Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
< prev
OS/2 REXX Batch file
1,079 lines
/* Virexx.cmd*/
echo off
parse upper arg path file ext maxmec node
lpath = STRIP(path)
lfile = STRIP(file)
lext = STRIP(ext)
lmaxmec = STRIP(maxmec)
lnode = STRIP(node)
/* Rexx program for virus checking uploaded files for Maximus 2.01wb
Doug Cullen 1:157/603.52@fidonet 12 Oct. 92
Revised 24 Jan. 93
Mucho further revision 4 Feb. 93
Rev to do generic scans and scan nested compressed files.
Also added Node variable for multinode BBS's.
Cleaned up code for various errors.
Working directories deleted at the completion.
Modifications by Dave Sloan 81:950/10@OS2net March 12,1992
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* - - - - - - - - - - C O N F I G U R A T I O N - - - - - - - - - - - */
/* ----- Set these variables for your System ------------------------------- */
/* 1) LISTS (lists of file extensions and how to deal with them) */
arc_list='.ZIP .LZH .ARC .ARJ .ZOO' /* list of defined achives */
reject_list='.GIF .TIF .# .## .###' /* list of file extensions to reject */
/* # extensions prevent confusion */
/* numbers that are translated later */
pass_list='.C .BAT .CMD ' /* list of file extensions to pass */
/* automatically */
series_list='.# .## .### .A##' /* list of file extensions to pass */
/* #'s will match any NUMBER */
/* 2) VARIABLES */
bbsname = 'Tech Talk Toll' /* Your BBS name */
oldest = 8001 /* date for oldest file YYMM */
/* 8001 = jan 80 use 0000 to disable */
descblanks = 31 /* # of blanks to add to file desc. */
/* to align properly*/
/* align left edge*/
/* 3) PATHS (paths to various files and directories needed by VIREXX */
/* ****NOTE**** Change only UPPER CASE PARTS*/
maxpath = 'C:\MAX' /* Path to Maximus*/
badfiledir = 'C:\MAX\BADFILES' /* path to copy bad files to*/
testfiledir = 'C:\MAX\filete'lnode /* dir for testing lnode = 1,2 ect.*/
/* Sample virexx1.cmd for node 1
@echo off
virexx %1 %2 %3 %4 1
miscpath = 'C:\FILE\MISCUTIL' /* Path to uploaded files.bbs*/
/* Must be UPPER case !!!!*/
logname = 'D:\LOG\vire'lnode'.log' /* Virexx Log*/
maxlog = 'C:\MAX\'node /* path to max log file*/
logfile = 'D:\LOG\vire'lnode'.log' /* path and name of Virexx log*/
file_bad = lmaxmec'file_bad.bbs' /* path to bad file message*/
file_ok = lmaxmec'file_ok.bbs' /* path to good file message*/
commentfile = 'C:\ARC\TECHZIP.FIL' /* bbs add file for zip comment*/
database = 'C:\MAX\filedata.fil' /* database of additional file info*/
userfile = 'C:\MAX\lastus0'lnode'.bbs' /* name of lastuser file lastus01 when lnode = 1*/
debugfile = 'C:\MAX\debug.txt' /* to debug = 1*/
/* 4) COMMANDS (Command lines for various programs called by VIREXX)*/
/* NOTE: Virexx appends the filename to the end of the archiver commands*/
/* so the space at the end is important*/
lh_command='lh x /o /i ' /* command to extract .lzh file*/
/* this ones for 32bit LH2 2.12*/
zip_command1 ='pkunzip -o ' /* command to extract .ZIP files*/
/* with version 1.x signature*/
/* this ones for PKUNZIP2 1.02*/
zip_command2 ='unzip -o ' /* command to extract .ZIP files*/
/* with version 2.x signature*/
/* this ones for InfoZip unzip 5.0*/
arj_command ='unarj e ' /* unarj command for Robert Jungs*/
/* Demo version 2.10 Unarj*/
/* arj_command ='gnunarj x '*/ /* unarj command for 32bit GNU port*/
/* of R. Jungs Demo Unarj 2.30*/
arc_command ='arc2 xo ' /* command to extract archive using*/
/* SEA's ARC2 ver 6.00*/
zoo_command ='zoo e:O ' /* command to extract archive using*/
/* ZOO 2.1 (renamed to ZOO2.exe)*/
comment_command = 'pkzip -z -k ' /* command to add comment to .zip file*/
zipdir = '' /* path to arcive subdirectory */
/* 5) SWITCHES (switches for various functions. Use 1 for ON, 0 for OFF)*/
mlog = 0 /* Add VIREXX entry to MAXLOG*/
sdi = 0 /* enter FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI to*/
/* files.bbs if found.*/
zipcomment = 1 /* Add bbs comment to .zip files*/
dbase = 1 /* write entry to file database*/
debug = 0 /* turns on extra output to assist*/
/* in debugging problems*/
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* - - - - - E N D O F C O N F I G U R A T I O N - - - - - - - */
/* ---------------------------- Main Program -------------------------------- */
