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Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 121
With n option, fpute transmits only a linefeed at the end of each
line. With r option, fpute transmits only a carriage return at the
end of each line. Most applications would use one of these options.
CPMEOF (Ctrl-Z) terminates the file transmission unless b option is
Because fpute waits for the correct echo to each character sent,
fpute should be used for transmitting characters to programs that
echo exactly.
Often it is easy to write a simple receive routine to synchronize
with the sender by echoing each character received. On some
microcomputer systems, the device "TTY:" does just that. Fpute is
especially useful for "spoon feeding" files to the serial inputs of
microcomputers and minicomputers.
SEE ALSO: f command
gcolors bgcolor, color1,... Select colors for the graphic file
transfer display provided with ZCOMM and gYam flavors. On PCDOS
(and SCO Unix) flavors, operand values correspond to the video
numeric parameters. This command is normally generated by the
gcolors program described in Chapter 13.
EXAMPLE: gcolors 15,2,12,120,10,6,14,6,31,7,12,2,14,15,15,0,0
selects a color scheme suitable for Aliens III.
get filespec Instructs a remote Kermit server to the transmit the
specified file(s), then receives them. The form of filespec varies
with the remote system; it must be quoted if it contains any special
characters or spaces. The get command only operates with a Kermit
server; use kermit rb to receive files from a regular Kermit
goback label Search the current script file for label: and execute
commands starting at that line. The goback command begins the
search at the beginning of the file. It is faster than the goto
command which begins the search at the current line.
SEE ALSO: goto command
gosub name[.scriptfile] Call a script as a subroutine. The phone
directory is searched for name unless another file is specified with
.scriptfile. Gosub has the same action as the call command (q.v.),
but does not reset term options, disconnect the modem, or modify the
remote parameter.
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Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
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EXAMPLE: gosub dosig Executes the dosig entry in the telephone
EXAMPLE: gosub .%lib/baud.t Executes the commands in c:/yam/baud.t
assuming the lib string parameter contains c:/yam.
SEE ALSO: call command
goto label Search the current script file for label: and execute
commands starting at that line. A label begins at the first column
and ends with a colon (:). Iff label precedes the current script
line, the goback command will locate the target label more quickly.
The goto command is valid only within a script or telephone
directory entry. Please refer to Chapter 99 for examples using the
pattern, if, goto, and source commands.
grab svar Grab reads a line from the currently open transmit file into
the specified string parameter svar. Unless b term option is on,
all characters starting with the first CR and/or LF are discarded.
Grab inhibits transmission of the open file until g term option is
explicitly set by a command.
On end of file the transmit file is closed and the string parameter
is set empty. End of file can be tested with the t test condition.
SEE ALSO: putv command
HAndshake {off|sw|on|cts|dsr|dcd|both|slow|ax} Some modems and
printers cannot accept continuous full speed data. These devices
send control characters (XOFF and XON) for flow control, or generate
a hardware flow control signal on the CTS, DSR, or DCD pin. The
Handshake command controls the modem port hardware handshake
(default sw).[10]
If hardware handshaking is selected, an ON to OFF transition on the
specified control pin pauses transmission, and an XON character will
not override the hardware restraint.
After a timeout set by the S numeric parameter (default 60 seconds),
or if characters are in the keyboard input buffer, a warning message
10. ZCOMM automatically disables its software (XON/XOFF) flow control
when using XMODEM, YMODEM and similar protocols that require all
256 byte codes. These protocols may not work if the modem is set
for software flow control.
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ZCOMM User Manual 123
is displayed, the restraint is released, and characters are sent.
Best for most hardware handshaking applications, handshake on obeys
output flow control with the CTS input signal, asserts input flow
control with the RTS output signal, and disables the transmission of
XOFF characters when the modem input buffer becomes nearly full.
Some computers do not support concurrent disk and serial I/O at high
speeds. The handshake slow command drops the RTS signal to the
modem during disk writes when receiving files with YMODEM-g or
ZMODEM. The handshake slow command does not correct overrun
problems caused by TSRs and multitasking executives.
The handshake both command allows either CTS or XOFF to pause
output, in addition to asserting input flow control with the RTS
output. This is useful when the local modem uses CTS/RTS hardware
flow control, but calls a timeshaing system or network such as
GEnie, CompuServe, Telenet, or Tymnet that uses software (XON/XOFF)
flow control.
The handshake dcd command enables d term option (q.v.).
Subsequently, selecting a different type of handshaking will disable
d term option. Use of handshake dcd is not recommended.
The handshake off command disables all flow control except for XOFF
characters sent by the term function.
The handshake ax command takes the low order 5 bits of the first
letter of the command (usually "a") and writes them to the
8250/16550 UART Modem Control Register. This hack is specific to
PCDOS flavors. A typical application is "ha ax" which raises Data
Terminal Ready (bit 0) but turns off Request To Send, useful for
interfacing to the Radio Shack Micronta Cat. No. 22-182 LCD Digital
Multimeter with PC Interface. This instrument uses an optical
coupler and will not communicate unless DTR is ON and RTS is OFF.
The handshake command (without argument) releases flow control
(allows data to flow if it had been stopped by handshaking).
Changing the communications port with the port or portx command
disables hardware handshaking.
Operation of the handshake command varies with the operating system
and hardware used.
SEE ALSO: S numeric parameter
EXAMPLE: handshake on Turns on RTS/CTS handshaking.
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ZCOMM User Manual 124
help The help command uses the helpfile or xhelpfile string parameter
depending on whether ZCOMM is in host operation. Normally, the help
command displays a command summary, pausing every 24 lines.
If the string parameter begins with the character @, ZCOMM uses the
rest of the parameter as the initial command to access a pop-up help
program. The contents of the f string parameter are added to this
command, separated by a space. Thus, if helpfile contains "@yhp
/umanh.hlp", giving the help command from the main prompt executes
the DOS command "yhp /umanh.hlp main".
If the called program leaves a file yamhelp.tmp containing script
commands in the current directory, ZCOMM executes this file with a
source command and then deletes it.
SEE ALSO: f, helpfile, xhelpfile string parameters, source command
history [histfile] Opens histfile for use as a dual 64 entry history
file for commands entered both at the ZCOMM command prompt and
online with the term function. Histfile is a random access file
used as a pair of circular buffers to save commands for recall.
Only a file created by a previous history command may be used with
the history command. If the specified histfile does not exist, it
is created. Histfile stores commands with T or more characters
where T is the value of the T (threshold) numeric parameter.
