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/* m o d e m . c */
/* */
/* High level modem control routines for UUPC/extended */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1991 by Andrew H. Derbyshire */
/* */
/* Change history: */
/* 21 Apr 91 Create from dcpsys.c */
/* RCS Information */
* $Id: MODEM.C 1.7 1992/12/18 12:05:57 ahd Exp $
* Revision history:
* $Log: MODEM.C $
* Revision 1.7 1992/12/18 12:05:57 ahd
* Flag variable packet as obsolete
* Revision 1.6 1992/11/28 19:51:16 ahd
* Add program exit time to waiting for callin message
* Make time parameter to callin() const
* Revision 1.5 1992/11/22 21:20:45 ahd
* Use strpool for const string allocation
* Revision 1.4 1992/11/19 03:01:21 ahd
* drop rcsid
* Revision 1.3 1992/11/18 03:48:24 ahd
* Move check of call window to avoid premature lock file overhead
* Revision 1.2 1992/11/15 20:12:17 ahd
* Clean up modem file support for different protocols
* Revision 1.1 1992/11/12 12:32:18 ahd
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.1 1992/05/02 13:06:48 ahd
* Initial revision
/* System include files */
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
/* UUPC/extended include files */
#include "lib.h"
#include "arpadate.h"
#include "checktim.h"
#include "dater.h"
#include "dcp.h"
#include "dcpsys.h"
#include "hlib.h"
#include "hostable.h"
#include "modem.h"
#include "script.h"
#include "security.h"
#include "ssleep.h"
#include "catcher.h"
#include "ulib.h"
/* Global variables */
char *device = NULL; /*Public to show in login banner */
static char **answer, **initialize, **dropline, **ring, **connect;
static char **noconnect;
static char *dialPrefix, *dialSuffix;
static INTEGER chardelay, dialTimeout, modemTimeout, scriptTimeout;
static INTEGER answerTimeout, inspeed;
static INTEGER gWindowSize, gPacketSize;
static INTEGER vWindowSize, vPacketSize;
static INTEGER GWindowSize, GPacketSize;
INTEGER M_fPacketSize;
INTEGER M_gPacketTimeout; /* "g" procotol */
INTEGER M_fPacketTimeout; /* "f" procotol */
INTEGER M_MaxErr= 10; /* Allowed errors per single packet */
INTEGER M_MaxErr; /* Allowed errors per single packet */
INTEGER M_xfer_bufsize; /* Buffering used for file transfers */
boolean bmodemflag[MODEM_LAST];
static FLAGTABLE modemFlags[] = {
{ "carrierdetect", MODEM_CD, B_LOCAL },
{ "direct", MODEM_DIRECT, B_LOCAL },
{ "fixedspeed", MODEM_FIXEDSPEED, B_LOCAL },
{ nil(char) }
} ;
static CONFIGTABLE modemtable[] = {
{ "answer", (char **) &answer, B_LIST | B_UUCICO },
{ "answertimeout", (char **) &answerTimeout,B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "biggpacketsize",(char **) &GPacketSize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "biggwindowsize",(char **) &GWindowSize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "chardelay", (char **) &chardelay, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "connect", (char **) &connect, B_LIST | B_UUCICO },
{ "device", &device, B_TOKEN | B_UUCICO | B_REQUIRED },
{ "dialprefix", &dialPrefix, B_STRING | B_UUCICO | B_REQUIRED },
{ "dialsuffix", &dialSuffix, B_STRING | B_UUCICO },
{ "dialtimeout", (char **) &dialTimeout, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "fpacketsize", (char **) &M_fPacketSize,B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "fpackettimeout",(char **) &M_fPacketTimeout, B_INTEGER | B_UUCICO },
{ "gpacketsize", (char **) &gPacketSize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "gpackettimeout",(char **) &M_gPacketTimeout, B_INTEGER | B_UUCICO },
{ "gwindowsize", (char **) &gWindowSize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "hangup", (char **) &dropline, B_LIST | B_UUCICO },
{ "initialize", (char **) &initialize, B_LIST | B_UUCICO },
{ "inspeed", (char **) &inspeed, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "maximumerrors", (char **) &M_MaxErr, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "modemtimeout", (char **) &modemTimeout, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "noconnect", (char **) &noconnect, B_LIST | B_UUCICO },
{ "options", (char **) bmodemflag, B_ALL | B_BOOLEAN},
{ "porttimeout", NULL, B_OBSOLETE },
{ "ring", (char **) &ring, B_LIST | B_UUCICO },
