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/* s e c u r i t y . c */
/* */
/* Security routines for UUPC/extended */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1991, Andrew H. Derbyshire */
/* See README.PRN for additional copyrights and restrictions */
/* RCS Information */
* $Header: E:\SRC\UUPC\LIB\RCS\SECURITY.C 1.3 1992/11/22 20:58:55 ahd Exp $
* Revision history:
* $Log: SECURITY.C $
* Revision 1.3 1992/11/22 20:58:55 ahd
* Normalize directories as read
* Use strpool to allocate const strings
* Revision 1.2 1992/11/19 02:57:31 ahd
* drop rcsid
* Revision 1.1 1992/11/16 05:00:26 ahd
* Initial revision
/* System include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h> /* Only really needed for MS C */
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <direct.h>
/* UUPC/extended include files */
#include "lib.h"
#include "hostable.h"
#include "security.h"
#include "usertabl.h"
#include "expath.h"
#include "hlib.h"
/* Local defines */
static boolean InitEntry( char *buf, const char *fname);
static size_t InitDir( char *directories,
const REMOTE_ACCESS access,
const boolean grant,
struct HostSecurity *anchor,
size_t max_elements );
int dircmp( const void *a , const void *b );
/* Global varables */
struct HostSecurity *securep = NULL;
static struct HostSecurity *default_security = NULL;
static char drive[] = "C:";
/* L o a d S e c u r i t y */
/* */
/* Initialize security processing; returns TRUE if security */
/* initialized, otherewise FALSE */
boolean LoadSecurity( void )
char fname[FILENAME_MAX];
char buffer[BUFSIZ*4]; /* Allows around 2K for the data */
struct HostTable *hostp;
FILE *stream;
/* Generate a filename for the permissions file and open it */
mkfilename(fname, E_confdir, PERMISSIONS);
stream = FOPEN( fname, "r", TEXT);
if ( stream == NULL ) /* Did the file open? */
{ /* No --> Report failure to caller */
printerr( fname );
return FALSE;
} /* ( stream == NULL ) */
/* Get current drive for normalizing names */
getcwd( buffer, sizeof buffer );
*drive = *buffer;
/* Begin processing the PERMISSIONS file */
while ( !feof( stream ) )
char *next = buffer;
/* Build up the buffer to be processed */
*next = '\0';
while( fgets( next, sizeof buffer - strlen(next), stream ) != NULL)
if ((*next == '#') || (*next == '\n'))
*next = '\0';
next = next + strlen( next ) - 1;
if (*next == '\n')
*next-- = '\0';
else if (!feof( stream )) /* Did we hit EOF? */
{ /* No --> Presume the buffer overflowed*/
printmsg(0,"LoadSecurity: buffer overflow while reading %s",
fclose( stream );
return FALSE;
while( isspace( *next )) /* Dump trailing white space */
*next-- = '\0';
if (*next == '\\')
*next = '\0';
} /* while( fgets( next, sizeof available, stream )) != NULL)) */
/* Done read the data; verify we had no errors */
if (ferror( stream ))
printerr( fname );
clearerr( stream );
return FALSE;
} /* if */
/* Build entries for one permissions entry */
printmsg(10,"Buffer is \"%s\"", buffer );
if ((*next != '\0') && !InitEntry( buffer , fname))
fclose( stream );
return FALSE;
} /* while ( !feof( stream ) ) */
/* Initialize local host entry */
hostp = checkname( E_nodename );
if ( hostp == NULL )
hostp->hsecure = malloc( sizeof *hostp->hsecure );
checkref( hostp->hsecure );
memset( hostp->hsecure , '\0', sizeof *hostp->hsecure);
/* Clear pointers */
hostp->hsecure->local = TRUE;
/* Return to caller */
fclose( stream );
return TRUE;
} /* LoadSecurity */
/* I n i t i a l i z e E n t r y */
/* */
/* Initialize a single permissions file entry */
static boolean InitEntry( char *buf, const char *fname)
/* Configuration variables */
static char *myname, *validate, *commands;
static char *callback, *xpubdir, *machine, *noread, *nowrite;
static char *request, *read, *sendfiles, *write, *logname;
static CONFIGTABLE securetable[] = {
{ "callback", &callback, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "commands", &commands, B_CLIST | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "logname", &logname, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "machine", &machine, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT | B_MALLOC } ,
{ "myname", &myname, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "pubdir", &xpubdir, B_PATH | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "noread", &noread, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT | B_MALLOC } ,