If histfile is not specified with the history command, the current
history file is updated and closed.
The history command may be given with a different file name whenever
desired to access useful commands saved from previous sessions with
a particular host or application.
When history is enabled, the Up and Down function keys scroll
through previously entered commands. Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N may be used
in place of Up and Down respectively. An old command so selected
may be edited with editing keys described in Chapter 18 and executed
with the <ENTER> key.
In the term function, the history accessed with the Up and Down keys
is displayed and edited in the status line. [11] A Ctrl-X clears the
recalled text and restores normal status line and keyboard
11. Unix/Xenix flavors only support Backspace editing in this term
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Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
ZCOMM User Manual 125
EXAMPLE: history /tmp/favbbs.hist
SEE ALSO: r command, T numeric parameter
N.B.: Do not give the history command before you have entered any
secret passwords from the keyboard as these will be saved in the
history file. The history command without an argument closes the
history file and disables command recall. Alternatively, the T
numeric parameter may be set to a large value to inhibit storing of
passwords in histfile.
Normally, histfile should be an absolute pathname to insure that the
same file will be used regardless of the directory from which ZCOMM
is called from.
The history command is not available when Restricted.
N.B.: Do not attempt to delete an open file on DOS, especially the
history file.
host The host command conditions ZCOMM to accept incoming calls
unattended. Host operation is described in Chapter 28. The EXIT
key F1 terminates Host Operation.
N.B.: The host command is normally given only by a script that sets
parameters to their appropriate values. Use the "host" entry in the
distributed PHODIR.t file as a prototype for your application.
SEE ALSO: remote command
if condition command ... The if command provides powerful condition
testing for scripts. If executes the command(s) on the rest of the
line if condition is true. Otherwise, execution continues
immediately with the next script line. Chapter 27 describes the
testable conditions.
SEE ALSO: else, on commands
ife condition cmd1 ...; cmd2 ... Execute cmd1 ... if condition is
true; otherwise skip to the first semicolon in the rest of the line
and resume execution (unconditionally) with cmd2. Iff a semicolon
is not present, execution resumes at the end of the line, useful
within the body of a while command.
EXAMPLE: set f5
@ife %s1 echo "s1 =%s1"; else echo "s1 not set"
(Without the "else", the right half will always execute.)
kbdlock N * Controls acceptance of keyboarded characters by the term
function and during protocol file transfers. If N is non zero, the
term function does not act upon key strokes. If N is greater than
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1, key strokes have no effect on protocol transfers. The Ctrl-Break
key and the command prompt reset kbdlock to 0. If N is 257, the
Ctrl-Break key does not reset Kbdlock. Kbdlock does not affect the
k test condition or the accept command. Characters typed while
kbdlock is on will become available at the next command prompt,
accept command, or when kbdlock is reset unless typeahead is purged
with the purgek command.
SEE ALSO: purgek command, Ctrl-Break key
kbdmon [file] captures keystrokes to file. If file exists, it is
appended to. Function keys are denoted by an 0xFF character
followed by the code returned by the BIOS. The kbdmon command
without an argument closes the file. This command is not available
when Restricted.
kermit By itself, selects Kermit or Kermit related parameters for use
by the !!, p, rb, and sb commands.
Kermit rb [-options] Kermit rb receives files using the Kermit file
transfer protocol. Chapter 20 describes the available options.
File names are given by the sending program. The Kermit programs
must have compatible parity settings as described in Chapter 13,
Kermit Protocol.
Kermit rb receives files from a regular Kermit program; use the get
command to receive files from a Kermit server.
EXAMPLE: kermit pi1; kermit rb Downloads files from an IBM
ZCOMM's term function will sense the remote Kermit's parity setting
and download files without user intervention When the remote Kermit
starts sending, if K (Kermit autodownload) term option is enabled
(the default).
Kermit sb [-options] pathspec Kermit sb sends the specified files to
either a regular Kermit program or a Kermit server. Chapter 20
describes the available options. The Kermit programs must have
compatible parity settings as described in Chapter 13, Kermit
EXAMPLE: kermit pi1; kermit sb file ... Sends the specified files
to an IBM mainframe.
keys, ALT-K Keys displays the definitions the user has assigned to the
function keys.
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ki Clears the y0...y127 string parameters and causes circular buffer
writing operations to ignore data from the remote which has already
been displayed. This data is still available to the review
EXAMPLE: The script fragment
pat 1c "///BEGIN///" "@ki create -+ print.fil"
pat 2c "///END///" "@close"
wait -f30000
will capture the data that arrives between "///BEGIN///" and the end
of the string "///END///". Other data from the remote will not be
captured to disk. The long pattern match fail time (30000 seconds)
makes the the cycle repeat almost indefinitely.
SEE ALSO: W term option
kill Erases (flushes) all data stored in the circular buffer and
restores the buffer pointers to their initial positions.
kill [-signum] procnum Available on Unix and OS/2 flavors, this form
of the kill command supports interprocess communications. If signum
is absent, the kill command checks for the existence of the
specified process, but does not send it a signal. Success sets the
? numeric parameter to 0, otherwise -1.
SEE ALSO: createx command, Unix kill(1)
l, ll, ls, lx For Unix users, synonyms for the dir commands.
learn lfile TurboLearn(TM) Script Writer records timing information
and term function keystrokes to lfile. The TurboLearn program
tlearn.exe then generates a script using this data. Normally,
learning is initiated after the connection has been established, but
before the first prompt is received from the remote. This is best
accomplished with the F4 key, which activates the tlearn telephone
directory entry.
Function keys, cursor keys, reassigned keys, and scripts[12] should
not be used while learning.
When accepting passwords and other sensitive information, systems
12. Other than the dialing script
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sometimes acknowledge each keyboard character with #, *, x, or X,
instead of the keyboarded character itself. When this happens, do
not type characters faster than the remote responds to them.
The resulting script should be examined for evidence of keyboarding
mistakes, line noise, and dependence on prompts that change each
time you access the system.
The comments below apply when the tlearn script is not used.
123-4567; learn lfile
From the ZCOMM main command prompt, enter the desired phone number.
When ZCOMM connects, the learn command enters the term function with
learning (recording) turned on.
<keyboard the operations you wish recorded>
Login to the bulletin board as usual. If you make keyboarding
mistakes, you can edit the script file later.
