FM Towns: Free Software Collection 3
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Assembly Source File
664 lines
;void VRAN_wrtstr(char *str,x,y,font,ccol,bcol,seg,off);
;struct {
; int v_x, v_y; /* Displry X ,Y */
; int v_font; /* Font Size 16 or 8 */
; int v_ccol, v_bcol; /* color */
; int v_seg; /* write segment */
; int v_off; /* VRAM offset Y */
;} PARA;
; font = Font Size 8 or 16 , (if bit7 == 1 then duble font)
v_para struc
v_x dd ?
v_y dd ?
v_font dd ?
v_ccol dd ?
v_bcol dd ?
v_seg dd ?
v_off dd ?
v_para ends
extrn MOS_disp:near
; VRAM Direct Access Program
bitptn segment 'DATA'
dd 000000000h,0F0000000h,00F000000h,0FF000000h
dd 000F00000h,0F0F00000h,00FF00000h,0FFF00000h
dd 0000F0000h,0F00F0000h,00F0F0000h,0FF0F0000h
dd 000FF0000h,0F0FF0000h,00FFF0000h,0FFFF0000h
dd 00000F000h,0F000F000h,00F00F000h,0FF00F000h
dd 000F0F000h,0F0F0F000h,00FF0F000h,0FFF0F000h
dd 0000FF000h,0F00FF000h,00F0FF000h,0FF0FF000h
dd 000FFF000h,0F0FFF000h,00FFFF000h,0FFFFF000h
dd 000000F00h,0F0000F00h,00F000F00h,0FF000F00h
dd 000F00F00h,0F0F00F00h,00FF00F00h,0FFF00F00h
dd 0000F0F00h,0F00F0F00h,00F0F0F00h,0FF0F0F00h
dd 000FF0F00h,0F0FF0F00h,00FFF0F00h,0FFFF0F00h
dd 00000FF00h,0F000FF00h,00F00FF00h,0FF00FF00h
dd 000F0FF00h,0F0F0FF00h,00FF0FF00h,0FFF0FF00h
dd 0000FFF00h,0F00FFF00h,00F0FFF00h,0FF0FFF00h
dd 000FFFF00h,0F0FFFF00h,00FFFFF00h,0FFFFFF00h
dd 0000000F0h,0F00000F0h,00F0000F0h,0FF0000F0h
dd 000F000F0h,0F0F000F0h,00FF000F0h,0FFF000F0h
dd 0000F00F0h,0F00F00F0h,00F0F00F0h,0FF0F00F0h
dd 000FF00F0h,0F0FF00F0h,00FFF00F0h,0FFFF00F0h
dd 00000F0F0h,0F000F0F0h,00F00F0F0h,0FF00F0F0h
dd 000F0F0F0h,0F0F0F0F0h,00FF0F0F0h,0FFF0F0F0h
dd 0000FF0F0h,0F00FF0F0h,00F0FF0F0h,0FF0FF0F0h
dd 000FFF0F0h,0F0FFF0F0h,00FFFF0F0h,0FFFFF0F0h
dd 000000FF0h,0F0000FF0h,00F000FF0h,0FF000FF0h
dd 000F00FF0h,0F0F00FF0h,00FF00FF0h,0FFF00FF0h
dd 0000F0FF0h,0F00F0FF0h,00F0F0FF0h,0FF0F0FF0h
dd 000FF0FF0h,0F0FF0FF0h,00FFF0FF0h,0FFFF0FF0h
dd 00000FFF0h,0F000FFF0h,00F00FFF0h,0FF00FFF0h
dd 000F0FFF0h,0F0F0FFF0h,00FF0FFF0h,0FFF0FFF0h
dd 0000FFFF0h,0F00FFFF0h,00F0FFFF0h,0FF0FFFF0h
dd 00000000Fh,0F000000Fh,00F00000Fh,0FF00000Fh
dd 000F0000Fh,0F0F0000Fh,00FF0000Fh,0FFF0000Fh
dd 0000F000Fh,0F00F000Fh,00F0F000Fh,0FF0F000Fh
dd 000FF000Fh,0F0FF000Fh,00FFF000Fh,0FFFF000Fh
dd 00000F00Fh,0F000F00Fh,00F00F00Fh,0FF00F00Fh
dd 000F0F00Fh,0F0F0F00Fh,00FF0F00Fh,0FFF0F00Fh
dd 0000FF00Fh,0F00FF00Fh,00F0FF00Fh,0FF0FF00Fh
dd 000FFF00Fh,0F0FFF00Fh,00FFFF00Fh,0FFFFF00Fh
dd 000000F0Fh,0F0000F0Fh,00F000F0Fh,0FF000F0Fh
dd 000F00F0Fh,0F0F00F0Fh,00FF00F0Fh,0FFF00F0Fh
dd 0000F0F0Fh,0F00F0F0Fh,00F0F0F0Fh,0FF0F0F0Fh
