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1,628 lines
Revised edition of dcp
Stuart Lynne May/87
Copyright (c) Richard H. Lamb 1985, 1986, 1987
Changes Copyright (c) Stuart Lynne 1987
Changes Copyright (c) Andrew H. Derbyshire 1989
Changes Copyright (c) Kendra Electronic Wonderworks 1990-1992
Maintenance notes:
25Aug87 - Allow for up to 7 windows - Jal
01Nov87 - those strncpy's should really be memcpy's! - Jal
11Sep89 - Raise TimeOut to 15 - ahd
30Apr90 - Add Jordon Brown's fix for short packet retries.
Reduce retry limit to 20 ahd
22Jul90 - Change error retry limit from per host to per
packet. ahd
22Jul90 - Add error message for number of retries exceeded ahd
08Sep90 - Drop memmove to memcpy change supplied by Jordan
Brown, MS 6.0 and Turbo C++ agree memmove insures
no overlap
* $Id: DCPGPKT.C 1.7 1992/11/21 05:55:11 ahd Exp $
* $Log: DCPGPKT.C $
* Revision 1.7 1992/11/21 05:55:11 ahd
* Use single bit field for gopenpk flag bits, add debugging info
* Revision 1.6 1992/11/20 12:38:39 ahd
* Add additional flags to avoid prematurely ending init sequence
* Revision 1.5 1992/11/19 03:00:29 ahd
* drop rcsid
* Revision 1.4 1992/11/17 13:45:37 ahd
* Add comments from Ian Talyor
* Revision 1.3 1992/11/16 02:10:27 ahd
* Rewrite protocol initialize to insure full exchange of packets
/* "DCP" a uucp clone. Copyright Richard H. Lamb 1985,1986,1987 */
/* 7-window "g" ptotocol */
/* Thanks goes to John Gilmore for sending me a copy of Greg */
/* Chesson's UUCP protocol description -- Obviously invaluable. */
/* Thanks also go to Andrew Tannenbaum for the section on */
/* Siding window protocols with a program example in his */
/* "Computer Networks" book. */
/* System include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#include <mem.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <malloc.h>
/* UUPC/extended include files */
#include "lib.h"
#include "dcp.h"
#include "dcpsys.h"
#include "dcpgpkt.h"
#include "hostable.h"
#include "security.h"
#include "ulib.h"
#include "modem.h"
#include "catcher.h"
/* Local defines */
#define MINPKT 32
#define HDRSIZE 6
#define MAXTRY 4
#ifndef GDEBUG
#define GDEBUG 4
/* Control whether some buffers are placed outside the default */
/* data segment */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#define memavail coreleft
#define memavail stackavail
/* g-packet type definitions */
#define DATA 0
#define CLOSE 1
#define NAK 2
#define SRJ 3
#define ACK 4
#define INITC 5
#define INITB 6
#define INITA 7
#define POK -1
#define MAXWINDOW 7
#define NBUF 8 /* always SAME as MAXSEQ ? */
#define MAXSEQ 8
typedef enum {
#define between(a,b,c) ((a<=b && b<c) || \
(c<a && a<=b) || \
(b<c && c<a))
#define nextpkt(x) ((x + 1) % MAXSEQ)
#define nextbuf(x) ((x + 1) % (nwindows+1))
/* Global variables for packet definitions */
static int rwl, swl, swu, rwu, irec, lazynak;
static unsigned nbuffers;
static int rbl, sbl, sbu;
static INTEGER nerr;
static unsigned outlen[NBUF], inlen[NBUF], xmitlen[NBUF];
static boolean arrived[NBUF];
static size_t nwindows;
static char *outbuf[NBUF];
static char *inbuf[NBUF];
static time_t ftimer[NBUF];
static int timeouts, outsequence, naksin, naksout, screwups;
static int reinit, shifts, badhdr, resends;
static unsigned char *grpkt = NULL;
static boolean variablepacket; /* "v" or in modem file */
/* Internal function prototypes */
static int initialize(const boolean caller, const char protocol );
static int gmachine(const int timeout);
static void gspack(int type,
int yyy,
int xxx,
int len,
unsigned xmit,
char *data);
static int grpack(int *yyy,
int *xxx,
int *len,
char *data,
const int timeout);
static void gstats( void );
static unsigned int checksum(char *data, int len);
/****************** SUB SUB SUB PACKET HANDLER ************/
