The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Text File
284 lines
Registration Number
Sysop or BBS name
255 Maximum number of games allowed (Unregistered=9)
4 Maximum number of games per player (Unregistered=1)
45 Maximum number of minutes allowed in game per day per player
12 Minimum number of hours between turns (Unregistered=1)
7 Auto-Delete Completed Games after this many Days (Unregistered=3)
Y Are players allowed to begin new games? (Unregistered=Y)
N Use fossil driver if installed? Y/N
P Fortifications allowed in Normal games O/U/P (One, Unlimited, Player)
P Fortifications allowed in Team games O/U/P (One, Unlimited, Player)
2 Maximum number of countries a player can give to his partner
5 Maximum number of days since player's last turn; aka TimeBomb Limit
0 Locked Baud Rate for HST modems (0 for 2400 baud modems)
14 Auto-Delete Forgotten Games after this many days
N Are you running a Multi-Node BBS? Y/N
3 Points awarded to the winner of a normal 3 player game
3 Points awarded to the winner of a normal 4 player game
3 Points awarded to the winner of a normal 5 player game
3 Points awarded to the winner of a normal 6 player game
2 Team game with 1 surviving partner: Surviving partner's points
1 Team game with 1 surviving partner: Dead partner's points
2 Team game with both surviving partners: Partner who won's points
2 Team game with both surviving partners: Partner who didn't win's points
2 Points for eliminating a player from a normal game
1 Points for eliminating a player from a team game: Partner who eliminated
1 Point for eliminating a player from a team game: other partner
2 Points SUBTRACTED for getting eliminated from any game
5 Points required to advance a rank
0 Lower limit in rankings
2 Number of days before player can play AWOL partner's turn
P Hidden names. H/K/P (H=All Hidden, K=All Known, P=Player's choice)
Global War expects to find your registration number on line 1, your name
on line 2, etc. Missing or incorrect info will cause runtime errors.
When upgrading to newer versions of Global War, be sure to check this file for
any additions or deletions. You may edit the values above, and comments may
follow any of the values (except Sysop name - Line 2) as long as you leave at
least one space after the value. Values must start on column 1.
If you have not registered Global War, the default values shown in parenthesis
above will be used (Maximum Number of Games Per Player = 1 for example)
regardless of what you change them to.
LINE 1: Your registration number
If you decide to register Global War, you will receive a Registration Number.
(Please read the file REGISTER.TXT for info on how to register Global War).
Edit line 1 and type your registration number here. Make sure the number
is typed correctly. A valid registration number will allow you to
configure the "Games Allowed", "Games per player", "Hours between
turns", "Auto-delete days", and "Players allowed to begin games"
values, otherwise the default values in parenthesis will be used regardless
of what you change them to.
Note: Global War will work indefinitely without a valid registration
number here. It will NOT format your hard disk, crash, lock up, or cause
any harm to your system just because you haven't registered. The reason
some of the values are not configurable is simply to provide an incentive to
register the software.
LINE 2: Sysop's Name or BBS name
Enter the Sysop's first and last name here (or BBS name). If you have
registered Global War, your name must appear EXACTLY as you specified it
on your registration form.
LINE 3: Max Games Allowed (Must be 255 or less)
This is the highest game number allowed, or the total number of Global War
games that may be playing at any one time. You may have from 1 to 255
games. If you lower this value at some future date, you may have to
rename some of the data files (WARxx.DAT, WARxx.MSG, WARxx.REC & WARxx.LOG)
so that the game number (xx) is less than or equal to this new value, or
Global War will no longer be able to find the game.
LINE 4: Max Games per player (Must be 255 or less)
This is the total number of active games a player may be in at any
time. An active game is one that is under way, or one this is waiting
for more players to sign up. Recommended value: 4 or 5
LINE 5: Minutes allowed in the game per day
This will allow you to limit the amount of time each player can spend
in the game per day. The amount of time the player will be allowed
is determined like this: GW takes the number of minutes remaining
in the BBS and compares it with this value and uses whichever is
less. If the player has already played GW today, the total time already
used today is subtracted. Example: The player has 30 minutes left in
the BBS. This value is set to 20 minutes. GW will select the 20 minute
value since it is smaller. This player has already spent 5 minutes in
the game. The 5 minutes used is subtracted from the 20 minutes allowed
leaving this player with 15 more minutes in the game today.
