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(c) 1991-94 Mike Dumdei, 6 Holly Lane, Texarkana Texas
North East Texas DataLink 1:3819/128
BBS (903)838-6713, Voice (903)838-8307
TXZM (Texas Zmodem :) is a zmodem protocol that was
developed to demonstrate the speed and capabilities of the
MCOMM C serial communications library. The latest version of
TXZM or MCOMM may be obtained from N.E.T. DataLink by either
logging in and downloading or by file request of "MCOMM" or
"TXZM". The shareware version of MCOMM contains the TXZM
shell in source form and the low level Zmodem driver in
library form. The complete source code comes with the "Libs &
Source" registered version of MCOMM. Libraries for all memory
models except for the BCC/TC huge model come with the "Libs
Only" registered version of MCOMM. See the MCOMM order form
for specifics on various options.
TXZM IS NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN however the executable version
may be distributed and used free of charge for non-commercial
purposes. If you intend to use TXZM commercially or in a com-
mercial environment and the program will be loaded or operated
on more than 3 systems ANYWHERE within the organization, you
must obtain a license.
The complete TXZM source code is provided as part of the
"Libs & Source" registered version of the MCOMM software
package. Linkable libraries are provided with the "Libs Only"
registered version of MCOMM. None of the source code or
libraries that are part of the registered version of MCOMM may
be distributed, neither may they be incorporated in whole or
in part into a competing software product without a written
license agreement. Competing software products are products
that are not end user programs themselves, such as "Your
Serial Library", and products that directly compete with TXZM
(fully developed terminal programs, BBS systems, and similar
considered competing products).
The license agreement requirement for commercial use of
the EXECUTABLE VERSION ONLY (TXZM.EXE) does not apply to
governmental, educational, church, civic, or non-profit
organizations. This does not waive restrictions that apply to
the source code for those organizations.
MCOMM is a serial communications library for Microsoft C,
Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, and Zortech C/C++. It also will
work with any other C compiler or language that supports
Microsoft C calling conventions. Some of the features of
MCOMM are:
- Fully interrupt driven
- 16550 FIFO mode support
- Baud rates up to 115200 baud
- Supports definitions for any comm port that operates on
IRQs 2 through 15 at any address
- Supports simultaneous operation of 4 ports
- Written in assembler for maximum speed and minimum code
- Advanced features such as block transmit and receive,
XON/XOFF and hardware flow control, receive buffer look
ahead, definable ring buffer sizes and location, ...
Also included with MCOMM is a set of ANSI capable video
functions that support windowed output, save/restore screen
functions, timer functions, and miscellaneous other code. The
current shareware version of MCOMM is MCOMM600.ZIP. It
includes a complete small model LIB, TXZM (partial source,
rest as libs), and both a C and C++ demo terminal program.
The registered version is available as either "Libs only" or
"Libs & Source". The "Libs Only" version is $25 and includes
libraries for all memory models. The "Libs & Source" version
is $45 and comes with both libraries and all source code. See
the MCOMM order form.
TXZM has 3 modes of operation. These are command line
send, command line receive, and terminal mode. Running TXZM
with no command line parameters will list available TXZM
Specifying the serial port:
TXZM directly supports COM1 through COM4, however COM3 and
COM4 on older hardware may not match what is considered
standard. The -c switch (described below) may be used for
non-standard configurations of COM3 and COM4 or to force TXZM
to recognize a custom port. For standard versions of COM1-4,
use "txzm com#" where '#' is 1-4.
TXZM switches:
-u Start in terminal mode. Terminal mode may be started
either before or after a CONNECT is made. It has a
limited set of functions (dial, upload, download).
-r Start in receive mode. This switch must come last on
the command line if it is used. It may be followed by
an optional subdirectory if the files are to down-
loaded to a specific location. The -r switch may be
used in conjunction with the -u switch to specify a
download directory. When used with the -u switch,
TXZM starts in mini-terminal mode.
-s Start up in send mode. This must be the last switch
on the command line and be followed by the filename(s)
to be sent. The filename list may contain wild cards.
The send function will recurs subdirectories if the
filename specifications are placed in parenthesis.
Placing filenames in parenthesis to recurs
subdirectories also works in mini-terminal mode.
-p Send or accept complete pathnames. This option, used
in conjunction with the -r option, will cause TXZM to
accept complete pathname information in the received
filename. Without it, only the root name and extension
of the filename are used. If the received filename
specifies a directory that does not exist, it will be
created. If a download directory was specified (-r
dlpath), the subdirectories will be created under
When used with the -s switch, the -p switch will cause
filenames to be sent with complete path information.
Per zmodem specifications, only the path is sent (no
drive identifiers). Without the -p switch only the
file's root name and extension are sent. This applies
even if recursing subdirectories.
