Beijing Paradise BBS Backup
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709 lines
Chuck Forsberg
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(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
! Command 168 ADM3a Terminal 114
!% Command 168 AFT 28
!~ Command 168 alarm 242
%l-234-567-8901 command 105 ALDS 42
%svar 242 alphanumeric 16
+ term option 197 ALT-1 command 164
1 kb packet length 174 ALT-2 command 164
132 column video 157, 205, 210 ALT-= 181
16550A 12, 38 ALT-B 183
212 modem 37 ALT-C command 164
234-5678 command 105 ALT-D command 164
3101 Terminal 114 ALT-E 198
4 kb packet length 174 ALT-J command 184
50Z 292 ALT-M command 164
7 bit data 171, 187 ALT-N 102
7e option 187 ALT-Q 79, 103, 236
7m term option 187 ALT-R 182
7o option 187 ALT-R command 164
80 column video 210 ALT-S command 164
80286 297 ALT-U command 165
8250 UART 293 ALT-W command 165
82510 12 ALT-X 182
8e term option 188 alternate keypad 198
8g term option 188 alternate long distance service
8n option 188 42, 105, 232
8o term option 188 Alternate phone numbers 106
:comment command 161 ALTMODE 305
; command 161 ANSI 185
<file command 161 ANSI EXTENDED CRT Emulation 188
>outfile command 162 ANSI.SYS 188, 298
\045 escapes % 133 answerback 182, 182, 185, 226
\256 metacharacter 133 ap command 107
\336 metacharacter 138, 138, 149 apd command 107
\\ 242 append 171, 197
\b 242 append DOS command 171, 296
\E 242 arguments, optional 21
\f 242 arithmetic 149
\PXXXX 242 ASCII Code 302
\r 242 attention 108
A term option 188 autodial 105
_ command 160 AutoDownload 133, 193, 197
a term option 188 AutoDownload, Kermit 71
a: command 106 AutoLogon 127
abort 102 automatic password 242
abort command 106, 217 AutoScript 163, 254
accept command 106, 207 autowrap 114
ACK 186 auxiliary print mode 214
activity log 130, 228, 236, 237, B Protocol 78, 217
239, 273, 275 B+ Protocol 184
addlf 188 background 255
ADM3a 267 background operation 108, 118,
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
272, 300 call3 228
backslash 242 callers 228, 273
backspace 181, 227, 242 calllog 44
BACKTAB 226, 226 callout 227, 228
backup 22 callout interval 211, 266
batch file transfer 141, 145, callout queue 211, 228, 255, 260,
146, 147, 153, 154 265
baud 16 callpath 228, 260
baud rate 151, 198, 227, 298 Caps Lock Key 196, 197
baudstr 227, 260, 261, 264 capture 16, 82, 111, 112, 119,
bbs 227 127, 155, 156, 158, 197, 201, 203
BBS graphics 180 Carousel 300
bdump command 108 carriage return 242
BEL 242 carrier detect 36, 122, 132, 133,
BELL 185, 186 136, 142, 158, 189, 258
bell, visual 114 case conversion 165, 196
Berkeley Editor 271 cat command 110
bg command 108 CB simulation 200
binary 72, 189 CBSIZE environment variable 90,
binary operator 259 94
BIX Timesharing Service 77 cd command 110, 231
blank line display 195 cdd command 111
blank lines 227 CED 206
blankfill 227 cellular radio 29, 32, 189, 228
blanking 115, 194, 196 challenge 229, 261
blinking attribute 206 Chapter 99 10
Block length 60, 78, 217, 221, character escapes 16, 131, 242
222 character set 156
block mode 112, 200 chat command 111
border color 211 chromablizzard 272
bps 16 Circular Buffer 90, 94
break 182, 183, 220, 227, 251 circular dialing 139, 164, 253,
break command 108 258
BREAK ON 295 circumflex 243, 304
break, received 184 cl command 111
bright attribute 206 Clear to Send 122, 135, 197
browse 142 Clink 68, 141, 147, 222
