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330 lines
* UUCP-RA: Internet<==>FidoNet for Remote Access systems
Fredric L. Rice,
The Skeptic Tank, 1:102/890.0. (818) 914-9551
Version 1.4, December 1992
UUCP-RA: Internet <==> FidoNet for Remote Access systems
Objectives: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Allow SysOp and User alike to send and recieve messages to and
from Internet in an automated and comfortable manor, checking for
proper network addressing.
Automatic addressing of outbound messages to the Internet/Fidonet
Gateway specified in a configuration file.
Automatic addressing of inbound messages from the Internet/Fidonet
Gateway according to the name of the destination party in the
Internet message text.
Specifics: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
This program scans the *.MSG subdirectory specified in the
configuration file (typically the inbound network mail directory)
for messages which are addressed FROM "uucp" and which are not
marked as "local" -- that is, messages that originated outside
of your system from a UUCP system.
These messages are placed into the Remote Access folder secified
in the configuration file after the message text has been searched
for a "to:" kludge which is Internets way to specify the
destinations name and FidoNet address. If a valid name is located,
this program addresses the message to the User or SysOp by name,
else the destinations name is retained -- whatever it is.
The program then scans the Remote Access folder you specify in the
configuration file for any messages which are addressed to "uucp"
and which are marked as "Umoved Echo Mail" -- that is, messages
that originated within your system and have yet to be tossed. Your
Remote Access Folder for the Internet Mail should be set to be an
EchoMail folder, not a Network Mail folder.
After *.MSG messages are tossed to the Remote Access folder, they
are erased. If messages are tossed from Remote Access to a *.MSG
file, however, they are not marked as deleted in Remote Access,
merely marked as having been 'moved.'
Details: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
When the SysOp or User write a message which is intended for the
Internet, the 'to' field is addressed to 'uucp' and the first line
of the message text contains the destination name and address
prefaced with a 'To:' label.
An example. To send mail to someone called "Mark Diogenes"
whos network address is "netbios.com" you would address
your message something like this below from Remote Access:
From: FirstName LastName
Sub: This is a sample test
1: To: mark.diogene@netbios.com
3: Greetings, Mark. I'm testing the gateway.
Messages which come in from Internet to your system through your
UUCP Gateway will be addressed FROM 'uucp' and will also have a
'To:' in the message text. This program scans for that 'To:' string
and attempts to extract the name of the individual to whom the
message is intended.
While UUCP-RA is scanning the Remote Access data base, you may hit
the ESCAPE key to stop all processing.
Diagnostic displays: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
If /diag is offered on the command line, UUCP-RA will offer information
on what it is doing while it is processing.
Other Command Line Options: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
If /test is offered on the command line, even messages which are
marked as 'local' which appear in the Network Mail area of the *.MSG
subdirectory will be tossed to the Remote Access folder.
If /list is offered on the command line, the program will scan through
the nodelist defined in the configuration file for UUCP gateways
which appear in the systems Zone and Network (if there are any.)
If /listall is offered on the command line, the program will scan
through the nodelist for all UUCP gateways and offer a report.
Scan only and Toss only: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
A command-line option of /toss will only review the inbound
*.MSG messages in the network mail directory and toss them to
the Remote Access/QBBS Data base.
A command-line option of /scan will only scan the Remote
Access/QBBS data base for outbound mail and will toss them to
the network mail directory.
Configuration elements: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
The environmental variable UUCPRA is used to tell UUCP-RA what
directory the UUCP-RA.CFG configuration file is located in. If the
environment variable is not set, the current directory is assumed.
A sample configuration file follows. This is offered for a detailed
description of how and what this project does:
; This is the address of your system. This address is used to
; build the return address which appended to the end of every
; text message so that the return address is automatically
; offered. It is also needed so that the *.MSG message files may
; be properly addressed to your UUCP <==>FidoNet gatewat.
; The syntax which must be followed is considered 'standard:'
; zone:network/node.point
; The zone and point are _needed_. (Please change the sample below.)
system 1:102/890.0
; This is the network address of the UUCP <==> FidoNet gateway. Its
; syntax is the FidoNet 'Standard.' To find a UUCP <==> FidoNet gate
; in your area, look through the standard distribution nodelist for
; the User Flag UUCP or use the /list or /listall command to have
; the project scan for the Gateways.
gate 1:102/851.0
; This is the network mail directory path. Messages found in this
; directory which are UUCP in origin will be tossed to Remote
; Accesses data base. In addition, all messages found in the Remote
; Access UUCP Mail folder will be tossed to this directory.
; Typically, this is your network mail directory. You may wish to
; make it a holding directory so that you may revew all of the
; messages prior to moving them maually to your outbound data
; stream. This is a possible security measure you may take.
network c:\fd\mail\
; Where are the RA/QBBS *.BBS message files located?
radir c:\ra\msgbase\
; The program needs to know what message folder number in Remote
; Access where the UUCP <==> FidoNet messages are to be found. All
; messages which appear in this folder, regardless of who they
; are addressed to, will be examined for a To: keyword in the
; message text. If there is one, the program will process the
; message and put it into the 'network' directory specified above.
