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293 lines
WILLY is Copyright (c) 1993 by Eastern Digital Resources.
The problem - You need to send a file via E-mail to someone on Compuserve,
MCI, Internet - wherever, only the file is a ZIP or program file and you
can't "ATTACH" a file that way... and snail mail is just TOO slow.
Willy will turn the file into a text file which you can then send as a
document. I developed Willy because I needed to send program updates to a
customer in Czechoslovakia named Willy. He had access to MCI Mail only.
Here's the steps to using Willy.
1. Willy the document.
From the DOS prompt WILLY Filename.ext /B:packetsize
where Filename and ext are the names of your file. This can be
a ZIP file, an EXE program file, or a document. Willy don't care.
Willy will create a file called WILLY001.BAS
The packetsize switch, /B: is used to specify the maximum file size
to use when creating Willy files. If you do not specify, the maximum
file size will be 30,000 per file. Once Willy finishes, it will tell
you that WILLY consists of WILLY001.BAS - WILLYxxx.BAS. You will
always have a WILLY001.BAS and a WILLY002.BAS.
3. Log onto AOL. Choose send mail and address the mail as normal. Choose
File - Open - Choose the document. Choose Edit - Select All - Copy.
Place the cursor in the message area of the E-mail windows. Choose
Edit - Paste to put the Willy001.BAS file into the message portion of
the E-mail document.
4. Send it.
5. When your recipient receives the document, he can use the
QBASIC included with DOS to run the program and recreate your file.
Instructions are included in comments at the top of the file, but here
they are again.
Save the document as WILLY001.BAS
From the DOS prompt:
Use the DELETE key to remove any header information
which is above the "***** NOTE *****" line.
Type in the complete path and file name for the new
file, or press ENTER to save the default filename
(the same one you created it from) in the current
Type Alt F X to exit to DOS.
6. That's it. When it absolutely positively has to be there right now...
Don't Fed-Ex it. - WILLY it.
New for Version 1.01
WinWilly is now included as a part of the package. This program allows you
to create your WILLY file from within Windows. It is written in
Visual BASIC ver. 2.0. The Visual BASIC runtime library, VBRUN200.DLL must
be in your \Windows\System directory to use this module.
New for Version 1.02 03/02/93
Willy will now ask for the file name and path before writing out the
file, allowing the receiver to specify where the file should go.
New for Version 1.04 05/04/93
Willy will now create files of any size allowing you to specify the maximum
number of characters to include in each packet. The default packet size
is 30,000 characters (the maximum for AOL) but you can set any size which
your Internet gateway can handle. The first file, WILLY001.BAS will be
the program to recreate your document, and each of the other files,
WILLY002.BAS, WILLY003.BAS, etc. will contain the "willied" file.
Willy now uses a compression scheme comparable to the scheme used by
UUCP, the Unix equivalent to Willy. This compresses the file while still
maintaining a file which can be sent as a document (no control or graphics
LIMITATIONS: There is a 32k limit on the size of files which may be sent
in one E-mail packet through Internet. This limitation applies to all
files sent to people who are not members of AOL. (poor benighted souls).
If your file is greater than 32k in size, Willy now automatically splits
it in chunks and recreates the entire file on the other end (and in the
right order) to recreate the file...
By all means, you should ZIP your file before you WILLY it to help conserve
space. Because of the fact that all WILLY files must be able to squeeze
through the INTERNET with no problems, all files are larger than the
original unzipped version.
WILLY is Copyright (c) 1993 by Eastern Digital Resources.
Please Register Your Copy
Shareware registration just $15.00
WILLY is distributed as shareware. You may freely copy and
distribute this program to others.
When you register your copy you will receive the most recent
edition. The shareware edition is always 1 release behind
the registered version. When we release a new edition to
our registered users, we then upload the earlier version to
selected bulletin boards.
The registered version of WILLY allows you to send files greater
than the 32k limit of E-mail packets and provides for putting them
all back together into a single file on the other end.
Registered users will also receive 1 FREE 1 year's subscrip-
tion to our magazine JUST SOFTWARE. This magazine features
articles on software and computer usage without the
overwhelming hardware focus that most magazines have.
P.S. If you don't want to register WILLY, you can still
subscribe to JUST SOFTWARE - 1 yr. $15.00 - 2 yrs. $25.00.