Terminate learning with ALT-C, and return to the main command prompt
with the F1 key.
!tlearn lfile >newscript
From the main command prompt, execute the TurboLearn program tlearn
with a DOS Gateway.
After recording, the tlearn program reads lfile and generates a
series of pattern and put script commands to let ZCOMM search for
the prompts and respond with the proper keystrokes. The resulting
script file newscript may be accessed with the source command.
Alternatively, the last command above may be replaced with
!tlearn -d newdirname lfile >>phones.t
to add the new script to the end of your telephone directory.
The -d dirname causes tlearn to prepend the given new directory
entry name newdirname and the telephone number to the resulting
script commands. The redirection characters >> add the script
commands to the end of your telephone directory.
You can also use the -d newdirname option to tlearn to prepare a new
directory entry in a separate file. Then you can edit this file and
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ZCOMM User Manual 129
add it somewhere within your telephone directory.
The tlearn program also accepts a -r option to suppress a "return"
command normally emitted at the end of the generated script. This
tlearn option allows one to append an "off" command to the generated
link * Link two serial ports. The link command allows remote access
to a computer or other device connected to another port. For
example, if port 1 is connected to an autoanswer modem and port 2 is
connected to a local timesharing machine, the link command could
allow dial-up callers access to the timesharing machine. Chapter
19.5 describes the link command for DOS flavors.
link [c] On Unix flavors, the link command links the controlling
terminal with the serial line. The optional c is the keyboarded
character that exits the link command (default 5 == Ctrl-E). An
argument of -1 may be used to prevent a match.
The link command always connects the keyboard/crt with the current
serial port; it is in essence a transparent term function. The Unix
link command exits when carrier is lost on either port, or when the
keyboarded character matches c.
list pathspec The list command uses standard DOS character output
routines and any installed CRT device driver instead of ZCOMM's own
CRT driver. The printer can be enabled with ^P given to DOS (not
ZCOMM). List the specified file(s).
This command closes any open transmit file. List pauses/resumes
printing with ^S. Keyboarding ^C cancels, and ^X skips to the next
file (it might take a few whacks of the keyboard to get ZCOMM to
hear it.) The list command defaults to a type command when ZCOMM is
in host operation.
EXAMPLE: list *.cq
SEE ALSO: browse, type, page commands
lput string Displays string on the console display. String is
processed for character escapes. Lput is useful for scripts sending
cursor control codes to the screen. Control characters and escape
sequences used with the lput command are always decoded with ZCOMM's
default extended VT52/Z19 emulation, which also recognizes ANSI "ESC
[" sequences, regardless of which display emulation is selected.
Unlike the echo command, lput does not display in reverse video and
does not add a carriage return/linefeed to its argument.
SEE ALSO: echo command
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ZCOMM User Manual 130
lputp string Outputs string to the line printer. String is processed
for character escapes. Strings with embedded nulls (represented
with the \000 character escape) may be used. The lput command
should not be used if the printer is jammed, out of paper, or off
line. These conditions may be tested with the l test condition.
This command is not allowed when ZCOMM is Restricted.
EXAMPLE: if l lputp "\E\017" If the printer is ready, ZCOMM sends
ESC SI to select compressed printing on an IBM 80 CPS printer.
SEE ALSO: l numeric parameter, l test condition, \dNNN (decimal)
character escapes
menu Execute script commands from the file name stored in the string
parameter menu.
message The message command allows a caller to keyboard a message
which will be appended to a file specified by the string parameter
messages. Typically, messages would point to a publicly visible
file to allow other callers to read messages. The message command
is otherwise identical to the private command.
SEE ALSO: private command
mk [scancode shiftstate class string] Assign term function keyboard
mapping. Without an argument, mk resets and disables keyboard
mapping. The mk command is described in Chapter 29.
SEE ALSO: K and N numeric parameters, _ command
more pathspec See page command.
mput string The mput command transmits string to the remote at full
speed. String is processed for character escapes. Unlike the put
and putw commands, mput does not display characters coming from the
remote (they are held in the interrupt buffer). Control and other
special characters may be entered with character escapes. If a
carriage return should be sent, it must be explicitly coded with \r
at the end of the string.
SEE ALSO: put, putw commands
nolog * Suppress generation of the next log entry (of any kind).
EXAMPLE: mysys nolog speed 1200 123-4567 t
Suppresses the log entry that would otherwise be made if the calllog
string parameter is set.
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ZCOMM User Manual 131
nulls n When accessing ZCOMM in host operation, nulls sets the number
of nulls (default 0) sent after each linefeed to allow slow
terminals time to scroll.
EXAMPLE: nulls 4
o Terminates a data call by dropping DTR (Data Terminal Ready). DOS
ZCOMM drops Clear To Send (CTS) as well as DTR if hardware flow
control was selected with the handshake command. A bye or speed n
command must be given to reassert DTR before making or answering
another data call.[13] The o command does not release ownership of
the serial port.
SEE ALSO: speed, bye, off, port commands
obey string Sometimes one wishes to execute the contents of a string
parameter as a ZCOMM command. Other times one needs to reference a
pathname stored in a string parameter in the context of a command
that does not itself perform string substitution on its argument(s).
Obey executes string as a ZCOMM command. Character escapes in
string are substituted before execution.
EXAMPLE: obey ">>%s0" Redirects the output of utility commands to
the pathname stored in string parameter s0.
EXAMPLE: pat 19c "OBEY-LAST" "@obey %y2" Sets pattern 19 to execute
the previous line received from the remote when the string "OBEY-
LAST" is received.
N.B.: The remainder of the line after the obey command will be
executed unless execution of string is terminated by a return or
fail command. The construction obey "if xxx goto foo" May be used
only if no commands follow the obey command's string argument.
N.B.: Backslashes in file names used with the obey command must be
N.B.: When the obey command is used to substitute file names, file
names containing separator or operator characters such as & may
change the syntax of the resulting command. For instance, the
pathological but legal DOS filename foo&&999.bar would cause obey if
f%thisfile gosub dofile to expand to if ffoo&&999.bar gosub dofile
to parse as a test for a match to an illegal pattern 999.
13. Most telephone directory entries include a speed command.
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off Disable the modem by dropping DTR (Data Terminal Ready), [14]
release ownership of the serial port, and exit to the operating
system. DOS ZCOMM drops Clear To Send (CTS) as well as DTR if
hardware flow control was selected with the handshake command.
Exit status is the value of the ? numeric parameter.