-b#### Specify the CONNECT baud rate. The CONNECT baud
rate is used to determine estimated file transfer
times. TXZM currently will not adjust to a CONNECT
rate when initially making the connection. Unless a
locked baud rate is used (-l), you must dial using the
baud rate you will CONNECT at. If the connection is
already established, and neither -l or -b is given,
TXZM will open the port using the baud rate it is
currently operating at.
-l#### Set a locked baud rate. Use this option to set a
fixed computer to modem baud rate. The -b option may
be used with the -l option to specify both the
computer to modem rate and the modem to line rate.
-chhh,# Specify a non-standard port configuration. TXZM
will work with any port addresfrom 000h to 3f8h and
IRQs 2-15. Replace 'hhh' with the port address in hex
and '#'ith the IRQ to be used. For example, to use a
port at I/O address 2E8h that uses IRQ 5, use "txzm
-h Use hardware flow control (RTS/CTS). This is required
for modems that use a locked baud rate.
-i Ignore absence of carrier detect signal. Use this
switch when using TXZM to transfer files between
systems connected with a null modem cable. (TXZM only
requires the Rx, Tx, and Gnd wires to be connected).
-v Disable serial I/O during disk writes. Use this
option if errors occur when the received data is
written to disk. This should only be necessary when
operating at high baud rates with no 16550 UART or the
file is being downloaded to a floppy. The -v option
also expands the disk buffer to 20K bytes to maintain
a higher level of efficiency.
-e# Set duplicate file handling option. This option
determines what happens if an attempt is made to
download a file that already exists. The following
choices are available:
-e0 Skip the file -- do not download.
-e1 Resume the transfer at the end of current file.
This is the default.
-e2 Create a duplicate file name and download the
file as a separate file.
-e3 Overwrite the existing file.
-w#### Sets the maximum bytes that may be in transit at
any one time (transmit window size). This must be a
multiple of 128.
-x Escape all control characters. This option causes the
characters between 00h and 20h, 80h and A0h, 7Fh, &
FFh to be ZDLE escaped. Zmodem automatically escapes
XON, XOFF, ZDLE (CAN), DLE, and "<CR>@<CR>" sequences.
The -x option is for networks that do not pass other
control characters.
-x# As an option, a specific list of control characters to
escape may be given. For example to only ZDLE escape
the ESC character (27 decimal or 1B hex) and
ESC+parity (145 decimal or 9B hex) and let all other
control characters pass unaltered, use: -x27,145.
-6 Force use of 16 bit CRC. The default is 32 bit CRC.
This option does not show up on the help screen (ran
out of room).
-7 Strip high bit from received characters in terminal
-0 Use BIOS screen writes. This only works in command
line mode. Mini-terminal still does direct writes.
-q Run in DesqView mode. This option makes TXZM DesqView
aware meaning it writes to DesqView's video buffer
rather straight into video memory. It also causes
TXZM to release its time slice when it is idle.
-y Added in version 2.25. Allows overriding the received
filename on Zmodem receives. Ex:
txzm -y THISNAME.ZIP -r
The above line would cause the received file to be
called "THISNAME.ZIP" rather than the name sent by
the sender. This option does not show on the help
-$ Added in version 2.30. Sets "quiet mode" when doing
file transfers. With this option set, the display of
the zmodem transfer screen and transfer stats are
disabled. This option does not show on the help
16550 related switches:
-d Do not enable 16550 FIFO mode. Normally TXZM
automatically enables FIFO mode. If you are using a
Western Digital 16550 UART at lower baud rates you may
need to use this option. The WDC16550 UART doesn't
work in FIFO mode at low baud rates. If you have a
16550 and don't know if it is a Western Digital but
get Garbled Packet errors when attempting to start a
transfer, try this option. The National Semiconductor
16550 (NS16550A) works at all baud rates in FIFO mode.
-t# Maximum characters to send to 16550 FIFOs per
interrupt. This may be between 1 and 16. The default
is 8. A lower value may be required for modems that
used a locked baud rate, hardware flow control, and
have a small internal buffer. 8 works fine with USRs.
