Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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┌─ The Potted History Of
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└────────── A User Statistics Generator for RemoteAccess BBS's ──
(c) Copyright 1994-1996, Dwayne Heaton
│ TopStat v0.1ß 12/06/94
First version. Released to the public as a beta version
% Brand new program, have fun !!
+ Produces ASCII/ANSi bulletins
+ Reconizes deleted and 'hidden' users
+ Uses command line options
+ The RA environment variable is used to find the RA System Directory
+ Reads CONFIG.RA for the MsgBase and TextFile Paths
+ Checks that CONFIG.RA and USERS.BBS actually exist
+ Can use users handles instead of their real names.
+ Generates - Top Uploaders (Kb)
- Top Downloaders (Kb)
- Top Message Writers
- Top Callers
│ TopStat v0.2ß 21/06/94
% Optimised ANSi bulletin routines. Bulletins are now 30%-35% smaller
than previous versions.
+ Added new bulletins - User Age Statistics (Graph)
- Times Called (Graph)
- How Long Ago (Did they call) (Graph)
- Top Downloaders (Kb)
- Top Uploaders (Kb)
│ TopStat v0.30 31/08/94
% First non-ßeta version.
% Changed the look of the bulletins. The ANSi bulletins are now even
smaller and should display quicker.
+ Added the small utility ONTODAY to the archive. Produces an ASCII/ANSi
bulletin of the users that have logged onto your system today.
│ TopStat v0.32 09/10/94
% General bug-fix
- Removed the ONTODAY utility, it is now distributed in a separate
# Changed the ASCII/ANSi generating routines.
│ TopStat v0.34 02/01/95
% Another General Bug fix
# TopStat will no longer bomb-out if a user has Downloaded/Uploaded
more than 32MB
│ TopStat v0.35 20/01/95
% Just a general optimization of the code.
+ Now auto detects if mono or color display.
+ Allows user to force use of MONO or COLOUR display.
│ TopStat v0.36 03/03/95
# Fixed a slight problem with the months ago routine. Seems that it
didn't quite handle change of years properly.. Which made the 'How
long ago (Did they call)' bulletin extremely in-accurate.
% Updated the ANSi routines (again) should produce smaller bulletins
than previous versions.
│ TopStat v0.37 10/03/95
% New options, further optimization of code.
+ ONTODAY is now fully configurable via a control file.
+ added '-SYSOP' command line options.
+ Added new bulletin - Security Levels (Graph)
│ TopStat v0.38 17/03/95
% Added support for multi-line BBS's
+ Added SHARE support. Will use file sharing and locking if SHARE
is loaded.
+ Added new bulletins - Male / Female Stats (Graph)
- Upcoming Birthdays (List)
│ TopStat v0.39 24/03/95
% Added more bulletins.
+ Removed need for an '=' sign in the control file.
+ Added new bulletins - User Settings Report (Graph)
- Most Active Message Areas
│ TopStat v0.40 02/06/95
% Updated the 'Upcoming Birthdays' routines. Sorts information far
quicker, with far less disk access.
+ Added exclude specific users support
+ Added guest accounts support. By default it will exclude any account
marked as a guest account. You can include them if you so wish.
+ Added SETUP.EXE, a small program used to either create an initial
TOPSTAT.CTL file or to ugrade your existing TOPFILE.CTL with the
latest options.
# Should no longer produce a runtime error when there are no users to
% Changed the message base routines. It will now continue processing the
areas, and ignores any that don't exist.
│ TopStat v0.41 28/07/95
% Re-wrote the bulletin generation routines.
+ Added new security level bulletin.
│ TopStat v0.42 01/09/95
% Whole program has been re-written for speed and size.
+ Added a control file option to disable the [ENTER] prompt, for those
who use an 'animated ENTER prompt' program.
│ TopStat v0.43 20/10/95
% Rewrote the configuration file routines, now uses less memory.
# Fixed a slight problem with the 'Top Uploaders (Files)' bulletin.
# You can now change the 'Upcoming Birthdays' bulletin's colours.
(used to ignore any attempts to change them via the configuration file)
│ TopStat v0.44 08/03/96
% Rewrote the configuration file routines to use less memory.
+ Added support for RemoteAcess v2.50 messagebase.
+ Rewrote the setup program. Now is menu driven.
+ Added support for AVATAR bulletins.
│ TopStat v0.45 22/03/96
% Bug-fix release
# Fixed a runtime problem when running with RemoteAccess v2.50
│ TopStat v0.46 12/04/96
% Added an extra bulletin. Optimized code.
+ Added a File Ratio Report bulletin. Which lists total uploads and
downloads (In Files and MB) with average per user and ratios.
│ TopStat v0.47 31/05/96
% Fixed problem with Bar Graph Bulletins
# Re-wrote the bar graph routine. It would mis-calculate the size of
the bars.
│ TopStat Version Legend
+ New Features
- Took out something
# Bug Fix
% General note
│ End of File HISTORY.DOC