{ "scripttimeout", (char **) &scriptTimeout,B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "transferbuffer",(char **) &M_xfer_bufsize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "vpacketsize", (char **) &vPacketSize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ "vwindowsize", (char **) &vWindowSize, B_INTEGER| B_UUCICO },
{ nil(char) }
}; /* modemtable */
/* Internal function prototypes */
static boolean getmodem( const char *brand);
static boolean dial(char *number, const size_t speed);
static boolean sendlist( char **list, int timeout, int lasttimeout,
char **failure);
static boolean sendalt( char *string, int timeout, char **failure);
static void autobaud( const size_t speed);
/* Define current file name for references */
/* c a l l u p */
/* */
/* script processor - nothing fancy! */
CONN_STATE callup( void )
char *exp;
int i;
size_t speed;
/* Announce we are trying to call the system */
printmsg(1, "callup: calling \"%s\" via %s at %s on %s",
rmtname, flds[FLD_TYPE], flds[FLD_SPEED], arpadate());
speed = (size_t) atoi( flds[FLD_SPEED] );
if (speed < 300)
printmsg(0,"callup: Modem speed \"%s\" is invalid.",
hostp->hstatus = invalid_device;
/* Get the modem information */
if (!getmodem(flds[FLD_TYPE]))
hostp->hstatus = invalid_device;
/* Dial the telephone */
if (! dial(flds[FLD_PHONE],speed))
/* The modem is connected; now login the host */
for (i = FLD_EXPECT; i < kflds; i += 2) {
exp = flds[i];
printmsg(2, "expecting %d of %d \"%s\"", i, kflds, exp);
if (!sendalt( exp, scriptTimeout , noconnect))
printmsg(0, "SCRIPT FAILED");
hostp->hstatus = script_failed;
} /* if */
printmsg(2, "callup: sending %d of %d \"%s\"",
i + 1, kflds, flds[i + 1]);
sendstr(flds[i + 1]);
} /*for*/
} /*callup*/
/* c a l l h o t */
/* */
/* Initialize processing when phone is already off the hook */
CONN_STATE callhot( const BPS xspeed )
BPS speed;
/* Open the serial port */
if (E_inmodem == NULL)
printmsg(0,"callin: No modem name supplied for incoming calls!");
} /* if */
if (!getmodem(E_inmodem)) /* Initialize modem configuration */
panic(); /* Avoid loop if bad modem name */
/* Set the modem speed */
if ( xspeed == 0)
speed = inspeed;
speed = xspeed;
/* Open the communications port */
if (openline(device, speed, bmodemflag[MODEM_DIRECT] ))
/* Initialize stats */
memset( &remote_stats, 0, sizeof remote_stats);
/* Clear remote stats for login */
time(&remote_stats.ltime); /* Remember time of last attempt conn */
remote_stats.calls ++ ;
} /* callhot */
/* c a l l i n */
/* */
/* Answer the modem in passive mode */
CONN_STATE callin( const time_t exit_time )
char c; /* A character for input buffer */
int offset; /* Time to wait for telephone */
time_t left;
/* Determine how long we can wait for the telephone, up to */
/* MAX_INT seconds. Aside from Turbo C limits, this insures we */
/* kick the modem once in a while. */
left = exit_time - time(NULL);
if ( left < 0 ) /* Any time left? */
return CONN_EXIT; /* No --> shutdown */
if ( left > INT_MAX)
offset = INT_MAX;
offset = (int) left;
/* Open the serial port */
if (E_inmodem == NULL)
printmsg(0,"callin: No modem name supplied for incoming calls!");
} /* if */
if (!getmodem(E_inmodem)) /* Initialize modem configuration */
panic(); /* Avoid loop if bad modem name */
if ((ring == NULL) || (inspeed == 0))
printmsg(0,"callin: Missing inspeed and/or ring values in modem \
configuration file.");
} /* if */
/* Open the communications port */
if (openline(device, inspeed, bmodemflag[MODEM_DIRECT]))
/* Flush the input buffer of any characters */
while (sread(&c ,1,0)); /* Discard trailing trash from modem
connect message */
/* Initialize the modem */
if (!sendlist( initialize, modemTimeout, modemTimeout, NULL))
printmsg(0,"callin: Modem failed to initialize");
/* Wait for the telephone to ring */
printmsg(1,"callin: Monitoring port %s device %s"
" for %d minutes until %s",
device, E_inmodem , (int) (offset / 60),
dater( exit_time , NULL));
interactive_processing = FALSE;
if (!sendlist( ring,modemTimeout, offset, noconnect))
/* Did it ring? */
interactive_processing = TRUE;
return CONN_INITIALIZE; /* No --> Return to caller */
interactive_processing = TRUE;