browse command 165, 165 close command 111
BS 181, 186, 227, 242 closerx command 111
buffer clear 127 closetx command 111
buffer search 252 cls command 111
buffer write 158 collision 172
bye command 108 color 43
Byte Information Exchange 77 Colors 92
C term option 184, 189 comm port 135, 287
c term option 189 command capture 240
Cache, disk 296 command download 159, 161
call command 109 command prompt 231, 234
Call Waiting 189 command recall 124, 182
call1 227, 265 command reentry 140, 210
call2 228, 266 command retry 124, 182
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
comment 161 DC1 183
compression 59, 178 DC3 183
CompuServe 78, 144, 209 DCD 122
Compuserve B protocol 189 debugging 108, 134, 216
Compuserve B+ protocol 184 default 16
concurrency 272 default disk 106
Concurrent Operation 300 default drive 229
Concurrent PC-DOS 298 del command 113
condition 125, 132, 158, 250 Delayed Execution 253
Conference 200 delete 165, 177, 178, 183, 185,
conference command 200 186, 197, 237
control character escaping 172 demand command 113
control characters 184, 184, 195, DESQview 211, 272, 300
196 DG Dasher terminal 267
copy 166 Dial-In Application 95
CP/M 14, 197 dialing queue 139, 253, 258
CPCDOS 298 dialing, circular 139, 164, 253,
CPMEOF 16, 64, 65, 72, 121, 153, 258
158, 186, 197 dim attribute 207
CR 72, 75, 171, 186, 188, 194, dir command 113
196, 242 directory 110, 111, 122, 139,
Crash Recovery 58 231, 235
crc command 112 directory specification 141
CRC-16 16, 112, 141, 153, 163, directory, phone 235
172 Directory, receiving 91
create command 112 Directory, sending 91
createx command 112 DIRSIZE environment variable 91
CRT control 129 disable command 114
CRT emulation 114, 188, 267 disconnect 79, 108, 131, 132, 217
Ctrl-Break 102, 182, 227 disk cache 296
Ctrl-Home command 164 disk errors 112
Ctrl-Z 185, 186 disk system 143
CTS 122, 135, 197 disks 229, 236
CU 95 display attribute 206, 211, 215,
current directory 235 216
cursor addressing 129 display columns 205
cut 19, 203 display command 114
Cybernetic Data Recovery 220 display inhibit 114, 115, 194,
cyclical redundancy check 16 196
D term option 189 display lines 205
d term option 189 DLE 184
Dasher 267 DMA 272
Data Acquisition 123 Doorway 181, 263
data corruption 112 DOS 159, 196
Data Overrun 283 DOS 3.2 296, 297
data overruns 221, 283 DOS append command 171, 296
data PBX 172 DOS command 160, 168
Data Set Ready 122 DOS environment variables 90
date 226, 229 DOS Gateway 90, 160, 167, 168,
date stamping 57, 64, 211 204, 206, 227, 281
day of week 239 Down command 163
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
download 81 eolstr 230
Download directory 91 EOT 185, 186
downloadable commands 240 erase 165, 178, 197
dport 92 Error Containment 187, 190, 198,
DPORT environment variable 90, 207
91, 94 error count 212
drive 106 error messages 276
DSR 122, 256 ESC 186, 200, 230, 242
DTR 17, 35, 108, 131 escape 242, 305
dump 108 escape sequences 186, 201, 267
dump command 115 escapes, character 242
dump, screen 235 estimate command 117
duplex, full 191 ETX 185, 186, 230
duplex, half 183, 192, 200, 213, even parity 187, 207
219 execute 135, 224, 227, 228, 229,
E term option 190 230, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237,
e term option 190 238, 239
EBCDIC 72 execute string parameter 17
echo command 116 exit 196
echo, local 192 exit command 117, 159
echo, remote 120 expand 231
