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459 lines
# ufgate.ctl
# Author: John Galvin
# Date: 22-May-1987
# Purpose: configuration file for ufgate.
# $Id: ufgate.ctl 1.6 88/09/22 16:45:12 galvin Exp $
# $Log: ufgate.ctl $
# Revision 1.6 88/09/22 16:45:12 galvin
# Removed remaining documentation as the latest version of
# the manual now includes equivalent information.
# Revision 1.5 88/07/18 11:31:42 galvin
# Removed extraneous documentation, since we now have a manual.
# Revision 1.2 88/07/05 03:51:12 galvin
# Added documentation for Forward. Removed UUCPAlias.
# Revision 1.1 88/07/04 10:38:43 galvin
# Initial revision
# These programs support UUCP/Usenet to FidoNet gateways for IBM PC
# compatible computers running one or more of the following FidoNet
# compatible mail systems: Fido, Opus, and/or SEAdog.
# Fido and FidoNet are trademarks of Tom Jennings. Thanks TJ!
# SEA and SEAdog are trademarks of System Enhancement Associates, Inc.
# IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.
# Node information:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# System <system type>
#System SEAdog # SEAdog v4 Mail node, no BBS available
System Opus_v0.00 # Opus v0.00 - v1.03b BBS
#System Opus # Opus version 1.10 BBS
#System Fido_v11w # Fido BBS up to version 11w
#System Fido_v12e # Fido v12e BBS
#System Fido # Fido v12g BBS
#System TBBS # not yet supported
# Baud <baud rate>
Baud 1200 # baud rate of the host FidoNet mail system
# Node [[<zone>:]<net>/]<node>[.<point>]
Node 1:121/1 # net/node number of Fido, Opus, or SEAdog node
# Aka [[<zone>:]<net>/]<node>[.<point>]
Aka 0 # alternate net/node numbers...
# DomainName <domain name>
# NodeName <uucp name> [FULLNAME <domain name>] [[ALIAS <name>]...]
NodeName circle Alias circle.UUCP Alias circle.IFNA.ORG
# Organization <organization name and info>
Organization "The First Circle BBS, Madison WI (608) 249-0275"
# BangPath <uucp path to get here>
BangPath ...!uwvax!geowhiz!circle
# SMailPath <bang path to smart mailer>
SMailPath geowhiz!uwvax
# UucpHost <uucp name> [FULLNAME <domain name>] [[ALIAS <name>]...] \
UucpHost geowhiz NEWS SMAIL # uucp name of my mail/news feed
UucpHost uwspan
# Send <uucp name> <newsgroup> [<newsgroup>...]
Send geowhiz all
# ModemInit <initialization string>
ModemInit ATS0=1|
# ModemEnd <de-initialization string>
ModemEnd ATS0=0|
# DialPrefix <modem dial command>
DialPrefix ATDT
# DialSuffix <end of modem dial command>
DialSuffix |
# User Information:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# FidoAlias <name> <user name> <fido address> [signature file]
FidoAlias sysop Sysop local c:/etc/galvin.sig
FidoAlias postmaster "John Galvin" local c:/etc/galvin.sig
FidoAlias galvin "John Galvin" local c:/etc/galvin.sig
FidoAlias plocher "John Plocher" local
FidoAlias pax "Garry Paxinos" 369/6
FidoAlias pozar "Tim Pozar" 125/406
FidoAlias rat "David Douthitt" local c:/etc/douthitt.sig
FidoAlias almasy "Ed Almasy" local c:/etc/almasy.sig
# Forward <user name> <address> [<address> ...]
Forward "John Plocher" plocher@uport.UUCP
Forward "Rich Fritzson" fritzson@prc.unisys.com
Forward ufgate "John Plocher" "Rich Fritzson" ufgate ben@geowhiz yoyo
Forward yoyo ttang@puff.UUCP ufgate plocher@puff.UUCP yoyo2
Forward yoyo2 ufgate yoyo "John Plocher"
# Gateway Information:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Gateway [user]
Gateway "Uucp" # user to debit for outgoing mail/news
# Files:
# ~~~~~
# Debug <file>
#Debug c:/seadog/debug.log # name of the debugging log file
# Log <file>
Log c:/seadog/ufgate.log # name of log file
# Signature <file>
Signature c:/etc/default.sig # signature file appended to all
# outgoing news and mail
# Directories:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~
# The directories for the Spool, Save, and Orphans commands
# should all be different, otherwise problems occurr.
# Mail <dir>
Mail c:/bbs/messages/e-mail
# Files <dir>
Files c:/bbs/files/e-mail
# Attach <directory> [<directory>...]
Attach c:/bbs/files/uploads
# Spool <dir>
Spool c:/usr/spool/uucp
# Save <dir> [MAILIN] [NEWSIN] [ALL]
Save c:/usr/spool/save MAILIN
# Orphans <dir> [MAILIN] [NEWSIN]
Orphans c:/usr/spool/orphans # where to save orphans
# BBSFiles <dir>
BBSFiles c:/bbs/system # where the fido/opus/SEAdog system files are
# Arcing: (Buerg's ARCA required)
# ~~~~~~
# Arc { [Save] [Orphans] [Fido] [Text] [All] }
#Arc Text Save Orphans # arc the dir types specified
# Expiration of News Articles:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Expire <daysold> [KEEP <number of messages>] <dir1> [<dir>...]