; In addition, any mail which has come in for your system which
; appears in the 'network' directory specified above which is from
; UUCP will be placed in this folder.
folder 13
; Every time a message is tossed from UUCP to FidoNet or from
; FidoNet to UUCP, a log entry in the file called UUCP-RA.LOG
; can be created. The value which follows the 'log' keyword must
; be either YES or NO. If no keyword is found or the value is
; other than YES or NO, then NO is used as the default.
log yes
; When the command /list is entered on the command line, the
; program will search through the nodelist specified following
; this keyword for all of the systems which gate UUCP which
; appear in the same zone and network as specified with the
; 'SYSTEM' command. This this way, this project will provide
; a list of systems which can be plugged into the 'GATE' value
; if the SysOp doesn't know which systems gate UUCP mail.
nodelist c:\fd\nodelist\nodelist.339
; Each message can be appended with an Internet-type origin line
; block. The text which follows each of the ORIGIN commands (and
; there is no limit to the number of said lines) will be appended
; to each of the messages that are tossed from Remote Access to
; FidoNet. This is typical of Internet messages and the text
; should reflect the SysOps name, the name of the FidoNet system,
; phone numbers and message paths and what not.
; Note that you should keep it short and simple if you decide to
; use it. Typically, three line or at most 4 lines are used and,
; typically, the message text follows the format that this sample
; file uses. As you can see, there is usually a tear line which
; has the systems origins and various message paths on the left
; with a 'clever' saying on the right. A newer habit is to limit
; this line to _one_ line only, however, due to the number of
; messages that systes handle andincreasing costs.
; If you don't wish to have an Origin Block appended to each and
; every message, simply erase the ORIGIN lines or comment them
; out with a ; character.
origin ------------------------------------------------------------
origin The Skeptic Tank, Geldora, CA |
origin SysOp: Fredric L. Rice | Stop discrimination!
origin FidoNet 1:102/890.0 (818) 914-9551 | Boycott Bells Inequality!
origin Packet: kc6efh@wb6ymh.#socal.usa.ca |
; All of the *.MSG message files that are created can be marked
; as 'Hold For Pick-Up.' Typically it doesn't matter if it's
; marked as hold or not yet you may wish to hold-off a
; transmission of the outbound UUCP messages from your normal
; outbound data stream.
; The values are either YES or NO. NO is defaultd if the HOLD
; command is not offered.
hold no
; If messages are tossed from the 'network' subdirectory (The
; *.MSG messages are tossed) you may have UUCP-RA keep a copy
; of the message. This is done by setting the 'keep' value to
; YES, otherwise if it's NO (or not supplied) the *.MSG will
; be killed after it is tossed to Remote Access.
; The 'From' field is set to 'uucp' on inbound mail. After
; UUCP-RA tosses the mail to Remote Access, if you want to keep
; it, UUCP-RA will change the 'From' field to be '.uucp' with
; a period before it. This will let UUCP-RA know that it has
; already processed the message.
keep yes
; Most FidoNet systems will transport your outbound mail without
; going through it and extracting the kludge lines. Typically,
; you would want to answre the following question with 'no' unless
; you plan to have the network transport your outbound Internet
; mail.
; If you answer 'yes' to the following keyword, the MSGID, INTL,
; TOPT, and FMPT Kludge lines will be included with each of your
; messages. If you answer this keyword with 'no' then the kludges
; will not be added.
; The default is NO. Only YES or NO are allowed.
kludge no
; Your mail can be marked as 'IMMEDIATE' if you wish to have your
; mailer send the Internet mail as soon as your system returns
; to the mailer.
; This is a kludge-line addition, by the way, so you'll have to
; find out if your Fidonet UUCP Host has problems with it.
; The default is NO. YES or NO are the possible answers.
immediate no
ErrorLevels: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The ErrorLevel returned indicates whether any messages were found
and tossed, whether no messages were tossed and executed terminated
normally, or if there was a problem with the programs execution.
The following are the ErrorLevel values returned. Hopefully the
short description offered is descriptive enough:
-= No problems and no mail tossed =-
No_Problem 0
-= Failure in execution =-
Missing_Config 10
Bad_System_Address 11
Bad_Folder 12
Bad_Gate_Address 13
Missing_Network 14
Missing_RA_Dir 15
Cant_Open_Message_Base 16
Folder_Area_Bad 17
Fail_Write 18
Cant_Read_Message 19
Seek_Failed 20
No_Nodelist_Offered 21
Cant_Open_Nodelist 22
No_Memory 23
Cant_Create_MSG_File 24
Cant_Write_MSG_File 25
Cant_Seek_Text_File 26
Cant_Read_Text_File 27
Cant_Seek_Header_File 28
Cant_Update_Header 29
Config_Hold_Error 30
Config_Immediate_Error 31
Cant_Open_MSG_File 32
Config_Kludge_Error 33
-= Mail tossed, normal termination =-
Toss_To_Outbound 100
Toss_To_Inbound 101
Toss_Both_Out_In_Bound 102
Distribution Package: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
UUCP-RA.LZH contains:
UUCP-RA.EXE Executed file.
UUCP-RA.CFG Sample configuration file. Please update.
UUCP-RA.C The source code in C for this project.
UUCP-RA.DOC This documentation file.
MAKEIT.BAT Batch file to compile the project.
M-UUCP Make file for the compile phase.
UUCP-RA.RES Response file for its link phase.
This project is copywritten by myself yet I grant anyone to use the
project and the source code as they wish. Please note that I refuse
to be held responsible for its use or misuse yet I _will_ take people
who steal from the public domain by selling my stuff (for _any_ cost)
to court.
In other words, please distribute freely.
Fredric L. Rice
Packet: kc6efh@wb6ymh.#socal.usa.ca
Internet: fredric.rice@f102.n890.z1.fidonet.org
FidoNet: 1:102/890.0 (818) 914-9551