/* g o p e n p k */
/* */
/* Initialize processing for protocol */
int Gopenpk(const boolean caller)
return initialize(caller , 'G');
} /* Gopenpk */
/* v o p e n p k */
/* */
/* Initialize processing for protocol */
int vopenpk(const boolean caller)
return initialize(caller, 'v');
} /* vopenpk */
/* g o p e n p k */
/* */
/* Initialize processing for protocol */
int gopenpk(const boolean caller)
return initialize(caller, 'g');
} /* vopenpk */
/* i n i t i a l i z e */
/* */
/* Initialize processing for protocol */
static int initialize(const boolean caller, const char protocol )
int i, xxx, yyy, len, maxwindows;
#define B_SENT_INITA 0x01
#define B_SENT_INITB 0x02
#define B_SENT_INITC 0x04
#define B_RECV_INITA 0x10
#define B_RECV_INITB 0x20
#define B_RECV_INITC 0x40
int flags = 0x00; /* Init state flags, as defined above */
I_STATE state;
/* Read modem file values for the number of windows and packet sizes */
pktsize = GetGPacket( MAXPACK, protocol );
maxwindows = GetGWindow(
min( MAXWINDOW, RECV_BUF / (pktsize+HDRSIZE)),
variablepacket = bmodemflag[MODEM_VARIABLEPACKET] | (protocol == 'v');
grpkt = malloc( pktsize + HDRSIZE );
/* Initialize error counters */
timeouts = outsequence = naksin = naksout = screwups =
shifts = badhdr = resends = reinit = 0;
/* Initialize proto parameters */
nerr = nbuffers = 0;
sbl = swl = swu = sbu = 1;
rbl = rwl = 0;
nwindows = maxwindows;
rwu = nwindows - 1;
for (i = 0; i < NBUF; i++)
ftimer[i] = 0;
arrived[i] = FALSE;
/* 3-way handshake */
/* The three-way handshake should be independent of who */
/* initializes it, but it seems that some versions of uucico */
/* assume that the caller sends first and the callee responds. */
/* This only matters if we are the callee and the first packet */
/* is garbled. If we send a packet, the other side will assume */
/* that we must have seen the packet they sent and will never */
/* time out and send it again. Therefore, if we are the callee */
/* we don't send a packet the first time through the loop. */
/* This can still fail, but should usually work, and, after */
/* all, if the initialization packets are received correctly */
/* there will be no problem no matter what we do. */
/* */
/* (The above quoted verbatim from Ian Taylor) */
state = caller ? I_CALLER : I_CALLEE;
/* Exchange initialization messages with the other system. */
/* */
/* A problem: */
/* */
/* We send INITA; it gets received */
/* We receive INITA */
/* We send INITB; it gets garbled */
/* We receive INITB */
/* */
/* We have seen and sent INITB, so we start to send INITC. The */
/* other side as sent INITB but not seen it, so it times out */
/* and resends INITB. We will continue sending INITC and the */
/* other side will continue sending INITB until both sides give */
/* up and start again with INITA. */
/* */
/* It might seem as though if we are sending INITC and receive */
/* INITB, we should resend our INITB, but this could cause */
/* infinite echoing of INITB on a long-latency line. Rather */
/* than risk that, I have implemented a fast drop-back */
/* procedure. If we are sending INITB and receive INITC, the */
/* other side has gotten ahead of us. We immediately fail and */
/* begin again with INITA. For the other side, if we are */
/* sending INITC and see INITA, we also immediately fail back */
/* to INITA. */
/* */
/* Unfortunately, this doesn't work for the other case, in */
/* which we are sending INITB but the other side has not yet */
/* seen INITA. As far as I can see, if this happens we just */
/* have to wait until we time out and resend INITA. */
/* */
/* (The above also quoted verbatim from Ian Taylor; however, the */
/* code and associated bugs are all Drew's) */