echoc command 116 expand command 117
echof command 116 exrc 230
Echoplex 120 Extended memory 296
EGA 157 extension 114
EGA Auto-select 284, 292 f command 118, 214
EGA environment variable 91 f term option 191
egrep command 116 F1 182
egrepq command 116 F10 command 164
Eighth bit Quoting 218, 219 F2 182
elapsed time 144, 156, 183, 198, F2 command 162
251 F3 command 163
electronic mail 229, 233, 235, F4 command 163
265 F5 command 163
else command 116 F6 command 163
Emacs 86, 185, 190 F7 command 163
emdir 229 F8 command 163
empty lines 227 F9 command 163
emulation, CRT 114 fail command 118
emulation, hardcopy 271 faint attribute 207
emulation, terminal 267 Fansi-Console 188, 188, 297
enable command 117 Fastcomm 222
encrypted passwords 242, 243 Fatal Errors 217
end of line 230, 230 FF 185, 186, 242
ENQ 184, 185 fg command 118
entstr 183, 230 fget 82
Environment 92 fget command 119
environment parameter 242 FIDO 67, 68, 141, 147, 153, 222
environment variables 90, 94 file access 231
EOF 197 file append 107, 108, 166
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
file capture 155 goback command 121
file comparison 112, 153, 158 gosub command 121
file copy 166 goto command 122
file date 57, 64, 114, 211 grab command 122
file display 129, 133, 142, 147, graphic file transfer display 2,
157, 167 55
file download 17, 72, 74, 75, 78 graphics 169
file dump 116 graphics option 187
file editing 203, 203 graphics term option 188
file extension 114 H term option 192
file length 114 h term option 192
file links 257 H-19 CRT Emulation 188
file name override 141, 146 H19 267
File Received, last 237 Half Duplex 51, 183, 213
file rename 108 handshake 86, 197
File Sent, last 239 handshake command 30, 122
file transfer 126, 141, 144, 145, hard disk 297
146, 147, 153, 154, 193, 194, Hayes ESP board 294
195, 196, 212, 254 Help 92, 124, 164, 231, 239
file transfer packet length 174, help command 123
174 hereis 182, 185
file transmission 118, 120, 132 highlight attribute 206
file upload 214 history 140, 210
filespec 17 history command 124
filter, control characters 195 home 110, 231
find command 119 Home command 163
findmore command 120 Honey Danber UUCP 95
findq command 120 host command 125
finish command 120 host operation 17, 102, 125, 142,
Flow Control 17, 31, 81, 86, 122, 207, 227, 229, 230, 260, 265
135, 173, 178, 190, 191, 210, Hot zone 211
219, 220, 222, 223, 254 HT 186, 242
flush 127 HZ environment variable 94
foreground 255 I/O Overlap 215
form feed 242 IBM 72, 218, 232
fput command 120 IBM mainframes 126, 187, 219
fpute command 85, 120 IBM PS/2 Model 50Z 292
frame length 221 if command 125
framing error 184, 190 ife command 125
free space 251 iff 17
front end 172 image option 174
full duplex 183 image term option 184, 192
function 17 immediate string 250
Function Key Commands 162 input redirection 161
function key override 238 installation 22
function keys 14, 149 integrity 17
g term option 191 interactive 20
gcolors command 121 interprocess communication 112,
GCOS 181 127
GEnie 77, 209 interrupt 102
get command 121 interrupt latency 119, 123, 152,
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
221, 283, 296, 298 log, files received 237, 273
jerkiness 193 log, files transmitted 239
K term option 193 log, performance 235
kbdlock 102 log, remote commands 236
kbdlock command 125 login 239
kbdmon command 126 logins, remote 228, 235
