Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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C/C++ Source or Header
1,422 lines
Program: uuxqt.c 23 September 1991
Author: Mitch Mitchell
Email: mitch@harlie.lonestar.org
This is a re-write of the (much cleaner) UUXQT.C originally
distributed with UUPC/Extended. The modifications are
intended primarily to lay a foundation for support for the
more advanced features of UUX.
Usage: uuxqt -xDEBUG -sSYSTEM
Last Revised: 26-Jan-1992
/* RCS Information */
* $Header: E:\src\uupc\UUCP\RCS\UUXQT.C 1.5 1992/11/25 12:59:17 ahd Exp $
* Revision history:
* $Log: UUXQT.C $
* Revision 1.5 1992/11/25 12:59:17 ahd
* Change NUL to /dev/nul to prevent ImportPath() mangling.
* Revision 1.4 1992/11/23 03:56:06 ahd
* Selected fixes for use of generlized uux commands
* Revision 1.3 1992/11/19 03:03:33 ahd
* drop rcsid
* Revision 1.2 1992/11/19 03:03:09 ahd
* Revision 1.1 1992/11/15 20:16:50 ahd
* Initial revision
* Revision 1.1 1992/04/27 02:46:02 ahd
* Initial revision
/* System include files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <io.h>
/* UUPC/extended include files */
#include "lib.h"
#include "arpadate.h"
#include "dater.h"
#include "expath.h"
#include "getopt.h"
#include "getseq.h"
#include "hlib.h"
#include "hostable.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "lock.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "pushpop.h"
#include "readnext.h"
#include "security.h"
#include "timestmp.h"
#include "usertabl.h"
/* Execution flag defines */
typedef enum {
X_OUTPUT, /* 'O' return output to "outnode" */
X_FAILED, /* 'Z' send status if command failed */
X_SUCCESS, /* 'n' send status if command succeeded */
X_INPUT, /* 'B' return command input on error */
X_USEEXEC, /* 'E' process command using exec(2) */
X_STATFIL, /* 'M' return status to file on remote */
/* Global Variables */
static char *spool_fmt = SPOOLFMT;
static char *dataf_fmt = DATAFFMT;
static char *send_cmd = "S %s %s %s -%s %s 0666 %s\n";
/* Internal prototypes */
static void usage( void );
static boolean copylocal(const char *from, const char *to);
static boolean do_uuxqt( const char *sysname );
static void process( const char *fname, const char *remote );
char **create_environment(const char *logname,
const char *requestor);
static void delete_environment( char **envp);
static boolean AppendData( const char *input, FILE* dataout);
static boolean do_copy( char *localfile,
const char *rmtsystem,
const char *remotefile,
const char *requestor,
const boolean success );
static void ReportResults(const int status,
const char *input,
char *output,
const char *command,
const char *job_id,
const time_t jtime,
const char *requestor,
const char *outnode,
const char *outname,
const boolean xflag[],
const char *statfil,
const char *machine,
const char *user);
static int shell(char *command,
const char *inname,
const char *outname,
const char *remotename,
boolean xflag[]);
static boolean MailStatus(char *tempfile,
char *address,
char *subject);
static boolean internal( char *command );
/* m a i n */
/* */
/* Main program */
void main( int argc, char **argv)
int c;
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
char *sysname = "all";
/* Report our version number and date/time compiled */
debuglevel = 1;
banner( argv );
#if defined(__CORE__)
copywrong = strdup(copyright);
/* Process our arguments */
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:x:")) != EOF)
switch(c) {
case 's':
sysname = optarg;
case 'x':
debuglevel = atoi( optarg );
case '?':
printmsg(0, "uuxqt - invalid option -%c", c);