/* A note about the games with the variable "flags", which is */
/* bit twiddled alot below. The statement below: */
/* */
/* flags = (flags & B_SENT_INITA) | B_RECV_INITA; */
/* */
/* works to turn off all the bits in flags except B_SENT_INITA */
/* if it was already on, and then turns on flag B_RECV_INITA. */
/* We use statements like this to reset most of the flags at */
/* once, leaving one or two bits on; this in turn allows us to */
/* check in later states that the previous two states were the */
/* expected ones. */
/* */
/* Likewise, the following statement: */
/* */
/* state = (flags & B_SENT_INITA) ? */
/* */
/* tests to see if B_SENT_INITA was already set, and return the */
/* "true" condition (I_INITB_SEND) otherwise return the "false" */
/* (I_INITA_SEND). */
while( state != I_COMPLETE )
printmsg(4, "gopenpk: I State = %2d, flag = 0x%02x",
(int) state, (int) flags);
switch( state )
/* Receive a packet */
case I_GRPACK:
switch (grpack(&yyy, &xxx, &len, NULL, M_gPacketTimeout ))
case INITA:
printmsg(5, "**got INITA");
state = I_INITA;
case INITB:
printmsg(5, "**got INITB");
state = I_INITB;
case INITC:
printmsg(5, "**got INITC");
state = I_INITC;
case EMPTY:
printmsg(GDEBUG, "**got EMPTY");
state = I_EMPTY;
if (bmodemflag[MODEM_CD] && !CD())
printmsg(0,"gopenpk: Modem carrier lost");
return FAILED;
case CLOSE:
printmsg(GDEBUG, "**got CLOSE");
gspack(CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
return FAILED;
printmsg(GDEBUG, "**got SCREW UP");
state = I_ERROR;
if (bmodemflag[MODEM_CD] && !CD())
printmsg(0,"gopenpk: Modem carrier lost");
return FAILED;
/* Initialize states */
case I_CALLER:
state = I_INITA_SEND;
case I_CALLEE:
state = I_GRPACK;
/* Process received or sent packets */
case I_INITA:
if (yyy < (int) nwindows)
nwindows = yyy;
rwu = nwindows - 1;
flags = (flags & B_SENT_INITA) | B_RECV_INITA;
state = (flags & B_SENT_INITA) ? I_INITB_SEND : I_INITA_SEND;
gspack(INITA, 0, 0, 0, pktsize, NULL);
flags = (flags & B_RECV_INITA) | B_SENT_INITA;
state = I_GRPACK;
case I_INITB:
if ((flags & (B_RECV_INITA | B_SENT_INITA)) ==
i = (int) 8 * (2 << (yyy+1));
if (i < (int) pktsize)
pktsize = i;
flags = (flags & B_SENT_INITB) | B_RECV_INITB;
state = (flags & B_SENT_INITB) ? I_INITC_SEND : I_INITB_SEND;
} /* if */
state = I_RESTART;
gspack(INITB, 0, 0, 0, pktsize, NULL);
/* Data segment (packet) size */
flags = (flags & (B_INITA | B_RECV_INITB)) | B_SENT_INITB;
state = I_GRPACK;
case I_INITC:
if ((flags & (B_RECV_INITB | B_SENT_INITB)) ==
if (yyy < (int) nwindows)
nwindows = yyy;
rwu = nwindows - 1;
flags = (flags & B_SENT_INITC) | B_RECV_INITC;
state = (flags & B_SENT_INITC) ? I_COMPLETE : I_INITC_SEND;
state = I_RESTART;
gspack(INITC, 0, 0, 0, pktsize, NULL);
flags = (flags & (B_INITB | B_RECV_INITC)) | B_SENT_INITC;
state = (flags & B_RECV_INITC) ? I_COMPLETE : I_GRPACK;
/* Error states */
case I_EMPTY:
state = I_RESTART;
case I_ERROR:
state = I_RESTART;
printmsg(2,"gopenpk: Restarting initialize sequence");
flags = 0x00;
state = I_INITA_SEND;
} /* switch */
if ( terminate_processing )
printmsg(0,"gopenpk: Terminated by user");
return FAILED;
if (nerr >= M_MaxErr)
remote_stats.errors += nerr;
nerr = 0;
"gopenpk: Consecutive error limit of %ld exceeded, "
"%ld total errors",
(long) M_MaxErr, remote_stats.errors);
} /* while */
/* Allocate the needed buffers */
grpkt = realloc( grpkt, pktsize + HDRSIZE );
i = 0;
while( i <= (int) nwindows)
inbuf[i] = malloc( pktsize );
if (inbuf[i] == (char *) NULL ) checkref( NULL );
/* Forces the regular error message */
outbuf[i] = malloc( pktsize );
checkref( outbuf[i] );
i ++;
} /* while */
nerr = 0;
lazynak = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
printmsg(2,"Short packets %sabled, "
"Window size %d, "
"Packet size %d\n",