The next program must select the port and initialize it to reassert
DTR before making or answering another data call.
SEE ALSO: bye, x, o, port commands
on [condition rest-of-line] * Executes rest-of-line if condition is
true. Condition is tested after each command line executes, unless
a return or fail command is executed, or when pattern is the last
command on the line. An on command without predicate (on a line by
itself) cancels the on command active at that script level.
The term function may be accessed with the wait command and no
patterns active to force an exit on loss of carrier detect or
pattern search timeout. Otherwise, ZCOMM could remain in term
function until a command is keyboarded. Typical commands to use
with the on statement are goto, return, off, and abort. Chapter 27
describes the testable conditions.
One active on statement is available for each level of script. The
on statement does not propagate to different script levels.
When rest-of-line is executed, the on statement at that level is
canceled. An on command cancels any previous on command at that
script level.
EXAMPLE: on !c goto fooend Branches to fooend if the carrier drops
SEE ALSO: wait, if commands
N.B.: No other commands may be on the line after the on command
except for its predicate.
open [-term_modes] file Opens file for transmission with the term
function with options. The open command should be used when you
don't want to enter the term function immediately, or are already in
it. In other situations, it may be necessary to open the file
14. The modem must be configured to use Data Terminal Ready (DTR).
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before dialing to allow transmission immediately after connection,
without the delay of opening the file from a floppy disk.
SEE ALSO: seek, read, close commands
page pathspec Type the file(s) specified in pathspec a screenfull at a
time. When the screen is filled up, the More? prompt appears.
Typing space displays another screenfull. Typing ^X skips to the
next file. Typing ^K or ^C terminates the command. This command
closes any open transmit file.
EXAMPLE: page *.doc
SEE ALSO: browse, type, list, findmore commands
PATtern [n[cilpv$] string [action]] (n = 0...24) The pattern command
allows ZCOMM to search for up to 25 different responses from a
remote computer, and take action based on which of those responses
(or none) was "seen". A pattern match can execute specified script
command(s) "on the fly" (c modifier) or return control to the
calling script with an indication of which pattern was matched.
The pattern command causes the next t, f, or wait command (term
function) to search for string in the data received from the
remote/modem. String must be entered exactly as it will be received
from the modem, in the same case and with the same embedded spaces
or tabs. Control characters must be represented with ZCOMM
character escapes. The metacharacter \256 matches any single
character. ZCOMM %string substitutions may be used to define search
patterns. If the % character is to be searched for, it must be
represented as \045.
Parity, NULL, RUBOUT, XON, and XOFF characters received from the
remote do not affect pattern searches. If Kermit AutoDownload (K
option) is set, strings with SOH (Ctrl-A) cannot be matched. If
ZMODEM AutoDownload (Z option) is set, strings with CAN (Ctrl-Z)
cannot be matched. If B protocol (c option) is set, strings with
DLE or ENQ cannot be matched.
Strings of up to 33 characters each may be specified for
simultaneous search by the term function. The search patterns are
"global" among all script levels; a pattern command in a subroutine
affects the patterns set by the calling script(s) and vice versa.
The term function returns when one of the patterns is matched or
when the term function times out with f seconds with no characters
from the remote, as determined by the f numeric parameter, or when
carrier detect is lost. The first wait, t or f command given after
the pattern command begins the search.
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When one of the patterns is matched, that pattern is marked as found
and its corresponding action is executed (if present). ZCOMM will
remain in the term function until there is a pause in data
transmission from the remote[15] unless the i or c modifier is used.
The following modifiers may be used. The c, i, and l modifiers are
mutually exclusive.
c The pattern is marked as found and action executed (if
present). The term function then continues searching.
Matching this pattern does not cause a return from the term
function. The condition for this pattern will test true, but
the n test condition is not affected.
i (Immediate) The pattern is marked as found and action executed (if
present). This modifier causes the term function to return
l (line end delay) The pattern is marked as found and action
executed (if present). The term function then returns after
the first LF character following the matched string.
p (permanent) A pattern with the p modifier is not reset by the
pattern command without arguments. Patterns with the p
modifier may be used to search for disconnect messages within
an entire script. Permanent patterns are reset by the call
command, each item in the outcall queue, and an explicit
pattern command referencing that particular pattern number.
EXAMPLE: pattern 20 "\nCLR" "@off" Disconnects and exits ZCOMM
if the phrase CLR is seen immediately following an LF.
v (verbose) The v modifier displays a message when the pattern is
matched. This is often useful when debugging scripts when the
large amount of output generated by large v numeric parameter
values is not desired.
EXAMPLE: pat 5v "Finished Already."
$ Sometimes the only way to recognize a prompt (as distinct from
the same string embedded in other data) is to require the
prompt to be the last thing sent by the remote, before a
pause. The $ modifier allows string to be matched only if the
15. Pause length is specified by the q numeric parameter.
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remote pauses for 1 to 2 seconds after transmitting the last
character in string.
The optional action is a string to be sent to the remote, or
executed as a command if it begins with "@". Action is executed the
instant the last character of the pattern is matched, even if the i
modifier is not used. Action must not use the goto, f, t, or wait
The pattern command without any arguments clears the patterns that
don't have the p modifier, and terminates pattern searching. The
other events that terminate pattern search are a match to a pattern
that does not have the c modifier, a pattern search timeout, the
call, abort, or quit commands, a major error, or the NUKE key.
EXAMPLE: pat 0c$ "" "\21"
Sends one XON character every time there is a pause in output from
the remote. This recovers from situations where the remote computer
stops because it receiveed a spurious XOFF character, or lost an XON
In the pattern n string command, if string contains a repeating
sequence such as foo in foofoobar, the search may be unsuccessful if
part of the phrase is received immediately prior to the desired
string (foofoofoobar).
picture (DOS versions only) Append the contents of the display screen
to a DOS file. The pathname is contained in the picture string
parameter. The exact contents of the screen memory are written to
the file, with each screen character followed by its attribute. A
separate program, unpic is used to convert the screen dump to a
normal file that may be printed or displayed.
SEE ALSO: picture string parameter, unpic program
port n Change the modem port to COMn. On DOS, the legal values for n
are 1...18.
Selecting a new port normally selects software handshaking
("handshake sw"). The PCDOS flavor enables both hardware and
software handshaking ("handshake both") iff the port speed exceeds
2400 bps and the Clear To Send (CTS) signal is active at the time
the port command is given.