LINE 6: Minimum hours between turns
Every player in Global War gets 1 turn per calendar day. A problem
arises around midnight however. A player could take a turn shortly
before midnight, and take another shortly after midnight, giving him
the unfair advantage of 2 turns in a row. This value will prevent this
from happening. Players get 1 turn per day, AND at least this many
hours must have elapsed since their last turn. Recommended value: 12
LINE 7: Auto-Delete Completed Games after this many days
When someone wins a game, the game gets deleted so that it can be
re-used. It isn't desireable that the game be deleted right away,
however. The other players in the game need to be given a chance to
call and see who won. This controls when the game does get deleted.
The game will be deleted this many days after it ends. Recommend value: 7
LINE 8: Are players allowed to begin new games? (Y or N)
If this value is set to "Y", players will be allowed to start new
games and join games waiting to start. If set to "N", players will not
be allowed to begin any new games, nor will they be allowed to join any
games waiting to start. This can be used as a sort of "demo" mode to
allow unvalidated callers to examine the door without being allowed to
play. To do this, install Global War twice on your BBS. Create two WAR.CFG
files, one with this option set to Y, the other N. Install Global War twice
on your BBS, using the /N switch to specify the desired WAR.CFG file, and
set the security levels accordingly.
LINE 9: Use fossil driver, if available? (Y or N)
If set to "Y", and a fossil driver is loaded, Global War will use it.
I recommend setting this switch to "N" even if you have a FOSSIL driver
loaded because Global War's internal comm routines are optimized for
the game (the fossil buffers are most likely too big).
LINE 10: Fortifications allowed in Normal Games (O, U, or P)
After a player finishes attacking, he may optionally fortify a country.
You may allow the players to fortify only one country, or to make an
unlimited number of fortification moves. Your options are:
O : Force all new games to allow only One fortification move.
(This is the way Global War 1.x worked)
U : Force all new games to allow Unlimited Fortification moves.
P : Players are allowed to select One or Unlimited when they
begin new games. This is the recommended setting.
NOTE: Changing this option will not affect existing games, only new games
created after this option is changed.
LINE 11: Fortifications allowed in Team Games (O, U, or P)
Same as LINE 10, except this is for Team Games. Unlimited Fortifications is
an extremely powerful option in team games. My personal preference is to
enable this feature in Normal games and disable it (O) in Team games.
LINE 12: Maximum number of countries a player can give to his partner
In Team games that use Unlimited Fortifications, this allows you to limit
the number of countries that a player can give to his partner during his
fortification move. Setting this value too high will allow partners to
swap entire continents and collect enormous numbers of armies. I
recommend setting this limit to something like 1 to 4 countries.
LINE 13: Maximum number of days since player's last turn
The number of armies a player collects at the beginning of their turn is
calculated using the following formula:
[(countries / 3) + continent bonus] x days since last call + commendations.
Occasionally, a player may decide not to play for several days. Their plan
is to hold off playing, then finally collect several day's worth of armies
and try to catch the other players off guard. A player who intentionally
(or unintentionally) doesn't play for a long period of time is referred to
as a "TimeBomb player". Many Sysops (myself included) consider the TimeBomb
tactic to be a legitimate strategy. Many other Sysops consider it
unfair that a player can win a game in which he has only played a couple of
turns. This option will allow you to set a limit to the number of days
that a TimeBomb player will receive armies for. For example, if you set
this limit to 4 days, and the TimeBomb player doesn't play for 6 days, he
will only receive 4 day's worth of armies. Recommended settings: If you
want to allow TimeBomb play, set this value very high (100 days). If you
do not like TimeBomb play, set the limit somewhere between 3 and 6 days.
Do not set this value lower than 3 days.
LINE 14: Locked BaudRate (usually 0, 19200 or 38400)
This option is provided for HST modem owners.
If this value is 0 Global War will use the caller's baud rate that it
gets from the BBS, otherwise Global War will use this baud rate.
If you're NOT using an HST modem, put a 0 (zero) on this line. If
you set this value to a baud rate (usually 19200 or 38400) Global War will
always run at this baud rate, ignoring whatever baud rate it gets from
the BBS. HST users should put their locked baud rate here.