When you register you will also receive over $100 in FREE
discount coupons for other computer products and services.
And finally, FREE upgrades to WILLY for 1 year from date of
purchase. (There is a nominal $7.00 shipping and handling
Send your payment to: Eastern Digital Resources - PO Box
1451 - Clearwater, SC 29822-1451.
... and we thank you for your support!
WILLY is not, nor has ever been, public domain or free
software. The commercial, registered version of WILLY may
not be duplicated other than for backup purposes. A
registered copy of WILLY must be treated like a book, in
that the same registered copy of WILLY may not be used in
more than one computer at the same time, just as a book may
not be read by more than one person at the same time
(without making an illegal copy). Users are granted a
limited license to use the User Supported, trial version of
WILLY for a limited evaluation period of up to 45 days, in
order to determine if it suits their needs. Any other use of
WILLY or use past this period requires registration. All
users are granted a limited license to copy the User
Supported version of WILLY only for the purpose of allowing
others to try it, subject to the above restrictions as well
as these:
WILLY must be distributed in absolutely unmodified form, in-
cluding ALL program, documentation, and other files. WILLY
may not be included with any other product for any reason
whatsoever without a license from Eastern Digital Resources.
No charge or payment may be levied or accepted for WILLY.
Bulletin Board system operators may post the unregistered,
User Supported version of WILLY on their BBS for downloading
by their users without written permission only if the above
conditions are met, and only if no special fee is necessary
to access the WILLY files (a general fee to access the BBS
is ok). The following section contains information on
registration and licensing.
Registering WILLY allows you to use the product after the
trial period. Registered WILLY users get the current copy of
WILLY on disk along with their own serial number, mailed
notification of major WILLY updates, and priority when
calling for WILLY Software support. (we guarantee no
support to unregistered users). Most importantly, registered
users know they are helping to make sure that high-quality
software like WILLY continues to be sold in this low cost
way. WILLY registration costs $15 US, and includes
'registered' copy of WILLY on disk. An evaluation disk
with the current copy of WILLY on it is also available for
$7 US. This is to be used to try out WILLY, and does not
include registration (the right to use WILLY after the
evaluation period). The fee covers the cost of diskette(s)
and handling. Payment may be in the form of check, money
order, or with a VISA card. We also accept corporate
purchase orders.
To place an order, please use the order form on the
following page, or call us at (803)-393-0870 with your VISA
or Mastercard.
The order form on the following page may be used to
purchase multiple copies of WILLY, with discounts as
1 - 10 copies no discount
11 - 20 copies 10% discount
21 - 50 copies 15% discount
51 - 100 copies 22% discount
101 - 200 copies 30% discount
200+ copies 40% discount
Purchases of up to 50 copies are bulk purchases
and include that many copies of WILLY on disk, as with
single registrations. Purchases of 51 or more copies are
site licenses. Eastern Digital Resources provides a master
copy of WILLY and the appropriate number of diskette
labels. The licensee is responsible for copying the disks
(backups of the MASTER do not count towards the total
copies in the license). The name on the order form is
considered the contact and is the person with whom all
correspondence will take place.
Note: All prices and discounts are subject to change without
notice. Discounts apply only to separate orders, they are
not cumulative.
WILLY version 1.00 Invoice #920722-109
Remit to: Eastern Digital Resources
P.O. Box 1451 Clearwater, SC 29822-1451
Tel. (803) 593-0870
Fax. (803) 593-4522
Quan Item Price
___ WILLY Registration........ @ $15 ea $________
(includes serial #, registration +
program and manual on disk)
___ WILLY evaluation disk..... @ $7 ea $________
(includes program and manual
on disk, but not registration)
Subtotal $________
- Discount $(______)
SC residents please add Sales Tax (5%) $________
Shipping ($2.90 per copy) $________
TOTAL $________
Check, money order, or VISA card payments accepted.
Payment by: ( ) Check or MO ( ) VISA ( ) PO # ___________
City ________________________ ST _______ Zip ____________
Phone _______________________
FAX _______________________
E-Mail ______________________
Following information needed for VISA card payments only
Phone(______)________________ Other(______)________________
Card #_____________________________ Expiry date___________
Name on
Where did you hear of or obtain WILLY?