/*trace all*/
if debug then do
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'parameters 'lpath' 'lfile' 'lext' 'lnode' 'lmaxmec)
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'initialzing')
call initialize /* initialize program */
fullname = lpath||lfile||lext /* full pathname to file(s) */
/* Look for all files with the specified name*/
call SysFileTree fullname,'lfile','FSO'
/* If any exist then process them*/
if lfile.0 > 0 then do
/* Setup to trap errors and inform user to inform sysop*/
status = 'INCOMPLETE'
if lfile.0 = 1 then
call bbsmsg
status = 'GOOD'
/* Perform check for all of the files*/
/* This version is made for generic scans of subdirectories*/
do filecnt = 1 to lfile.0
/* Get the first/next file to process*/
fullname = TRANSLATE(lfile.filecnt) /* full pathname to file */
filename = FILESPEC('NAME',fullname) /* file name */
lpath = DELSTR(fullname, POS(filename, fullname))
dot = POS('.',filename)
lfile = DELSTR(filename, dot)
lext = DELSTR(filename, 1, dot - 1)
when lext = miscpath then do /* file had no extension */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'no file extension')
'COPY 'fullname badfiledir /* move to badfile dir */
'ERASE 'fullname
status = 'NOEXT'
end /* do */
/* expand files in test directories*/
when POS(lext,arc_list)>0 then
call unarchive
when POS(lext,pass_list)>0 then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'AutoPass 'fullname)
'COPY 'fullname testfiledir
status = 'PASS'
end /* do */
when POS(lext,reject_list)>0 then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'Rejecting 'fullname)
'ERASE 'fullname
status = 'REJECT'
end /* do */
when lext = '.EXE' || lext = '.COM' then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'rejecting 'fullname' exe or com')
'COPY 'fullname testfiledir
'COPY 'fullname badfiledir
'ERASE 'fullname
status = 'EXE'
end /* do */
otherwise do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'extension is now 'trans_ext)
if POS(trans_ext,series_list) then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'AutoPass serial file 'fullname)
status = 'PASS'
'COPY 'fullname' 'testfiledir
end /* do */
else do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,fullname' is UNKNOWN type')
status = 'UNKNOWN'
'COPY 'fullname' 'badfiledir
'ERASE 'fullname
end /* else */
end /* do */
end /* select */
if status = 'GOOD' | status = 'EXE' then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"checking oldfiles")
if oldest <> '0000' then
call checkdate /* check for old files */
/* unless turned off */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"checking descriptions")
if sdi then
call checkdesc /* check for file descriptions */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"calling scanner")
call scanner /* scan for virii if the file unpacks OK */
end /* do */
if status = 'PASS' then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"calling scanner")
call scanner /* scan for virii if the file unpacks OK */
end /* do */
if lfile.0 = 1 then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"doing filestats")
call filestats
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"sending BBS file")
call sendmsg /* send appropriate msg to user */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"updating database")
if dbase then call databaseout /* add fileinfo to data base */
if zipcomment & lext = '.ZIP' then do
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"adding zip comment")
if status = 'GOOD' then
zipdir||comment_command' 'fullname' < 'commentfile
end /* do */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,"cleaning up test directories")
call cleanupdir /* clean up test directory */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'cleaning up')
end /* Loop for all files*/
end /* Files exist*/
call RxFuncDrop 'SysFileTree'
file = LINEOUT(debugfile)
/* ------------ end - main program ------------------ */
/* Possible Status Values
GOOD = No problems
BAD = Failed to Unarchive
INFECTED = Failed Virus Scan
UNKNOWN = File extension was not of any type defined
EXE = File was .exe or .com (I treat these with a great
deal of suspicion! )
NOEXT = file had no extension i.e. 'filename.'