Standard Ports (PCDOS):
COM1 3F8 IRQ4 (Standard IBM)
COM2 2F8 IRQ3 (Standard IBM)
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COM3 3E8 IRQ4 (Alternate)
COM4 2E8 IRQ3 (Alternate)
COM5 2B8 IRQ3 (Columbia)
COM6 2B8 IRQ2 (Alternate for IBM)
COM7 3E8 IRQ5 (Alternate "COM3")
COM8 2E8 IRQ5 (Alternate "COM4")
COM9 Uses the port address and interrupt vector previously set by
the portx command.
COM1 and COM2 are the standard serial ports defined by the IBM
Technical Reference Manual.
COM3 and COM4 are supported by many serial cards and modem boards.
COM3 and COM1 share the same dedicated hardware interrupt line, and
these ports may not be used at the same time. Likewise, COM4 and
COM2 may not be used at the same time.
Columbia computers support COM5.
COM6 to COM8 are alternate configurations that may be accessed by
cross jumpering between printer port decoders and serial port
enables on some multifunction boards.
COM7 and COM8 support alternative definitions for "COM3" and "COM4"
Since ZCOMM uses the interrupt line on the selected port, no other
program or device driver may use the same port address and/or
interrupt vector concurrently. Certain disk controllers and mice
interfaces use IRQ2 and IRQ5. IRQ5 is sometimes used by network
cards and printer ports. Ports sharing the same interrupt vector
(IRQ number) cannot be used concurrently.
The port command sets the d term option (which suppress the No
Carrier Detect message).
EXAMPLE: port 2
DOS ZCOMM begins with COM1 unless overridden by the DPORT
environment variable.
On Unix, the argument of the port command is a character special
file in the /dev directory. Unix and Xenix flavors have no default
port. If the DPORT environment variable is set, that port will be
selected when ZCOMM initializes. Otherwise, a port is selected by
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the startup and/or dialing script. Typical values are tty01
(386/ix) and tty2A (Xenix).
If the port is in use by another program that supports UUCP port
arbitration, or otherwise not accessible, port selection fails and
the error counter is incremented.
EXAMPLE: pe0; port tty1A; if !e goto gotport
pe0; port tty1B; if !e goto gotport
pe0; port tty1C; if !e goto gotport
echo "No Ports available"; fail
SEE ALSO: handshake command, dport string parameter, e test
portx hbase,irq[,divisor] * To support specialized multiport serial
interfaces, the portx command selects a communications port with a
specified hexadecimal base address hbase and Interrupt Request Line
irq (3 <= irq <= 15).[16] Nonstandard baudrate clock inputs are
supported with the optional divisor argument. To support a
nonstandard bit rate source, multiply 5760 by the new raw bit rate
source frequency in MHz divided by 1.84320.
The portx does not check its argument for validity. The
consequences of an invalid selection are quite undefined. The
specified base address and IRQ number are assigned to COM9, where
they may be used by the port command and the x numeric parameter.
The status line and s command will indicate COM9. This command not
available on X.PC, Unix, Xenix, or OS/2.
EXAMPLE: portx 3e8,15,57600 Selects a comm port with a base address
of 3e8 using IRQ15 and the 18.432 MHz clock option on the Boffin
Electronics "WinSport II" 2 port serial board.
SEE ALSO: intolink string parameter
private The private command allows a caller to keyboard a message
which will be appended to a file specified by the private string
parameter. Typically, private points to a private file inaccessible
16. IRQ2 can be used on some machines, on others it must be specified
as IRQ9.
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to callers. ZCOMM prepends a "From" line using the callers name as
stored in the remote string parameter. The private command prompts
the caller to keyboard a "to:" name and up to 64 lines of text. A
blank line terminates the message. This command is intended for
short messages; long messages should be uploaded with a file
transfer protocol. Keyboarding is controlled by the Z numeric
parameter, which sets the hot zone column after which a keyboarded
space character begins a new line.
SEE ALSO: message command
purgek Purge any characters the user may have typed ahead.*
purgel Purge any unprocessed characters received from the modem Line
put string The put command transmits string to the remote. Use the
put command for transmitting commands to a modem or a remote
computer system. String is processed for character escapes.
Control and other special characters may be entered with character
escapes described in Chapter 26. If a carriage return should be
sent, it must be explicitly coded with \r at the end of the string.
EXAMPLE: put "myname\r" Sends myname followed by carriage return to
the modem.
A \336 (octal 336) character causes a pause in transmission
(duration controlled by the p numeric parameter). This pause allows
one string to contain multiple commands.
EXAMPLE: put "\336ATZ\r\336\336ATX1 M0 S0=1\r" Pauses, sends ATZ\r,
pauses (twice because some modems take longer to reset!), and then
sends ATX1 etc. to the modem.
Transmission with put is controlled by the 7, 8, h, p, w, and t term
SEE ALSO: putw, mput, putv commands
putw string The putw command transmits string to the remote, and
pauses for a period of time (determined by the q numeric parameter)
before returning from the term function to allow characters to echo.
Other than that final pause, putw operates the same as the put
N.B.: Putw should not be used when the next operation will be a
pattern or wait command. If the expected response starts before the
putw command finishes, the following wait command will never get to
"see" what it is waiting for. In general, the putw command should
only be used as a short-cut for sending a command when the response
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is known in advance and can be safely ignored.
SEE ALSO: put, mput commands
putv svar The putv command transmits svar to the remote without any
translation of character escapes. Putv does not append a carriage
return or line feed to the transmitted string.
EXAMPLE: putv s0; put "\r"
SEE ALSO: put, mput commands
pwd Print Working Directory displays the current directory pathname,
and stores it in the pwd string parameter.
SEE ALSO: cd command
pxN Set Numeric parameter x to value N. If x and N are blank, display
the numeric parameters which can be set by this command and their
current values. This command is not allowed if Restricted. Numeric
parameters are described in Chapter 24.
EXAMPLE: ps8 Sets the status line attribute to 8 (grey), suitable
for composite video displays.
EXAMPLE: pv-1 Sets the v numeric parameter ("verbose") to -1,
suppressing some routine messages. More negative values suppress
more routine messages.
EXAMPLE: pd1 Sets the d numeric parameter to 1, causing files
received with ZMODEM or full YMODEM protocol to be stored with the
modification date transmitted with the file.