{ "nowrite", &nowrite, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT | B_MALLOC } ,
{ "read", &read, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT | B_MALLOC} ,
{ "request", &request, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "sendfiles", &sendfiles, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "validate", &validate, B_CLIST | B_UUXQT } ,
{ "write", &write, B_TOKEN | B_UUXQT | B_MALLOC } ,
{ nil(char) }
}; /* securetable */
struct HostSecurity *anchor = malloc( sizeof *anchor );
/* Default list of allowed commands */
static char *command_list[] = { "rmail", "rnews" , NULL } ;
/* Other variables */
boolean success = TRUE;
char *token = buf;
char *parameter;
struct UserTable *userp;
struct HostTable *hostp;
size_t max_elements = 16;
/* Initialize the security structure */
checkref( anchor );
memset( anchor , '\0', sizeof *anchor); /* Clear pointers */
/* Initialize the table */
for (tptr = securetable; tptr->sym != nil(char); tptr++)
if (tptr->bits & (B_TOKEN | B_STRING | B_LIST| B_CLIST))
*(tptr->loc) = nil(char);
/* Parse the information in the table */
while ( (parameter = strtok( token, WHITESPACE )) != NULL)
token = strtok( NULL, ""); /* Save for next pass */
#ifdef _DEBUG
printmsg(8,"InitEntry: Parameter is \"%s\"", parameter);
if ( token != NULL )
printmsg(10,"InitEntry: Buffer remaining is \"%s\"", token);
if (!processconfig(parameter, SYSTEM_CONFIG,B_UUXQT,securetable,NULL))
"Unknown keyword \"%s\" in %s ignored",parameter, fname);
success = FALSE;
} /* if */
} /* while ( (parameter = strtok( token, WHITESPACE )) != NULL) */
anchor->commands = (char **) commands;
anchor->validate = (char **) validate;
/* Now we have the data procesed by keyword, break it down more */
if ((logname == NULL) && (machine == NULL))
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: No machine or logname given in %s",
fname );
success = FALSE;
} /* if ((logname == NULL) && (machine == NULL)) */
/* Handle a login name */
if (logname != NULL)
printmsg(10,"InitEntry: Processing logname=%s",logname );
userp = checkuser( logname );
if ( userp == BADUSER )
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Invalid user id in %s, LOGNAME=%s",
fname, logname );
success = FALSE;
} /* if ( userp == BADUSER ) */
else if (userp->hsecure == NULL)
userp->hsecure = anchor;
else {
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Duplicate user id in %s, LOGNAME=%s",
fname, logname );
success = FALSE;
} /* else */
} /* if (logname != NULL) */
/* Handle machine names */
token = machine;
while( token != NULL )
char *host = strtok( token, ":");
printmsg(10,"InitEntry: Processing machine=%s", host );
token = strtok( NULL, "");
if ( equal( host , ANY_HOST ) )
if ( default_security == NULL )
default_security = anchor;
else {
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: "
"Multiple MACHINE entries in %s which specify OTHER",
success = FALSE;
} /* else */
} /* if ( equal( host , ANY_HOST ) ) */
else {
hostp = checkreal( host );
if ( hostp == BADUSER )
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Invalid host id in %s, MACHINE=%s",
fname, host );
success = FALSE;
} /* if ( hostp == BADUSER ) */
else if (hostp->hsecure == NULL)
hostp->hsecure = anchor;
else {
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Duplicate host id in %s, MACHINE=%s",
fname, token );
success = FALSE;
} /* else */
} /* else */
} /* while( token != NULL ) */
if ( machine != NULL )
free( machine );
/* Handle validated names */
if ( anchor->validate != NULL )
char **plist = anchor->validate;
while ( *plist != NULL )
hostp = checkreal( *plist );
if ( hostp == BADUSER )
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Invalid host id in %s, VALIDATE=%s",
fname, *plist);
success = FALSE;
} /* if ( hostp == BADUSER ) */
hostp->anylogin = FALSE; /* Flag we must use specific
login */
plist++; /* Step to next hostname in list */
} /* while ( *plist != NULL ) */
} /* if ( anchor->validate != NULL ) */
/* Handle CALLBACK */
if ( callback != NULL )
if (equal(strlwr(callback),"no"))
anchor->callback = FALSE;
else if (equal(callback,"yes"))
anchor->callback = TRUE;
else {
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Invalid value in %s, CALLBACK=%s",