if (optind != argc) {
fputs("Extra parameter(s) at end.\n", stderr);
/* Initialize */
tzset(); /* Set up time zone information */
if (!configure( B_UUXQT ))
exit(1); /* system configuration failed */
/* Switch to the spooling directory */
PushDir( E_spooldir );
atexit( PopDir );
/* Initialize logging file */
openlog( NULL );
checkuser( E_mailbox ); /* Force User Table to initialize */
checkreal( E_mailserv ); /* Force Host Table to initialize */
if (!LoadSecurity())
printmsg(0,"Unable to initialize security, see previous message");
} /* if (!LoadSecurity()) */
/* Set up search path for our programs */
if ( E_uuxqtpath != NULL )
char *p = malloc( 6 + strlen( E_uuxqtpath ));
checkref( p );
/* ....+ 5 characters plus \0 and length of path */
sprintf(p,"PATH=%s", E_uuxqtpath);
if (putenv( p ))
printmsg(0,"Unable to set path \"%s\"", p);
} /* if (putenv( p )) */
} /* if ( E_uuxqtpath != NULL ) */
/* Disable OS/2 undelete support if desired */
if ( !bflag[ F_UNDELETE ] )
putenv( "DELDIR=");
/* Actually invoke the processing routine for the eXecute files */
do_uuxqt( sysname );
if( equal( sysname , "all" ) )
do_uuxqt( E_nodename );
} /* main */
/* d o _ u u x q t */
/* */
/* Processing incoming eXecute (X.*) files for a remote system */
static boolean do_uuxqt( const char *sysname )
struct HostTable *hostp;
static char uu_machine[] = UU_MACHINE "=";
char hostenv[sizeof uu_machine + 25 + 2];
/* Determine if we have a valid host */
if( !equal( sysname , "all" ) ) {
if (equal( sysname , E_nodename ))
hostp = checkname( sysname );
hostp = checkreal( sysname );
if (hostp == BADHOST) {
printmsg(0, "Unknown host \"%s\".", sysname );
} else
hostp = nexthost( TRUE );
/* Outer loop for processing different hosts */
while (hostp != BADHOST)
char fname[FILENAME_MAX];
boolean locked = FALSE;
/* Initialize security for this remote */
if ( !equal(sysname, E_nodename) &&
(securep = GetSecurity( hostp )) == NULL )
printmsg(0,"No security defined for \"%s\","
" cannot process X.* files",
hostp->hostname );
else {
/* Set up environment for the machine name */
sprintf(hostenv,"%s%.25s", uu_machine, hostp->hostname);
if (putenv( hostenv ))
printmsg(0,"Unable to set environment \"%s\"",hostenv);
/* Inner loop for processing files from one host */
while (readnext(fname, hostp->hostname, "X", NULL) )
if ( locked || LockSystem( hostp->hostname , B_UUXQT ))
process( fname , hostp->hostname );
locked = TRUE;
break; /* We didn't get the lock */
if ( locked )
} /* else if */
/* Restore environment */
putenv( uu_machine ); /* Reset to empty string */
/* If processing all hosts, step to the next host in the queue */
if( equal(sysname,"all") )
hostp = nexthost( FALSE );
hostp = BADHOST;
} /*while nexthost*/
return FALSE;
} /* do_uuxqt */
/* p r o c e s s */
/* */
/* Process a single execute file */
static void process( const char *fname, const char *remote )
char *command = NULL,
*input = NULL,
*output = NULL,
*job_id = NULL,
*token = NULL,
char hostfile[FILENAME_MAX];
boolean skip = FALSE;
boolean reject = FALSE;
FILE *fxqt;
int status;
char *outnode = NULL;
char *outname = NULL;
char *user = NULL;
char *requestor = NULL;
char *statfil = NULL;
char *machine = NULL;
char **envp;
boolean xflag[UU_LAST - 1] = { 0 };
time_t jtime = time(NULL);
/* Open the X.* file */
if ( (fxqt = FOPEN(fname, "r", BINARY)) == NULL) { /* inbound X.* file */
printmsg(2, "processing %s", fname);
/* Begin loop to read the X.* file */
while (!skip & (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, fxqt) != NULL)) {
char *cp;
if ( (cp = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL )
