The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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670 lines
A File Viewing and Browsing Utility
Version 7.7 October 1992
(c) Copyright Vernon D. Buerg 1983-92. All rights reserved
LIST is a copyrighted program. LIST is NOT public domain.
LIST may copied for personal use only subject to the restrictions
set forth in the last chapter.
Modifying LIST.COM ................................................... 1
Locations of option values ...................................... 1
LIST Plus only ............................................... 3
Reassigning keys ................................................ 5
Table of Routines ............................................... 6
Contents 1 LIST User's Guide
Modifying LIST.COM
Locations of option values
This information is offered to those of you who wish to modify LIST
in special ways. You do not need this information to use LIST. An
alternative to cloning is to use DEBUG to make permanent changes.
Also, a special customization program called LISTOPT is available to
registered and licensed users. Subtract hex 100 if you are using a
a file editor instead of DEBUG.
Here is a list of key items and their addresses:
Item Offset Value Description of contents
-------------- ------ ----- -----------------------
Special 0132 70 Top/bottom line colors
Special lines 1 and 25 colors, default is 70 (reverse).
Refer to a technical reference guide for the
attribute values for the colors that you want.
Normal 0134 07 Text colors
Bright 0136 09 Find/Scan line colors
Window 1 color 0138 07 Primary window text color
Window 2 color 0139 0F Second window text color
Flag3 013A 09 Retrace off and junk filter on
By specifying the bit value, the option is enabled. For example, to
enable Shared and Retrace, specify a hex value of the sum, or 01+04
= 05.
MRSJ WHK* M = mono, retrace testing if off, x'01'
R = ruler, x'02'
S = shared, x'04'
J = add LF to lone CR, process backspaces,
if on, x'08'; default is off
W = wrap mode, x'10'
H = hi-bit on, x'20'
K = kybd flush, x'40'
* = special document filtering, x'80'
Flag4 013B 08 Tabs on
.PAT DGV. P = Preload file if on, x'02', default is off
A = Apxcore if on, TV/DD/DV if off, x'04,
default is for Topview/Double DOS use
T = if on (default), expand TABs, x'08'
D = hex display mode if on, x'10'
G = if on, Alt-G goto DOS is Disabled, x'20'
V = if on, screen save/restore is Disabled
and 9K less memory is used/required, x'40'
LIST User's Guide Page 1
Modifying LIST.COM
Locations of option values
Find row 013C 0800 Position of found line on screen, 8
Row less one at which found text is displayed, 1 byte the default
is 08 which displays found text on line 9
When the Find/Scan command is used, the next line which contains
that text is highlighted using the 'bright' color, and is placed in
row 9 of the screen. You can change the row by Altering the byte at
location 13C which is normally '08', one less than the row.
Scroll incr 013E 0A00 Left/right scroll increment, 10
Scroll start 0140 0000 Starting scroll offset, 0
Tab value 0142 0800 Tab interval, 8
Tab mask 0144 F8FF Tab bit mask
Loudness 0146 C8 Beep tone level
Key rate 0148 FF Continuous scroll increment, 255
Overlap 0149 0000 PgUp/PgDn scroll overlap, 0
Wildcard esc 014B 26 Scan/Find wildcard ? escape character
Alt-V up 014C 0500 Alt-V display files per line, 5
Page 2 LIST User's Guide
Modifying LIST.COM
Locations of option values
LIST Plus only
Eye-catcher 014E 'COM:'
COM port 0152 F803 Default for COM1, use F802 for COM2
Sort offset 0154 00 Default sort key offset
00 by filename
08 by extension
0C by datestamp
10 by file size
Flag6 0156 00 Plus options
04 suppress "Are you sure?" prompts
10 send FF formfeed after ctrl-P
40 /Q option, suppress beeps
80 /V option, verify file copies
Modem init 0157 'AT' 30-byte modem initialization string
Editor name 0175 'Edit' 8-byte name of editor program
Modem hang-up 017E 'ATZ' 9-byte modem disconnect command
Temp var name 0187 LIST 4-character environment name for temps
LIST User's Guide Page 3
Modifying LIST.COM
Locations of option values
The following offsets change from version to version. Look for the
eye-catchers to be sure of the offset:
Key table 0473 'WHAT' Eye catcher
0477 0026 Key command table
Routines 057C 'WHERE' Eye catcher
0581 xxxx Command routines
Examples of using DEBUG can be found in the DIALER.PAT and
COLORS.PAT files. To use them, copy LIST.COM to the current
directory and issue the DEBUG command. For example:
Page 4 LIST User's Guide
Modifying LIST.COM
Reassigning keys
LIST performs a function for every character that can be entered at
the command line prompt. There are 128 regular characters and 131
extended characters. The regular characters are numbered from 0 to
127, and they include the letters A-Z, a-z, the numbers, and the
rest of the usual single characters found on your keyboard. The
extended characters represent special function keys and combinations
of keys, such as F1, Alt-X, Ctrl-A, and the cursor positioning keys.
