorsRead, cx
mov ax, SectorCountSave
sub ax, cx ; sectors left to read
mov cx, es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount ; sectors in previous read
mov es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount, ax ; count for next read
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.StartSector
add ax, cx ; start sector for next read
mov word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.StartSector, ax
.if carry? ; then increment highorder byte
mov ax, word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.StartSector
inc ax
mov word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.StartSector, ax
mov ax, cx ; sectors in previous read
mov cl, 7
shl ax, cl ; ParaRead := 128 * Sectors Read
add ax, word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.DtaPtr
mov word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.DtaPtr, ax
; send the rh to remote CD
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
; and get it back
.if al == NB_Ok
INVOKE NetReceive, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp OverSizeReadError
mov cx, es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount
.if (cx == 0) || (es:[bx].rh.Status != DeviceDone)
jmp OverSizeReadExit ; rh.status tells all
; now get the dta
mov ax, cx
mov cl, 11
shl ax, cl ; bytes to xfer := sectors x 2048
mov cx, ax
INVOKE NetReceive, es:[bx].rhTransfer.DtaPtr, cx, LocalSession
.if al != NB_Ok
jmp OverSizeReadError
mov cx, es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount
add cx, SectorsRead
.if cx < SectorCountSave
jmp ReadNextChunk
mov SectorsRead, cx
jmp OverSizeReadExit
; call network error a device error before restoring rh info and exiting
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_ReadError)
mov es:[bx].rh.Status, ax
; restore rh info before exiting (this may be unneccessary)
mov ax,word ptr DtaPtrSave
mov word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.DtaPtr, ax
mov ax, word ptr DtaPtrSave+2
mov word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.DtaPtr, ax
mov ax, word ptr StartSectorSave
mov word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.StartSector, ax
mov ax, word ptr StartSectorSave+2
mov word ptr es:[bx+2].rhTransfer.StartSector, ax
mov ax, SectorsRead
mov word ptr es:[bx].rhTransfer.SectorCount, ax
jmp Exit0
; network error occurred, call it a device error
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_ReadError)
jmp ExitWithStatus
; no data transfer, process like a seek
; send the rh to remote CD
INVOKE NetSend, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
; and get it back
.if al == NB_Ok
INVOKE NetReceive, es::bx, es:[bx].rh.length, LocalSession
.if al == NB_Ok
jmp Exit0 ; status returned in rh.status
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_ReadError)
jmp ExitWithStatus
mov ax, (DeviceDone OR DeviceError OR DE_UnknownCommand)
jmp ExitRestoreRH
les bx, rhAddr ; restore rh ptr
mov es:[bx].rh.Status, ax
Interrupt endp
include netbios.inc
byte "End of CDNET"
LastByte label byte
; everything below this line is discarded after installing the driver
ClientParm equ 'C' ; command line parms /C:, etc
DriverParm equ 'D'
ServerParm equ 'S'
ArgumentNotFound EQU 2 ; Unrecognized argument
NoArgumentsFound EQU 1 ; No argument in command line
ArgumentFound EQU 0 ; Ok argument in command line
UnInstall equ 2
DontInstall equ 1
Install equ 0
QuietInstall equ 2
InstallFlag byte 0
QuietFlag word 0
_SS word ?
_SP word ?
Init proc far
; fix regs for Install/uninstall
push ds ; point to psp so we can access command line
pop es ; using es or for uninstall
push cs ; now set DS to CS
pop ds
call ParseCommandLine
.if InstallFlag == Install
call VerifyClientName
.if InstallFlag == Install
call Link
.if (InstallFlag == Install && QuietFlag != QuietInstall)
Display InstallMsg
Display ClientMsg
Display ClientName
Display ServerMsg
Display ServerName
Display DriverMsg
Display DriverName
Display ActivateMsg
push es ; reset ds to psp
pop ds
mov ax, ds:[2Ch] ; find environment and release it
mov es, ax
mov ah, 49h
int 21h
sub ax, ax
mov ds:[2Ch], ax ; zero the evironment ptr
if (LastByte-DevHeader+1) mod 16
roundup = 1
roundup = 0
mov dx,((LastByte-DevHeader)+1+100h)/16+roundup; para to keep
mov ah,31h ; stay resident and
int 21h ; exit
.elseif InstallFlag == UnInstall
call UnInstallDriver ; es points to our psp
Init endp
Link proc near uses es
mov ax, 5200h ; get list of list
int 21h ; we assume DOS 3.1 or later
add bx, 22h ; es:bx[22] is NUL device header
mov ax, es:[bx] ; put NUL.next in our header
mov word ptr NextDriver, ax
mov ax, es:[bx+2]
mov word ptr NextDriver+2, ax
mov ax, 0 ; then point NUL header at us
mov es:[bx], ax
mov es:[bx+2], cs
Link endp
UnInstallDriver proc near
local _bx,_es:word
push es ; save our psp address
mov ax, 5200h ; get list of list
int 21h ; we assume DOS 3.1 or later
add bx, 22h ; es:bx[22] is NUL (1st) device header
; es:bx now pointing at NUL header
mov _bx, bx ; save current header addr
mov _es, es
les bx, es:[bx] ; load next header addr into es:bx
mov ax, es
cmp ax, 0FFFFh ; end of drivers?
