The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Text File
387 lines
Adam Stanchos
(C) Copyright 1993
Psionics: The focusing of brainwaves to achieve a physical result.
Psionics is a futuristic Role Playing Game set aboard a space lab
called, Nexus. You have been taken to this space station to undergo
numerous tests on your psychic potential. The purpose for these tests
were so that the researchers and you could better understand the mental
abilities which you possess.
You will find that the Psionics game system, though similar to other
computer role playing games (CRPGs), is unique in its own way. To best
understand how the game works, it is recommended that you read through
the entire documentation.
Psionics' Interface
Psionics is designed to work with a mouse. However, if you don't
have one, you can use the keyboard. To select an option with a mouse,
simply move the cursor over the command you wish to give and press the
left mouse button. Anything you select in the game is done by clicking
the left mouse button.
When using the keyboard, a good rule of thumb is to press the first
letter of the option you wish to use. For example, if you are in combat
and wish to select "Psionic Attack", type the letter "p". The game only
accepts lower case letters. If you start the game with your Caps Lock
on, the game will deactivate it at the beginning.
In The Beginning
To play Psionics, make sure all the game files are in the same
directory. Then type, "psionics", and hit enter.
The screen should reveal the name of the game, followed by three
options to select from:
Start a new game - To begin a new game. If you are playing for the first
time, you'll need to select this option. To select
this option, simply move the mouse cursor over this
box and click the left mouse button. Or using the
keyboard, press the letter "s".
Play a saved game - If you have saved a game from a previous session and
would like to continue that game from where you left
off, move the mouse cursor over to this box and click
the left mouse button. Or using the keyboard, press
the letter "p".
Quit to DOS - If you do not wish to play Psionics, you can return to your
operating environment by selecting this option. To select
this option, move the mouse cursor over this box and click
the left mouse button. Or using the keyboard, press the
letter "q".
(Note: As described, when using the keyboard, simply press the first
letter of the option you wish to use.)
Character Generation
If you're playing Psionics for the first time, you will need to
create a character. After selecting "Start a new game" from the opening
screen, you will begin the process of creating your character for which
to play in the game.
When the Character Generation screen opens up, you will see a list
of four attributes. These four basic attributes each have an effect on
how powerful your character is. They are:
Strength - Your overall effectiveness in combat. Having a score of a
9 or greater increases the odds at which you'll hit an
opponent in combat.
Intelligence - How many additional PSI points you will be given. Having
a score of 9 or greater increases the number of PSI points
you will have in the game.
Agility - Affects your character's Defense rating. A 9 or greater
will begin adding bonuses to your Defense rating.
Endurance - Affects your character's Hit points. A 9 or greater adds
bonuses to your character's hit point total when he/she
advances up a level.
Each of the above will have a random number ranging from 1 to 10.
The higher the score, the better. If you are not happy with the scores
for your attributes, you can reroll them by clicking the "Reroll"
option below the scores with your mouse, or type "r". In which case, the
computer will randomly generate a new set of numbers.
Once you are satisfied with your attribute scores, move the cursor
over to the "Accept" box, or type "a".
The large center box will then present two new options, asking what
you'll want your character's sex to be. Move the mouse cursor over the
appropriate box and click the left mouse button to select it. If you are
using the keyboard, select "m" for Male, or select "f" for Female.
The large center box will then present three boxes, each containing
a character portrait. The center box that has the arrow above and below
it is considered the portrait of your choice. You can scroll through the
available portraits to choose from by clicking on the left or right arrow
boxes with your mouse, or using the arrow keys on your keyboard. When
you have found the character portrait of your choice, make sure it is in
the middle box, then move the mouse pointer to the "Accept" and click the
left mouse button. Or, using the keyboard, type the letter "a" to
Finally, you will be asked for your character's name. Your
character's name can be no longer than 27 letters long(including spaces).
Type in your character's name and press the ENTER key.
Now you're all set!
Game Setup
The main game screen is set up with three boxes. The upper left box
displays a first person, 3-dimensional view of the space station. The
upper right box is the message area. This will contain descriptions of
areas and often present sub menus at times. For example, when in combat,
the menu of options for combat will appear here.
The box at the lower right, beneath the message area, contains all
the information on your character. Here, you'll see your character's
portrait, statistical information, and his/her inventory(which can be
seen when selecting the "Inventory" option underneath this boxed area.)