*cp = '\0';
printmsg(8, "input read: %s", line);
/* Process the input line according to its type */
switch (line[0])
case '#':
/* User which submitted the command */
case 'U':
strtok(line," \t\n"); /* Trim off leading "U" */
/* Get the user name */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) == NULL ) {
printmsg(0,"No user on U line in file \"%s\"", fname );
} else {
user = strdup(cp);
/* Get the system name */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) == NULL)
{ /* Did we get a string? */
printmsg(2,"No node on U line in file \"%s\"", fname );
cp = (char *) remote;
} else if (!equal(cp,remote)) {
printmsg(2,"Node on U line in file \"%s\" doesn't match remote",
fname );
cp = (char * ) remote;
machine = newstr(cp);
/* Input file for command */
case 'I':
input = strdup( &line[2] ); /* ahd */
if (!equal(remote, E_nodename))
if (!(equaln(input,"D.",2) || ValidateFile( input, ALLOW_READ)))
reject = TRUE;
xflag[S_NOREAD] = TRUE;
/* Output file for command */
case 'O':
strtok(line," \t\n"); /* Trim off leading "U" */
/* Get the user name */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) != NULL )
outname = strdup(cp);
xflag[X_OUTPUT] = TRUE; /* return output to "outnode" */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) != NULL)
{ /* Did we get a string? */
outnode = strdup(cp);
else if (!equal(remote, E_nodename))
if (!(equaln(outname,"D.",2) || ValidateFile( outname, ALLOW_WRITE)))
reject = TRUE;
xflag[S_NOWRITE] = TRUE;
} /* if */
} /* else if (!equal(remote, E_nodename)) */
} /* if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) != NULL ) */
/* Command to execute */
case 'C':
command = strdup( &line[2] ); /* ahd */
checkref(command); /* ahd */
/* Job Id for status reporting */
case 'J':
strtok(line," \t\n"); /* Trim off leading "J" */
/* Get the job id */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) == NULL )
printmsg(0,"No job id on J line in file \"%s\"", fname );
reject = TRUE;
else {
job_id = strdup( cp );
checkref( job_id );
} /* else */
/* Check that a required file exists */
case 'F':
token = strtok(&line[1]," ");
importpath(hostfile, token, remote);
if ( access( hostfile, 0 )) /* Does the host file exist? */
{ /* No --> Skip the file */
printmsg(0,"Missing file %s (%s) for %s, command skipped",
token, hostfile, fname);
skip = TRUE;
/* Requestor name (overrides user name, above) */
case 'R':
strtok(line," \t\n"); /* Trim off leading "R" */
/* Get the user name */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) == NULL )
printmsg(0,"No requestor on R line in file \"%s\"", fname );
else {
requestor = strdup(cp);
/* Status file name to return info to on remote node */
case 'M':
strtok(line," \t\n"); /* Trim off leading "M" */
/* Get the file name */
if ( (cp = strtok(NULL," \t\n")) != NULL ) {
statfil = strdup(cp);
xflag[X_STATFIL] = TRUE; /* return status to remote file */
} else {
printmsg(0,"No file name on M line in file \"%s\"", fname);
/* Flag fields */
case 'Z': xflag[X_FAILED] = TRUE; /* send status if command failed */
case 'N': xflag[X_FAILED] = FALSE; /* send NO status if command failed */
case 'n': xflag[X_SUCCESS] = TRUE; /* send status if command succeeded */
case 'z': xflag[X_SUCCESS] = FALSE; /* NO status if command succeeded */
case 'B': xflag[X_INPUT] = TRUE; /* return command input on error */
case 'e': xflag[X_USEEXEC] = FALSE; /* process command using sh(1) */
case 'E': xflag[X_USEEXEC] = TRUE; /* process command using exec(2) */
/* Quietly ignore unknown fields */
default :
} /* switch */
} /* while (!skip & (fgets(line, BUFSIZ, fxqt) != NULL)) */