-m Disable modem status register interrupts. This option
is another patch to accommodate Western Digital's
version of the 16550. Some WDC16550s lock up if the
modem status lines (CTS, CD, etc.) are not connected
to a driving signal. This could happen if the serial
or null modem cable being used does not have all
signal lines connected (very possible with a null
modem cable). Using -m prevents this problem. It
also disables hardware flow control and carrier
detect, however, so if you require either of these and
have a WDC16550 you must use a cable with all
appropriate lines connected.
txzm -p -s (c:\) // send all files on drive C -- include
// complete path information
txzm -p -r // accept complete pathnames -- if path
// does not exist, create it
txzm -p -r d:\temp // accept complete pathnames but put files
// and created directories under D:\TEMP
txzm -r // receive to current directory, if path
// information is received it is ignored
txzm -s (\project\*.c) (\project\*.h) // Sends all .c and .h
// files in the subdir PROJECT and all subs
// under project. Does not send pathnames.
txzm -u -r \dnlds // start in mini-terminal mode, received
// files are placed in "\dnlds" directory
txzm com2 -u // mini-terminal mode, use COM2
txzm -l38400 -b9600 -h -s file1.zip file2.zip
// 38400 baud locked rate, 9600 CONNECT,
// hardware handshake, send file list
txzm -b2400 -u // 2400 baud, mini-terminal mode
txzm -c2e0,15 -r // custom serial port at 2E0h on IRQ15,
// use current baud rate, receive
txzm com2 -b115200 i u // 115200 baud, ignore carrier detect,
// mini-terminal mode
txzm -e2 -r // COM1, current baud rate, receive, create
// duplicate name if file exists
txzm -s @filelist // send all files listed in "filelist"
// the name "filelist" is an example only
Other than the -r and -s switches that must appear last on
the command line if used, neither case nor switch order are
significant. Also you may use a '/' instead of a '-' or no
switch identifier at all. Ex: "txzm i E2 -u /b2400 r" is legal
TXZM is faster than any other zmodem protocol driver I am
aware of. It will run at 95% efficiency in both send and
receive modes at 115200 baud on an 8 MHz 286 with a 16550 UART.
This translates to an effective throughput of 110 Kbps. In a PC
Magazine (Apr 91) article reviewing various communications
software packages, the BEST zmodem operated at less than 50 Kbps
when tested at 115200 baud on the same type of equipment (8 Mhz
286's with 16550 UARTs). TXZM is over twice as fast. The
review covered several well known shareware and commercial
TXZM was also tested on a 4.77 MHz 8088 laptop that
contained the functional equivalent of a 16450 UART (no FIFOs)
and a 4.77 MHz IBM XT (true blue IBM) that had 16550 UARTs
installed. On the laptop system TXZM could send most
efficiently at 23040 baud and receive most efficiently at 28800
baud. The XT, with 16550 UARTs, could receive at a full 38400
baud but with the baud rate set to 38400 could only achieve an
effective throughput rate of around 35000 baud. The tests were
performed using the systems' hard drives (original slow hard
drives), not a RAM disk, which also had some impact on speed.
With 16550 UART's, TXZM could very effectively work a high speed
modem (HST, V.32, or V.32bis) even on a slow 4.77 MHz computer.
If you compare the CPS rating stated by TXZM and other
programs, you may find TXZM reporting slightly lower rates.
This is due to a difference in the calculation method TXZM uses
only. Many other progams appear to fudge a little bit on their
statistics. At lower speeds or on fast CPUs all Zmodem drivers
will run about the same. The speed difference shows up when the
system is under a load such as with extremely high baud rates or
moderately high baud rates on slow CPUs.
TXZM now recognizes the TXZMLOG environment variable and
will create a log file with the same format as the one created
by DSZ if DSZLOG is set. This was added primarily to support
BBS software that uses DSZLOG format log files to track
downloads, efficiency, etc. If all you want is a log file you
can set TXZMLOG only. If you are using BBS software that looks
for a DSZLOG variable, you will have to also set DSZLOG to the
same value as TXZMLOG. Ex:
I did not use DSZLOG to avoid infringing on any non-public
domain features of DSZ. If you want to patch your personal copy
of TXZM to use DSZLOG directly rather than TXZMLOG, you can use
a utility such as Norton Utilities or PC Tools to scan TXZM.EXE
for the string "TXZMLOG" and change it to "DSZLOG". This is
only patch you are authorized to make. DO NOT under ANY
circumstances distribute ANY modified version.
It is also now possible to specify a file that contains a
list of the files to be sent. This is also primarily for BBS
support. To use this option precede the file containing the
list of files with an '@' sign. The files may be separated by
any valid whitespace characters including spaces, tabs, carriage
returns, line feeds, etc.
The -q option has been added as of version 2.10 for BBS
operators who run under DesqView. It causes TXZM to not mess up
the video and also to release CPU time when it is waiting for
characters or for the transmit buffer to empty.
The -0 option will disable direct screen writes if you are
using command line send or command line receive options. All
screen writes will be done through BIOS calls. Mini-terminal
mode does direct writes even with the -0 option specified. -0
does not appear on the help screen.
BBS sysops may also use TXZM free (even if you charge for
access to your system).
2.41 Working version of 2.40b below. IRQs 8-15 now work. So
do the fixes for Delphi.