OLD = archive contained files older than oldest date
PASS = Scan and PASS thru (use for other extension you
want to pass automatically (GIF, TIF or whatever)
REJECT = file was in the reject list. Deleted and the user
is sent a warning note
/* ----- Subroutine Initialize ----------------------- */
if lext = '' then
call USAGE
dontask = '/N'
call RxFuncAdd 'SysFileTree','RexxUtil','SysFileTree'
call RxFuncAdd 'SysMkDir','RexxUtil','SysMkDir'
call RxFuncAdd 'SysRmDir','RexxUtil','SysRmDir'
/* make sure Rexxutils loaded */
call SysFileTree testfiledir,'dir','DO'
if dir.0 = 0 then
call SysMkDir testfiledir
call SysFileTree badfiledir,'dir','DO'
if dir.0 = 0 then
call SysMkDir badfiledir
if stream(testfiledir||'\*.*','c','query exist') <> '' then
'ERASE 'testfiledir'\*.* 'dontask /* cleanup test dir */
testfiledir.0 = 0 /* No arcs within arcs yet*/
parse value DATE('N') with dd mmm yyyy /* dd = day
mmm = month
yyyy = year */
dd = RIGHT(dd,2,'0')
archsize = 0
logdate = ' 'dd' 'mmm' 'TIME()' VIRX'
uldate = dd'-'mmm'-'yyyy
logentry = '+'logdate' checking 'filename /* build up log entry */
file = LINEOUT(logfile,logentry) /* and write log entry */
file = LINEOUT(logfile)
nested = NO /* clear nested */
/* get user name from lastuser file */
if \(SUBWORD(tempname,3,1)='') then
username=SUBWORD(tempname,1,1)' 'SUBWORD(tempname,2,2)
/* check that dirs exist - if not make them */
/* ----- End - Initialize ---------------------------- */
/* ----- Subroutine Unarchive ------------------------ */
ffname = fullname
fname = filename
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unarchiving 'fname)
testdir = testfiledir
signature = CHARIN(ffname,1,6)
temp = stream(ffname,'c','close')
when (substr(signature,1,5) = 'PK') then do /* version 2.x zip file */
call unzip2
end /* do */
when (substr(signature,1,4) = 'PK') then do /* version 1.x zip file */
call unzip1
end /* do */
when (substr(signature,3,3) = '-lh' ) then do /* .lzh file */
call unlzh
end /* do */
when (substr(signature,1,2) = '`Ω' ) then do /* .arj file */
call unarj
end /* do */
when (substr(signature,1,3) = 'ZOO' ) then do /* .zoo file */
call unzoo
end /* do */
when lext = '.ARC' then do /* .arc file */
call unarc
end /* do */
otherwise do
status = 'BAD'
end /* do */
end /* select */
if status = 'GOOD' then
call checknested
if status = 'BAD' then do
'COPY 'fullname badfiledir
'ERASE 'fullname
end /* do */
/* ----------- End - unarchive -----------------------------*/
/* ------- look for description files ---------------------- */
/* ------- (FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI)inside archive --------- */
fileinfo = testfiledir'\file_id.diz'
if stream(fileinfo,'c','query exist') <> '' then do
i = 0
do until lines(fileinfo)=0
i = i + 1
mytext.i = LINEIN(fileinfo)
mytext.1 = STRIP(mytext.i)
bbsfile = lpath||'files.bbs'
if i = 1 then
file = LINEOUT(bbsfile,filename' 'mytext.i)
file = LINEOUT(bbsfile,COPIES(' ',descblanks)||mytext.i)
desc = 'DONE'
end /* do */
file = LINEOUT(bbsfile)
file = LINEOUT(fileinfo)
end /* do */
if desc <> 'DONE' then do
fileinfo = testfiledir'\desc.sdi'
if stream(fileinfo,'c','query exist') <> ''then do
i = 0
do until lines(fileinfo)=0
i = i + 1
mytext.i = LINEIN(fileinfo)
mytext.i = STRIP(mytext.i)
bbsfile = lpath||'files.bbs'
if i = 1 then
file = LINEOUT(bbsfile,filename' 'mytext.i)
file = LINEOUT(bbsfile,COPIES(' ',descblanks)||mytext.i)
end /* do */
file = LINEOUT(bbsfile)
file = LINEOUT(fileinfo)
end /* do */
/* ------ end of checkdesc ------------- */
