The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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GLOBAL WAR data file documentation
Revised for Global War version 2.0
This file documents the contents of your WARxx.DAT and WARxx.REC files.
These files contain all the information for GLOBAL WAR games in progress,
in signup mode, and after completion.
Note: "daynum" refers to a real number which is the number of days since
January 1, 1985. Example: a daynum of 1671.6039 works out to be
July 30, 1989 (1/1/85 + 1671 days). Adding another .6039 days works out
to be 14.4936 hours, which puts us at about 2:29 pm.
Line Description Range
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
1 Game_Event (0..1166)
0 = Normal game, not started
1 = Normal game, in progress
2 = Normal game, completed and awaiting auto-deletion.
3 = Team game, not started
4 = Team game, in progress
5 = Team game, completed and awaiting auto-deletion.
33 = Normal game, 3 players, not started
34 = Normal game, 3-4 players, not started
35 = Normal game, 3-5 players, not started
36 = Normal game, 3-6 players, not started
44 = Normal game, 4 players, not started
45 = Normal game, 4-5 players, not started
46 = Normal game, 4-6 players, not started
55 = Normal game, 5 players, not started
56 = Normal game, 5-6 players, not started
66 = Normal game, 6 players, not started
100 is added to the above value if Hidden names are in effect.
1000 is added to the above value if Unlimited Fortifications are
in effect.
2 Event_Day daynum
The daynum that Game_Event occurred.
3 Player_Name 17-Char String \
The Player's Name \
4 Player_Vote T or F \
The Player's Vote to start the game, \
"T" or "F" for Yes or No. \
| This is player 1's
5 Player_Moved daynum | data.
daynum that the player last took a turn. | This data is repeated
| 5 more times for the
6 Cmd_General 1..5 | remaining 5 players.
Number of Commendations from the | A Player_Name of NONE
General this player holds. | denotes no player.
7 Cmd_King 1..5 |
Number of Commendations from the /
King this player holds. /
8 Cmd_Queen 1..5 /
Number of Commendations from the /
Queen this player holds. /
39 Cmd_Sets INTEGER
Number of Sets of Commendations turned in for additional armies.
40 Armies INTEGER \
Number of armies on the country. \ This data is for Country #1
| (Afghanistan) and is repeated
41 Owner 1..6 / for the remaining 41 countries.
Player who occupies this country. /
124 Team 1 password \
125 Team 2 password |- If GameEvent = 3 (or 103, 1003, 1103), these are the
/ passwords required for a player to join a team.
126 Team 3 password /
Country numbers:
1 Afghanistan 13 France 25 W. Africa 37 Ural
2 Alaska 14 Greenland 26 Germany 38 Venezuela
3 Alberta 15 England 27 Yukon 39 W. Australia
4 Argentina 16 India 28 Ontario 40 Spain
5 Brazil 17 Borneo 29 Peru 41 W. US
6 Mexico 18 Irkutsk 30 Quebec 42 Taimyr
7 China 19 Japan 31 Scandinavia
8 Zaire 20 Kamchatka 32 Siam
9 E. Africa 21 Madagascar 33 Siberia
10 E. Australia 22 Iran 34 S. Africa
11 E. US 23 Mongolia 35 Italy
12 Libya 24 New Guinea 36 Ukraine
Recovered games:
In the event of a loss of carrier, the game is saved in a file called
WARxx.REC (where xx is the game number). If the player then calls back
his turn will be resumed right where he left off. If another player calls
back first and takes his turn, this file is deleted and the original game
(WARxx.DAT) is used instead.
WARxx.REC file format is the same as WARxx.DAT format except the following
prefix data appears before the game data:
LINE 1: PlayerNumber The player number (1-6) of the player who lost
LINE 2: LastPlay What the player was doing when he lost connection.
0=Deploying armies, 1=Attacking, 2=Fortifying
3=Attacking and has earned a commendation
LINE 3: ArmiesToDeploy If the player was deploying armies, this is the
number of armies still left to deploy.
LINE 4: Map This is the map which was displayed when carrier
was lost. 1=Globe 2=Africa 3=Asia 4=Australia
5=Europe 6=N.America 7=S.America
The remainder of the data is as documented above.