variablepacket ? "en" : "dis", nwindows, pktsize );
printmsg(2,"Smart packets %sabled, "
"Window size %d, "
"Packet size %d, "
"Memory avail %u",
variablepacket ? "en" : "dis", nwindows, pktsize,
return(OK); /* channel open */
} /*initialize*/
/* g f i l e p k t */
/* */
/* Begin a file transfer (not used by "g" protocol) */
int gfilepkt( void )
return OK;
} /* gfilepkt */
/* g c l o s e p k */
/* */
/* Close packet machine */
int gclosepk()
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXTRY; i++)
gspack(CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
if (gmachine(M_gPacketTimeout) == CLOSE)
} /* for (i = 0; i < MAXTRY; i++) */
/* Release our buffers */
i = 0;
while( i <= nwindows )
free( (void *)inbuf[i] );
free( outbuf[i] );
inbuf[i] = outbuf[i] = NULL;
} /* while( i < NBUF ) */
free( grpkt );
grpkt = NULL;
/* Report the results of our adventures */
/* Return to caller */
} /*gclosepk*/
/* g s t a t s */
/* */
/* Report summary of errors for processing */
static void gstats( void )
remote_stats.errors += nerr;
nerr = 0;
if ( remote_stats.errors || badhdr )
"%d time outs, %d port reinits, %d out of seq pkts, "
"%d NAKs rec, %d NAKs sent",
timeouts, reinit, outsequence, naksin, naksout);
"%d invalid pkt types, %d re-syncs, %d bad pkt hdrs, %d pkts resent",
screwups, shifts, badhdr, resends);
} /* if ( remote_stats.errors || shifts || badhdr ) */
} /* gstats */
/* g g e t p k t */
/* */
/* Gets no more than a packet's worth of data from */
/* the "packet I/O state machine". May have to */
/* periodically run the packet machine to get some packets. */
/* */
/* on input: don't care */
/* on return: data+\0 and length in len. */
/* */
/* ret(0) if all's well */
/* ret(-1) if problems (failed) */
int ggetpkt(char *data, int *len)
int retry = M_MaxErr;
time_t start;
#ifdef _DEBUG
int savedebug = debuglevel;
irec = 1;
checkref( data );
/* Loop to wait for the desired packet */
time( &start );
while (!arrived[rbl] && retry)
if (gmachine(M_gPacketTimeout) != POK)
if (!arrived[rbl] )
time_t now;
if (time( &now ) > (start + M_gPacketTimeout) )
#ifdef _DEBUG
if ( debuglevel < 6 )
debuglevel = 6;
"ggetpkt: Timeout %d waiting for inbound packet %d",
M_MaxErr - --retry, remote_stats.packets + 1);
start = now;
} /* if (time( now ) > (start + M_gPacketTimeout) ) */
} /* if (!arrived[rbl] ) */
} /* while (!arrived[rbl] && i) */
#ifdef _DEBUG
debuglevel = savedebug;
if (!arrived[rbl])
printmsg(0,"ggetpkt: Remote host failed to respond after %ld seconds",
(long) M_gPacketTimeout * M_MaxErr);
return -1;
/* Got a packet! */
*len = inlen[rbl];
memcpy(data, inbuf[rbl], *len);
arrived[rbl] = FALSE; /* Buffer is now emptied */
rwu = nextpkt(rwu); /* bump receive window */
} /*ggetpkt*/
g s e n d p k t
Put at most a packet's worth of data in the packet state
machine for transmission.
May have to run the packet machine a few times to get
an available output slot.
on input: data=*data; len=length of data in data.
0 if all's well
-1 if problems (failed)
int gsendpkt(char *data, int len)
int delta;
#ifdef _DEBUG
int savedebug = debuglevel;
checkref( data );
irec = 0;
/* WAIT FOR INPUT i.e. if weve sent SWINDOW pkts and none have been
acked, wait for acks */
while (nbuffers >= nwindows)
if (gmachine(0) != POK) /* Spin with no timeout */
/* Place packet in table and mark unacked */
memcpy(outbuf[sbu], data, len);
/* Handle short packets. */
xmitlen[sbu] = pktsize;
if (variablepacket)
while ( ((len * 2) < (int) xmitlen[sbu]) && (xmitlen[sbu] > MINPKT) )
xmitlen[sbu] /= 2;
if ( xmitlen[sbu] < MINPKT )
printmsg(0,"gsendpkt: Bad packet size %d, "
"data length %d",
xmitlen[sbu], len);
xmitlen[sbu] = MINPKT;
delta = xmitlen[sbu] - len;
if (delta > 127)
memmove(outbuf[sbu] + 2, outbuf[sbu], len);