/* - Run McAffees Scan on testfiledir - */
scancmd='os2scan 'testfiledir'\*.* /a /d /NOEXPIRE'
/* command line for your*/
/* virus scanner*/
/* Test the files in the main package*/
if RC>0 then do
if RC=1 then
status = 'INFECTED'
status = 'ERROR'
/* Test the subdirectories*/
if testfiledir.0 > 0 then do
push testfiledir
do ii = 1 to testfiledir.0
testfiledir = testfiledir.ii
scancmd='os2scan 'testfiledir'\*.* /a /d /NOEXPIRE'
if RC>0 then do
if RC=1 then
status = 'INFECTED'
status = 'ERROR'
pull testfiledir
/* ----------end -- scanner ------------- */
/* - clean up testfile dir when we're done - */
if stream(testfiledir||'\*.*','c','query exist') <> '' then
'ERASE 'testfiledir'\*.* 'dontask /* cleanup test dir */
if testfiledir.0 > 0 then do
do ii = 1 to testfiledir.0
if stream(testfiledir.ii||'\*.*','c','query exist') <> '' then do
'ERASE 'testfiledir.ii'\*.* 'dontask /* cleanup 2nd test dir */
call SysRmDir testfiledir.ii
/* Remove test subdirectory if complete*/
if filecnt = lfile.0 then
call SysRmDir testfiledir
/* ------- end -- cleanupdir ---------------- */
/* ----------- Subroutine SendMsg --------------------------- */
/* enter appropriate messages to log(s) and bbs user */
fileentry =''
when status = 'BAD' then do
logentry = '!'logdate filename' failed extract - moved to badfiles'
fileentry = filename" failed to extract from archive - uploaded by: "username
end /* do */
when status = 'EXE' then do
logentry = '!'logdate' 'filename' suspicious - moved to badfiles'
fileentry = filename" exec, moved to prevent trojan, virii ...-uploaded by: "username
end /* do */
when status = 'UNKNOWN' then do
logentry = '!'logdate' 'filename' UNKNOWN type - moved to badfiles'
fileentry = filename" of unknown type, moved - uploaded by: "username
end /* do */
when status = 'INFECTED' then do
logentry = '!'logdate' 'filename' INFECTED!!! - moved to badfiles'
fileentry = filename" INFECTED - triggered scanner -uploaded by: "username
end /* do */
when status = 'GOOD' then do
logentry = '+'logdate' 'filename' OK credit given'
file = LINEOUT(logfile,RIGHT('Filesize:',32)' 'fsize' bytes, dated: 'fildate)
file = LINEOUT(logfile,RIGHT(numfiles,35)' files, Newest: 'newdate' - Oldest: 'olddate)
if ZIPTYPE \= '' then do
logentry = RIGHT('archive was ',35)' 'ZIPTYPE
file = LINEOUT(logfile,RIGHT('Uploaded by:',35)' 'username)
logentry = RIGHT('Uploaded by:',35)' 'username
when status = 'NOEXT' then do
logentry = '!'logdate' 'filename' had no .ext - moved to badfiles'
fileentry = filename" had no extension, moved - uploaded by:"username
end /* do */
when status = 'REJECT' then do
logentry = '!'logdate' 'filename' was in reject list - deleted'
fileentry = filename" on reject list, deleted - uploaded by:"username
end /* do */
when status = 'OLD' then do
logentry = '!'logdate' 'filename' was too old - moved to badfiles'
fileentry = filename" was older than allowed - uploaded by: "username
end /* do */
when status = 'PASS' then do
file = LINEOUT(logfile,'+'logdate' 'filename' ok - credit given (AutoPass)')
logentry = logfile,RIGHT('Uploaded by:',35)' 'username
otherwise do
logentry = '!'logdate' ERROR running ViREXX'
fileentry = filename "ERROR running ViREXX"
end /* do */
end /* select */
file = LINEOUT(logfile,logentry) /* write entry to Virexx log */
file = LINEOUT(logfile)
if Mlog then do
file = LINEOUT(maxlog,logentry) /* write to Max log if enabled */
file = LINEOUT(maxlog)
if status = 'BAD' | status = 'INFECTED' | status = 'UNKNOWN' | status = 'EXE' | status = 'NOEXT' | status = 'OLD' then do