Kermit 62, 142, 147, 175, 187, loop count 252
218, 232 Lotus Metro 297
Kermit AutoDownload 71, 126 lpnono 232
kermit command 126 lput command 129
Kermit host command 143, 161 lputp command 129
Kermit Protocol 17, 70, 126, 193, ls command 127
306 LSI-ADM3a 267
kermit rb command 126 LSI-ADM3a Terminal 114
kermit sb command 126 LSR 283
Kermit server access 120, 121, lx command 127
142, 143 LZW 178
keyboard lock 126, 197 magic characters 245, 249
keyboard mapping 160, 164, 184, mainframe 72
208 Mainframe Computers 232
keyboard to keyboard 111 mconnect 106, 233
keyboard, 101 key 20 menu 124, 231, 233, 239
keyboard, extended 20, 238 menu command 130
keypad mapped 198 menus 14
keypad mapping 268 message command 130
keys command 126 messages 233
keystrokes 126 Microport 12
ki command 126 minirb program 74
kill buffer 213 mk command 130
kill command 127 MNP 28, 36
l command 127 MobyBaud 38
l term option 193 MobyKermit 175
label: command 161 MobyTurbo 59, 175
laptop computer 268 MODEM 92, 94
Laser printer 158 MODEM environment variable 92
learn 50, 127 modem port 135, 137, 287
learn command 127, 254 MODEM protocol 145, 147, 153
Lempel-Ziv 178 modem, intelligent 233, 233, 234
LF 186, 242 MODEM7 14
LF, absence of 188 MODEM7 batch 67, 140, 146
line drawing characters 180 more command 130
line feed 242 mouse driver 284
line hit 18, 184, 190, 198 Mouse Drivers 296
line printer 130, 184, 193, 214, mprefix 27, 233
232 mput command 130
Line Status Register 283 msuffix 234
link command 129, 261 Multispeed 292
link port 217 n term option 183, 186, 193
links, file 257 N.B. 18
list command 129 National character set 156
log keeping 228 NEC Multispeed 292
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
networks 61 PATH environment variable 92, 94
newline 171, 242 pathname 18, 110, 111, 139
NL 193 pathname override 141, 146
nlmode 114, 115, 186, 271 pathname, full 172
no carrier detect 122, 132, 133, pathnames, received 141, 145
136, 142, 158, 189, 258 pathnames, transmitted 146, 147,
nolog command 130 153, 154
null 182, 185, 186 pathspec 18
NULL MODEM 25 pattern command 133
nulls command 130 pattern match fail time 191, 191,
Num Lock key 198 195, 212
o command 131 pattern searches 186
obey command 131, 244 pause 150, 224
odd parity 207 PBX, data 221
off command 131 PC Board 181
off parity 187 PC Pursuit 87
on command 132 PC Terminal 267
on line 20 PC-DOS 14
ONAME= 53, 147, 154 PC-Pursuit 222
oncloserx 54 per cent 242
onclosetx 54 Performance log 177, 235, 275
open command 132 permanent string parameters 224
options 18, 141, 144, 145, 146, PgDn 182
147, 153, 154, 171 PgUp 182
output redirection 162 PHODIR.t 40
overrun 184 phone directory 22, 40, 163, 235
overruns 221, 283 phones 235
overstrike 114, 184, 271 PHONES environment variable 92,
OverThruster 64, 66, 144, 209 94
P term option 193 picture 102, 102, 235
p command 139 picture command 135
p term option 193 pipe 305
pacing 85, 120, 190, 193, 195, plog 235
196, 215, 216 pop-up 124, 231, 239
packet length 217, 221, 222 port 92, 229
PAD 87 port command 135
page 165 portx command 137
page command 133 PREFIX= 54, 147
parameter, numeric 139 PREFIX=p 154
parameters, numeric 205 printer 130, 158, 184, 193, 232,
parameters, string 147, 224 267
Parity 133, 184, 187, 188, 196, printer controller 214
198, 207, 235 printer selection 214
parity errors 190 printer spoolers 298
password 157, 239, 261 private 235