je DriverNotInstalled
mov cx, 8
lea di, DeviceName[bx] ; es:di is chained device name
mov si, offset DeviceName ; dx:si is our device name
repe cmpsb ; if equ its the one we are looking for
jne TryNext
lea di, LocalSession[bx] ; get the session number of driver
mov dl, byte ptr es:[di] ; being uninstalled
push ds
mov ax, es ; es:bx is addr of driver being removed
mov ds, ax ; put it into ds:si
mov si, bx ;
mov cx, 4 ;
mov es, _es ;
mov di, _bx ; previous header now in es:di
rep movsb ; move address ds:si -> es:di
mov es, ax ; es now points at unlinked driver
pop ds ; cs=ds=@code -- need this for net
.if dl != 0
INVOKE NetHangup, dl
mov ax, es ; locate the
sub ax, 10h ; psp of installed driver
mov es, ax ;
mov bx, 16h ; installed drivers parent psp pointer
pop ax ; our psp address(pushed es above)
mov es:[bx],ax ; make us parent of TSR
lea ax, UnInstallExit ; set TSRs
mov bx, 0Ah ; terminate address
mov es:[bx], ax ; to come back to
mov ax, cs
mov es:[bx]+2, ax ; us
mov bx, es ; now make TSRs psp the
mov ah, 50h ; current psp
int 21h
push bp
mov _SS, ss ; save stack info
mov _SP, sp
mov ah, 4Ch ; terminate TSR and
int 21h ; come back to next
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax ; reestablish addressing
mov sp, _SP ; and stack info
mov ss, _SS
pop bp
display DriverName ; tell the world we did it
display UnInstallMsg
display DriverName
Display DriverNotFoundMsg
UnInstallDriver endp
VerifyClientName proc near
INVOKE NetAddName, offset ClientName
.if (al != NB_Ok && al != NB_DuplicateLocalName)
Display ClientMsg
Display ClientName
.if al == NB_NameAlreadyClaimed
Display NotInstallMsg
Display NameClaimedMsg
Display NotInstallMsg
Display NetBIOSNotReadyMsg
mov al,DontInstall
mov InstallFlag, al
.elseif al == NB_DuplicateLocalName
mov ClientNameFlag, al
VerifyClientName endp
ParseCommandLine proc near uses es
;* If driver is loaded from config.sys using device=drivername parms
;* then rhINIT points to the first character following the drivername
;* and a CR follows the last parm. When loaded by executing, the
;* command line is available in the PSP.(len +80h, 1st ch +81h, no CR)
sub ch, ch
mov di, 80h ; command line length @ +80h
mov cl, es:[di]
mov al, '?'