The WHAT table in LIST has a one byte entry for each of the
characters. This byte is a number from 0 to 57 that represents the
identification of a routine that performs a function.
For example,
- the ESCape key has a value of 27 (hex 1B) and its value in
the WHAT table is 16 (10 hex). Routine number 16 is called
"Done". The "Done" routine exits to DOS.
- the Q key has a value of 81 (51 hex) with a routine value of
15 for the "Close" routine. The "Close" routine ends
viewing of the current file and tries to display the next
file, i.e. wildcards used for the filename. There is also a
lower case letter q, so be sure to change both entries.
To change the function that a command character performs, you change
the value in the WHAT table for the routine that the character
For example, to change the ESCape key to act like the Q key, you
change the routine value for ESCape from 16 (10 hex) to a 15 (0F
To find the location of the routine value in the WHAT table, first
determine the value of the character, e.g. ESCape is 27 (1B hex),
and then add that to the location of the WHAT table (36C hex); or,
1B + 36C = 387 hex. Finally, use DEBUG to change the byte at that
location (387 hex) from a 10 hex to a 0F hex.
For example,
debug list.com ; use appropriate file name
-e 387 0f ; change ESC to routine 15
-w ; old data is 10
LIST User's Guide Page 5
Modifying LIST.COM
Table of Routines
Value Key(s) Description of function performed
----- --------- ------------------------------------------
0 Error, undefined command
2 Alt-E Toggle EGA 43-line mode
3 Alt-F, G Get new filespec
4 Alt-J Toggle Junk filter
5 Alt-L Toggle pre-Load
6 Alt-T Toggle TABs expansion
7 Alt-W Toggle Split windows
8 Alt-X Exit to DOS, restore screen
9 U/up Position to previous line
10 END, B Position to end of file
11 F7 Change top/bottom line background color
12 F8 Change top/bottom line foreground color
13 Ctrl-HOME Position to specified line number
14 Alt-C Rewrite LIST.COM with new options
15 Q, Ctrl-PgDn Quit current file, display next file
16 ESC, F10 Exit to DOS
17 N, down Position to next line
18 X Exit to DOS, clear screen
19 Alt-H Toggle Hex display mode
20 8 Leave hi-bit
21 \, F Search for text, any case matches
22 F2 Change Find/Scan background color
Page 6 LIST User's Guide
Modifying LIST.COM
Table of Routines
Value Key(s) Description of function performed
----- --------- ------------------------------------------
23 F4 Change Find/Scan foreground color
24 Alt-M Toggle monitor rescan testing
25 K, Alt-K Toggle keyboard flush (type ahead)
26 Alt-G Invoke DOS command (shell)
27 L, left Scroll left 10 columns
28 - Position back by number of lines
29 enter Display next page
30 + Position forward by number of lines
31 P Print current screen or marked lines
32 F1 H ? Display Help screen
33 F3, A Search for next occurrence of text
34 R right Scroll display right 10 columns
35 Alt-R Display ruler marks on top line
36 /, S Search for text, same case
37 F9 Search for previous occurrence of text
38 Ctrl-left Reset scroll to column 1, full left
39 F5 Change normal line background color
40 F6 Change normal line foreground color
41 7 Strip hi-bit
42 Alt-S Toggle closing of files
43 * Toggle special * filter
44 Home, T Position to top of file
LIST User's Guide Page 7
Modifying LIST.COM
Table of Routines
Value Key(s) Description of function performed
----- --------- ------------------------------------------
45 B, up Position back one line
46 W Toggle display of wide lines
47 Alt-D Write marked lines, or found line, to a file
48 Alt-M Mark top line of display
49 Alt-U Unmark lines
50 Alt-B Mark bottom line of display
51 Ctrl-pgup Display previous file
52 ^ Like Find but initiates search backwards
53 v Like Scan but initiates search backwards
54 Alt-N Toggle screen saving (Alt-X) function