Expire 30 KEEP 10 \
c:/bbs/news/comp/newprod \
c:/bbs/news/misc/jobs/misc \
c:/bbs/news/misc/jobs/offered \
c:/bbs/news/news/announce/important \
c:/bbs/news/news/announce/newusers \
Expire 5 KEEP 10 \
c:/bbs/news/general/na \
c:/bbs/news/general/wi \
c:/bbs/news/general/usa \
c:/bbs/news/general/uw \
c:/bbs/news/news/admin \
c:/bbs/news/news/lists \
c:/bbs/news/news/misc \
c:/bbs/news/news/newsites \
Expire 5 KEEP 25 \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/ada \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/cplus \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/forth \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/lisp \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/modula2 \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/pascal \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/prolog \
c:/bbs/news/comp/mail/headers \
c:/bbs/news/comp/mail/uucp \
Expire 3 KEEP 25 \
c:/bbs/news/comp/arch \
c:/bbs/news/comp/dcom/lans \
c:/bbs/news/comp/dcom/modems \
c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/c \
c:/bbs/news/comp/os/minix \
c:/bbs/news/comp/softeng \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/bugs \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/wanted \
c:/bbs/news/misc/forsale \
c:/bbs/news/misc/headline \
c:/bbs/news/sci/crypt \
c:/bbs/news/sci/space \
Expire 2 KEEP 20 \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/amiga \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/apple \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/atarist \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/ibmpc \
c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/mac \
c:/bbs/news/comp/unix \
c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/uport \
c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/question \
c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/wizards \
c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/xenix \
c:/bbs/news/comp/windows/x \
c:/bbs/news/rec/games/hack \
c:/bbs/news/rec/games/misc \
c:/bbs/news/rec/games/rogue \
c:/bbs/news/rec/humor/funny \
c:/bbs/news/rec/nude \
c:/bbs/news/soc/college \
c:/bbs/news/soc/politics \
c:/bbs/news/soc/politics/arms-d \
# News Article Handling:
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# HistCycle <days>
HistCycle 3
# Text <dir> <newsgroup1> [[group]...]
Text c:/bbs/news/comp/binaries/ibmpc comp.binaries.ibm.pc
Text c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/games comp.sources.games
Text c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/misc comp.sources.misc
Text c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/unix comp.sources.unix
Text c:/bbs/news/comp/mail/maps comp.mail.maps
# Fido <dir> <newsgroup1> [[group]...]
Fido c:/bbs/news/general/na na.general
Fido c:/bbs/news/general/wi wi.general
Fido c:/bbs/news/general/usa usa.general
Fido c:/bbs/news/general/uw uw.general
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/arch comp.arch
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/dcom/lans comp.dcom.lans
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/dcom/modems comp.dcom.modems
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/ada comp.lang.ada
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/c comp.lang.c
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/cplus comp.lang.c++
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/forth comp.lang.forth
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/lisp comp.lang.lisp
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/modula2 comp.lang.modula2
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/pascal comp.lang.pascal
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/lang/prolog comp.lang.prolog
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/mail/headers comp.mail.headers
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/mail/uucp comp.mail.uucp
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/newprod comp.newprod
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/os/minix comp.os.minix
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/softeng comp.software-eng
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/bugs comp.sources.bugs
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sources/wanted comp.sources.wanted
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/std/c comp.std.c
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/amiga comp.sys.amiga
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/apple comp.sys.apple
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/atarist comp.sys.atari.st
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/ibmpc comp.sys.ibm.pc
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/sys/mac comp.sys.mac
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/unix comp.unix
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/uport comp.unix.uport
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/question comp.unix.questions
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/wizards comp.unix.wizards
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/unix/xenix comp.unix.xenix
Fido c:/bbs/news/comp/windows/x comp.windows.x
Fido c:/bbs/news/misc/forsale misc.forsale
Fido c:/bbs/news/misc/headline misc.headlines
Fido c:/bbs/news/misc/jobs/misc misc.jobs.misc
Fido c:/bbs/news/misc/jobs/offered misc.jobs.offered
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/admin news.admin
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/announce/important news.announce.important
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/announce/newusers news.announce.newusers
