Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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129 lines
$ $ sss.`$$$S²²²²$$$ ss$$$$$$S²²²S$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$$ $ sss.`$$' ,sss $$
$ $ $$$$ ' .sS$S$$$ $$$ $',sS$Ss,` $ $$$ $ $$$ $ $ $$$$ $ $$$$ $$
$ $ $$$$ ssssssss ` $$$ ' $$$$$$$ $ $$$ $ $$$ $ $ $$$$ $ $$$$ $$
$ $ $$$$ $$$$$$ , $$$ $$$$$$$ $ $$$ $ $$$ $ $ $$$$ $ $$$$ $$
$ $ $$$$ . `²SS²',$, ²S$ $.`²S$S²', $, ²$$ $, ²S$ $ $ $$$$ $, ²S$$ $$
$$$$ss$$$$$$$$SsssS$$$$Ssssss$$$SsssS$$$$$Ssssss$$Ssssss$$$$ss$$$$$$$$Sssss $$
-- wareztag! step by step installation -- sss $$
`² s ²'
┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ INTRO ├>─┐
This doc will help you step by step through the installation troubles you
might experience.
├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 1 ├>─┤
First unpack the archive to the desired destination. :-)
Simply type: UNPACK [Password] [Directory]
Create a FastBase(TM) directory, for example E:\FASTBASE\
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 2 ├>─┤
Go to your AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the following:
SET FASTBASE=<fastbasepath>
SET LOG=<logfilepath>
If you place the fastbase on a RAMDRIVE it will improve your speed!
Remember, with around 25.000 files the whole base won't be bigger than
1.2 Megabyte! So only a small ramdrive will be needed (worth to try!).
Go to your BBS Startup Batchfiles (Multiline only) and add the following:
SET TASK=<nodenumber>
This will releave you of the fact adding -N<node> parameters all the
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 3 ├>─┤
Run TAGCFG.exe to set all the correct settings. If you have any
difficulties at this point, we refer to the WAREZTAG.DOC file.
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 4 ├>─┤
First make sure the SET FASTBASE= environment is active!.
The FILES.BBS dudes only need to run 'CREATEFB.exe' to create the FastBase.
If you currently use the Remote Access SlowBase Run 'RA2FB.exe 1-999' to
convert area 1 to 999. Basicly, this converts your base to the good old
FILES.BBS and creates the FastBase.
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 5 ├>─┤
Now it is time to edit the LDOWN/LUP.bat file, these are used for local
uploads/downloads, just modify the path. The files HS-DOWN/HS-UP.bat are
used for HSlink, if you want to use it, modify the path. Same goes for
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 6 ├>─┤
Now it's time to grab your RACONIG -M, or whatever you want to start
WarezTag! from. Here are some example commandlines:
- Newfiles scan: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -SN *M
- Keyword search: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -SK *M
- Filename search: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -SW *M
- Listing mode: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -A *M
- List area #12: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -A12 *M
- Edit flagged files: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -E *M
- Direct download: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -D *M
- Direct upload: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -U *M
- Area Selector: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -JA *M
- Group Selector: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -JC *M
- View a specific file: TAG!.exe -C*P -N*N -Vc:\readme.1st *M
The -N*N won't be neccesary if you use the SET TASK= environment. *M is
of course the memory swapping parameter for Remote Access.
├────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 7 ├>─┤
From the buildin Who's Online or When an online message is received
there could be an option to go to the multichatter direct! The
multichatter (mostly HexaChat!) must be installed under the
RAMGR-F1 Key in Raconfig (Options -> Files -> RAMGR FnKeys). *P, *N and *B
are supported.
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Step 8 ├>─┤
This is the final test :). Run for example: TAG!.exe -N1 -A12 from the
commandline, if you see area 12 apear, everything seems to be OK :-).
Now it is time for you to go online. Wasn't to hard eyH?
If you still experiance more problems, you know where to find us. (don't
ask silly questions :-).
├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ Note 1 ├>─┤
Once you have a FastBase, you can keep it in shape by using CREATEFB.exe.
CREATEFB.exe runned without parameters will process only the changed area's,
so use it after you have processed some files.
└────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────<┤ End Screen ├>─┘
$$' .sS$$S$$$ $$$$ $ sss.`$$',sS$$Ss,`$ $$Ss, `$' .sS$$S$$$ $' .sS$$S$$$$$
$$sssssssss $$$$ $ $$$$ .$$$$$$$$.` $$$$$ $sssssssss ` $sssssssss `$$
$. $$$$$$$ , $$$$ $ $$$$ `$$$$$$$$' $$S²' ,; $$$$$$$ , ; $$$$$$$ ,$$
$$, `²S$S²',$s,²$$$ $ $$$$ $.`²S$$S²',$ sssS$$$$. `²S$S²',$ $. `²S$S²',$$$
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$ $$$$ $ $$$$ $ $ $$$$ ' .sS$$S$$$$$$'.$',sS$$Ss,`$$',sS$$Ss,`$ sss, `S
$ $$$$ $ $$$$ $ $ $$$$ sssssssss $$'.$ sssssssss$ $$$$$$$$ ` $$$$ $
$ $$$$ $ $$$$ $ $ $$$$ $$$$$$$ ,$'.$$ $$$$$$$$ , $$$$$$$$ , $$$$ $
$, ²S$$ $, ²S$$ $ $, ²S$$ s `²S$S²',$'.$$$$.`²S$$$²',$$.`²S$$S²',$ $$$$ $