if(!sendlist(answer, modemTimeout,answerTimeout, noconnect))
/* Pick up the telephone */
printmsg(1,"callin: Modem failed to connect to incoming call");
/* The modem is connected; now try to autobaud it */
printmsg(14, "callin: got CONNECT");
if (bmodemflag[MODEM_CD])
CD(); /* Set the carrier detect flags */
autobaud(inspeed); /* autobaud the modem */
/* Flush the input buffer of any other input characters */
while (sread(&c ,1,0)); /* Discard trailing trash from modem
connect message */
memset( &remote_stats, 0, sizeof remote_stats);
/* Clear remote stats for login */
time(&remote_stats.ltime); /* Remember time of last attempt conn */
remote_stats.calls ++ ;
return CONN_LOGIN;
} /* callin */
/* g e t m o d e m */
/* */
/* Read a modem configuration file */
static boolean getmodem( const char *brand)
char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
static char *modem = NULL;
FILE *fp;
size_t subscript;
boolean success;
/* Validate the modem name */
if (equal(modem, brand)) /* Already initialized? */
return TRUE; /* Yes --> Don't process it again */
/* Initialize the table */
for (tptr = modemtable; tptr->sym != nil(char); tptr++)
if (tptr->bits & (B_TOKEN | B_STRING | B_LIST | B_CLIST))
*(tptr->loc) = nil(char);
for (subscript = 0; subscript < MODEM_LAST; subscript++)
bmodemflag[subscript] = FALSE;
chardelay = 00; /* Default is no delay between chars */
dialTimeout = 40; /* Default is 40 seconds to dial phone */
gPacketSize = SMALL_PACKET;
vPacketSize = MAXPACK;
GPacketSize = MAXPACK;
gWindowSize = 0;
vWindowSize = 0;
GWindowSize = 0;
M_fPacketSize = MAXPACK;
M_fPacketTimeout = 20;
M_gPacketTimeout = 10;
modemTimeout = 3; /* Default is 3 seconds for modem cmds */
scriptTimeout = 30; /* Default is 30 seconds for script data*/
M_xfer_bufsize = BUFSIZ; /* Buffering used for file transfers */
M_MaxErr= 10; /* Allowed errors per single packet */
/* Open the modem configuration file */
if (equaln(brand,"COM",3))
printmsg(0,"Modem type \"%s\" is invalid; Snuffles suspects \
your %s file is obsolete.", brand, SYSTEMS);
sprintf(filename,"%s/%s.MDM",E_confdir, brand);
if ((fp = FOPEN(filename, "r", TEXT)) == nil(FILE))
printmsg(0,"getmodem: Unable to locate configuration for %s",
printerr( filename );
return FALSE;
/* We got the file open, now process it */
printmsg(3,"getmodem: loading modem configuration file %s", filename);
success = getconfig(fp, MODEM_CONFIG, B_UUCICO, modemtable, modemFlags);
if (!success)
return FALSE;
/* Verify all required modem parameters were supplied */
success = TRUE;
for (tptr = modemtable; tptr->sym != nil(char); tptr++) {
if ((tptr->bits & (B_REQUIRED | B_FOUND)) == B_REQUIRED)
printmsg(0, "getmodem: configuration parameter \"%s\" must be set.",
success = FALSE;
} /* if */
} /* for */
if ( success ) /* Good modem setup? */
modem = newstr(brand); /* Yes --> Remember it for next time */
return success;
} /* getmodem */
/* d i a l */
/* */
/* Generic modem dialer; only major limitation is that autoabaud */
/* strings are not configurable */
static boolean dial(char *number, const size_t speed)
char buf[81];
/* Open the serial port */
if (openline(device, speed, bmodemflag[MODEM_DIRECT]))
hostp->hstatus = nodevice;
return FALSE;
/* Flush the input buffer of any characters */
while (sread(buf,1,0)); /* Discard trailing trash from modem
connect message */
/* Initialize the modem */
if (!sendlist( initialize, modemTimeout, modemTimeout, noconnect))
printmsg(0,"dial: Modem failed to initialize");
hostp->hstatus = dial_script_failed;
return FALSE;
/* Setup the dial string and then dial the modem */
strcpy(buf, dialPrefix);
strcat(buf, number);
if (dialSuffix != NULL)
strcat(buf, dialSuffix);
sendstr( buf ); /* Send the command to the telephone */
if (!sendlist(connect, modemTimeout, dialTimeout, noconnect))
hostp->hstatus = dial_failed;
return FALSE;
printmsg(3, "dial: Modem reports connected");
if (bmodemflag[MODEM_CD])
CD(); /* Set the carrier detect flags */
time( &remote_stats.lconnect );
remote_stats.calls ++ ;
autobaud(speed); /* Reset modem speed, if desired */
/* Report success to caller */
return TRUE; /* Dial succeeded */
} /* dial */
/* a u t o b a u d */
/* */
