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Documentation for TGUpload V1.31
READ ALL OF IT !!! The online help is NOT complete !!!
... and the most AWESOME thing i've seen so far !
Features :
- upload in one or more directories.
- sort all or single filebase(s), rewrite and therefor pack them.
this way no need for extra filepackers
- powerful browse mode : view nearly all data of a file-record, just
press return and u can edit it.
- easy handling.
- automatically inserts FILE_ID.DIZ if file is in ZIP format.
(In fact, it grabs the most information it can pack into TG's
limited space - that are 260 chars )
- automatically inserts GIF specs when ul'ing new GIFs
- if entering a verbose description and saving the record, TGUpload
searches for a free record in VERBOSE.DAT instead of just appending.
This will take a moment if u have a large VERBOSE.DAT, but this
way u allways have used your precious hard-drive to the best.
- if one of TG's download dir's points to a cd-rom, it will be skipped.
- if waiting for keyboard input, TGUp gives its free time back when
running under a multi-tasking environment such as DesqView (tm),
Windows etc.
Warranties : NONE ! Use at your own risk !
I strongly recommend to make a backup, just to make sure that TGUP works
save on YOUR system too !
Requirements :
- A BBS running Telegard 2.7
- Some Ram (i have successfully testet it running in a DV Window w/ 500k
- COMSPEC environment variable must be set.
- PKUNZIP has to be on the path.
Well, here we go... though i'm german and my english is probably not the
best, i'll try everything that you understand at least the basic operation
of TGUP. The online help system is currently NOT covering every possible
action you can do w/ TGUP, so be sure to read EVERYTHING closely !
Brief overview over availabale keys :
while at the MAIN screen :
ALT-A - start a simple, global search routine. currently searches only
the filenames.
ALT-F - global "fix" of the file-records.
fixes on/offline, when online filesize is also fixed.
fixes ul'ed date (in string format) -> to numeric date that
TG uses.
ALT-S - global sort'n'rewrite of the filebases.
all filebases are read-in and writed back in sorted order
(filename ascending).
ALT-U - local ul-mode
while in browse mode :
ALT-C - clear tags.
ALT-D - delete file(s) - records and optional physical.
ALT-F - fix current filebase
ALT-M - move file(s) to selected destination dir
ALT-S - sort'n're-write current filebase
ALT-T - toggle On/Offline on high-lighted or tagged files
ALT-V - toggle validation on high-lighted or tagged files
TAB, Cursor Left/Right
- switch display to one of three different data screens
Cursor Up/Down
- scroll one filerecord up/down
Pg Up/Down
- advance one page up or down
CTRL-Pg Up/Down
- jumps to beginning/end of the filebase
Any Alphanumeric Key jumps to the first matching filename (if there is one)
- lets u edit current record
- Tag current record
Uploading files :
Select one Filebase (by highlighting it trough moving w/ the cursor keys)
and hit RETURN or select several Filebase by tagging them w/ SPACE and then
If that filebase doesn't exist, it will be created automatically !
If TGUpload finds anything that is not yet in the TELEGARD Filebases, you're
prompted to ul it. You can then enter either (y/ENTER) or (n/ESC).
TGUpload DOESN'T find files like 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION files (which has
the HIDDEN attribut) like TG does. I'd allways found that annoying.
Now, if you're about to edit a record, TGUpload starts there in the
field for the description and then moves (by RETURN or CURSOR DOWN) to
the verbose description. If you want to edit ul'ers name and such stuff,
move to those input fields from the first line of the verbose description
using CURSOR UP. But i don't think that you will have to in most of the
cases because TGUpload suggests all relevant data.
If you'd made a mistake, just hit ESC and TGUpload will abort editing
the current file and skips to the next in the queue (if there is any).
Starting BROWSE mode :
Just high-light the filebase you want to browse and press return.
You can now navigate through the filebase using the cursor-keys,
pg up/down, ctrl-pg up/down, the TAB key or just press return on
a high-lighted record if you want to edit it.