dd 000FF0F0Fh,0F0FF0F0Fh,00FFF0F0Fh,0FFFF0F0Fh
dd 00000FF0Fh,0F000FF0Fh,00F00FF0Fh,0FF00FF0Fh
dd 000F0FF0Fh,0F0F0FF0Fh,00FF0FF0Fh,0FFF0FF0Fh
dd 0000FFF0Fh,0F00FFF0Fh,00F0FFF0Fh,0FF0FFF0Fh
dd 0000000FFh,0F00000FFh,00F0000FFh,0FF0000FFh
dd 000F000FFh,0F0F000FFh,00FF000FFh,0FFF000FFh
dd 0000F00FFh,0F00F00FFh,00F0F00FFh,0FF0F00FFh
dd 000FF00FFh,0F0FF00FFh,00FFF00FFh,0FFFF00FFh
dd 00000F0FFh,0F000F0FFh,00F00F0FFh,0FF00F0FFh
dd 000F0F0FFh,0F0F0F0FFh,00FF0F0FFh,0FFF0F0FFh
dd 0000FF0FFh,0F00FF0FFh,00F0FF0FFh,0FF0FF0FFh
dd 000000FFFh,0F0000FFFh,00F000FFFh,0FF000FFFh
dd 000F00FFFh,0F0F00FFFh,00FF00FFFh,0FFF00FFFh
dd 0000F0FFFh,0F00F0FFFh,00F0F0FFFh,0FF0F0FFFh
dd 00000FFFFh,0F000FFFFh,00F00FFFFh,0FF00FFFFh
bitptn ends
VRAM segment 'CODE'
assume cs:VRAM
; 漢字フォントの取り出し
; in eax = Kanji Code
; out es:esi = Kanji Font Address
kanfon proc near
push eax
push edx
push fs
push ds
mov ebx,eax
bt ebx,15
jnc kanfn0
cmp bh,9fh
jbe sjto1
sub bh,0B1h-071h
sjto1: sub bh,071h
shl bh,1
inc bh
cmp bl,7fh
jbe sjto2
dec bl
sjto2: cmp bl,9eh
jb sjto3
sub bl,7dh
inc bh
jmp kanfn0
sjto3: sub bl,1fh
kanfn0: mov ax,0110h
mov fs,ax
mov ax,0100h
mov dx,1010h
call pword ptr fs:[00a0h]
pop ds
pop fs
pop edx
pop eax
kanfon endp
; Write Kanji Code (JIS or SJIS)
; in eax = kanji Code
; edi = VRAM Address
; out edi = next VRAM Address
wrtkan proc near
push ds
push edi
push esi
call kanfon
mov ecx,[ebp].v_font
mov ch,cl
and cl,18h
wrtkn1: mov dx,es:[esi]
lea esi,[esi+2]
bt ecx,8+4
jc wrtkn2
or dx,es:[esi]
lea esi,[esi+2]
wrtkn2: bt ecx,8+7
jnc wrtkn3
xchg dh,dl
mov ax,dx
sar dx,1
or dx,ax
xchg dh,dl
wrtkn3: movzx eax,dl
mov eax,ds:[eax*4+offset fntptn]
mov ebx,eax
not ebx
and eax,[ebp].v_ccol
and ebx,[ebp].v_bcol
or eax,ebx
mov fs:[edi],eax
movzx eax,dh
mov eax,ds:[eax*4+offset fntptn]
mov ebx,eax
not ebx
and eax,[ebp].v_ccol
and ebx,[ebp].v_bcol
or eax,ebx
mov fs:[edi+4],eax
add edi,512
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,[ebp].v_seg
dec cl
jnz wrtkn1
pop esi
pop edi
pop ds
add edi,8
wrtkan endp
; Write ANK code
; in eax = ANK Code
; edi = VRAM Address
; out edi = next VRAM Address
wrtank proc near
push edi
push esi
movzx esi,al
mov ecx,[ebp].v_font
mov ch,cl
and cl,18h
bt ecx,8+4
jnc wrtak1
shl esi,4
add esi,3D800h
jmp wrtak2
wrtak1: shl esi,3
add esi,3D000h
wrtak2: movzx eax,byte ptr es:[esi]
inc esi
bt ecx,8+7
jnc wrtak3
mov dx,ax
sar ax,1
or ax,dx
wrtak3: mov eax,ds:[eax*4+offset fntptn]
mov ebx,eax
not ebx
and eax,[ebp].v_ccol
and ebx,[ebp].v_bcol
or eax,ebx
mov fs:[edi],eax
add edi,512
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,[ebp].v_seg