EXAMPLE: pk3 Sets the k numeric parameter to 3, which kills pending
output stored in the circular buffer when ETX (Ctrl-C) (decimal 3)
is keyboarded in the term function.
queue { add [string] | clear | delete [n] | list | run } Manipulate
and execute a queue of commands for dialing numbers or other
suitable functions. The queue contains 20 slots numbered 0 to 19.
queue clear clears all queue entries.
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queue add [string] adds string to the queue after processing for
string substitutions. The string is added to the first empty
queue slot available. If string is absent, it is taken from
the next script line. A typical string would be a command to
call a system: call telegodzilla
Script entries used with the circular dialing queue should end
with a t command, which will enter the term function. To stop
the queue at that point, use the ALT-N (NUKE) key. NUKE
queue delete [n] Delete then nth queue entry, or the currently
executing entry if n is not present.
queue list lists the non empty queue entries.
queue run begins execution of the queue entries. The ALT-N (NUKE)
key, a fatal errror or any keyboarded character present after
the execution of the command in the entry terminates the queue
run command.
The queue commands are independent of the Outcall Queue available in
Host Operation.
EXAMPLE: The script fragment:
queue clear
while q set? s0 Q queue add "echo %s0"
queue list
Sets each queue entry to echo its own queue number, then lists the
queue entries.
SEE ALSO: q and Q test conditions, Shift-F5 and Shift-F6 function
quit * Causes an immediate return to the command prompt from any
script level. Quit may be used within a command string assigned to
a function key where an unconditional return to the command prompt
is desired, even if keyboarded from the term function.
r [oldcmd] Search back through the history file of keyboarded lines
for the first line that oldcmd is a prefix of, and execute it. If
oldcmd is absent, execute the last locall entered keyboarded line.
EXAMPLE: history C:/tmp/junk.hst
del *.bak *.lst *.tmp *.foo
cd bazdir
r d
del *.bak *.lst *.tmp *.foo (command echoes)
SEE ALSO: history command
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r7 [-options] [dir] [file ...] Receives with options 1 or more files
using MODEM7 batch protocol. An optional directory dir may be
specified. If pathname(s) have been supplied to the r7 command and
the sending program attempts to send more files than the number of
names supplied to the r7 command, the transfer is aborted. The
command is provided for compatibility with traditional programs that
do not support the superior YMODEM or ZMODEM protocols.
EXAMPLE: r7 -c Receive file(s) with MODEM7 Batch and CRC-16 (-c).
SEE ALSO: MODEM7 batch protocol, Chapter 13.
rb [-options] Receives with options 1 or more files using YMODEM
protocol. The rb command also receives files sent with SEAlink
protocol. Chapter 20 describes the available options. YMODEM
transmits the pathname and length of each file. If a file is
received in error (retries exhausted, etc.), the batch transfer will
terminate. If Restricted, a file received in error will be unlinked
EXAMPLE: rb -y Receive file(s) with YMODEM replacing old files, if
EXAMPLE: rb -g Receive file(s) with YMODEM-g.
Many programs claiming to support YMODEM actually use XMODEM with
1024 byte blocks; use ZCOMM's sx -k, rx and rx -g XMODEM commands
with these mutants.
SEE ALSO: YMODEM protocol, Chapter 13.
rb [-options] [dir] [file ...] Receives with options 1 or more files
using YMODEM protocol. An optional disk and/or directory dir may be
specified. The optional supplied pathnames file ... are used in
place of pathnames normally provided by the sending program. If the
sending program attempts to send more files than the number of names
supplied to the rb command, the transfer is aborted.
rc [-options] file Receives with options a single file using the Ward
Christensen XMODEM protocol, 128 or 1024 byte blocks, and CRC-16
instead of an 8 bit checksum. ZCOMM signals the sending program
that CRC-16 is to be used. After four errors while attempting to
receive the first sector, ZCOMM will cancel the CRC-16 option and
reverts to checksum operation.
The probability of an undetected transmission error is much less if
CRC-16 is used in place of the default 8 bit arithmetic checksum.
Omen Technology Inc Recommends use of the 16 bit CRC to maintain
data integrity at professional levels. Chapter 20 describes the
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available options to the rc command. If Restricted, a file received
in error will be deleted.
EXAMPLE: rc foo.com
SEE ALSO: XMODEM-CRC protocol, Chapter 13.
read [file] Read file into the circular buffer. Once in the buffer,
it may be examined with the review command, searched for strings,
and cut and pasted to other files. If file does not fit into the
buffer, the buffer may be cleared with the kill command (or review k
subcommand) and subsequent read commands may be given to read more
of it. Review function commands are described in Chapter 23.
EXAMPLE: read allsig.tmp<ENTER><Home>
SEE ALSO: BROwse, seek commands
CAUTION: Iff a read command has left a transmit file open, entering
the term function will transmit the unread portion of the file. To
prevent this, close the file first with ALT-C or closetx.
receive [-options] Receives file(s) from a Kermit program. Chapter 20
describes the available options. The other program must be
commanded to send the desired files.
SEE ALSO: get Kermit server access command
remote Enter Host state with unrestricted privileges to allow the
currently connected remote computer/terminal to issue commands.
When activated by the remote command, Host state will reset when the
modem carrier goes away. This command is useful for transferring
files between two machines with directly connected serial ports.
Remote may be prefixed with restrict to limit privileges.*
SEE ALSO: host command
remote cwd dirspec [password] Instructs the remote Kermit server to
change to the specified directory. The form of dirspec varies with
the remote system; it must be quoted if it contains special
characters or spaces. A password may be required by the remote
Kermit server.
SEE ALSO: Kermit Protocol, Chapter 13.
remote delete filespec Instructs the remote Kermit server to delete
the specified file(s). The form of filespec varies with the remote
system; it must be quoted if it contains special characters or
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remote dir dirspec Instructs the remote Kermit server to display the
specified directory on your screen. The form of dirspec varies with
the remote system; it must be quoted if it contains special
characters or spaces. The resulting information may be redirected
to a file with the >outfile command.
remote help Instructs the remote Kermit server to display help
information on your screen. The resulting information may be
redirected to a file with the >outfile command.
remote host host-command-string Instructs the remote Kermit server to
perform the specified command and display its output on your screen.
The form of host-command-string varies with the remote system; it
must be quoted if it contains special characters or spaces. The
resulting information may be redirected to a file with the >outfile
EXAMPLE: remote host "kill -9 0" Terminates all your processes with
extreme prejudice.