if ( fxqt != NULL )
if ((command == NULL) && !skip)
printmsg(0,"No command supplied for X.* file %s, skipped", fname);
reject = TRUE;
/* We have the data for this command; process it */
if ( ! (skip || reject ))
if ( user == NULL )
user = strdup("uucp"); /* User if none given */
if (requestor == NULL)
requestor = strdup(user);
if (input == NULL)
input = strdup("/dev/nul");
if (output == NULL)
output = mktempname(NULL, "OUT");
printmsg(equaln(command,RMAIL,5) ? 2 : 0,
"uuxqt: executing \"%s\" for user \"%s\" at \"%s\"",
command, user, machine);
/* Create the environment and run the command */
envp = create_environment("uucp", requestor);
status = shell(command, input, output, remote, xflag );
ReportResults( status, input, output, command, job_id,
jtime, requestor, outnode, outname, xflag,
statfil, machine, user);
/* Clean up files after the command */
unlink(fname); /* Already a local file name */
if (equaln(input,"D.",2))
importpath(hostfile, input, remote);
if (xflag[X_OUTPUT])
importpath(hostfile, output, remote);
else if (reject && !skip)
unlink(fname); /* Already a local file name */
/* Free various temporary character strings */
if (command != NULL) free(command);
if (input != NULL) free(input);
if (job_id != NULL) free(job_id);
if (outnode != NULL) free(outnode);
if (output != NULL) free(output);
if (requestor != NULL) free(requestor);
if (statfil != NULL) free(statfil);
if (user != NULL) free(user);
} /* process */
/* s h e l l */
/* */
/* Simulate a Unix command */
static int shell(char *command,
const char *inname,
const char *outname,
const char *remotename,
boolean xflag[])
char *argv[50];
int argc;
int result = 0;
char inlocal[FILENAME_MAX];
char outlocal[FILENAME_MAX];
char savecmd[BUFSIZ];
if (xflag[X_USEEXEC])
printmsg(2, "exec(2) not supported, executing using spawn");
strcpy( savecmd, command );
argc = getargs(command, argv);
printmsg(2,"uux: command arg count = %d", argc);
if (debuglevel >= 2) {
char **argvp = argv;
int i = 0;
while (i < argc)
printmsg(2, "shell: argv[%d]=\"%s\"", i++, *argvp++);
/* Verify we support the command, and get it's real name, if so */
if ( (!equal(remotename, E_nodename)) && (!ValidateCommand( argv[0] )) )
printmsg(0,"Command \"%s\" not allowed at this site", argv[0]);
xflag[E_NOEXE] = TRUE;
return 99;
/* Open files for processing */
if (inname != NULL)
importpath(inlocal, inname, remotename);
printmsg(2, "shell: opening %s for input", inlocal);
if (freopen(inlocal, "rb", stdin) == NULL)
printmsg(0, "shell: couldn't open %s (%s), errno=%d.",
inname, inlocal, errno);
xflag[S_CORRUPT] = TRUE;
return -2;
if (outname != NULL)
importpath(outlocal, outname, remotename);
printmsg(2, "shell: opening %s for output", outlocal);
if (freopen(outlocal, "wt", stdout) == NULL) {
printmsg(0, "shell: couldn't open %s (%s), errno=%d.",
outname, outlocal, errno);
if ( inname != NULL)
freopen("con", "rt", stdin);
xflag[S_NOWRITE] = TRUE;
return -2;
/* We support the command; execute it */
argv[argc] = NULL;
if (equal(argv[0],RMAIL) && ( inname != NULL )) /* Rmail w/input? */
int addr = 1;
while (( addr < argc ) && (result != -1 ))
#ifdef __TURBOC__
size_t rlen = 126 ;
size_t rlen = (_osmode == DOS_MODE) ? 126 : 254;
char buf[255];
rlen -= strlen( argv[0] );
/* Compute space left on command line */
*buf = '\0'; /* Terminate the buffer string */
/* Copy addresses into the buffer */
while (( addr < argc ) && (rlen >= strlen( argv[addr] )))
if ( *argv[addr] == '-') /* Option flag for mail? */
printmsg(0,"Disallowed option %s ignored",argv[addr]);
strcat( buf, argv[addr] );
