Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
< prev
Wildcat! WCX
557 lines
'! Decompiled with wccNosy version 4.20f (freeware)
'! Input File: in.wcx 25830 bytes 02/11/122 05:19:48pm
'! Code Segment Size :24179 bytes
'! Data Segment Size :5851 bytes
'! String Segment Size:1651 bytes
'! Compiled with WCC version 4.01
Dim l4467 As Long
Dim ur4505 As UserRecord
Dim s5163 As String
Dim s5171 As String
Dim s5175 As String
Dim s5276(0 To 20) As String*25
Dim i5801(0 To 20) As Integer
Dim l5843 As Long
Dim l65512_ As Long
Dim l65516_ As Long
Dim l65520_ As Long
Dim l65524_ As Long
Dim l65528_ As Long
Dim l65532_ As Long
StatusClear 0
Locate 1, 5
Color 15, 0
Print "Running TOPMess v1.00......please wait"
s5175 = ProgPath + "topmess.cfg"
If Exists(s5175) Then
Open s5175 For Input As 1
Input #1, s5163
Input #1, s5171
Close 1
145 Print
Print "Can't Find " + ProgPath + "TOPMESS.CFG"
End If
169 Do While GetNextUser(ur4505, 1213417543)
Color 7, 0
l4467 = ur4505.MsgsWritten
If l4467 < i5801(20) Then
252 If l4467 >= i5801(20) And l4467 < i5801(19) Then
i5801(20) = l4467
s5276(20) = ur4505.Name
400 If l4467 >= i5801(19) And l4467 < i5801(18) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = l4467
s5276(19) = ur4505.Name
End If
648 If l4467 >= i5801(18) And l4467 < i5801(17) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = l4467
s5276(18) = ur4505.Name
End If
1002 If l4467 >= i5801(17) And l4467 < i5801(16) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = l4467
s5276(17) = ur4505.Name
End If
1462 If l4467 >= i5801(16) And l4467 < i5801(15) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = l4467
s5276(16) = ur4505.Name
End If
2028 If l4467 >= i5801(15) And l4467 < i5801(14) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = l4467
s5276(15) = ur4505.Name
End If
2700 If l4467 >= i5801(14) And l4467 < i5801(13) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = l4467
s5276(14) = ur4505.Name
End If
3478 If l4467 >= i5801(13) And l4467 < i5801(12) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = l4467
s5276(13) = ur4505.Name
End If
4362 If l4467 >= i5801(12) And l4467 < i5801(11) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = l4467
s5276(12) = ur4505.Name
End If
5352 If l4467 >= i5801(11) And l4467 < i5801(10) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = l4467
s5276(11) = ur4505.Name
End If
6448 If l4467 >= i5801(10) And l4467 < i5801(9) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = l4467
s5276(10) = ur4505.Name
End If
7650 If l4467 >= i5801(9) And l4467 < i5801(8) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = l4467
s5276(9) = ur4505.Name
End If
8958 If l4467 >= i5801(8) And l4467 < i5801(7) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = l4467
s5276(8) = ur4505.Name
End If
10372 If l4467 >= i5801(7) And l4467 < i5801(6) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = l4467
s5276(7) = ur4505.Name
End If
11892 If l4467 >= i5801(6) And l4467 < i5801(5) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = i5801(6)
s5276(7) = s5276(6)
i5801(6) = l4467
s5276(6) = ur4505.Name
End If
13518 If l4467 >= i5801(5) And l4467 < i5801(4) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = i5801(6)
s5276(7) = s5276(6)
i5801(6) = i5801(5)
s5276(6) = s5276(5)
i5801(5) = l4467
s5276(5) = ur4505.Name
End If
15250 If l4467 >= i5801(4) And l4467 < i5801(3) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = i5801(6)
s5276(7) = s5276(6)