dec cl
jnz wrtak2
pop esi
pop edi
add edi,4
wrtank endp
; Color Pattan Seting
; int EAX Color No
; out EAX Color Pattn
colptn proc near
push ebx
mov ebx,eax
shl eax,4
or eax,ebx
mov ebx,eax
shl eax,8
or eax,ebx
mov ebx,eax
shl eax,16
or eax,ebx
pop ebx
colptn endp
; Write String
public VRAM_wrtstr
VRAM_wrtstr proc near
push 0
call MOS_disp
add esp,4
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push es
push fs
mov esi,8[ebp]
lea ebp,12[ebp]
mov edi,[ebp].v_y
add edi,[ebp].v_off
shl edi,9
mov eax,[ebp].v_x
sar eax,1
add edi,eax
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,[ebp].v_seg
mov eax,[ebp].v_ccol
call colptn
mov [ebp].v_ccol,eax
mov eax,[ebp].v_bcol
call colptn
mov [ebp].v_bcol,eax
mov ax,138h
mov es,ax
mov eax,104h
mov fs,ax
wrtst1: mov al,[esi]
inc esi
or al,al
jz wrtst6
cmp al,81h
jb wrtst4
cmp al,9fh
jbe wrtst3
cmp al,0e0h
jb wrtst4
cmp al,0fch
jnbe wrtst4
wrtst3: mov ah,al
mov al,[esi]
inc esi
cmp al,40h
jb wrtst5
cmp al,7fh
jz wrtst5
cmp al,0fch
jnbe wrtst5
call wrtkan
jmp wrtst1
wrtst5: mov al,ah
dec esi
wrtst4: call wrtank
jmp wrtst1
wrtst6: pop fs
pop es
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
push 1
call MOS_disp
add esp,4
VRAM_wrtstr endp
; write Bit Ptan
;void wrtptn(char *ptn, x, y, sx, sy, col, bak)
; 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
public wrtptn
wrtptn proc
push 0
call MOS_disp
add esp,4
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push es
mov esi,8[ebp]
mov edi,16[ebp]
shl edi,9
mov eax,12[ebp]
sar eax,1
add edi,eax
mov eax,28[ebp]
call colptn
mov 28[ebp],eax
mov eax,32[ebp]
call colptn
mov 32[ebp],eax
sar dword ptr 20[ebp],3
mov ax,104h
mov es,ax
wrtpt1: mov ecx,20[ebp]
push edi
wrtpt2: movzx eax,byte ptr[esi]
inc esi
mov eax,ds:[eax*4+offset fntptn]
mov ebx,eax
not ebx
and eax,28[ebp]
and ebx,32[ebp]
or eax,ebx
mov es:[edi],eax
lea edi,[edi+4]
loop wrtpt2
pop edi
add edi,512
dec dword ptr 24[ebp]
jnz wrtpt1
pop es
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
push 1
call MOS_disp
add esp,4
wrtptn endp
; Clear VRAM
;void VRAM_clear(x, y, sizeX, sizeY, col, seg, off);
; 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
public VRAM_clear
VRAM_clear proc
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push es
mov esi,12[ebp]
add esi,32[ebp]
shl esi,9
mov eax,8[ebp]
sar eax,1
add esi,eax
and esi,03FFFFh
add esi,28[ebp]
mov ebx,16[ebp]
sar ebx,3
mov eax,104h
mov es,ax
mov edx,20[ebp]
mov eax,24[ebp]
call colptn
clear1: mov ecx,ebx
mov edi,esi
rep stosd
add esi,512
and esi,03FFFFh
add esi,28[ebp]