rlen -= strlen( argv[addr++] ) + 1;
if (rlen > 0) /* Room for another address? */
strcat( buf, " "); /* Yes --> Add space after addr */
} /* while (( addr < argc ) && (rlen >= strlen( argv[addr] ) */
if (*buf == '\0') /* Did we process at least one addr? */
{ /* No --> Serious problem! */
printmsg(0,"shell: address \"%s\" too long to process!",
argv[addr] );
} /* if (*buf = '\0') */
/* Execute one command line of addresses */
printmsg(2, "shell: %s %s", argv[0], buf );
result = spawnlp( P_WAIT, argv[0], argv[0], buf , NULL);
if (freopen(inlocal, "rb", stdin) == NULL)
printmsg(0, "shell: couldn't reopen %s (%s), errno=%d.",
inname, inlocal, errno);
} /* if */
if ( result != 0 )
if (result == -1) /* Did spawn fail? */
printerr(argv[0]); /* Yes --> Report error */
printmsg(0,"shell: command \"%s %s\" returned error code %d",
argv[0], buf, result);
} /* while (( addr < argc ) && (result != -1 )) */
} /* if (equal(argv[0],RMAIL) && ( inname != NULL )) */
else if (internal(argv[0])) /* Internal command? */
result = system( savecmd );
/* Use COMMAND.COM to run command */
} /* else if (internal(argv[0])) */
else { /* No --> Invoke normally */
result = spawnvp( P_WAIT, argv[0], argv );
} /* else */
/* Determine result of command */
if ( result == 0 )
xflag[E_NORMAL] = TRUE;
else if ( result > 0 )
xflag[E_STATUS] = TRUE;
if (result == -1) /* Did spawn fail? */
printerr(argv[0]); /* Yes --> Report error */
/* Re-open our standard i/o streams */
errno = 0;
if ( outname != NULL )
freopen("con", "wt", stdout);
errno = 0;
if ( inname != NULL )
FILE *temp = freopen("con", "rt", stdin);
if ( (temp == NULL) && (errno != 0) )
} /* if ( inname != NULL ) */
/* Report results of command */
printmsg( (result == 0 ) ? 8 : 1,"Result of spawn %s is ... %d",
argv[0], result);
return result;
} /*shell*/
/* u s a g e */
/* */
/* Report how to run this program */
static void usage( void )
fputs("Usage:\tuuxqt\t[-xDEBUG] [-sSYSTEM]", stderr);
} /* usage */
/* c o p y l o c a l */
/* */
/* Copy Local Files */
static boolean copylocal(const char *from, const char *to)
int fd_from, fd_to;
int nr;
int nw = -1;
char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* faster if we alloc a big buffer */
/* This would be even faster if we determined that both files
were on the same device, dos >= 3.0, and used the dos move
function */
if ((fd_from = open(from, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) == -1)
return FALSE; /* failed */
/* what if the to is a directory? */
/* possible with local source & dest uucp */
if ((fd_to = open(to, O_CREAT | O_BINARY | O_WRONLY, S_IWRITE | S_IREAD)) == -1) {
return FALSE; /* failed */
/* NOTE - this assumes all the required directories exist! */
while ((nr = read(fd_from, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0 &&
(nw = write(fd_to, buf, nr)) == nr)
if (nr != 0 || nw == -1)
return FALSE; /* failed in copy */
return TRUE;
} /* copylocal */
/* c r e a t e _ e n v i r o n m e n t */
/* */
/* Create the environment array for subprocesses */
char **create_environment(const char *logname,
const char *requestor)
char buffer[MAXADDR + 20];
int subscript = 0;
char **envp = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * 3);
/* "Current" user id processing the request */
if ( logname != NULL )
sprintf(buffer,"%s=%s", LOGNAME, logname);
envp[subscript] = strdup(buffer);
/* user id/nodename of original requestor */
if ( requestor != NULL )
sprintf(buffer,"%s=%s",UU_USER, requestor);
envp[subscript] = strdup(buffer);
envp[subscript] = NULL; /* Terminate the list */
/* Now put the data into our environment */