password files 116, 120 private command 137
Password Guardian 242, 243 Pro-YAM upgrade 8
password, automatic generation ProDoor 181
163, 239, 244 prompt 212
password, encrypted 242 purgek command 138, 251
paste 203 put command 138, 244
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
putsnp program 22 resource locking 113
putv command 139 restime command 143
putw command 138 Restraint 17
pwd command 139 restrict command 144
Q term option 194 restricted 19, 253, 258
q term option 194 resume 191, 212
q.v. 18 return command 144
Qmodem-G 67, 174 return, carriage 242
queue 139, 253, 258 reverse video 215
queue command 139 review 142, 165, 166, 200
quit command 140 review function 19, 201
quitcmd 103, 236 rewind 147
r command 140 rewind command 144
r term option 194 RLE compression 178
r7 command 140 rlogin 61
RAMDISK 296 rmtcheck 237
rb command 141 rmtcmd 237
rc command 141 ro command 144
rcmdlog 236 robustness 19
read 165, 166, 201 RS232 36
read command 142 rt command 144
real time status line 197, 198 RUBOUT 133, 182, 183, 185, 186,
receive command 142 237
receive file 155, 199 rw command 145
recursion, term function 149, rx command 145
183, 238, 255, 286, 289 rxcnt 237
redial 213 rxlog 44, 273
redirection, input 161 rz command 145
redirection, output 162 S term option 195
regular expression 152, 252 s term option 195
Regular Expressions 19 s7 command 146
Relaxed XMODEM 65 sb command 147
Relaxed YMODEM 65 scancode 181
remote 19, 236 scheduling 253
remote command 142 SCO console emulation 114, 267
remote command log 236 Screen colors 92
remote control 260 screen dump 235
remote cwd command 142 screen emulation 267
remote delete command 142 script 19, 233
remote dir command 142 script level 19, 110, 117, 118,
remote help command 143 132, 146
remote host command 143 script, unrestricted 109, 117,
remote print command 143 150, 237
remote space command 143 scrolling 193
remote system name 236 scrolling smear 255
remote takeover 260 SCRtoPS 55
remote type command 143 SEAlink 68, 141, 147, 222
remote who command 143 search 119, 120, 202
remove 177 security 141, 146, 157, 188, 197,
reset command 143 229, 231, 235, 236, 237, 239,
reskeys command 143 242, 244
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
seek command 147 sum command 153
semaphore 112, 113, 127 Super-Kermit 218
send command 147 SWITCHAR 166, 206, 299
separator 161 sx command 153
Serial Number 177, 275 System Command 160, 168
server 70 system name, remote 236
set command 147 sz command 154
sets command 244 t command 155
shell escape 20, 160, 168 t term option 195
Shift-F1 command 164 TAB 186, 239, 242
Shift-F2 command 164 TCP/IP 61
Shift-F3 command 164 tcs command 156
Shift-F4 command 164 Telenet 50, 82, 87
Shift-F5 command 164 Telephone Directory 40, 40, 50
Shift-F6 command 164 Televideo 9xx Terminal 114
sleep command 150 Telink 144, 153, 222
SlugBait 177 Telink Protocol 68
Smartdrive 295 telnet 61, 73
Smartmodem 35, 35 temporary string parameters 224
snow 272 TERM environment variable 94
SNP 22 term function 20, 177, 207, 240
soft keys 20, 126, 143, 150, 165, term function recursion 149, 183,
181, 184, 238 238, 255, 286, 289
Soft Keys command 150 term modes 132
source command 150 term options 20, 112, 114, 117,
speed command 151 155, 187
speed detection 227 termcap 114
speed selection 227 terminal emulation 267
split command 152, 231 terminal options 118
spoofing 33 TERMINAL SERVERS 61