/* autobaud a modem which has just connected */
static void autobaud( const size_t speed )
char buf[10];
ssleep(1); /* Allow modem port to stablize */
/* Autobaud the modem if requested */
if (!bmodemflag[MODEM_FIXEDSPEED])
size_t len = 0;
memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf )); /* Zero buffer */
while ((len < sizeof buf) && sread( &buf[len],1,0))
len = strlen( buf ); /* Get speed into buffer */
if (len > 5)
char *token; /* Pointer to buffer value */
token = strtok(buf,WHITESPACE);
if (strlen(token))
size_t new_speed = (unsigned) atoi(token);
if ((new_speed != speed) && (new_speed > 300))
printmsg(2, "autobaud: speed select %s", token);
} /* if */
} /* if */
} /* if */
printmsg(3, "autobaud: unable to speed select, using %d", speed);
} /* if */
} /* autobaud */
/* s h u t d o w n */
/* */
/* Terminate modem processing via hangup */
void shutdown( void )
static boolean recurse = FALSE;
if ( ! port_active ) /* Allowed for Ctrl-Break */
if ( !recurse )
boolean aborted = terminate_processing;
recurse = TRUE;
terminate_processing = FALSE;
sendlist( dropline, modemTimeout, modemTimeout, NULL);
recurse = FALSE;
terminate_processing |= aborted;
/* s e n d l i s t */
/* */
/* Send a NULL terminated list of send/expect strings */
static boolean sendlist( char **list,
int timeout,
int lasttimeout,
char **failure)
boolean expect = TRUE;
if (list == NULL) /* Was the field supplied? */
return TRUE; /* No --> Must be optional, return */
/* Run through the list, alternating expect and send strings */
while( *list != NULL)
if (expect)
char *exp = strdup( *list );
boolean success;
checkref( exp );
success = sendalt( exp,
(*(++list) == NULL) ? lasttimeout : timeout,
free( exp );
if (!success)
return FALSE;
sendstr( *list++ );
expect = ! expect;
} /* while */
/* If we made it this far, success is at hand; return to caller */
return TRUE;
} /* sendlist */
/* s e n d a l t */
/* */
/* Expect a string, with alternates */
static boolean sendalt( char *exp, int timeout, char **failure)
int ok;
for ( ;; )
char *alternate = strchr(exp, '-');
if (alternate != nil(char))
*alternate++ = '\0';
ok = expectstr(exp, timeout, failure);
if ( terminate_processing )
return FALSE;
if (ok || (alternate == nil(char)))
return (ok == 1);
if (bmodemflag[MODEM_CD] && ! CD())
printmsg(0,"sendalt: Serial port reports modem not ready");
return FALSE;
exp = strchr(alternate, '-');
if (exp != nil(char))
*exp++ = '\0';
printmsg(0, "sending alternate");
} /*for*/
} /* sendalt */
/* s l o w w r i t e */
/* */
/* Write characters to the serial port at a configurable */
/* snail's pace. */
void slowwrite( char *s, int len)
swrite( s , len );
if (chardelay > 0)
} /* slowwrite */
/* G e t G W i n d o w */
/* */
/* Report the size of the allowed window for the "g" protocol */
INTEGER GetGWindow( INTEGER maxvalue , const char protocol )
INTEGER ourWindowSize = 0;
switch( protocol )
case 'g':
ourWindowSize = gWindowSize;
case 'G':
ourWindowSize = GWindowSize;
case 'v':
ourWindowSize = vWindowSize;
printmsg(0,"GetGWindow: Invalid protocol %c",protocol);
if ( (ourWindowSize < 1 ) || (ourWindowSize > maxvalue))
return maxvalue;
return ourWindowSize;
} /* GetGWindow */
/* G e t G P a c k e t */
/* */
/* Return the allowed packet size for the "g" procotol */
INTEGER GetGPacket( INTEGER maxvalue , const char protocol)
INTEGER savePacketSize ;
INTEGER ourPacketSize = 0;
int bits = 6; /* Minimum Packet Size is 64 bytes */
switch( protocol )
case 'g':
ourPacketSize = gPacketSize;
case 'G':
ourPacketSize = GPacketSize;
case 'v':
ourPacketSize = vPacketSize;
printmsg(0,"GetGPacket: Invalid protocol %c",protocol);
savePacketSize = ourPacketSize;
/* Insure the value is a power of two */
while( (ourPacketSize >> (bits+1)) > 0 )
ourPacketSize = (ourPacketSize >> bits) << bits;
if ( savePacketSize != ourPacketSize )
printmsg(0,"packetsize for %c protocol rounded down from %d to %d",
(int) savePacketSize, (int) ourPacketSize );
/* Return the smaller of the argument (the largest packet size */
/* the packet driver supports) or what the modem file allows. */
if ( (ourPacketSize < 1 ) || (ourPacketSize > maxvalue))
return maxvalue;
return ourPacketSize;
} /* GetGPacket */