i5801(6) = i5801(5)
s5276(6) = s5276(5)
i5801(5) = i5801(4)
s5276(5) = s5276(4)
i5801(4) = l4467
s5276(4) = ur4505.Name
End If
17088 If l4467 >= i5801(3) And l4467 < i5801(2) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = i5801(6)
s5276(7) = s5276(6)
i5801(6) = i5801(5)
s5276(6) = s5276(5)
i5801(5) = i5801(4)
s5276(5) = s5276(4)
i5801(4) = i5801(3)
s5276(4) = s5276(3)
i5801(3) = l4467
s5276(3) = ur4505.Name
End If
19032 If l4467 >= i5801(2) And l4467 < i5801(1) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = i5801(6)
s5276(7) = s5276(6)
i5801(6) = i5801(5)
s5276(6) = s5276(5)
i5801(5) = i5801(4)
s5276(5) = s5276(4)
i5801(4) = i5801(3)
s5276(4) = s5276(3)
i5801(3) = i5801(2)
s5276(3) = s5276(2)
i5801(2) = l4467
s5276(2) = ur4505.Name
End If
21082 If l4467 >= i5801(1) Then
i5801(20) = i5801(19)
s5276(20) = s5276(19)
i5801(19) = i5801(18)
s5276(19) = s5276(18)
i5801(18) = i5801(17)
s5276(18) = s5276(17)
i5801(17) = i5801(16)
s5276(17) = s5276(16)
i5801(16) = i5801(15)
s5276(16) = s5276(15)
i5801(15) = i5801(14)
s5276(15) = s5276(14)
i5801(14) = i5801(13)
s5276(14) = s5276(13)
i5801(13) = i5801(12)
s5276(13) = s5276(12)
i5801(12) = i5801(11)
s5276(12) = s5276(11)
i5801(11) = i5801(10)
s5276(11) = s5276(10)
i5801(10) = i5801(9)
s5276(10) = s5276(9)
i5801(9) = i5801(8)
s5276(9) = s5276(8)
i5801(8) = i5801(7)
s5276(8) = s5276(7)
i5801(7) = i5801(6)
s5276(7) = s5276(6)
i5801(6) = i5801(5)
s5276(6) = s5276(5)
i5801(5) = i5801(4)
s5276(5) = s5276(4)
i5801(4) = i5801(3)
s5276(4) = s5276(3)
i5801(3) = i5801(2)
s5276(3) = s5276(2)
i5801(2) = i5801(1)
s5276(2) = s5276(1)
i5801(1) = l4467
s5276(1) = ur4505.Name
End If
23203 Locate 2, 1
Locate 3, 1
Print "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
23256 For l5843 = 1 To 20 Step 1
Locate 3 + l5843, 1
Print "@07@ "
23373 For l5843 = 1 To 20 Step 1
Locate 3 + l5843, 1
Print "@0F@ "; Pad(s5276(l5843), 28); "@0E@ "; Pad(Str(i5801(l5843)), 10); "@06@ "
End If
End If
23559 Loop
23565 Color 7, 0
Open s5163 For Output As 1
Print #1, "@CLS@@0E@@07@@0F@ @BBS@@0E@"
Print #1, "@0E@ Top 20 Message Posters "
Print #1, "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
Print #1, "@07@ @4F@ NAME MESSAGES POSTED "
Print #1, "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
Close 1
Open s5171 For Output As 2
Print #2, "@NOPAUSE@"
Print #2, "!|1K|*|w04042D1101|1BH80F0200LS050E000B080900000E050000H8|Y00000100"
Print #2, "!|1U060900000000<>@BBS@<>"
Print #2, "!|1U068O00000000<>Top 20 Message Posters<>|c0B|W00|=00000001"
Print #2, "!|P05000W008G0K8G0K0W0K0W|P05GY0WGY8GHI8GHI0WHI0W|S0109|F0D3B0B|FHA3S0B|#|#|#"
Print #2, "@CLS@@0E@@07@@0F@ @BBS@@0E@"
Print #2, "@0E@ Top 20 Message Posters "
Print #2, "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
Print #2, "@07@ @4F@ NAME MESSAGES POSTED "
Print #2, "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
Close 2
Open s5163 For Append As 1
Open s5171 For Append As 2
23828 For l5843 = 1 To 20 Step 1
Print #1, "@0F@ "; Pad(s5276(l5843), 28); "@0E@ "; Pad(Str(i5801(l5843)), 10); "@06@ "
Print #2, "@0F@ "; Pad(s5276(l5843), 28); "@0E@ "; Pad(Str(i5801(l5843)), 10); "@06@ "
24101 Print #1, "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
Print #1, "@02@ TopMess (WCX v1.00) Written by T&J Software "
Print #2, "@07@ @4F@──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────"
Print #2, "@02@ TopMess (WCX v1.00) Written by T&J Software "
Close 1
Close 2
Color 7, 0