The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Welcome to MIDEVAL: In a time long ago, a place far away; there is a world
where creatures do battle to gain godhood. Mideval combat is the used to
test the strength of each player. Those attaining the 30th Level will be
transformed into a deity, to watch the mortals scavenge below for power.
The institution of Fellowship is bold indeed. You may join a Party of players
and explore the world with their aid. Others may do without fellowship and
risk the dangers of journeying alone. Either way, there is a wide world out
there for all to explore. Many towns offer a wide variety of quests for the
brave hearted adventurer. Princesses (Princes!) to rescue, beasts to slay,
treasure to be found and dungeons to explore. The taverns will hold all
hints to high adventure.
You must create you persona (the character to fight your battles), and
equip him/her with a wide variety of weapons. To gain experience and gold,
enter the Arena to do battle with Monsters, other Players, or even the
SysOp (supreme being in this universe). Gold allows you to buy better
equipment. Experience increases your stats.
So raise your voice in a jubilant shout before you enter the Arena, it may
be your last!
Battle Arena. Below is a brief summary of the game.
<A> Armoury..............: Here is where you purchase and sell your Armour.
Armour is necessary for your character to better protect him/her against
battle damage.
<B> Bank.................: The Bank is where you store your hard earned Loot.
<C> Change Weapons.......: This is how you equip your character. If you
do not put a weapon in your character's hands, he'll have to fight
bare handed (not a good move!) Don't Forget!!!! ALWAYS arm yourself with
the <C>hange Weapons Option!!!
<E> Enter the Arena......: Here is where you fight Monsters, Players or
even the Sysop himself!!!
<G> Guild Hall...........: An important place if there ever was one. Here,
your character can get educated on the uses of his/her weapons, learn
a Martial Arts form, or gain Levels.
<H> Hall of Healing......: This is where your character gets healed after
battle. Be ready with money in hand or the local priest will kick you out
in the street.
<J> Journey..............: Use this option to enable yourself to travel
the land to encounter other cities, countries, and even a Dungeon or two.
<L> List of Players......: To find out who is out there you can beat upon.
<M> Most Wanted Players..: List the Top Ten Most Wanted Players.
<N> New Character........: If you dislike your character, you can always
Reroll to get a new one.
<O> Options..............: Change your character's default options.
<R> Rob a Player.........: Use this option to pilfer someone's money stash.
<S> Screen Refresh.......: If Line Noise intrudes and messes up the playing
screen, use this option to redraw it.
<T> Tavern...............: Visit the Tavern. Brawl players, Listen to other
people, Read the Wanted Posters. Gamble your money away.
<W> Weapons Shoppe.......: Here is where your character purchases and sells
his/her Weapons. Don't be left on the battlefield without your weapon!
<X> Expert Mode On/Off...: Use to bypass the command menus.
<?> Game Help............: To view Help files.
Journeying: The Highest Adventure in Life
Movement is achieved through use of the number pad, numbers 1 through 9.
When you come acorss a Town, Castle, Temple or Cave Entrance, you may gain
entry by using the <E>nter command. Stairs Up and Down can be used with the
<U>p and <D>own option.
Water cannot be crossed (sorry, there are no Rings of Waterwalking around).
To cross continents, you'll have to find a way through the underground
passageways (Good Luck! You'll need it! Many people have tried, few succeed!)
Each terrain type has the ability of hiding some monsters waiting in ambush.
If travelling through Forests, which being the easiest terrain to hide in,
you may find yourself being ambushed more often than travelling through
Brush or Plains.
Along the country side, you will come across Houses and Temples. Entering
a Temple will allow you to be Healed and/or Cured (for a price). Entering
a House will not really do anything, a House is mainly some poor farmer's
home. The good thing about houses is that if you quit the game while in a
House, you are protected from other players. No one will find you unless
they enter the same house you are in.
Each Town and Castle is different. Some have shoppes that others do not.
Each place has a different government, with different counsellors and
shoppe keepers. If you happen to successfully take over a town or castle,
you will be named the leader, and most likely start collecting taxes
(yes, power spurns greed, and if you take over a town, you WILL become
greedy!) But ruling a town or castle is a challenge in itself! Defend
against other players trying to overthrow you, keep the citizens happy,
promote trade and the economy! Ah, the life of a king!
In closing, while Journeying, you will see more than just the world, you
will see the nastiness that inhabits it!