while( subscript-- > 0)
if (putenv( envp[subscript] ))
printmsg(0,"Unable to set environment \"%s\"",envp[subscript]);
} /* while */
return envp;
} /* create_environment */
/* d e l e t e _ e n v i r o n m e n t */
/* */
/* Delete variables inserted by create_enviroment */
/* */
/* Our environment goes away when we are done executing we; just */
/* clean up the environment because we are freeing the storage */
static void delete_environment( char **envp )
int subscript = 0;
while ( envp[subscript] != NULL )
char *equal = strchr(envp[subscript] , '=' );
*++equal = '\0'; /* Terminate the string */
if (putenv( envp[subscript] ))
printmsg(0,"Unable to reset environment \"%s\"",envp[subscript]);
free( envp[subscript++] );
free( envp );
} /* delete_environment */
/* d o _ c o p y */
/* */
/* Send a file to remote node via uucp */
static boolean do_copy(char *localfile,
const char *rmtsystem,
const char *remotefile,
const char *requestor,
const boolean success )
if (rmtsystem == NULL) {
copylocal(localfile, remotefile);
} else {
char tmfile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Unix style name for c file */
char idfile[FILENAME_MAX]; /* Unix style name for data file copy */
char work[FILENAME_MAX]; /* temp area for filename hacking */
char icfilename[FILENAME_MAX]; /* our hacked c file path */
char idfilename[FILENAME_MAX]; /* our hacked d file path */
struct stat statbuf;
long int sequence;
static char subseq = 'A';
char *sequence_s;
FILE *cfile;
sequence = getseq();
sequence_s = JobNumber( sequence );
sprintf(tmfile, spool_fmt, 'C', rmtsystem, 'Z', sequence_s);
importpath(work, tmfile, rmtsystem);
mkfilename(icfilename, E_spooldir, work);
if (stat((char *) localfile, &statbuf) != 0) {
printerr( localfile );
return FALSE;
sprintf(idfile , dataf_fmt, 'D', E_nodename, sequence_s,
(char) subseq++ );
importpath(work, idfile, rmtsystem);
mkfilename(idfilename, E_spooldir, work);
if (!copylocal(localfile, idfilename)) {
printmsg(0, "Copy \"%s\" to \"%s\" failed", localfile, idfilename);
return FALSE;
if ((cfile = FOPEN(icfilename, "a", TEXT)) == NULL) {
printerr( icfilename );
printf("cannot append to %s\n", icfilename);
return FALSE;
fprintf(cfile, send_cmd, localfile, remotefile,
"uucp" , success ? "n" : " ", idfile,
success ? requestor : " ");
return TRUE;
} /* do_copy */
/* R e p o r t R e s u l t s */
/* */
/* report results of command execution as specified by flags in */
/* X.* file. */
static void ReportResults(const int status,
const char *input,
char *output,
const char *command,
const char *job_id,
const time_t jtime,
const char *requestor,
const char *outnode,
const char *outname,
const boolean xflag[],
const char *statfil,
const char *machine,
const char *user)
char address[MAXADDR];
char subject[80];
FILE *mailtmp = NULL;
char *tempmail = mktempname(NULL, "TMP");
if (!(xflag[X_FAILED] | xflag[X_SUCCESS] |
xflag[X_INPUT] | xflag[X_STATFIL]))
{ /* default actions */
if ((mailtmp = FOPEN(tempmail, "w+", BINARY)) == NULL) {
sprintf(subject, "\"[uucp job %s (%s)]\"", job_id, dater(jtime, NULL) );
fprintf(mailtmp,"remote execution\n");
fprintf(mailtmp,"%s\n", command);
#ifdef BETA_TEST
if (equal(machine, E_nodename))
strcpy(address, requestor);
sprintf(address,"%s!%s", machine, requestor);
if (xflag[E_NORMAL])
{ /* command succeded, process appropriate flags */
fprintf(mailtmp,"exited normally\n");
if (xflag[X_OUTPUT])
do_copy(output, outnode, outname, requestor, xflag[X_SUCCESS]);
if (xflag[X_SUCCESS]) {
if (xflag[X_STATFIL]) {
do_copy(tempmail, outnode, statfil, requestor, xflag[X_SUCCESS]);
} else {
MailStatus(tempmail, address, subject);