file = LINEOUT(badfilebbs,fileentry)
file = LINEOUT(badfilebbs)
end /* do */
call tokens /* load mecca tokens for .bbs output */
call bbsmsg /* write file_ok.bbs or file_bad.bbs */
/* ----- check date - move to badfilesarchive if it contains ----- */
/* ----- files older than oldest ----------------------------------*/
archsize = 0
numfiles = 0
SrchFile = testfiledir'\*.*'
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FT'
oldestfile = ''
call TestDate
if testfiledir.0 > 0 then do
do ii = 1 to testfiledir.0
SrchFile = testfiledir.ii'\*.*'
if debug then
say SrchFile
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FT'
call TestDate
return /* checkdate */
/* Get oldest and newest dates*/
do i = 1 to file.0
fsize = WORD(file.i, 2)
archsize = archsize + fsize
numfiles = numfiles + 1
testdate = SUBSTR(file.i, 1, 2)||SUBSTR(file.i, 4, 2)
if testdate > oldest then do
if oldestfile <> '' then do
if testdate > newestfile then
newestfile = testdate
if testdate < oldestfile then
oldestfile = testdate
end /* do */
else do
oldestfile = testdate
newestfile = testdate
end /* do */
else do
status = 'OLD'
'COPY 'fullname badfiledir
'ERASE 'fullname
end /* do */
end /* do */
/* ----- end -- checkdate ---- */
/* ------ Unzip - run unzip on filename ------- */
'CD 'testdir
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unzipping version 1.x file 'fname)
ZIPTYPE = 'Zip 1.x'
zipdir||zip_command1' 'ffname
if RC = 0 then do /* unzipped OK */
status = 'GOOD'
else do /* failed to unzip */
status = 'BAD'
end /* do */
/* end unzip1 */
/* ------ Unzip2 - run unzip on version 2.x filename ------- */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unziping type 2.x zipfile: 'fname)
'CD 'testdir
ZIPTYPE = 'Zip 2.x'
zipdir||zip_command2' 'ffname /* unzip file to testdir */
if RC = 0 then do /* unzipped OK */
status = 'GOOD'
else do /* failed to unzip */
status = 'BAD'
end /* do */
/* end unzip2 */
/* ------ Unzoo - run zoo on filename ------- */
'CD 'testdir
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unzooing 'fname)
zipdir||zoo_command' 'ffname
if RC = 0 then do /* unzipped OK */
status = 'GOOD'
else do /* failed to unzip */
status = 'BAD'
end /* do */
/* end unzoo */
/* --------- unarj -- run unarj on filename --------------- */
/* written for Robert Jung's Unarj 2.10 */
/* this section will copy the file to the test file dir and also copy */
/* unarj to the same directory, run unarj and cleanup afterwards. If */
/* your test dir is on a different drive be sure to fix this section */
'CD 'testdir
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unarjing 'fname)
/* unarj e fname /* unarj file */
zipdir||arj_command' 'ffname
if RC = 0 then do /* unarjed OK */
status = 'GOOD'
end /* do */
else do
status = 'BAD' /* failed to unarj */
end /* do */
'CD 'maxpath
/* end unarj */
/* ----------- unlzh -- unlzh filename ----------- */
/* written for LH32 2.21 */
'CD 'testdir
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unlhzing 'fname)
zipdir||lh_command' 'ffname /* unlzh file to testdir */
if RC = 0 then do /* unlzh'd OK */
status = 'GOOD'
else do /* failed to unlzh */
status = 'BAD'
end /* do */
/* end unlzh */
/* ----- unarc -- unarc filename using ARC2 ---- */
/* written for ARC2 6.00p */
/* this section will copy the file to the test file dir and also copy */
/* arc2 to the same directory, run arc2 and cleanup afterwards. If */
/* your test dir is on a different drive be sure to fix this section */