fname, callback );
success = FALSE;
} /* else */
} /* if ( callback != NULL ) */
/* Handle REQUEST */
if ( request != NULL )
if (equal(strlwr(request),"no"))
anchor->request = FALSE;
else if (equal(request,"yes"))
anchor->request = TRUE;
else {
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Invalid value in %s, REQUEST=%s",
fname, request );
success = FALSE;
} /* else */
} /* if ( request != NULL ) */
/* Handle SENDFILES */
if ( sendfiles != NULL)
if (equal(strlwr(sendfiles),"call"))
anchor->sendfiles = FALSE;
else if (equal(sendfiles,"yes"))
anchor->sendfiles = TRUE;
else {
printmsg(0,"InitEntry: Invalid value in %s, SENDFILES=%s",
fname, sendfiles );
success = FALSE;
} /* else */
} /* if */
/* handle commands */
if ( anchor->commands == NULL )
anchor->commands = command_list;
/* Handle local system name aliasing */
if (myname == NULL)
anchor->myname = E_nodename;
anchor->myname = myname;
/* Directory processing */
anchor->dirlist = malloc( sizeof anchor->dirlist[0] * max_elements );
checkref( anchor->dirlist );
max_elements = InitDir( read, ALLOW_READ, TRUE, anchor,
max_elements );
free( read );
max_elements = InitDir( noread, ALLOW_READ, FALSE, anchor,
max_elements );
free( noread );
max_elements = InitDir( write, ALLOW_WRITE, TRUE, anchor,
max_elements );
free( write );
max_elements = InitDir( nowrite, ALLOW_WRITE, FALSE, anchor,
max_elements );
free( nowrite );
/* Provide a default public directory */
if (xpubdir == NULL)
anchor->pubdir = E_pubdir;
anchor->pubdir = xpubdir;
/* If no explicit directories given, give them access to pubdir */
if ( anchor->dirsize == 0)
max_elements = InitDir( anchor->pubdir, ALLOW_READ, TRUE,
anchor, max_elements );
max_elements = InitDir( anchor->pubdir, ALLOW_WRITE, TRUE,
anchor, max_elements );
if ( max_elements == 0 )
success = FALSE;
else {
size_t subscript;
anchor->dirlist = realloc( anchor->dirlist,
anchor->dirsize * sizeof anchor->dirlist[0]);
checkref( anchor->dirlist );
qsort(anchor->dirlist, anchor->dirsize, sizeof(anchor->dirlist[0]),
if ( debuglevel > 4 )
for ( subscript = 0; subscript < anchor->dirsize; subscript++ )
printmsg(4, "InitEntry: dirlist[%d] %s\t%s\t%s",
anchor->dirlist[subscript].grant ? "grant" : "deny" ,
anchor->dirlist[subscript].priv == ALLOW_WRITE ?
"WRITE" : "READ" ,
anchor->dirlist[subscript].path );
} /* else */
/* Return to caller */
return success;
} /* InitEntry */
/* I n i t D i r */
/* */
/* Initialize security table directory entries */
static size_t InitDir( char *directories,
const REMOTE_ACCESS access,
const boolean grant,
struct HostSecurity *anchor,
size_t max_elements )
char *field = directories;
char *token = directories;
struct stat statbuf;
size_t subscript;
/* Don't process data if no input or we previously had an error */
if ( (directories == NULL ) || ( max_elements == 0) )
return max_elements;
/* Begin loop to process names in the path */
while ( (token = NextField( field )) != NULL)
char path[FILENAME_MAX];
if ( anchor->dirsize == max_elements )
max_elements = max_elements * 2;
anchor->dirlist = realloc( anchor->dirlist,
sizeof anchor->dirlist[0] * max_elements );
checkref( anchor->dirlist );
/* Normalize directory name */
strcpy( path, token);
if (isalpha(path[0]) && (path[1] != ':') && (strlen(path) == 2))
; /* Yup, do nothing for root drive names */
else if ( expand_path( path, ".", E_pubdir , NULL) == NULL )
printmsg(0, "Unable to expand path \"%s\"",path );
return 0;
} /* else */
field = newstr( normalize( path ));
/* Verify it really is a valid directory */
if ( strlen( field ) > 2 ) /* More than just drive/colon? (x:) */
{ /* Yes --> Go check disk for path */
if (stat(field , &statbuf) != 0)
return 0; /* Path is invalid, give up */
else if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == 0)
printmsg(0,"InitDir: \"%s\" is a file, not a directory",field);
return 0; /* Path is invalid, give up */
} /* if ( strlen( field ) > 2 ) */
/* Verify this directory not already in the list */
for (subscript = 0; subscript < anchor->dirsize ; subscript++)
if ( (access == anchor->dirlist[subscript].priv) &&
equali( field, anchor->dirlist[subscript].path))
printmsg(0,"InitDir: Duplicate directory %s/", field);
return 0;
} /* if */
} /* for */
/* No conflict, add this directory to the list */
printmsg(10,"InitDir: Adding \"%s\" as \"%s\"", token , field);