} else { /* command failed, process appropriate flags */
if (xflag[E_NOACC])
fprintf(mailtmp,"file access denied to %s!%s", machine, user);
else if (xflag[E_NOEXE])
fprintf(mailtmp,"execution permission denied to %s!%s\n",
machine, requestor);
else if (xflag[E_SIGNAL])
fprintf(mailtmp,"terminated by signal\n");
else if (xflag[E_STATUS])
fprintf(mailtmp,"exited with status %d\n", status);
else /* xflag->e & E_FAILED */
fprintf(mailtmp,"failed completely\n");
if (xflag[E_STATUS]) {
if ((xflag[X_FAILED]) && !(xflag[X_INPUT])) {
fprintf(mailtmp,"===== error output not available =====\n");
} else if ((xflag[X_FAILED]) && (xflag[X_INPUT])) {
fprintf(mailtmp,"===== stdin was ");
if (xflag[S_CORRUPT])
fprintf(mailtmp,"unreadable =====\n");
else if (xflag[S_EMPTY])
fprintf(mailtmp,"empty =====\n");
else if (xflag[S_NOREAD])
fprintf(mailtmp,"denied read permission =====\n");
else {
AppendData( input, mailtmp);
fprintf(mailtmp,"===== stderr is unavailable =====\n");
if (xflag[X_STATFIL]) {
do_copy(tempmail, outnode, statfil, requestor, xflag[X_SUCCESS]);
} else {
MailStatus(tempmail, address, subject);
if (xflag[X_OUTPUT])
} /* ReportResults */
/* A p p e n d D a t a */
/* */
/* Append data to output file */
static boolean AppendData( const char *input, FILE* dataout)
FILE *datain;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
boolean status = TRUE;
/* Verify the input opened */
if (input == NULL)
return FALSE;
datain = FOPEN(input, "r", TEXT);
if (datain == NULL) {
printmsg(0,"Unable to open input file \"%s\"", input);
return FALSE;
} /* datain */
/* Loop to copy the data */
while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, datain) != 0)
if (fputs(buf, dataout) == EOF) /* I/O error? */
printmsg(0,"AppendData: I/O error on output file");
return FALSE;
} /* if */
} /* while */
/* Close up shop and return */
if (ferror(datain)) /* Clean end of file on input? */
status = FALSE;
return status;
} /* AppendData */
/* M a i l S t a t u s */
/* */
/* Send text in a mailbag file to address(es) specified by line. */
static boolean MailStatus(char *tempfile,
char *address,
char *subject)
boolean status;
char **envp;
/* Invoke RMAIL */
envp = create_environment( "uucp", NULL );
if ( subject == NULL )
status = spawnlp( P_WAIT, RMAIL, RMAIL,
"-f", tempfile, "-w", address, NULL);
status = spawnlp( P_WAIT, RMAIL, RMAIL,
"-f", tempfile, "-w", "-s", subject, address, NULL);
delete_environment( envp );
/* Report errors, if any */
if ( status < 0 )
printerr( RMAIL );
printmsg(0,"Unable to execute rmail; status not delivered.");
else if ( status > 0 )
printmsg(0, "Rmail returned error;\
status delivery may be incomplete.");
/* Return to caller */
return (status == 0 );
} /*MailStatus*/
/* i n t e r n a l */
/* */
/* Determine if command is internal DOS command */
static boolean internal( char *command )
static char *commands[] = { "break", "cd", "chdir", "copy",
"ctty", "date", "del", "dir",
"echo", "erase", "for", "md",
"mkdir", "rd", "rem", "ren",
"rename", "rmdir", "time", "ver",
"verify", "vol",
char **list;
/* Determine command list to use */
if (E_internal == NULL )
list = commands;
list = E_internal;
/* Scan the list for the command */
while( *list != NULL )
printmsg(5,"Searching for \"%s\", comparing to \"%s\"",
*list, command);
if (equali(*list++,command))
printmsg(4,"\"%s\" is an internal command",command);
return TRUE;
} /* if */
} /* while( *list != NULL ) */
/* The command is not in the list; return FALSE (external command) */
printmsg(4,"\"%s\" is an external command",command);
return FALSE;
} /* internal */