if debug then
file = LINEOUT(debugfile,'unarcing 'fname)
'COPY 'ffname testdir /* copy file to test dir */
'CD 'testdir
zipdir||arc_command' 'ffname /* unarc file */
if RC = 0 then do /* unarced OK */
status = 'GOOD'
'ERASE 'fname
else do /* failed to unarc */
status = 'BAD'
end /* do */
'CD 'maxpath
/* end unarc */
/* ---- checknested -- look for nested archives ------ */
testfiledir.0 = 0 /* testdir is where unpacked files go*/
testcnt = 0
call searchnest
if testcnt > 0 then do /* check for 2nd level of nested*/
push testfiledir
/* Do until no more compressed files found*/
do until testfiledir.0 = testcnt
startdir = testfiledir.0 + 1
testfiledir.0 = testcnt
do ii = startdir to testfiledir.0
testfiledir = testfiledir.ii
call searchnest
pull testfiledir
end /* do */
return /* checknested */
/* searchnest -- does the actual searching for files with */
/* archive type extensions */
workdrive = FILESPEC("drive",testfiledir)
SrchFile = testfiledir'\*.arj' /* look for .arj files */
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FO'
if file.0 > 0 then
do i = 1 to file.0
ffname = file.i
fname = FILESPEC("name",ffname)
/* Find path to the directory*/
fpath = FILESPEC("path",ffname)
/* Takeout last \ */
fpath = STRIP(fpath,'T','\')
/* Change to working drive*/
/* Get to the correct subdirectory*/
'CD 'fpath
/* get the new subdirectory name*/
testdir = OVERLAY('$$$',ffname,LENGTH(ffname) - 2)
call SysMkDir testdir
/* Expand the file*/
call unarj
/* Erase the Unarjed file*/
'ERASE 'ffname
/* Add the file to the list*/
testcnt = testcnt + 1
testfiledir.testcnt = testdir
end /* do */
SrchFile = testfiledir'\*.zip' /* look for .zip files */
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FO'
if file.0 > 0 then
do i = 1 to file.0
ffname = file.i
fname = FILESPEC("name",ffname)
/* Find path to the directory*/
fpath = FILESPEC("path",ffname)
/* Takeout last \ */
fpath = STRIP(fpath,'T','\')
/* Change to working drive*/
/* Get to the correct subdirectory*/
'CD 'fpath
/* get the new subdirectory name*/
testdir = OVERLAY('$$$',ffname,LENGTH(ffname) - 2)
say testdir
call SysMkDir testdir
/* Expand the file*/
signature = CHARIN(ffname,1,6)
when (substr(signature,1,5) = 'PK') then do /* version 2.x zip file */
temp = stream(ffname,'c','close')
call unzip2
end /* do */
when (substr(signature,1,4) = 'PK') then do /* version 1.x zip file */
temp = stream(ffname,'c','close')
call unzip1
end /* do */
end /* select */
'ERASE 'ffname
/* Add the file to the list*/
testcnt = testcnt + 1
testfiledir.testcnt = testdir
end /* do */
SrchFile = testfiledir'\*.arc' /* look for .arc files */
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FO'
if file.0 > 0 then
do i = 1 to file.0
ffname = file.i
fname = FILESPEC("name",ffname)
/* Find path to the directory*/
fpath = FILESPEC("path",ffname)
/* Takeout last \ */
fpath = STRIP(fpath,'T','\')
/* Change to working drive*/
/* Get to the correct subdirectory*/
'CD 'fpath
/* get the new subdirectory name*/
testdir = OVERLAY('$$$',ffname,LENGTH(ffname) - 2)
call SysMkDir testdir
/* Expand the file*/
call unarc
'ERASE 'ffname
/* Add the file to the list*/
testcnt = testcnt + 1
testfiledir.testcnt = testdir
end /* do */
SrchFile = testfiledir'\*.lzh' /* look for .lzh files */
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FO'
if file.0 > 0 then do
do i = 1 to file.0
ffname = file.i
fname = FILESPEC("name",ffname)
/* Find path to the directory*/
fpath = FILESPEC("path",ffname)
