Labels: text | screenshot OCR: HELP Information on zmnufone.scr Creation Your title for your phone list SYSTEM TELNO MODE SCRIPT SYSTEM TITLE 1) cpcug 738-9060 -8gAEas (etc.) cpcug Capital PC User Group h) HELP Information on this menu (some helpful) QUIT RETURN to MENU Select Above is a sample of the zmnufone.scr file that is used by the scripts in the menu script system. When the BBS menu is displayed to you, you select one of the fonelist entries by number from the display. The script then scans zmnufone.scr for the number " 1) for example, and extracts the remainder of that line to use in setting up the calling environment. You may use more than one phone menu page. Name them: zmnufon1.scr, zmnufon2.scr, etc. See zmnufon0.scr for a skeleton to use. the text "Skeleton ... " with your own phone list title that will be displayed You should replace when you select a phone list page from the phone list selection panel displayed when you hit "+" key on a phone list. The zmnuparm. ini item "menupage" sets the default/startup phone list page when you use more than 1. Zmenu.t uses the "(title)" string to extract your title, so it must remain as is. The next page tells more. How do you create this file? Using a text editor, you input the information 'free style", so column positions don't matter. The sample zmnufone.scr distributed contains a number of entries. Note that all of the entries are local calls. If you use any entries with long-distance numbers, then you' ll have to enter the phone number as '1-aaa-mm-nnnn' like '1-415-555-1212'. The lines below show the format of the 6 fields used: ID 1) SYSTEM TELNO MODE SCRIPT TITLE cpcug 738-9060 -8gAEas cpcug Capital PC User Group Note that several telephone numbers may use the same script. This is useful where one BBS may have several access numbers, for example. Once you've added the information for a BBS or computer system to the zmnufone.scr file, you must then add an entry to the ZMNULGN. T file, which contains all of the auto-logon scripts that are invoked after the BBS system answers your call. That part of the file can be constructed using ZCOMM 'learn' and 'tlearn' (See the YAM manual ) and then appended to the ZMNULGN. T file. The 2MNULGN. T file distributed contains samples. The next page has a sample from ZMNULGN. T 2MNULGN. T sample: COMMON HEADER PORTION if ifc7,cpcug goto cpcug rmtsysexit: if !cll! jfc5,y goto rmtsysnogo; : if no connection Iput "\n\r\E[1;35m In session with %fc6\n\r"; : rmttitle string sleep 10;return rmtsysnogo: echo " NOT CONNECTED NOW " echo " SCRIPT %fc7 FAILED ";return : : Here is the sample cpcug script for Capital PC User Group cpcug: :: START OF PORTION BUILT USING LEARN AND TLEARN. .. pat; pat 0 "First Name?" wait put "%fc11\r" pat 0 "Last Name?" wait put "%fc12\r" pat 0 "Password (dots echo)?" wait put "/fc8\r" : : END OF UNIQUE LOGON SCRIPT. LINE BELOW IS REQUIRED .. goback rmtsysexit If you wish to be able to invoke the BBS by a simple 'call xxxxx' from 2COMM command mode, then you must also enter a line in ZMENU. T which is 'bbsname: goto rmtcall'. If you then issue 'call bbsname' from ZCOMM command mode, the variable 'remote' will be set to 'bbsname' and then the 'rmtcall' script will be able to process correctly. Here is a sample zmenu.t line for cpcug: cpcug: goto rmtcall