LINE 15: Auto-Delete Forgotten Games after this many days
If there is no activity in a game (nobody takes a turn, signs up to play
the game, etc) in over this amount of time (in days) the game will be
considered "forgotten" and will be deleted. Setting this value too low
is a great way to delete all your games! I recommend no less than 7
days. If GW finds some absurd value here it will default to 7 days to
prevent all your games from disappearing. Recommended value: 7 to 14
LINE 16: Multi-Node BBS? (Y or N)
Set to "Y" if you are running more than one node on your BBS, set to "N"
if you have 1 node. When set to "Y", Global War will create temporary
files (WARxx.LOK) to lock out games in use by other nodes.
Note: lines 17-29 deal with scoring.
These values must all be positive integers (no decimal points) and should
be kept small (don't award a billion points for example).
Everybody has a different opinion on how scoring should be weighted, so use
whatever you think is fair, however I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO LEAVE ALL THESE
VALUES AS THEY ARE. The default values were arrived at after months of
debate, discussion, trial, error, blood, sweat, tears, etc.
You may want to edit line 29 later on though. See below.
LINE 17: The number of points awarded to the winner of a 3 player game
A player who wins a normal game with 3 players is awarded this many points
LINE 18: The number of points awarded to the winner of a 4 player game
A player who wins a normal game with 4 players is awarded this many points
LINE 19: The number of points awarded to the winner of a 5 player game
A player who wins a normal game with 5 players is awarded this many points
LINE 20: The number of points awarded to the winner of a 6 player game
A player who wins a normal game with 6 players is awarded this many points
LINE 21: Team game with 1 surviving partner: Surviving partner's points
If a Team game ends with only 1 partner on the winning team surviving,
this partner is awarded this many points. This player's partner is
awarded the value on line 22.
LINE 22: Team game with 1 surviving partner: Dead partner's points
If a Team game ends with only 1 partner on the winning team surviving,
the non-surviving partner on the winning team is awarded this many points.
The surviving partner is awarded the value on line 21.
LINE 23: Team game with both surviving partners: Partner who won's points
If a Team game ends with both partners on the winning team surviving,
the partner who won the game is awarded this many points. The other partner
is awarded the value on line 24.
LINE 24: Team game with both surviving partners: Partner who didn't win's points
If a Team game ends with both partners on the winning team surviving,
the partner who didn't win the game is awarded this many points. The other
partner is awarded the value on line 23.
LINE 25: Points for eliminating a player from a normal game
A player is awarded this many points every time he eliminates another player
from a normal game. The eliminated player loses the number of points
specified on line 28.
LINE 26: Points for eliminating player from team game: Partner who eliminated
In a team game, when one partner eliminates another player, the partner
who eliminated the player is awarded this many points. The other partner
is awarded the number of points specified in line 27. The eliminated player
loses the number of points specified on line 28.
LINE 27: Points for eliminating a player from a team game: other partner
In a team game, when one partner eliminates another player, the partner's
partner is awarded this many points. The other partner is awarded the
number of points specified on line 26. The eliminated player loses the
number of points specified on line 28
LINE 28: Points SUBTRACTED for getting eliminated from any game
When a player is eliminated from any game, this many points are subtracted
from the player's score. This value should be positive or zero.
LINE 29: Points required to advance a rank
The number of points required for each rank advancement. Consider raising
this value when players obtain the rank of 5 Star General or higher, or
delete your WINNERS.WAR to reset the rankings.
LINE 30: Lower limit in rankings
This is the lowest score allowed in the rankings. If a player has this
score or lower, his name will be deleted from the ranking file, which will
essentially set their score to zero. This value should be negative
or zero. I recommend either 0 or -999 depending on whether you like
negative scores.
LINE 31: Number of AWOL days before player can play AWOL partner's turns
Team games only: If a player's partner hasn't taken a turn in over this many
days, the player will be given an opportunity to play his partner's turn
for him. Recommended value: 2 Set high (100 is good) to disallow players
from playing their partner's turns if desired.
LINE 32: Allow hidden names? (H, K or P)
When player names are "Known", players are referred to by their real names.
In games with "Hidden" names, players are referred to as "Player 1",
"Player 2", "Player 3" etc, while they are still playing. When they are
eliminated from the game, their names become known. In Team games, players
always know their partner's name. All names become known when a game ends.
This option allows you to enable or disable the Hidden Name feature.
H : Force all new games to use Hidden player names.
K : Force all new games to use Known player names.
P : Allow players to decide if they want Hidden or Known. (recommended)