anchor->dirlist[subscript].path = field;
anchor->dirlist[subscript].priv = access;
anchor->dirlist[subscript].grant = grant;
field = NULL; /* Look at next field next pass */
} /* while ( (field = NextField( field )) != NULL) */
/* Return to caller */
return max_elements;
} /* InitDir */
/* d i r c m p */
/* */
/* */
/* Compares two directory structures for sorting */
int dircmp( const void *a , const void *b )
struct DIRLIST *x = (struct DIRLIST*) a;
struct DIRLIST *y = (struct DIRLIST*) b;
int result = strcmp(x->path, y->path);
if (result == 0)
result = ( x->priv < y->priv ) ? -1 : 1;
return result;
} /*dircmp*/
/* V a l i d a t e H o s t */
/* */
/* Determine that a host is allowed for a specific login */
boolean ValidateHost( const char *host )
char **target;
/* If this host has no security profile, reject the access */
if ( securep == NULL )
return FALSE;
/* If we allow any host on this user id, use it if the calling */
/* host is not supported any other profile */
target = securep->validate;
if ( target == NULL ) /* No validate list for this user? */
{ /* Correct --> Use if none for host */
struct HostTable *hostp = checkreal( host );
if ( hostp == BADHOST ) /* Host exist? */
panic(); /* No --> Internal error, abort */
return hostp->anylogin; /* Allow action if generic access
allowed for host */
} /* if ( target == NULL ) */
/* Determine if this host is allowed for this login */
while (*target != NULL)
if ( equal(*target++, host ))
return TRUE;
} /* (*target != NULL) */
/* We didn't find the host; reject it */
return FALSE;
} /* ValidateHost */
/* V a l i d a t e F i l e */
/* */
/* Allow or reject access to a file by name */
boolean ValidateFile( const char *input, /* Full path name */
const REMOTE_ACCESS needed )
char path[FILENAME_MAX];
char *column;
/* Validate the length of the name */
printmsg(5,"ValidateFile: Checking %s access for file \"%s\"",
(needed == ALLOW_WRITE) ? "WRITE" : "READ" , input);
if ( strlen( input ) >= sizeof path) /* Reject all invalid names*/
printmsg(0,"ValidateFile: Access rejected, name too long: %s",
return FALSE;
/* Validate format of name; we don't allow parent directories */
if ( strstr( input, "..") ) /* Games with parent dir? */
printmsg(0,"ValidateFile: Access rejected, name not normalized: %s",
return FALSE;
/* Validate the security table is okay */
if ( securep == NULL )
/* Handle local system */
if ( securep->local ) /* Local system? */
return TRUE; /* Yes --> Bless the request */
/* Determine if the user is allowed to request files */
if ((needed == ALLOW_READ) && !securep->request)
printmsg(0,"ValidateFile: access rejected, "
"REQUEST not enabled in permissions file");
return FALSE;
/* Copy path name */
if ( input[1] == ':' )
strcpy( path, input );
strcat( strcpy( path , drive ), input );
strlwr( path );
/* Locate the best file match for the path */
while( (column = strrchr( path, '/')) != NULL )
int lower = 0;
int upper = securep->dirsize - 1;
*column = '\0';
printmsg(10,"ValidateFile: Searching for %s", path);
while( lower <= upper )
int midpoint = (lower + upper) / 2;
int hit = strcmp(path, securep->dirlist[midpoint].path);
printmsg(10,"ValidateFile: Comparing %s and %s",
path, securep->dirlist[midpoint].path);
if ( hit == 0 )
hit = (int) needed - (int) securep->dirlist[midpoint].priv;
if (hit > 0)
lower = midpoint + 1;
else if (hit < 0)
upper = midpoint - 1;
else {
printmsg( securep->dirlist[midpoint].grant ? 5 : 0 ,
"ValidateFile: Found path \"%s\", access %s to \"%s\"",
securep->dirlist[midpoint].grant ?
"granted" : "denied", input);
return securep->dirlist[midpoint].grant;
} /* while( lower <= upper ) */
} /* while( (column = strrchr( path, '/')) != NULL ) */
/* We didn't find the file; reject all access to it */
printmsg(0,"ValidateFile: No access definition found for \
\"%s\", access denied",
return FALSE;
} /* ValidateFile */
/* G e t S e c u r i t y */
/* */
/* Return security structure for to use when calling out to */
/* another system */
struct HostSecurity *GetSecurity( struct HostTable *hostp)
if ((hostp->hsecure == NULL) && (default_security != NULL ))
printmsg(2,"GetSecurity: Using security for MACHINE=OTHER for \
system \"%s\"", hostp->hostname );
hostp->hsecure = default_security;
} /* if */
return hostp->hsecure;
} /* GetSecurity */