memset(outbuf[sbu]+len+2, 0, delta - 2);
/* Pad with nulls. Ugh. */
outbuf[sbu][0] = (unsigned char) ((delta & 0x7f) | 0x80);
outbuf[sbu][1] = (unsigned char) (delta >> 7);
} /* if (delta > 127) */
else if (delta > 0 )
memmove(outbuf[sbu] + 1, outbuf[sbu], len);
outbuf[sbu][0] = (unsigned char) delta;
memset(outbuf[sbu]+len+1, 0, delta - 1);
/* Pad with nulls. Ugh. */
} /* else if (delta > 0 ) */
/* Mark packet */
outlen[sbu] = len;
ftimer[sbu] = time(nil(long));
/* send it */
gspack(DATA, rwl, swu, outlen[sbu], xmitlen[sbu], outbuf[sbu]);
swu = nextpkt(swu); /* Bump send window */
sbu = nextbuf( sbu ); /* Bump to next send buffer */
#ifdef _DEBUG
debuglevel = savedebug;
} /*gsendpkt*/
/* g e o f p k t */
/* */
/* Transmit EOF to the other system */
int geofpkt( void )
if (gsendpkt("", 0)) /* Empty packet == EOF */
return FAILED;
return OK;
} /* geofpkt */
/* g w r m s g */
/* */
/* Send a message to remote system */
int gwrmsg( char *s )
for(; strlen(s) >= pktsize; s += pktsize) {
int result = gsendpkt(s, pktsize);
if (result)
return result;
return gsendpkt(s, strlen(s)+1);
} /* gwrmsg */
/* g r d m s g */
/* */
/* Read a message from the remote system */
int grdmsg( char *s)
for ( ;; )
int len;
int result = ggetpkt( s, &len );
if (result || (s[len-1] == '\0'))
return result;
s += len;
} /* for */
} /* grdmsg */
/********** Packet Machine ********** RH Lamb 3/87 */
/* g m a c h i n e */
/* */
/* Ideally we would like to fork this process off in an */
/* infinite loop and send and receive packets through "inbuf" */
/* and "outbuf". Can't do this in MS-DOS so we setup "getpkt" */
/* and "sendpkt" to call this routine often and return only */
/* when the input buffer is empty thus "blocking" the packet- */
/* machine task. */
static int gmachine(const int timeout )
static time_t idletimer = 0;
boolean done = FALSE; /* True = drop out of machine loop */
boolean close = FALSE; /* True = terminate connection upon
exit */
boolean inseq = TRUE; /* True = Count next out of sequence
packet as an error */
while ( !done )
boolean resend = FALSE; /* True = resend data packets */
boolean donak = FALSE; /* True = NAK the other system */
unsigned long packet_no = remote_stats.packets;
int pkttype, rack, rseq, rlen, rbuf, i1;
time_t now;
#ifdef UDEBUG
if ( debuglevel >= 7 ) /* Optimize processing a little bit */
printmsg(10, "* send %d %d < W < %d %d, "
"receive %d %d < W < %d, "
"error %d, packet %d",
swl, sbl, swu, sbu, rwl, rbl, rwu, nerr,
(long) remote_stats.packets);
/* Waiting for ACKs for swl to swu-1. Next pkt to send=swu */
/* rwl=expected pkt */
/* Attempt to retrieve a packet and handle it */
pkttype = grpack(&rack, &rseq, &rlen, inbuf[nextbuf(rbl)], timeout);
switch (pkttype) {
case CLOSE:
printmsg(GDEBUG, "**got CLOSE");
close = done = TRUE;
case EMPTY:
printmsg(timeout ? GDEBUG : 8, "**got EMPTY");
if (bmodemflag[MODEM_CD] && !CD())
printmsg(0,"gmachine: Modem carrier lost");
close = TRUE;
if ( terminate_processing )
printmsg(0,"gmachine: User aborted processing");
close = TRUE;
if (ftimer[sbl])
#ifdef UDEBUG
printmsg(6, "---> seq, elapst %d %ld", sbl,
ftimer[sbl] - now);
if ( ftimer[sbl] <= (now - M_gPacketTimeout))
printmsg(4, "*** timeout %d (%ld)",
sbl, (long) remote_stats.packets);
/* Since "g" is "go-back-N", when we time out we
must send the last N pkts in order. The generalized
sliding window scheme relaxes this reqirment. */
resend = TRUE;
} /* if */
} /* if */
done = TRUE;
case DATA:
printmsg(5, "**got DATA %d %d", rack, rseq);
i1 = nextpkt(rwl); /* (R+1)%8 <-- -->(R+W)%8 */
if (i1 == rseq) {
idletimer = now;
rwl = i1;
rbl = nextbuf( rbl );
inseq = arrived[rbl] = TRUE;
inlen[rbl] = rlen;
printmsg(5, "*** ACK d %d %d", rwl, rbl);