SEE ALSO: !!command
remote print filespec Instructs the remote Kermit server to print the
specified file(s) on the remote system. The form of filespec varies
with the remote system; it must be quoted if it contains special
characters or spaces.
remote space [dirspec] Instructs the remote Kermit server to display
the free space in the specified directory on your screen. The form
of dirspec varies with the remote system; it must be quoted if it
contains special characters or spaces. The resulting information
may be redirected to a file with the >outfile command.
remote type filespec Instructs the remote Kermit server to type the
specified file(s) on your screen. The form of filespec varies with
the remote system; it must be quoted if it contains special
characters or spaces. The resulting information may be redirected
to a file with the >outfile command.
remote who Instructs the remote Kermit server to display the logged in
users on your screen. The resulting information may be redirected
to a file with the >outfile command.
reset Write the contents of the circular buffer if a receive file is
open, close all files, and reset the disk system. This allows
swapping diskettes.
reskeys Resets the Soft Keys to empty.
SEE ALSO: set command
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restime * Resets elapsed time and counts of bytes transmitted and
received to zero. The restime command may be given in a script
immediately after login is completed to synchronize the elapsed time
counter with the beginning of chargeable connect time.
SEE ALSO: timestamp command, E test condition
restrict * Restricts ZCOMM for the following command on the same line.
This command is useful for testing.
EXAMPLE: restrict source /menu.t
RETurn Returns from a script subroutine accessed by a call, source, or
gosub command.
SEE ALSO: fail command
rewind Reset the buffer pointers for display, printer, and file output
used by the term function to the beginning of the circular buffer.
This will cause the term function to redisplay the data in the
circular buffer. Patterns will be rescanned. A typical use of the
rewind function is to allow replay of an editing session on a remote
machine, or to redisplay the material received if the initial
settings of the i, c, n or v term options were incorrect for the
material received from the remote.
N.B.: The rewind command does not reset the buffer free character
count. To write the data to disk, a write command (or ALT-W) must
be given before accepting new data from the remote.
SEE ALSO: t, b, w review subcommands
REView Review the data received from the host or read by the read
command. A screenfull is displayed at a time. Review function
commands are listed in Chapter 23.
ro [-options] file Receives with options a single file using non-
standard XMODEM-CRC protocol logic. OverThruster(TM) speeds file
downloads at the expense of error recovery. OverThruster operation
is controlled by the O numeric parameter. As fans of Buckaroo
Bonzai know, the OverThruster is not universally applicable. A
transmission error will almost always terminate an OverThruster file
If Restricted, a file received in error will be unlinked (erased).
EXAMPLE: ro foo.com
SEE ALSO: O numeric parameter
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rt [-options] [dir] [file ...] Receives with options 1 or more files
using Telink (FIDO) batch protocol. An optional disk and/or
directory dir may be specified. The optional supplied pathnames
file ... are used in place of pathnames normally provided by the
sending program. If pathname(s) have been supplied to the rt
command and the sending program attempts to send more files than the
number of names supplied to the rt command, the transfer is aborted.
The rt command is provided for compatibility with traditional
programs that do not support the superior YMODEM or ZMODEM
EXAMPLE: rt -c
SEE ALSO: Telink protocol, Chapter 13.
rw [-options] file Receives with options a single file using the
People-Link WXMODEM protocol. Chapter 20 describes the available
options. If Restricted, a file received in error will be unlinked
EXAMPLE: rw foo.com
rx [-options] file Receives with options a single file using the Ward
Christensen XMODEM protocol. CRC-16 is not the default because most
commercial comms programs only support the 8 bit checksum. Chapter
20 describes the available options. If Restricted, a file received
in error will be unlinked (erased).
EXAMPLE: rx foo.com
N.B.: The rc command should be used whenever possible instead of rx.
EXAMPLE: rx -g foo.txt Receive a single file with an ACKless XMODEM
protocol mutant incorrectly called "ymodem-g" by PCBoard and Qmodem
SEE ALSO: XMODEM protocol, Chapter 13.
rz [-options] Receives with options 1 or more files using ZMODEM
protocol. Chapter 20 describes the available options. Each file's
pathname is obtained from the sending program. The +, a, b, n, N,
r, and y options are accepted from the sending program, subject to
Restriced privileges. If the +, b, n, N, r, or y option is
specified to the receiver, it overrides any contrary options
specified to the sender. Only one of the a, b, or r options may be
specified. Only one of the +, n, N, or y options may be specified.
If a file is received in error (retries exhausted, etc.), the batch
transfer will terminate. If Restricted, a file received in error
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will be unlinked (erased).
EXAMPLE: rz -y
SEE ALSO: Z term option
SEE ALSO: ZMODEM protocol, Chapter 13.
rz [-options] [dir] [file ...] Receives with options 1 or more files
using ZMODEM protocol. An optional disk and/or directory dir may be
specified. The optional supplied pathnames file ... are used in
place of pathnames normally provided by the sending program. If the
sending program attempts to send more files than the number of names
supplied to the rz command, the transfer is aborted. To allow use
of the rz command, Z term option (ZMODEM AutoDownload) should be
turned off with a dis -Z command.
s Displays status information.
LSR and MSR refer to the Line Status Register and Modem Status
Register of the modem port's 8250 UART device.
TYP refers to the type of serial chip detected. A National 16550A
shows as 1, an Intel 82510 shows as 2. Other chips (without high
speed enhancements) show as 0.
"Uncorrected errors" displays the e numeric parameter, which counts
the number of failed file transfers and "line hits" detected by the
term function.
If one or more scripts are active, the current line number (counting
from the first line in the script file) for each script level is
Any patterns active as a result of a pattern or wait command are
displayed. An S indicates not matched (still searching), F
indicates that pattern has been matched.
SEE ALSO: ALT-S function key
s7 [-options] pathspec Send the files specified in pathspec using the
MODEM7 batch Protocol. Files which cannot be opened are skipped.
An empty pathspec sends all files in the current directory. A
directory name expands to all regular files in that directory.
If an error aborts a file transmission (retries exhausted, etc.),
batch transfers terminate.
EXAMPLE: s7 *.com Sends all *.com files
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N.B.: The receiver must be commanded to receive the files. This
command is provided for compatibility with traditional programs that
do not support the superior YMODEM and ZMODEM protocols.