Also on this screen is a compass to assist you in exploring. Plus
there are additional options available to you by pointing the mouse
cursor to the particular box and clicking the left mouse button. Or by
pressing the first letter of the option. The menu of options on this
screen are:
The 3 arrow boxes - These are used to navigate yourself around the space
station. By pointing your mouse cursor to one of
these three boxes and clicking the left mouse button,
you will be making a move. The left arrow box turns
you 90 degrees to the left. The middle arrow box
moves you one square forward in the direction you are
facing. The right arrow box turns you 90 degrees to
the right. If you are using the keyboard, simply
use the arrow keys or the keypad's arrow keys to turn
left, right, and move forward.
Save Game - Select this option to save your game so that you can resume
it later. Keep in mind that each time you save your game,
any previous saved game is overwritten with the new saved
game. To use this option, simply move the mouse cursor
over it and click. If using the keyboard, press "s".
New Game - Select this option if you want to start over. By selecting
this option, the game is reset and you are taken to the
opening screen where you're once again given the main menu
of options (For details on the main menu see, "In The
Beginning", earlier in this documentation). To use this
option, simply move the mouse cursor over it and click.
If using the keyboard, press "n".
Quit to DOS - By selecting this option, you end the game and return to
the operating system. This does not save your game! Make
sure that if you wish to continue from the point you are at
later, that you select "Save Game" first. Then "Quit to
DOS". To use this option, simply move the mouse cursor
over it and click. If using the keyboard, press "q".
(and Statistics) - By selecting "Inventory", the "Inventory" option will
change to "Statistics". The purpose for changing is
to return to your statistical information when you are
done working with your inventory. When selecting
"Inventory" you will be given a list of items you are
carrying. Plus a sub menu consisting of three
additional options will be presented (See "Working
With Inventory for more details.) Point the mouse
cursor to the "Inventory"/"Statistics" box and click
to toggle between these two. Or using the keyboard,
press "i" for "Inventory". Press "s" for
Working With Inventory
When you select the "Inventory" option, you will be given a list of
items that you are carrying, if any. You are also presented with a sub
menu consisting of three additional options. These options are used so
that you can manipulate the items that you have picked up during the
course of the game. These three options are:
Equip - To ready an item in your inventory. When you select this, you
will be asked which item you want to equip. Move the mouse
cursor over the item and click the left mouse button to equip
it. To tell you that the item is equipped, a diamond will
appear next to it. If a diamond does not appear next to the
item, then you are either attempting to equip an item that
cannot be equipped, or you have another item of its type
already equipped. Items do not go into affect until they have
have been equipped. You are allowed to only have one item of
its type equipped at a time. For instance, you can only have
one armor equipped at a time. Keyboard users, type "e" to
select the "Equip" option then the number of the item you wish
to equip.
Unequip - To unready an item in your inventory. Suppose you find a
weapon that is possibly more powerful than the one you
currently have and you want to equip it. Since you can only
use one weapon at a time, you will need to unequip the older
weapon you have been using so that you can equip the new one
you found. Keyboard users type "u" to select this option then
the number of the item you wish to unequip.
Drop - To remove an item from your inventory. It is possible that
you will have filled up all 6 spaces in your inventory and will
come across something that you want to pick up. Select this
option to make room by dropping an item you are carrying. You
will not be able to drop an item that is equipped until you
unequip it first. Be sure that want to drop an item! If you
drop an item, it will be lost forever! Keyboard users type "d"
to select this option then the number of the item they wish to
If you have selected "Equip", "Unequip", or "Drop", and change your
mind about doing that action, you can abort out of it by either selecting
a blank space in your inventory or by pressing the ESCape key. The sub
menu will then reappear.
Once you are done working with your inventory, select "Statistics".
This will allow you to continue further with the game, such as moving
around or selecting a different option not involved with inventory.
Keyboard users type, "s".
Items Obtainable In Psionics
There are a variety of weapons, armor, and miscellaneous items that
you may find in the game. Weapons can not only do additional damage, but
may increase the odds of hitting an opponent in combat. Armor increases
your Defense score, making it more difficult for opponents to hit you.
You will need to experiment and compare items to find out which is more
powerful than the other.
First Aid Kits are very valuable to you. When equipped, they
increase your current hit points by 5, but will not increase your current
hit points over the maximum hit points you can have. Say you're fighting
3 Zandorian Lizards. Your Hits read: 6 / 9. In other words you are
wounded and currently have 6 hit points out of a maximum of 9. You can
select to equip a First Aid Kit while in combat and increase your Hits to
read: 9 / 9. Though First Aid Kits raise your current hit points by 5
each time, it only raised it by 3 because you cannot be healed beyond
your maximum number of hit points.