gspack(ACK, rwl, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
done = TRUE; /* return to caller when finished */
/* in a mtask system, unneccesary */
} else {
if (inseq || ( now > (idletimer + M_gPacketTimeout)))
donak = TRUE; /* Only flag first out of sequence
packet as error, since we know
following ones also bad */
inseq = FALSE;
printmsg(GDEBUG, "*** unexpect %d ne %d (%d - %d)",
rseq, i1, rwl, rwu);
} /* else */
if ( swl == swu ) /* We waiting for an ACK? */
break; /* No --> Skip ACK processing */
/* else Fall through to ACK case */
case NAK:
case ACK:
if (pkttype == NAK)
printmsg(5, "**got NAK %d", rack);
resend = TRUE;
else if (pkttype == ACK)
printmsg(5, "**got ACK %d", rack);
while(between(swl, rack, swu))
{ /* S<-- -->(S+W-1)%8 */
printmsg(5, "*** ACK %d", swl);
ftimer[sbl] = 0;
idletimer = now;
done = TRUE; /* Get more data for input */
swl = nextpkt(swl);
sbl = nextbuf(sbl);
} /* while */
if (!done && (pkttype == ACK)) /* Find packet? */
printmsg(GDEBUG,"*** ACK for bad packet %d (%d - %d)",
rack, swl, swu);
} /* if */
case ERROR:
printmsg(GDEBUG, "*** got BAD CHK");
donak = TRUE;
lazynak = 0; /* Always NAK bad checksum */
printmsg(GDEBUG, "*** got SCREW UP");
} /* switch */
/* If we received an NAK or timed out, resend data packets */
if ( resend )
for (rack = swl,
rbuf = sbl;
between(swl, rack, swu);
rack = nextpkt(rack), rbuf = nextbuf( rbuf ))
{ /* resend rack->(swu-1) */
if (( outbuf[rbuf] == NULL ))
printmsg(0,"gmachine: Transmit of NULL packet (%d %d)",
rwl, rbuf);
if (( xmitlen[rbuf] == 0 ))
printmsg(0,"gmachine: Transmit of 0 length packet (%d %d)",
rwl, rbuf);
gspack(DATA, rwl, rack, outlen[rbuf], xmitlen[rbuf], outbuf[rbuf]);
printmsg(5, "*** resent %d", rack);
idletimer = ftimer[rbuf] = now;
} /* for */
/* If we have an error and have not recently sent a NAK, do so now. */
/* We then reset our counter so we receive at least a window full of */
/* packets before sending another NAK */
if ( donak )
if ( (lazynak < 1) || (now > (idletimer + M_gPacketTimeout)))
printmsg(5, "*** NAK d %d", rwl);
gspack(NAK, rwl, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
idletimer = now;
lazynak = nwindows + 1;
} /* if ( lazynak < 1 ) */
} /* if ( donak ) */
/* Update error counter if needed */
if ((close || (packet_no != remote_stats.packets)) && (nerr > 0))
printmsg(GDEBUG,"gmachine: Packet %ld had %ld errors during transfer",
remote_stats.packets, (long) nerr);
remote_stats.errors += nerr;
nerr = 0;
/* If we have an excessive number of errors, drop out of the */
/* loop */
if (nerr >= M_MaxErr)
"gmachine: Consecutive error limit of %d exceeded, %d total errors",
M_MaxErr, nerr + remote_stats.errors);
done = close = TRUE;
} /* while */
/* Return to caller, gracefully terminating packet machine if */
/* requested */
if ( close )
gspack(CLOSE, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
return CLOSE;
return POK;
} /*gmachine*/
/*************** FRAMING *****************************/
g s p a c k
Send a packet
type=type yyy=pkrec xxx=timesent len=length<=pktsize data=*data
ret(0) always
static void gspack(int type,
int yyy,
int xxx,
int len,
unsigned xmit,
char *data)
unsigned int check, i;
unsigned char header[HDRSIZE];
/***** Link Testing Mods *****/
unsigned char dpkerr[10];
/***** End Link Testing Mods *****/
#endif /* LINKTEST */
/***** Link Testing Mods - create artificial errors *****/
printf("**n:normal,e:error,l:lost,p:partial,h:bad header,s:new seq--> ");
if (dpkerr[0] == 's')
sscanf(&dpkerr[1], "%d", &xxx);
/***** End Link Testing Mods *****/
#endif /* LINKTEST */
if ( debuglevel > 4 )
printmsg(5, "send packet type %d, yyy=%d, xxx=%d, len=%d, buf = %d",
type, yyy, xxx, len, xmit);
header[0] = '\020';
header[4] = (unsigned char) (type << 3);
switch (type) {