55 C Toggle continuous scrolling
56 Alt-Y Bookmark, reposition to last "active" line
57 Alt-O Write marked lines to previous Alt-D file
58 Ctrl-F Sends formfeed control character to printer
59 Alt-A Continues text search across files
60 Ctrl-P Print the entire file
61 Alt-I Grab a filespec from the display
62 Alt-V File selection menu
Page 8 LIST User's Guide
Modifying LIST.COM
Table of Routines
Value Key(s) Description of function performed
----- --------- ------------------------------------------
63 ESCape Exit from Alt-V file menu
64 Alt-Z Toggle line 25 command line display format
65 Ctrl-V Switch display window
66 Ctrl-T Grab a telephone number and dial the modem
67 Ctrl-H Disconnect modem (hang up)
68 Ctrl-I Redefine Tab stop interval
69 Ctrl-Y Set new bookmark line number for recall
70 1 Restart displaying files with the first file
*** 71 E ASCII or EBCDIC display mode
*** 72 Ctrl-K Toggle display of line numbers on each line
*** 73 Ctrl-B Set record size for fixed length records
74 Ctrl-right Scroll full right
75 O Toggle date format, US or European
76 Alt-Q Toggle quiet mode
*** 77 Shift-F5 Change line number foreground
*** 78 Shift-F6 Change line number background
*** 79 ctrl-O Toggle normal and condensed laser printer mode
Note: *** indicates that the function is available in LIST Enhanced only
LIST User's Guide Page 9
Index-1 LIST User's Guide
/Q,command line,quiet mode ... 3
/V,command line,verify mode .. 3
Alt-A,find text again ........ 8
Alt-B,mark bottom line ....... 8
Alt-C,clone new LIST.COM ..... 6
Alt-D,Write marked lines ..... 8
Alt-E,toggle 25/43 lines ..... 6
Alt-F,enter new filename ..... 6
Alt-G,go to DOS .............. 1, 7
Alt-H,toggle hex display ..... 6
Alt-I,insert filename ........ 8
Alt-J,toggle junk filter ..... 6
Alt-K,toggle key ahead ....... 7
Alt-L,toggle file preloading . 6
Alt-M,mark top line .......... 7, 8
Alt-N,toggle screen saving ... 8
Alt-O,write marked lines ..... 8
Alt-Q,toggle quiet mode ...... 9
Alt-R,toggle ruler display ... 7
Alt-S,toggle file sharing .... 7
Alt-T,toggle TAB expansion ... 6
Alt-U,unmark lines ........... 8
Alt-V,Change Directories ..... 2, 8, 9
Alt-W,freeze top window ...... 6
Alt-X,exit to DOS ............ 5, 6, 8
Alt-Y,reposition to last line 8
Alt-Z,Toggle command line .... 9
Bookmark,recall position ..... 8, 9
Cloning ...................... 1
Colors ....................... 1, 4
Command line,option switches . 5, 9
Continuous,scrolling ......... 2, 8
Ctrl-A,Full left scroll ...... 5
Ctrl-F,Send printer formfeed . 8
Ctrl-HOME,Position to a line . 6
Ctrl-H,Hang up phone ......... 9
Ctrl-I,Define TAB interval ... 9
Ctrl-left,Position to column 1 7
Ctrl-PgDn,Show next file ..... 6
Ctrl-PgUp,Show previous file . 8
Ctrl-P,Print entire file ..... 3, 8
Ctrl-right,Scroll full right . 9
Ctrl-T,Dial telephone ........ 9
Ctrl-V,Switch windows ........ 9
LIST User's Guide Index-2
Ctrl-Y,Set bookmark .......... 9
DEBUG,changing options ....... 1, 4, 5
Environment,DOS .............. 3
Exit to DOS .................. 6
F10,Exit to DOS .............. 6
F1,Display Help .............. 5, 7
F2,Find background color ..... 6
F3,Find next ................. 7
F4,Find foreground color ..... 7
F5,Text background color ..... 7, 9
F6,Text foreground color ..... 7, 9
F7,Status background color ... 6
F8,Status foreground color ... 6
F9,Find previous ............. 7
Filtering .................... 1
Find,text .................... 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8
Hi-bit,filter usage .......... 1, 6, 7
Junk,filter usage ............ 1, 6
LIST Enhanced ................ 9
LIST Plus only ............... 3
Print,files or lines ......... 7, 8
Scan,for text ................ 1, 2, 6, 7, 8
Screen saving,option ......... 8
Shell,to DOS ................. 7
TAB,control character ........ 2, 9
Wrap,filter .................. 1