The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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134 lines
=========================[ WarWizard(TM) Hotkeys ]==========================
Note: be sure that the Caps Lock is off for keyboard commands.
Ctrl-S = Turn the sound on and off during the game.
Ctrl-Q = Quit out of the game at any time without saving.
Ctrl-D = Toggle combat damage messages on/off at any time.
Alt-1 = Turn off Random Encounters.
Alt-2 = Reduce the number of Random Encounters.
Alt-3 = Set Random Encounters back to normal.
Title Screen
Start New Game = n Continue Saved Game = c
Sound = s Info = i Quit = q
New Game Requestor
To name your character = n or Enter key
Male = m Female = f Save = s Cancel = c
Requestors (Screens which prompt for Yes, No, etc.)
OK = <Enter> Cancel = c Yes = y No = n
Characters 1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Main Screen
These are clearly shown by their highlighted letter on each button. For
example, the "A" on the combat button is brighter than the rest of the
letters on the button, so hit "A" to attack someone.
Use the arrow keys for movement around the map.
Search Screen #1
Use the arrow keys for movement around the map.
Characters 1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Guard = g Search body/object = s
Proceed = p Exit = e
Search Screen #2
Toggle search area (body,keys,backpack,etc) = t
Bash = b Done = d or <Enter>
Possessions = p
Combat Screen #1
Use the arrow keys for movement around the map.
Next = n Last = l Done = d Cast = c
Possessions = p Target = t Repeat Attack = r
Combat Screen #2
Target Area selection = up and down arrow keys.
Weapon selection = left and right arrow keys.
Hand selection: left hand = l, right hand = r
Attack = <Enter> or a.
Return without attacking = Esc key (or Right Mouse Button)
Cast Window
Use arrow keys to move up or down through the slots.
Leave = l Utter = u
Transact Screen
Your Characters 1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Use left or right arrow keys to cycle through the
other party's characters.
Up Arrow = <up arrow> Down Arrow = <down arrow>
Greet = g Bribe = b Join = j Threaten = t Leave = l
Camp Screen
Characters 1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Sleep = s Hunt = h Guard = g Abandon = a
Use the right or left arrow keys to toggle through
the camp duration (till sunrise, day, etc.).
Proceed = p Cancel = c
Status Screen #1
Character #1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Ration = r Return = <esc>
Status Screen #2
Spellbook = s Keys = k Backpack = b Return = <esc>
Possessions Screen
View a different Character's Possessions = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Hand Plus = <right arrow> Hand Minus = <left arrow>
Consume = c Trade = t Drop = d Return = r
Body/Hands toggle = spacebar
Key Popup Screen
Hand Plus = <right arrow> Hand Minus = <left arrow>
Use up and down arrow keys to toggle between the Key Pouch boxes.
Return = <esc> or r Drop = d Trade = t
Spellbook Screen
Change to a different Character = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Hand Plus = <right arrow> Hand Minus = <left arrow>
Leave = l Scribe = s Forget = f Memorize = m
Healer Screen
Character #1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Cure = c Restore = r Resurrect = t Heal = h Leave = l Pool = p
Merchant Screen
Character #1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Buy = b Sell = s Pool = p Return = r
Pub Screen
Character #1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 (not Num. keypad)
Food = f Drink = d Leave = l
talk to bartender = b
Door Popup Screen
Hand Plus = <right arrow> Hand Minus = <left arrow>
Use up and down arrow keys to toggle between the Key Pouch boxes.
Open/Close = o Unlock/Lock = u Bash = b Proceed = p Leave = l