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354 lines
; =================================================================
; This is a simple config file, for those who want to get a working
; setup fast, without being distracted by too many details.
; Later, check out ADVANCED.CFG, that shows all keywords available
; in timEd, so you can finetune those details!
; =================================================================
; Your addresses, a maximum of 35 can be installed.
; You *must* enter all your addresses here, they are _not_ read
; from config files of echomail processors!
Address 2:281/527
Address 81:431/23
Address 2:500/133.999
; Your name and aliases (Max 20).
Name "Gerard van.Essen"
Name "Gerard van Essen"
Name "Art"
; Path to your V7 nodelist files. You need 1) sysop.ndx, 2) nodex.ndx
; and 3) nodex.dat!
; Leave this out if you don't have a V7 nodelist.
Nodelist C:\Binkley\Nodelist
; Path to the FrontDoor style nodelist. Leave it out if you don't
; have a FD style nodelist.
; FDnodelist C:\Frodo\Nodelist\
; Path to, and name of, the FidoUser.lst style SysOp-name list.
; Leave this out if you don't have one.
; FidoUser C:\Nodelist\myfido.lst
; Origin to use in echomail areas.
Origin " I'm too sexy for this origin "
; If you want timEd to use the 'Flags' kludge for messages that
; have the 'direct', immediate etc. attribute set. With this set
; to 'Yes', timEd will use the 'flags' kludge. Use this if you
; run FrontDoor or similar. Do NOT set this to yes if you use
; Binkley with Squishmail!
ArcMailAttach Yes
; Editor to use. I use T.EXE (from the archive TINYED.ARJ), which is a
; *very* nice, small (9 Kb!) and fast editor. This can also be a batch-
; file. Be sure to specify a .bat extension in that case!
; For OS/2: you can use T2.EXE (yes, tinyed also comes in an OS/2 version!),
; and specify a .CMD file here. (Note: E.EXE and EPM.EXE only work when
; called from a batchfile, T2.EXE works OK when called directly.
; TimEd also has a fast internal editor! Put: "Editor Internal" here if
; you want to use it!
Editor Internal
; String to start a message, 'variables': %to, %fto, %from and %ffrom
Hello "Hello %fto!"
; Start of a reply:
RepHello "%from wrote in a message to %to:"
; Start of a 'follow-up' message (ALT-O):
FollowHello "following up a message from %from to %to:"
; Placed at end of every msg (the \n indicates a newline):
Signoff "Groetjes,\n Gerard"
; Where your Hudson base is located. If you do not have a Hudson
; base, comment (or remove) this line! (TimEd will try to open the files!)
HudsonPath c:\fastecho\msgbase
; Where to put the echotoss.log file. This is only for Squish
; and *.MSG style echomail areas.
EchoLog C:\timEd\echotoss.log
; Where to put the ECHOMAIL.JAM and NETMAIL.JAM files. This is
; only for JAM style areas.
; If you leave this out, the AREATAGS for JAM areas will be written
; to the echotoss.log file (for tossers like Imail).
JamLog C:\Fastecho\msgbase
; ========== Start Colour Setup ===========
; Colour setup, by default timEd uses a 'monochrome' setup.
; The best way to configure the colours is using Dick Pluim's
; TIMCOLOR utility (Freq TIMC_*.*, current is TIMC_112.ZIP).