/* Takeout last \ */
fpath = STRIP(fpath,'T','\')
/* Change to working drive*/
/* Get to the correct subdirectory*/
'CD 'fpath
/* get the new subdirectory name*/
testdir = OVERLAY('$$$',ffname,LENGTH(ffname) - 2)
call SysMkDir testdir
/* Expand the file*/
call unlzh
'ERASE 'ffname
/* Add the file to the list*/
testcnt = testcnt + 1
testfiledir.testcnt = testdir
end /* do */
/* --- end checknested ---------- */
do i = 7 to 25 /* clear msg */
msg.i = ''
end /* do */
msg.2=" "blue"╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════╗"
msg.3=" "blue"║ "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"Scan Report "blue"║"
msg.4=" "blue"╟─────────────────────────────────────────────────╢"
msg.5=" "blue"║ "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"Archive verifier/Virus Checker "white"[beta] "blue"║"
msg.6=" "blue"╚═════════ "lightcyan"(c) Doug Cullen, 1992,1993 "blue"════════════╝"
when status = 'GOOD' | status = 'TEXT' then do
file_out = file_ok
msg.8=green" ╒═════════════════════════╤══════════════════════════════╕"
msg.9=green" │"lightcyan" FileName: "yellow||CENTER(filename,14)||green"│ "lightcyan"Dated :"yellow||fildate" "green"│"
msg.10=green" ├─────────────────────────┼──────────────────────────────┤"
msg.11=green" │ "lightcyan"FileSize:"yellow||CENTER(filesize,8)"bytes "green"│ "lightcyan"Extracted Size: "yellow||CENTER(archsize,8)"bytes"green"│"
msg.12=green" ├─────────────────────────┴──────────────────────────────┤"
msg.13=green" │ "lightcyan"Archive contains: "yellow||CENTER(numfiles,3)" files "green"│"
msg.14=green" ├─────────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────┤"
msg.15=green" │ "lightcyan"Oldest file :"yellow||CENTER(olddate,8)" "green"│ "lightcyan"Newest file :"yellow||CENTER(newdate,8)" "green"│"
msg.16=green" ╘═════════════════════════╧══════════════════════════════╛"
msg.18=lightcyan "Thanks for the upload, "firstname" Everything checks out OK"
msg.20=lightcyan "Full credit given for your upload"grey
end /* GOOD */
when status = 'PASS' then do
file_out = file_ok
msg.8=" "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"has scanned your file:"white filename
msg.10=" "yellow"and it PASSED. You have "white"FULL CREDIT "yellow"for the upload"
msg.12=" "yellow
msg.14=" "yellow"Thanks for Supporting "lightcyan bbsname
msg.16=" "yellow
end /* PASS */
when status = 'BAD' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"has scanned your file:"white filename
msg.10=" "yellow"and was unable to extract any files from the archive"
msg.12=" "yellow"You may want to check your file for errors. (Please "lightred"DONT "yellow"use"
msg.14=" "yellow"PKZIP 1.93a) You won't receive any credit for the file at"
msg.16=" "yellow"this time, but the file has been moved for SYSOP inspection"grey
end /* BAD */
when status = 'INFECTED' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "blink red"WARNING "white"WARNING "red"WARNING "white"WARNING - "steady yellow"Your file :"white filename
msg.10=" "yellow"has caused a "red"VIRUS "yellow"warning from our system. You won't"
msg.12=" "yellow"receive any credit for you upload at this time, but the"
msg.14=" "yellow"file has been moved for SYSOP inspection."grey
end /* infected */
when status = 'UNKNOWN' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"was unsure what to do with your file:"white filename
msg.10=" "yellow"since it was not one of the kind we accept. Please"
msg.12=" "yellow"limit your uploads to .ZIP, .ARC, .ARJ or .LZH files."
