Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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RemoteAccess User Personal Setup Door
Version 1.12
1992,93 (c) Chief Data Recovery
All Rights Reserved.
It's been a long time that I wanted users to be able to set up their
birth dates with a door that will not crash the BBS. I set to write
it, and this is what I came out with - A full featured user personal
setup door.
This door allow the user to change almost any possible parameter in
his record. RemoteAccess limits and restrictions are still active
inside the door.
■ MultiNode support
■ Instant update of user record.
■ Split screen sysop-user chat.
■ All sysop options available inside the door.
■ Receive online messages from other users while in the door.
■ Command line option to disable changes of items.
■ Fast screen update in ANSI/AVATAR modes.
■ Real input prompts in ANSI/AVATAR modes.
■ Optional CFG file for color definisions.
UserSet requires the following for a proper operation:
■ 160K of free conventional memory.
■ DOS version 3.1 or higher.
■ RemoteAccess version 2.00.
If you are upgrading from a version of UserSet 1.10 or earlier, please
note that some of the active keys are changed. If you use the option
to disable options in UserSet, you must check the current key for each
To Install UserSet on your RemoteAccess BBS, you'll need to create a
type 7 menu entry and just call USERSET.EXE.
This is all that is needed for the installation. UserSet will identify
your system parameters and will support almost all possible
configurations such as multiline, multitasking, network etc.
The Sysop may disable any of the options in UserSet by a special
command line parameter.
This parameter is used in combination with the active keys in the
following way:
/-ABC will disable keys A, B and C.
If the sysop wish to disable the options of changing (H)andle and
(A)ddress, he should specify /-HA in the command line parameter. The
keys on the screen will be shown in low attributes and selecting them
will display an error message.
Some sysops wish their users to have colors, either ANSI or AVATAR.
In this case you should specify /-N so that users will not allow to
toggle ANSI mode but can still toggle the AVATAR mode.
By default, UserSet contain all its configuration internally. You may
create an external configuration file named USERSET.CFG (sample
included) to define all UserSet colors. The USERSET.CFG file may be
placed in the same directory as USERSET.EXE, in the current directory
or somewhere along the DOS PATH.
See the included USERSET.CFG for explenation of its usage.
UserSet registration is $15 (US). When you register UserSet you will
receive a special key to install in your copy of UserSet and make it
display a registered message. Instructions on installing the key will
also be sent to you.
After installing the key, the F8 status line will be changed to
include your registration information and if you change to another
status line, it will not return to the default F8 one.
The latest version of UserSet and other of Chief D.R. utilities are
always available on our 6 nodes support BBS: +972-3-9667562 ,
+972-3-9673919 or +972-3-9673499 at 14400 V32b/V42b/MNP5 speed.
Name: _________________________________________________________________
(as written in RACONFIG)
BBS Name: _____________________________________________________________
(as written in RACONFIG)
Node Number: ___/_____/_____._____ at [ ] Fidonet [ ] ________________
BBS Phone number: ______________________________ Speed: ______________
Hours of operation: ___________________ Number of Nodes: ______________
Street Address: _______________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _______________________________________________________
Country: ______________________________________________________________
Voice phone number: ___________________________________________________
UserSet Registration ............................ $15 x _____ = $______
S/H (in Israel) (*) ............................. $ 3 x _____ = $______
S/H (overseas) (*)............................... $ 6 x _____ = $______
Total ........................................................= $______
(*) If you have a FidoNet Address, the registration key will be sent
to you by Crash Netmail. Otherwise, a diskette with the key will
be sent by SnailMail.
Registration by: [ ] Check / Money Order #: ___________________________
[ ] Cash by Registered mail
[ ] Visa
[ ] MC
Card Number:__________________________________________
Name On Card: ____________________________ Exp: ______
PID (Must): __________________________________________
Signature (Must): ____________________________________
* Please make checks payable to "Chief Data Recovery Ltd."
Send registration to: Chief Data Recovery Ltd.
P.O.Box 499
Nes-Ziona 70400
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