SEE ALSO: MODEM7 batch protocol, Chapter 13.
sb [-options] [PREFIX=p | ONAME=x] pathspec Send the files specified
in pathspec using True YMODEMTm Protocol. The pathname, length, and
modification time of each file are transmitted. Files which cannot
be opened are skipped. An empty pathspec sends all files in the
current directory. A directory name expands to all regular files in
that directory.
If an error aborts a file transmission (retries exhausted, etc.),
batch transfers terminate. The sb command will send files with
SEAlink protocol if the receiving program requests SEAlink.
EXAMPLE: sb -k *.com Sends *.com using 1024 byte packets.
N.B.: The receiver must be commanded to receive the files with an rb
command. Unix and OS/2 users: sb command cannot be used to send
source files that grow after the beginning of transmission.
SEE ALSO: YMODEM protocol, Chapter 13, SEAlink protocol, Chapter 13.
seek offset Iff a transmit file is open as a result of a f, open, or
read command, position the file read pointer to offset bytes from
the beginning of the file if offset is positive (or 0), or from the
end of the file if offest is negative. "Seek 0" rewinds the file to
its beginning.
EXAMPLE: open baz; seek -20000; read<ENTER>Home Reviews the last
20000 bytes of baz.
SEE ALSO: open, read, close
send [-options] pathspec Send the files specified in pathspec with the
Kermit protocol. The send command sends files to either a Kermit
server or a regular Kermit program.
EXAMPLE: send -a *.asm
set[s|c] [[_]sparam string] Set String parameter sparam to string. As
with all ZCOMM strings, the string must be enclosed by double quote
characters if it contains spaces, tabs, or semicolons. Character
escapes must be used to represent special characters, including
return and linefeed if needed.
An optional leading underscore (_) prepended to sparam causes the
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string to be cleared by the next call command.
EXAMPLE: set mprefix ATDT sets the modem dialing prefix for tone (T)
EXAMPLE: set f8 \PXXXXX Assigns a five character automatically
generated password (\PXXXXX character escape described in Chapter )
to function key F8. Once programmed this way, the F8 key will
transmit five nonsense characters determined by the xpassword string
parameter and the remote system's name as stored in the remote
string parameter by the last call command.
EXAMPLE: set _f1 "logout\r" Assigns the string "logout<ENTER>" to F1
until the next call command.
The parameters that may be set with this command are described in
Chapter 25. Case is significant in parameter names.
Set without any arguments will display all non empty string
parameters and their values. If the v (verbose) numeric parameter
is non zero, all string parameters are displayed. The echo and lput
commands may be used to display string parameters ("echo %svar").
The setc command performs string substitutions and character escape
expansions on string before storing. The sets command only performs
string substitutions on string before storing.
N.B.: Chapter 26 discusses string concatenation.
EXAMPLE: sets s2 "%z1" Assigns the second token (%z1) generated by
the split command to string parameter s2.
If other commands are to follow on the same line, a semicolon must
be used to separate the commands.
EXAMPLE: set s1 "su"; goto sendit Would be illegal if the ";" were
left out.
A string parameter may be set to empty with set sparam "" (empty
string enclosed by double quote characters).
EXAMPLE: pv1; set Displays all string parameters, including all Soft
EXAMPLE: sets s8 "s9 EQUALS %s9" Substitutes the value of string
parameter s9 in the argument before assigning it to s8.
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SEE ALSO: echo, if, keys, reskeys, ALT-K, commands
N.B.: When defining function keys to be called from within the term
function, do not use the t or f commands. Instead use the create or
open commands to prevent excessive term function recursion.
Assigning a string to a function key with the set command causes
that string to be sent to the remote when the key is used within the
term function. If the string begins with @, the remainder of the
string is executed as a ZCOMM command.
EXAMPLE: set f3 "@rb" Assigns the rb command to F3.
set[s|c] [_]sparam This form of the set command allows strings
containing double quote (") characters to be defined.
Given with string parameter sparam, but no string, set reads string
from the next line verbatim, with only the trailing CR/LF removed.
The line should not begin with a space or tab unless one is required
for string. This form may be used for entering strings containing
double quotes. If a script is active, the next line is read from
the current script file, otherwise the user is prompted for it.
N.B.: This form of the set command cannot be used as the predicate
of an if command. The argument should not appear as a label or
telephone directory entry.
EXAMPLE: set outahost
@o; pk3; sp 2400; set disks "abcd"; putw "\336ATM0H1\r" Programs
outahost to drop DTR ("o"), set 2400 baud, allow disks a,b,c, and d,
and send an ATM0H1 (go off hook) command to the modem to busy out
the telephone line.
setn sparam expression The setn command stores as a decimal number the
result of an arithmetic expression consisting of decimal numbers,
string variables, the length of string variables denoted with %, and
the operators +, -, *, and /. The expression is evaluated strictly
left to right with 32 bit precision.
EXAMPLE: setn vv 1+vv
16. Because a failed if command would skip to the next line, the
argument of the set command, and attempt to execute it as a script
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set? sparam condition The set? command stores a decimal number
representing the result of a test condition.
EXAMPLE: set? s0 S Stores the value of the S test condition
(transmission speed) in string variable s0.
sleep deci-seconds Sleep causes ZCOMM to pause for the specified
tenths of seconds. This command may be used in a script with one or
more put commands to login to a timesharing service. The presence
of a character in the keyboard buffer will cause the sleep command
to finish before the specified time.
The maximum sleep time is 32000 tenths of seconds. Applications
involving long sleep times may be better handled with the Host
Operation callout queue.
EXAMPLE: sleep 30 Pauses for 3 seconds.
SEE ALSO: callout queue, \336 (string parameters)
Soft Keys The Soft Keys f1-f12, fs1-fs10, fc1-fc10, fa1-fa10, ALT-a to
ALT-z, fins, fdel, fhome, fend, fup, fdown, fleft, fright, fpgup,
fpgdn, etc. may be programmed by set commands given in script
files, including the "setup" entry in the distribution PHODIR.t
file. The strings or commands assigned to these keys may be
displayed with the keys or ALT-K command. To get a current list of
the available soft keys (and other string parameters), keyboard the
following three commands:
close; pv0
source sourcefile Accept script commands from sourcefile. The source
and call commands may be nested with up to six[17] scripts open at
If the script has a READ ONLY attribute, ZCOMM is unrestricted
during execution of the script.*
Command lines in files accessed by the source command must begin
17. Deep nesting may require a decrease in circular buffer memory
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 19 Main Commands