; Area selection 'Title' Bar
; color_asbar 112
; Area Selection Frame
; color_asframe 4
; Area Selection Normal Text
; color_astext 7
; Area Selection Highlighted bar
; color_ashigh 31
; List function personal messages
; color_asspecial 14
; Message reader Header fields, like the contents of TO:, FROM: etc
; color_msgheader 7
; Message reader, date in header
; color_msgdate 14
; Message reader, message attributes
; color_msgattribs 3
; Message reader, reply link info
; color_msglinks 3
; Message reader, 'labels' in header, like the word 'TO:' and 'FROM:'
; color_msgdata 15
; Message reader horiz. line
; color_msgline 9
; Message reader quotes
; color_msgquote 14
; Message reader normal text
; color_msgtext 7
; Message reader 'Status' bar at bottom
; color_msgbar 31
; Message reader origin
; color_msgorigin 15
; Message reader kludges
; color_msgkludge 3
; Message reader 'To:' field for personal msgs, and highlight for the
; F)ind feature (in the message body only)
; color_msgspecial 12
; Popup boxes frame
; color_popframe 121
; Popup boxes text
; color_poptext 112
; The colour of the entry fields (while editing)
; color_entry 30
; Internal editor colours:
; Current line, normal text (set to color_msgtext if you don't want the
; current line to be 'highlighted'):
; color_editcurnormal 15
; Current line, quoted text (set to color_msgquote if you don't want the
; current line to be 'highlighted'):
; color_editcurquote 6
; Current line, text in a block (set to color_editblock if you don't want
; the current line to be 'highlighted'):
; color_editcurblock 113
; Text that is in the currently defined block:
; color_editblock 112
; Colour of the 'hard return token':
; color_edithcr 8
; The colour of the frame of an active window in the 'find' screen:
; color_findactive 11
; The colour of the frame of an passive window in the 'find' screen:
; color_findpassive 1
; The colour of normal text (search strings, and 'lables' like 'Action:'
; color_findtext 7
; The colour of data-items (value of a label, 'Read' as the value
; of the 'action' parameter in the 'find' screen for example):
; color_finddata 3
; The colour of the highlighted ('selected') entry (highlighted bar):
; color_findhigh 113
; ========== End Colour Setup ===========
; Include another file in the configuration (for example external
; colour or area configuration files).
; Include c:\timed\timed.col
; Path/Name of squishmail config file. The -P switch in squish.cfg is
; recognized and used.
Squishcfg c:\squish\squish.cfg
; Path/Name of Fastecho echomail processor's config file.
; FastechoCFG c:\fe\fastecho.cfg
; Path/Name of GEcho (1.01 or higher!) config file.
; Full path + name for the SETUP.GE file.
; GEchoCFG c:\gecho\setup.ge
; Full path + name for the AREAS.XM file (Xmail tosser)
; xMailCFG c:\xmail\areas.xm
; Full path + name for the Fmail.cfg file.
; FmailCFG c:\fmail\fmail.cfg
; Full path + name for the WaterGate tosser config file.
; WtrGateCFG c:\fmail\fmail.cfg
; Should timEd read Local areas from your tosser config (or ignore them)?
ReadLocalAreas Yes
; Should timEd read Local areas from your tosser config (or ignore them)?
ReadNetAreas Yes
; The arealist (Area Selection Screen) can be sorted,
; using the following criteria:
; T - Type of area (order: Netmail, Local, Echomail).
; N - Nametag ('areatag' of the aea, like 'Artware').
; D - Description of the area
; A - Aka used for that area
; G - Group of the area.
; You can combine more than one criterium. Below sorts on Type, then on
; group and then on name (areatag).
AreaListSort TGN
; Should timEd be swapped out of main memory (to XMS, EMS, Disk)
; when the editor is spawned? (DOS version only)
Swap_on_Edit No
; Should timEd be swapped out of main memory (to XMS, EMS, Disk)
; when you shell to DOS? (DOS version only)
Swap_on_Shell Yes
; Do you want timEd to ask 'Are you sure?' before exiting to DOS.
Confirm_Exit Yes
; Some macro's, see docs for more info.
macro amf,Areamgr,2:281/520,prut
macro pm,Postmaster,60:100/0
macro rvdn,ROn van der Nagel,2:500/133
; A macro for Usenet (automatic addition of TO: line in body)
usenetmacro art,art@beard.nest.nl,postmaster,60:60/0,timEd!
; Area definition, Squish alike.
; -$ : for areas in Squish storage format.
; -J : for areas in JAM storage format.
; -H : for areas in the Hudson message base.
; -A : gives default attributes. (p = private, c = crash,
; k = killsent, d = direct, i = immediate, r = readonly).
; -P : z:nnn/nnn.p AKA to use for this area.
NetArea "Netmail Area" netmail c:\fd\netmail -Apk
LocalArea "Bad_Msgs" BAD_MSGS C:\Squish\Msgs\Bad -$
LocalArea "Dupes" DUPES C:\Squish\Msgs\Dupes -$
LocalArea "SysOp" Sysop d:\local\sysop -$
EchoArea "Contrast" CONTRAST d:\echo\CONTRAST -J
EchoArea "Delmare" POINTS.133 c:\squish\delmare -P2:500/133.999
; Below, '23' is the boardnumber in the Hudson base..
EchoArea "Fastecho supp" FASTECHO.028 23 -H
; Above areas are read _before_ the tosser config, 'dupes' in that config
; are ignored.