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/groups news.groups
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/lists news.lists
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/misc news.misc
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/newsites news.newsites
Fido c:/bbs/news/news/sysadmin news.sysadmin
Fido c:/bbs/news/rec/games/hack rec.games.hack
Fido c:/bbs/news/rec/games/misc rec.games.misc
Fido c:/bbs/news/rec/games/rogue rec.games.rogue
Fido c:/bbs/news/rec/humor/funny rec.humor.funny
Fido c:/bbs/news/rec/nude rec.nude
Fido c:/bbs/news/sci/crypt sci.crypt
Fido c:/bbs/news/sci/space sci.space
Fido c:/bbs/news/sci/space/shuttle sci.space.shuttle
Fido c:/bbs/news/soc/college soc.college
Fido c:/bbs/news/soc/politics soc.politics
Fido c:/bbs/news/soc/politics/arms-d soc.politics.arms-d
Fido c:/bbs/news/soc/singles soc.singles
# Trash <newsgroup1> [[group]...]
Trash comp.ai comp.ai.digest comp.ai.neural-nets comp.ai.nlang-know-rep \
comp.binaries.amiga comp.binaries.atari.st comp.binaries.mac \
comp.bugs.2bsd comp.bugs.4bsd comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes \
comp.bugs.misc comp.bugs.sys5 comp.cog-eng comp.compilers \
comp.databases comp.dcom.telecom comp.doc comp.doc.techreports \
comp.edu comp.emacs comp.graphics comp.graphics.digest \
comp.hypercube comp.lang.apl comp.lang.fortran comp.lang.misc \
comp.lang.postscript comp.lang.scheme comp.lang.smalltalk \
comp.laser-printers comp.lsi comp.mail.elm comp.mail.mh \
comp.mail.misc comp.misc comp.org.decus comp.org.fidonet \
comp.org.usenix comp.os.cpm comp.os.eunice comp.os.misc comp.os.os9 \
comp.os.research comp.os.vms comp.os.xinu comp.periphs \
comp.protocols.appletalk comp.protocols.ibm comp.protocols.iso \
comp.protocols.kermit comp.protocols.misc comp.protocols.tcp-ip \
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc comp.risks comp.society \
comp.society.futures comp.sources.amiga comp.sources.atari.st \
comp.sources.d comp.sources.mac comp.std.internat comp.std.misc \
comp.std.mumps comp.std.unix comp.sys.apollo comp.sys.atari.8bit \
comp.sys.att comp.sys.cbm comp.sys.celerity comp.sys.dec \
comp.sys.dec.micro comp.sys.encore comp.sys.hp \
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt comp.sys.intel \
comp.sys.m6809 comp.sys.m68k comp.sys.m68k.pc comp.sys.mac.digest \
comp.sys.mac.hypercard comp.sys.masscomp comp.sys.misc \
comp.sys.nsc.32k comp.sys.proteon comp.sys.pyramid comp.sys.ridge \
comp.sys.sequent comp.sys.sgi comp.sys.sun comp.sys.tahoe \
comp.sys.tandy comp.sys.ti comp.sys.transputer comp.sys.workstations \
comp.sys.xerox comp.sys.zenith.z100 comp.terminals comp.text \
comp.text.desktop comp.theory.info-retrieval comp.unix.ultrix \
comp.windows.misc comp.windows.news misc.consumers \
misc.consumers.house misc.handicap misc.invest misc.jobs.resumes \
misc.kids misc.legal misc.misc misc.psi misc.security misc.taxes \
misc.test misc.wanted news.announce.conferences news.config \
news.software.b news.software.notes news.stargate rec.arts.anime \
rec.arts.books rec.arts.comics rec.arts.drwho rec.arts.int-fiction \
rec.arts.movies rec.arts.movies.reviews rec.arts.poems \
rec.arts.sf-lovers rec.arts.startrek rec.arts.tv rec.arts.tv.soaps \
rec.arts.wobegon rec.audio rec.autos rec.autos.tech rec.aviation \
rec.bicycles rec.birds rec.boats rec.equestrian rec.food.cooking \
rec.food.drink rec.food.recipes rec.food.veg rec.games.board \
rec.games.bridge rec.games.chess rec.games.empire rec.games.frp \
rec.games.go rec.games.pbm rec.games.programmer rec.games.trivia \
rec.games.video rec.gardens rec.guns rec.ham-radio \
rec.ham-radio.packet rec.humor rec.humor.d rec.humor.spc rec.mag \
rec.mag.otherrealms rec.misc rec.models.rc rec.motorcycles \
rec.music.beatles rec.music.classical rec.music.folk rec.music.gaffa \
rec.music.gdead rec.music.makers rec.music.misc rec.music.synth \
rec.pets rec.photo rec.puzzles rec.railroad rec.scuba rec.skiing \
rec.skydiving rec.sport.baseball rec.sport.basketball \
rec.sport.football rec.sport.hockey rec.sport.misc rec.travel \
rec.video rec.woodworking sci.astro sci.bio sci.electronics sci.lang \
sci.lang.japan sci.math sci.math.stat sci.math.symbolic sci.med \
sci.med.aids sci.misc sci.philosophy.tech sci.physics sci.research \
soc.culture.african soc.culture.china soc.culture.celtic \
soc.culture.greek soc.culture.indian soc.culture.japan \
soc.culture.jewish soc.culture.misc soc.human-nets soc.men soc.misc \
soc.motss soc.net-people soc.religion.christian soc.roots soc.women \
talk.abortion talk.bizarre talk.origins talk.philosophy.misc \
talk.politics.misc talk.politics.theory talk.religion.misc \
talk.religion.newage talk.rumors