case CLOSE:
break; /* stop protocol */
case NAK:
header[4] += yyy;
break; /* reject */
case SRJ:
case ACK:
header[4] += yyy;
break; /* ack */
case INITA:
case INITC:
header[4] += nwindows;
case INITB:
while( i < xmit )
header[4] ++;
i *= 2;
case DATA:
header[4] = (unsigned char) (0x80 + (xxx << 3) + yyy);
if (len < (int) xmit) /* Short packet? */
header[4] |= 0x40;/* Count byte handled at higher level */
#ifdef UDEBUG
printmsg(7, "data=|%.*s|", len, data);
printmsg(0,"gspack: Invalid packet type %d",type);
} /* switch */
/* Now we finish up the header. For data packets, determine */
/* the K number in header[1], which specifies the number of */
/* actual data bytes transmitted as a power of 2; we also */
/* compute a checksum on the data. */
if (type == DATA)
header[1] = 1;
while( i < xmit )
header[1] ++;
i *= 2;
if ( i != xmit ) /* Did it come out exact power of 2? */
printmsg(0,"Packet length error ... %d != %d for K = %d",
i, xmit, (int) header[1]);
panic(); /* No --> Well, we blew THAT math */
} /* if ( i != xmit ) */
/* Compute the checksum */
check = checksum(data, xmit);
i = header[4]; /* got to do this on PC for ex-or high bits */
i &= 0xff;
check = (check ^ i) & 0xffff;
check = (0xaaaa - check) & 0xffff;
else {
header[1] = 9; /* Control packet size K number (9) */
check = (0xaaaa - header[4]) & 0xffff;
/* Simple checksum for control */
} /* else */
header[2] = (unsigned char) (check & 0xff);
header[3] = (unsigned char) ((check >> 8) & 0xff);
header[5] = (unsigned char)
((header[1] ^ header[2] ^ header[3] ^ header[4]) & 0xff) ;
/***** More Link Testing Mods *****/
switch(dpkerr[0]) {
case 'e':
data[10] = - data[10];
case 'h':
header[5] = - header[5];
case 'l':
case 'p':
swrite((char *) header, HDRSIZE);
if (header[1] != 9)
swrite(data, xmit - 3);
/***** End Link Testing Mods *****/
#endif /* LINKTEST */
swrite((char *) header, HDRSIZE); /* header is 6-bytes long */
if (header[1] != 9)
swrite(data, xmit); /* data is always 64 bytes long */
} /*gspack*/
g r p a c k
Read packet
on return: yyy=pkrec xxx=pksent len=length<=PKTSIZE data=*data
ret(type) ok
ret(EMPTY) input buf empty
ret(ERROR) bad header
ret(EMPTY) lost packet timeout
ret(ERROR) checksum error
ret(-5) packet size != 64
NOTE (specifications for sread()):
sread(buf, n, timeout)
while(TRUE) {
if (# of chars available >= n) (without dec internal counter)
read n chars into buf (decrement internal char counter)
if (time > timeout)
return(# of chars available)
static int grpack(int *yyy,
int *xxx,
int *len,
char *data,
const int timeout)
static int got_hdr = FALSE;
static int received = 0; /* Bytes already read into buffer */
int needed;
unsigned int type, check, checkchk, i, total = 0;
unsigned char c, c2;
time_t start;
if (got_hdr)
goto get_data;
/* Spin up to timeout waiting for a Control-P, our sync character */
start = 0;
while (!got_hdr)
unsigned char *psync;
needed = HDRSIZE - received;
if ( needed > 0 ) /* Have enough bytes for header? */
{ /* No --> Read as much as we need */
int wait;
if ( start == 0 ) /* First pass through data? */
{ /* Yes --> Set timers up */
start = time(nil(time_t));
wait = timeout;
} /* if ( start == 0 ) */
else {
wait = (int) (time(NULL) - start) - timeout;
if (wait < 0) /* Negative timeout? */
wait = 0; /* Make it no time out */
} /* else */
if (sread((char *) &grpkt[received], needed, wait ) < (unsigned) needed )
/* Did we get the needed data? */
return EMPTY; /* No --> Return to caller */
received += needed;
} /* if ( needed < received ) */
/* Search for sync character in newly read data */
#ifdef UDEBUG
printmsg(10,"grpack: Have %d characters after reading %d",
received, needed);
psync = memchr( grpkt, '\020', received );
if ( psync == NULL ) /* Did we find the sync character? */