2.40b Released only as a limited beta version and can cause
problems. Added support for IRQs 8-15 (but it didn't
work). Some of these are used by the system software so
make sure to pick a free one. Made two changes to the
core functions to enable zmodem uploads to the Delphi
information service to work properly.
2.31 Some early PCI motherboards (mine, for instance) use a
chip set that causes the serial port to lock up when
FIFO mode is enabled. 2.31 detects this problem and
unlocks the port (transparent to the user). Also
changed dial function so it will recognize "CARRIER" as
a valid connect string.
2.30 Finalized version of the 2.26b. Also 1) modified the
routine that captures the CONNECT rate so that it works
with the higher speed modems (V.FAST), 2) added a "quiet
mode" of operation (see -$ flag) that disables the
zmodem transfer display screen, and 3) added the ability
to specify a modem init string and the dial prefix
string via the TXZMDIAL.DIR. See TXZMDIAL.DIR for more
2.26b Added an optional dialing directory for miniterm mode.
The dialing directory is an ASCII text file (you create)
that TXZM looks for when the program first loads (see
TXZMDIAL.DIR for an example of how to set up the
directory). Also changed the CPS calculation routine to
make it display correctly when running under DesqView.
2.25 Fixed the "-c" (custom comport switch). Added -y
(override received filename) switch.
2.24 Fixed a problem with the "recurse subdirectories" option
and also corrected a problem that caused TXZM to not
work right when running it in a DOS box under OS/2.
2.22 Recompiled using a different version of the MCOMM
communications driver.
2.21 Fixed a divide by zero error that occasionally occurred on
restarted file transfers.
2.20 Added support for Doorway mode (ALT = toggles it on and
off). Added support for BBSs that autodetect ANSI
capable programs. Added -7 switch to enable stripping
high bit when in terminal mode.
2.14 Minor changes so code will compile without warnings
using BC++ 3.0 and so that TXZM would automatically
trigger a Qmodem download (Qmodem requires an "rz\r" as
well as the INIT packet -- most programs trip on the
INIT packet alone). Also modified the -n (BBS support
option) so that it took the name of a Maximus or Opus
style LASTUSER.BBS filename rather than a node number.
Modified FIFO usage so that TXZM set FIFO buffers to 1
in terminal mode and 8 when sending files (corrects
jerky display at low baud rates).
2.10 Changed name to TXZM from ZMP. The ZMPLOG environment
variable is now TXZMLOG. Found out somebody else
already had a ZMP in CP/M days. Added DesqView aware
option. Fixed Dial Command so that it looked at the
connect baud rate and adjusted accordingly. Fixed Redial
Command to continually dial until a connect was made or
ESC pressed. Added F1 for help key. Added ALT-P so the
modem parameters could be changed manually, ALT-C so the
screen could be cleared, and ALT-= for Doorway mode
2.00 First non-beta version. Added a capture file. Fixed a
minor problem with the -0 option.
1.21 Added support for specifying files to send in a file
that contains a list of the filenames. Added -0
option (disable direct screen writes in command mode).
1.20 Fixed bug introduced in version 1.19 that caused a
divide by zero error if the total bytes to be sent was
between 1 and 18. Added ZMPLOG environment variable.
1.19 Corrected bugs in the -w and -x options. Fixed problem
with negative CPS rates showing up when more than 11
megabytes were sent. Added the -6 switch.
1.17 Fixed double backslash in pathnames when downloading
while in the root directory (couldn't DL to root).
1.16 Added support for send and receive of complete pathnames
and creation of subdirectories. This allows duplication
of entire drives or subdirectories through the serial
1.10 16 bit CRC mode now really does work. TXZM102 was
supposed to have fixed it but didn't.
1.02 Fixed bug in 16 bit CRC mode (I thought). Fixed minor error
in ZRPOS handler. The sender now sends a ZCRCW packet when an
error occurs rather than a ZCRCG. This conforms with Chuck
Forsberg's Zmodem specification.
1.01 Fixed bug in ZRPOS handler. This bug occasionally
caused TXZM to trash the screen and lock up when a ZRPOS
was received.
Optimized the code. TXZM will now operate at 115200
baud at 95% efficiency on an 8MHz 286 (approx 11100 cps
-- 2 meg in 3 mins). A 16550 UART is required to obtain
high speed operation.
In mini-term mode, PGDN puts TXZM in receive mode in
case the sender's ZRQINIT was missed. Previously it
relied on the incoming ZRQINIT to trigger receive mode.
It now works either way.
Added a '-v' switch. This switch disables overlaying
disk and serial I/O. It also expands the receive file
buffer to 20K bytes. The result is 20K of data is
received, serial I/O pauses, the 20K is written to disk,
a ZACK is sent, and the sender resumes sending.