You may also tag one or more filerecords and perform DELETE or MOVE
actions on them... or do the same thing w/ a high-lighted record
(if no others have been tagged!)
If you press ALT-V on a filerecord and this file hasn't been validated
yet AND the usernumber is <> #1 then you're show the file-data of that
user and asked if you wanted to credit him/her.
This action can be done on either high-lighted or tagged files.
Pressing ALT-T on a filerecord simply toggle the filestatus for that
file from on- to offline and vice versa.
This action can be done on either high-lighted or tagged files.
ALT-Z invokes a DOS-Shell with the COMSPEC specified command processor.
TGUP swaps automatically to XMS/EMS/DISK (if it swaps to disk, it chooses
the swap path specified in STATUS.DAT).
Leaving BROWSE mode :
Just press ESC...
While you're back at the Filebase selection box, hitting ESC ends the program.
I'd appreciate ANY amount for the work that i put into this project.
The program has NO limits and delays anyways, so it's up to you
supporting MODEM WORLD BBS with a donation or not.
Is limited to BBS which charge nothing for dl'ing this file (except a usual
ul/dl ratio there maybe).
It is under no circumstances allowed to distribute via shareware/pd vendors!
For offering it on a CD-Rom u should contact the author for permission (not for
a fee of course)
Author :
Joern Knechtel
Rhoenstr. 10
8750 Aschaffenburg / Germany
Email : MODEM WORLD BBS ++49-6021-92200 Fido 2:249/26
Credits :
Thnx Martin Pollard (and the rest of the crew :-) for
writing Telegard.
Thnx also TechnoJocks for their TTT toolkit.
Thnx also Phil Katz for PKZip, which offers by far the best
compression/speed performance.
Thnx to ABSoft for their TPMULxxx and TPGIFxxx *.TPU's
Thnx to Ralf Brown for his great work : both, the Interrupt-List
and his SPAWN() function.
History :
After 2 years of waiting that one of those guru's makes the TG sysops
happy w/ something that is really working...
V1.0 - Initial Release 04/05/93
V1.1 - BugFix : V1.0 exits w/ a run-time error if to many
Filebases have been tagged.
Now allows entering a verbose description too.
V1.2 - Now suggests automatically a description if the file
to be uploaded is in ZIP format and contains FILE_ID.DIZ.
This will save a lot of work i guess...
V1.21 - Forgot to save the correct numerical date to the file-records,
this has been fixed.
V1.22 - Fixed incorrect display of TG's MCI colors when searching a dir
for new files.
- FIRST PUBLIC release
V1.23 - added Browse Mode (now it grows more & more into a real
filemanagment tool instead of a simple
added filebase sorting
fixed error that exits TGUp when running w/ command.com
V1.24 - added automatic insertion of GIF specs when uploading new
- fixed error that exits when a filebase is setup, but hasn't
been created... TGUp now creates this first record automatically.
V1.25 - added best fit fill logic for FILE_ID.DIZ
- added moving of files
V1.26 - oops, moving of files if source & destination path were the same
resulted in a loss of files - fixed (and now forbidden).
- fixed again (and hopefully the last time) a bug w/ the numeric date.
- added XMS/EMS/Disk swapping routine when searching for File_ID.DIZ
- this makes TGUp a little less memory dependant.
... several bugs fixed (and i'm sure there are still some :)
V1.29 - added "i was born under a wandering bar" :-) for sorting and fixing
file base commands.
- fixed an anoying bug that was reported by my beta-tester Mario
Carrano, but never (Nearly never :-) happened to me, which
allowed files being ul'ed multiple times in the same dir.
V1.30 - the SECOND PUBLIC release. (oops ? no, sorry :-)
V1.31 - added a DOS-Shell for the Browse-Mode
- skipps FILES.BBS when uploading files
- when validating a User, FilePoints are added according to the
settings in Syste-Setup.
- when fixing single or all filebases, filepoints are set
according to their setting in System-Setup
...and still a long way to go...