received = 0; /* No --> Reset to empty buffer */
else if ( psync != grpkt ) /* First character in buffer? */
{ /* No --> Make it first character */
received -= psync - grpkt;
memmove( grpkt, psync, received );
/* Shift buffer over */
} /* else */
/* If we have read an entire packet header, then perform a */
/* simple XOR checksum to determine if it is valid. If we have */
/* a valid checksum, drop out of this search, else drop the */
/* sync character and restart the scan. */
if ( received >= HDRSIZE )
i = (unsigned) (grpkt[1] ^ grpkt[2] ^ grpkt[3] ^
grpkt[4] ^ grpkt[5]);
i &= 0xff;
printmsg(i ? 2 : 10, "prpkt %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x .. %02x ",
grpkt[1], grpkt[2], grpkt[3], grpkt[4], grpkt[5], i);
if (i == 0) /* Good header? */
got_hdr = TRUE; /* Yes --> Drop out of loop */
else { /* No --> Flag it, continue loop */
printmsg(GDEBUG, "*** bad pkt header ***");
memmove( grpkt, &grpkt[ 1 ], --received );
/* Begin scanning for sync character
with next byte */
} /* else */
} /* if ( received > HDRSIZE ) */
} /* while */
/* Handle control packets */
if (grpkt[1] == 9)
if ( data != NULL )
*data = '\0';
*len = 0;
c = grpkt[4];
type = c >> 3;
*yyy = c & 0x07;
*xxx = 0;
check = 0;
checkchk = 0;
got_hdr = FALSE;
/* Handle data packets */
else {
if ( data == NULL )
printmsg(0,"grpack: Unexpected data packet!");
received = 0;
/* Compute the size of the data block desired */
total = 8 * (2 << grpkt[1]);
if (total > pktsize) /* Within the defined limits? */
{ /* No --> Other system has bad header,
or the header got corrupted */
printmsg(0,"grpack: Invalid packet size %d (%d)",
total, (int) grpkt[1]);
received = 0;
got_hdr = FALSE;
needed = total + HDRSIZE - received;
/* Compute byte required to fill
data buffer */
/* If we don't have enough data in the buffer, read some more */
if ((needed > 0) &&
(sread((char *) &grpkt[HDRSIZE+total-needed], needed , timeout) < (unsigned)needed))
got_hdr = FALSE; /* Must re-process header next pass */
/* Break packet header into various values */
type = 0;
c2 = grpkt[4];
c = (unsigned char) (c2 & 0x3f);
*xxx = c >> 3;
*yyy = c & 0x07;
i = grpkt[3];
i = (i << 8) & 0xff00;
check = grpkt[2];
check = i | (check & 0xff);
checkchk = checksum( (char *) grpkt + HDRSIZE , total);
i = grpkt[4] | 0x80;
i &= 0xff;
checkchk = 0xaaaa - (checkchk ^ i);
checkchk &= 0xffff;
if (checkchk != check)
printmsg(4, "*** checksum error ***");
memmove( grpkt, grpkt + HDRSIZE, total );
/* Save data so we can scan for sync */
received = total; /* Note the amount of the data in buf */
return(ERROR); /* Return to caller with error */
/* The checksum is correct, now determine the length of the */
/* data to return. */
*len = total;
if (c2 & 0x40)
int ii;
if ( grpkt[HDRSIZE] & 0x80 )
ii = (grpkt[HDRSIZE] & 0x7f) + ((grpkt[HDRSIZE+1] & 0xff) << 7);
*len -= ii;
memcpy(data, grpkt + HDRSIZE + 2, *len);
else {
ii = (grpkt[HDRSIZE] & 0xff);
*len -= ii;
memcpy(data, grpkt + HDRSIZE + 1, *len);
} /* else */
memcpy( data, grpkt + HDRSIZE, *len);
} /* else */
/* Announce what we got and return to the caller */
received = 0; /* Returning entire buffer, reset count */
printmsg(5, "receive packet type %d, yyy=%d, xxx=%d, len=%d",
type, *yyy, *xxx, *len);
#ifdef UDEBUG
printmsg(13, " checksum rec=%04x comp=%04x\ndata=|%.*s|",
check, checkchk, total, grpkt + HDRSIZE);
} /*grpack*/
c h e c k s u m
static unsigned int checksum(char *data, int len)
int i, j;
unsigned int tmp, chk1, chk2;
chk1 = 0xffff;
chk2 = 0;
j = len;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (chk1 & 0x8000) {
chk1 <<= 1;
} else {
chk1 <<= 1;
tmp = chk1;
chk1 += (data[i] & 0xff);
chk2 += chk1 ^ j;
if ((chk1 & 0xffff) <= (tmp & 0xffff))
chk1 ^= chk2;
return(chk1 & 0xffff);
} /*checksum*/