call GetParm
.if ax == NoArgumentsFound
jmp CopyDeviceName
.elseif ax == ArgumentFound ; /? user needs help on usage
Display UsageMsg
mov al,DontInstall
mov InstallFlag, al
jmp exit
sub ch, ch
mov di, 80h ; command line length @ +80h
mov cl, es:[di]
mov al, 'Q' ; /Q quiet installation
call GetParm
.if ax == ArgumentFound
mov QuietFlag, QuietInstall
sub ch, ch
mov di, 80h ; command line length @ +80h
mov cl, es:[di]
mov al, 'U' ; /U unInstall driver
call GetParm
.if ax == ArgumentFound
mov InstallFlag, UnInstall
mov al, ClientParm
call FindParm
.if ax == ArgumentFound
mov dx, sizeof ClientName
lea si, ClientName
call MoveName
mov al, ServerParm
call FindParm
.if ax == ArgumentFound
mov dx, sizeof ServerName
lea si, ServerName
call MoveName
mov al, DriverParm
call FindParm
.if ax == ArgumentFound
mov dx, sizeof DeviceName
lea si, DeviceName
call MoveName
CopyDeviceName: ; so we can display it
mov cx, 8
push ds
pop es
lea si, DeviceName
lea di, DriverName
rep movsb
Exit: ret
ParseCommandLine endp
UsageMsg db cr, lf,"Usage: CDNET"
db " [/?] [/C:ClientName] [/S:ServerName] [/D:DriverName]"
db " [/Q]"," [/U]",cr,lf,"$"
InstallMsg db cr,lf,"Net Work CD Driver Installed.",cr,lf
db "Copyright 1993, John H. McCoy.","$"
ClientMsg db cr,lf,"Client Name: ","$"
ServerMsg db cr,lf,"Server Name: ","$"
DriverMsg db cr,lf,"Driver Name: ","$"
ActivateMsg db cr,lf,"Link to server will occur when MSCDEX is loaded.",cr,lf,"$"
UnInstallMsg db cr,lf,"Uninstalled and memory freed",cr,lf,"$"
NotInstallMsg db cr,lf,"Net Work Driver NOT installed.","$"
NameClaimedMsg db cr,lf,"Client name already in use on network.",cr,lf,"$"
NetBIOSNotReadyMsg db cr,lf,"Net BIOS not ready.",cr,lf,"$"
DriverNotFoundMsg db " CD Network Driver not installed.",cr,lf,"$"
MoveName proc near
sub bx, bx ; es:di points to 1st char
.repeat ; cx chars left on cmd line
mov al, es:[di]
.if (al == '/' || al == ' '|| cx <= 0)
mov byte ptr [si+bx], ' '
inc bx
.if (al >= 'a' && al <= 'z')
and al, 11011111y ; upper case it
mov byte ptr [si+bx], al
inc bx
inc di
dec cx
.until bx == dx
MoveName endp
FindParm proc near
; al has parm code we are to find /X: or -X:
mov di, 80h ; command line length @ +80h
sub ch, ch
mov cl, es:[di]
GetNext: ; this code allows us to handle names
call GetParm ; like -C:NET-CD
cmp ax, ArgumentFound
jne NotFound
inc di ; found /X or -X, is next char a ':' ?
dec cl
mov al, es:[di]
cmp al, ':'
je FoundIt
loop GetNext
mov ax, ArgumentNotFound
inc di ; /X:name make di point @ name
dec cl
mov ax, ArgumentFound
NotFound: ret
FindParm endp
;* GetParm - Scans command line for argument of form /X or -X where
;* X = specified ASCII character. Presumes that argument is preceded
;* by a '/' or a '-'. Comparisons are case insensitive.
;* Params: ES:DI = Address of CommandLine -1
;* AL = Paramater character to scan for
;* CX = command line length
;* Return: AX = One of the following codes:
;* NoArgumentsFound if empty command line
;* ArgumentFound if argument found
;* ArgumentNotFound if argument not as specified
;* ES:DI = Pointer to found argument
;* CX = chars left on command line including arg or 0
mov ah, NoArgumentsFound ; assume no /X style arguments
jcxz exit
.if (al >= 'a' && al <= 'z')
and al, 11011111y ; Make character upper case
; Find start of argument
inc di ;
mov dl, es:[di] ; Get character from argument list
cmp dl, '/' ; Find option prefix '/'
je analyze
cmp dl, '-' ; or option prefix '-'
je analyze
loop loop1
jmp exit
; '/' or '-' prefix found. Compare command-line character
; with character specified in AL.
mov ah, ArgumentFound ; Assume argument is okay
inc di
dec cl
mov dl, es:[di]
.if (dl >= 'a' && dl <= 'z')
and dl, 11011111y ; Make character upper case
cmp dl, al
je exit ; specified char
mov ah, ArgumentNotFound ; Else signal bad argument,
inc bx
loop loop1 ; continue scan
mov al, ah
cbw ; AX = return code
GetParm ENDP
end Init