dec edx
jnz clear1
pop es
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
VRAM_clear endp
;void VRAM_allclear(seg);
public VRAM_allclear
VRAM_allclear proc
mov eax,4[esp]
push edi
push es
mov ecx,1024*512/8
mov edi,eax
mov ax,104h
mov es,ax
xor eax,eax
rep stosd
pop es
pop edi
VRAM_allclear endp
; page move VRAM
;void VRAM_move(x, y, sizeX, sizeY, Sseg, Dseg, Soff, Doff);
; 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
public VRAM_move
VRAM_move proc
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push ds
push es
mov esi,12[ebp]
shl esi,9
mov eax,8[ebp]
sar eax,1
add esi,eax
mov edi,esi
mov eax,32[ebp]
shl eax,9
add esi,eax
and esi,03FFFFh
add esi,24[ebp]
mov eax,36[ebp]
shl eax,9
add edi,eax
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,28[ebp]
mov ax,104h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov eax,16[ebp]
mov ebx,512
sar eax,1
sub ebx,eax
sar eax,2
mov edx,20[ebp]
vmove1: mov ecx,eax
rep movsd
add esi,ebx
and esi,03FFFFh
add esi,24[ebp]
add edi,ebx
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,28[ebp]
dec edx
jnz vmove1
pop es
pop ds
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
VRAM_move endp
; BitMap Img to GVRAM
;void IMG_move(struct img_para *para);
;struct imsg_para {
; int im_page; /* 0x00000 or 0x40000 */
; int im_off; /* Disp Offset */
; int im_x, im_y; /* Display Point */
; int im_sx,im_sy; /* Display Size */
; char *img_adr; /* img address */
; int im_ix,im_iy; /* img Display Point */
; int im_isx,im_isy; /* img size */
i_para struc
i_page dd ?
i_off dd ?
i_x dd ?
i_y dd ?
i_sx dd ?
i_sy dd ?
i_adr dd ?
i_ix dd ?
i_iy dd ?
i_isx dd ?
i_isy dd ?
i_para ends
public IMG_move
IMG_move proc
push 0
call MOS_disp
add esp,4
push ebp
mov ebp,[esp+8]
push esi
push edi
push ebx
push es
mov edi,[ebp].i_y
shl edi,9
mov eax,[ebp].i_x
sar eax,1
add edi,eax
mov eax,[ebp].i_off
shl eax,9
add edi,eax
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,[ebp].i_page
mov ecx,[ebp].i_iy
mov eax,[ebp].i_isx
sar eax,1
xor esi,esi
or ecx,ecx
jz IMG_m3
IMG_m2: add esi,eax
loop IMG_m2
IMG_m3: mov eax,[ebp].i_ix
sar eax,1
add esi,eax
add esi,[ebp].i_adr
mov ax,104h
mov es,ax
mov edx,[ebp].i_sy
mov eax,[ebp].i_sx
sar eax,1
mov ebx,eax
and ebx,3
sar eax,2
sar [ebp].i_isx,1
push esi
push edi
mov ecx,ebx
jecxz IMG_m4
rep movsb
IMG_m4: mov ecx,eax
rep movsd
pop edi
pop esi
add esi,[ebp].i_isx
add edi,512
and edi,03FFFFh
add edi,[ebp].i_page
dec edx
jnz IMG_m1
pop es
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
push 1
call MOS_disp
add esp,4
IMG_move endp
VRAM ends