Spotlight 297 test condition 125, 132, 158, 250
squiggle 305 Thedraw 55
ss command 152 throttle 195
sss term option 195 TI 940 Terminal 114
st command 153 time 227, 238
STACKS= 45, 296 time zone 57, 64, 211
status 103, 165 time, elapsed 144, 156, 251
status command 146 Timeout 207
status line 216 timeout, protocol 211
status line, real time 197 timeout, script 212
stop bits 151 Timer 253
Stream_LF record format 174 timestamp 144
Streaming XMODEM 67 timestamp command 156
string concatenation 243 Timing 223
string search 119, 120 tname 239
string substitution 131, 242 TOPDOS 296
string tests 251, 253 TopView 205, 211, 272, 300
string variables 106 Touch-Tone 105
strings 20, 224 trace 134, 216
strip 195 translate table 72
Subpacket length 60 translation 157
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
transmission speed 113, 151, 198, view term option 199
237 virtual screen 205
transmission time 113 visual bell 114
transmit file 199 VM 301
transparency 172, 189, 192, 227, VMS 75, 174, 181, 220, 256
233 VMS Stream_LF record format 174
trs command 157 VP/ix 181, 267
TSR programs 284 VT-100 114
TurboLearn 163, 254 VT-220 114
turnaround 193 VT100 185
TWX 182, 185, 194, 226 VT102 267
txlog 44, 239, 273 VT220 267
Tymnet 51, 82 VT52 267
type command 157 W term option 196
typeahead 126 w command 158
u term option 196 w term option 196
unary operator 259 wait command 158
underline video 216 waitecho 198
Unix 12, 14, 48, 73, 153, 158, warpdrive 114, 272
181, 193, 211, 256, 271 wc command 158
UNIX/XENIX environment variables welcome 239
94 while command 158
unlink 177 wildcard 18, 20, 117, 231
unpic 102, 135 window 205
unrestrict 19, 239 window size 87, 178, 219, 222
unrestrict command 157 Windows 272, 300
unrestricted 142 word count 158
unrestricted script 109, 117, write 158
150, 237 writing 20
Up command 162 WXMODEM Protocol 67, 145
upload 20 Wyse 267
Upload directory 91 Wyse Terminal Emulation 114
upper case 196 Wyse Terminals 95
upper case conversion 165 X term option 196
user prompt 116 X windows 12
UUCP 95 x term option 196
V term option 196 X.PC 12, 28, 64, 66, 92, 159,
v term option 184, 196 173, 190, 254
V.22 Modulation 30 Xenix 181, 193, 256
V.42 28, 28 XMODEM 29, 65, 86, 103, 122, 209
VAX/VMS 75, 256 XMODEM Protocol 20, 145, 153, 276
verbose 216 XMODEM-1k Protocol 21
VGA Auto-select 284, 292 XMODEM-4k 174
vi 271 XMODEM-CRC 65
video attribute 206, 206, 207, XMODEM/CRC protocol 20
211, 215, 216 XOFF 86, 133, 135, 183, 185, 186,
video mode 157 190, 191, 197, 198, 199, 210,
videobios command 157 219, 223
view 167, 177, 184, 196 XON 86, 133, 183, 185, 186, 191,
view option 103 210, 219, 223
(C) 1994 Omen Tech Inc Chapter 39 Cross Reference Index
Version 18.18 TurboDial 2.41 Universal Line Printer Edition
Cross Reference Index
xpassword 239
xpc command 159
xterm 94
Xwindows 94
y term option 197
year 226
YMODEM 29, 63, 67, 86, 103, 122,
141, 147
YMODEM Protocol 21
YMODEM-4k 174
YMODEM-g 62, 66, 141, 145, 173
Z term option 197
z term option 197
Z19 267
ZCAN 280
zcommandi command 159
zcommandic command 159
zcommandw command 159
zcommandwc command 160
Zenith 292
ZMODEM 31, 57, 61, 103, 145, 147,
159, 171, 175, 178, 197, 220, 255
ZMODEM AutoDownload 226
zmodem command 160
ZMODEM Protocol 21, 154
ZMODEM remote command 161
ZONE environment variable 92
ZRPOS 88, 280
~ in !Command 168
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