msg.14=" "yellow"You won't recieve any credit for your upload at this"
msg.16=" "yellow"time, but the file has been moved for SYSOP inspection"grey
end /* UNKNOWN */
when status = 'EXE' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "lightcyan"Virexx "yellow"has moved your file to a holding area for the"
msg.10=" "yellow"Sysop to inspect. This action has been taken to help"
msg.12=" "yellow"prevent the spread of "lightred"viruses, bombs "yellow"and "lightred"trojans "yellow"that"
msg.14=" "yellow"are frequently spread around in executable files. "
msg.16=" "white"Thanks for your understanding."grey
end /* EXE */
when status = 'NOEXT' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"was unsure of how to handle your file: "file
msg.10=" "yellow"since it had no file extension. Please limit your"
msg.12=" "yellow"uploads to "lightgreen".ZIP, .ARC, .ARJ "yellow"or "lightgreen".LZH "yellow"files. You won't"
msg.14=" "yellow"recieve any credit for your upload at this time, but"
msg.16=" "yellow"the file has been moved for "white"SYSOP "yellow"inspection"grey
end /* NOEXT */
when status = 'OLD' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "lightcyan"ViREXX "yellow"has found that some of the files in "filename
msg.10=" "yellow"are older than we normally accept. Sorry, but you"
msg.12=" "yellow"won't receive credit for your upload. The file has"
msg.14=" "yellow"been moved for SYSOP inspection"
msg.18=" "grey
end /* OLD */
when status = 'REJECT' then do
file_out = file_bad
msg.8=" "yellow"Sorry "fname" but the file you uploaded:"lightcyan filename
msg.10=" "yellow"is not accepted here at"lightmagenta bbsname
msg.14=" "yellow"Please refrain from uploading similar files in the"
msg.16=" "yellow"future."
msg.18=" "lightred"Failure to heed this warning may result in Sysop action"
msg.20=grey enter
end /* REJECT */
when status = 'INCOMPLETE' then do
file_out = file_ok
msg.8=" "yellow"The Virus check did not Complete"
msg.10=" "yellow"Please leave a message at "lightmagenta bbsname
msg.14=" "yellow"Ask the sysop to check the return code in the"
msg.16=" "yellow"log file and report the problem."
msg.18=" "lightred"If a 1042 error then a program was not found in Path"
msg.20=grey enter
end /* REJECT */
end /* select */
'ERASE 'file_out
do i = 1 to 20
file = LINEOUT(file_out,msg.i)
end /* do */
file = LINEOUT(file_out)
oldmonth = ''
oldyear = ''
newyear = ''
newmonth= ''
numonth = '010203040506070809101112'
month = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'
SrchFile = fullname
filesize = stream(SrchFile,'c','query size')
fdate=stream(SrchFile,'c','query datetime')
parse value fdate with fm'-'fd'-'fy hours
if fm <> '' then do
findmth = (POS(fm,numonth) + 1) / 2
if findmth >= 1 then
fildate = fd'-'SUBSTR(month, 3 * findmth + 1, 3)'-'fy
fildate = fd'-xxx-'fy
SrchFile = testfiledir'\*.*'
call SysFileTree SrchFile,'file','FO'
do i = 1 to file.0
fsize=stream(file.i,'c','query size')
end /* do */
oldyear = SUBSTR(oldestfile,1,2)
newyear = SUBSTR(newestfile,1,2)
oldmonth = ' '
newmonth = ' '
findmth = (POS(SUBSTR(oldestfile,3,2),numonth) + 1) / 2 * 3 - 2
if findmth >= 1 then
oldmonth = SUBSTR(month, findmth, 3)
findmth = (POS(SUBSTR(newestfile,3,2),numonth) + 1) / 2 * 3 - 2
if findmth >= 1 then
newmonth = SUBSTR(month, findmth, 3)
file = LINEOUT(database,databaseentry)
file = LINEOUT(database)
say ' '
say ' ViREXX.CMD - Maximus File Integrety Tester written in REXX '
say ' '
say ' USAGE: Virexx d:\path\ filename .ext d:\max\misc '
say ' '
say ' d:\path\ = path to file to be checked INCLUDING trailing \'
say ' '
say ' filename = the name of the file with no path or extension'
say ' '
say ' .ext = the file extension including the . '
say ' '
say 'd:\max\misc = path to MAXIMUS misc dir withOUT trailing \'
say ' '
say ' This is the form in which max passes the parameters '
say ' '
say '(1 - 9) = Node Number of Line'
say ' '
signal CLEANUP