A First Aid Kit can only be used once. After you equip one, it
disappears from your inventory list. And though there are several lying
around the space station, use them wisely. It is best to use a First Aid
Kit during combat where it looks as though you may not survive without
some healing.
Quite often you will enter combat. Random encounters consist of 1
to 4 creatures that you may face. When you have an encounter, you will
be presented with a sub menu consisting of 3 options:
Fight - To attack physically. The computer rolls a random
number from 1 to 20 and calculates the result with your
Strength score, any bonuses to a particular weapon if
equipped, and your opponent's Defense score. If you
achieve a high enough number, then you hit! The amount
of damage you inflict is then determined. If you do not
have a weapon equipped, you will inflict 1-2 points of
damage to your opponent. If you have a weapon equipped,
the damage is likely to be greater. Keyboard users
type, "f".
Psionic Attack - To attack an opponent by focusing your mental energies
on its mind. There is no such thing as "missing" with
this kind of attack. The damage inflicted is
determined by taking your Experience Level and
multiplying that by a factor of 2. Thus, if you are a
level 1, then you will do 2 points of damage. If you
are a level 2, you will do 4 points of damage. And so
on and so forth. The number of Psionic Attacks you can
use is revealed on your character's stats, labeled as
PSI. Once you have a 0 for your current PSI, you will
not be able to use this attack again until you have
recuperated from the mental strain for a short period
of time. Keyboard users type, "p".
Run Away - To attempt to flee from the encounter. You have a fifty
fifty chance of escaping. Keyboard users type, "r".
Besides the options above, you can also access your inventory by
selecting the "Inventory" option at the bottom of the screen.
Each time you kill an opponent, you will receive a certain amount of
experience points that will be added to your EXP score. Tougher
opponents give more experience than weaker ones.
Obtaining Levels
Engaging in combat, doing certain things, and making it to certain
points will increase your EXP score. When you have enough experience
points, you will automatically gain a level in experience. Characters
start off at level 1 and rise upward to a maximum of level 10.
When you gain a level, you will receive 2-11 additional hit points
to your current and maximum total Hits score. You will also receive an
additional point added to one of your four attribute scores. Plus you
will gain all the benefits of having that attribute raised. For example,
you have an Intelligence score of 10, in which case you'll have a maximum
of 2 PSI points. You then gain a level and receive a +1 in Intelligence.
Your Intelligence score is now 11 and your maximum PSI points are now 3,
a result of your Intelligence score being raised.
The following is a chart detailing the amount of experience needed
to gain a level:
Level Experience needed
1 0
2 1000
3 2000
4 4000
5 8000
6 16000
7 32000
8 64000
9 128000
10 256000
Your main goal is to escape from Nexus. With all the nasty critters
running about and possible villains to deal with, this won't be a simple
task! Good luck and have fun!
Individual users may freely copy this software and share it with friends
and family.
Groups, BBS's, and Distributors may distribute this software subject to
the following conditions:
1) The files on each disk may not be modified or adapted in any
way. All the files provided on the disk must be distributed
together. Individual files or groups of files may not be sold
separately. Additional files may be added and this software may
be combined on a disk with other programs.
2) This software may not be represented as anything other than
shareware. The fact that this is shareware must be include in
any ad or packaging that is used to market or display the disk.
3) If the files are to be zipped for modem transmission, then
the files should all be included in the file "PSI10.ZIP".
The following command will do this if you have PKZIP installed
on your computer and you are in the correct directory.
4) You must immediately stop selling or distributing copies of
this program upon notice from the author(Adam Stanchos) or Nachos
Though not necessary, you may register this software. By sending
$10.00 US dollars to the author's address at the end of this document,
you will receive:
- The latest version of Psionics on disk. (Specify 3.5" or 5.25" disk.
Also specify DS or HD disk capacity.)
- A Printed Manual.
- And a clue booklet, detailing the levels of Nexus and a list of
monsters and items.
Programed by Adam Stanchos.
Thanks to Jason Duke for some valuable playtesting.
This game was written in Microsoft QuickBasic 4.5.
If you wish, you can reach the author on the following:
The Academy VSBBS
(915)598-3080 - Screen Name: Adam Stanchos 1503
America Online - Screen Name: AdamS60982
Or write:
Adam Stanchos
6232 Constellation
El Paso, TX 79912