The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Assembly Source File
208 lines
; This procedure gets the x and y coordinates of the map field and the
; positions of the interesting memory parts. It profits by that all civ.exe
; versions need most of these informations, when they calculate whether a
; field is know or not. This happens for example, when you right click on
; a field of the map, because the program has to test, whether you can get
; informations of the landscape (when it is known) or not. The program code
; has the following appearance (version 1, 2(?)):
; E9 54 00 a jmp call ; these bytes are varying between the
; ; different versions
; B8 32 00 mov ax, 0032 ; these bytes you have changed to
; ; CD F1 90 int F1, nop
; F7 6E E4 imul word ptr [bp-1C]; at this stack position lies the x position
; 8B F0 mov si, ax
; 8B 5E DA mov bx, [bp-26] ; y position
; 8A 80 F8 7F mov al, [bx+si+7FF8] ; offset of known/unknown data address
; ; (segment: ds register)
; 98 cbw
; BA 01 00 mov dx, 0001
; 8A 0E 10 E7 mov cl, [E710] ; ds:[E710] contains at with bit is
; ; stored, whether YOUR civilization
; ; knows that place
; D3 E2 shl dx, cl
; 85 C2 test dx, ax
; ...
; version 3-5:
; ?? ?? ?? a jmp call ; these bytes are varying between the
; ; different versions
; B8 32 00 mov ax, 0032 ; these bytes you have changed to
; ; CD F1 90 int F1, nop
; F7 6E E4 imul word ptr [bp-1C]; at this stack position lies the x position
; 8B D8 mov bx, ax
; 03 5E DA add bx, [bp-26] ; y position
; 8E 06 E4 63 mov es, [63E4] ; ds:[63E4] contains segment address of
; ; known/unknown data (this address like
; ; all segment addresses will be created
; ; after starting civ.exe)
; 26 8A 87 40 07 mov al, es:[bx+0740] ; offset of known/unknown address
; 98 cbw
; BA 01 00 mov dx, 0001
; 8A 0E EE D7 mov cl, [D7EE] ; ds:[D7EE] contains at with bit is
; ; stored, whether YOUR civilization
; ; knows that place
; D3 E2 shl dx, cl
; 85 C2 test dx, ax
; ...
; The procedure civext2 steps over this program code and gets the interesting
; informations. To find the main data area which e.g. contains the map itsself
; it searches near the probable position for 80 bytes, which only consist of
; 07 and 0F (at least 5 of each; the first map row only contains tundra (07)
; and arctic (0F)), and then for 80 bytes, which consists of 01, 07 or 0F.
; Because of this you are not allowed to change the first two map rows !
code segment word public
assume cs:code
public civext21;
civext21 proc far
push bp
mov di, sp ; stack position to di
push ds
mov si, ss:[bp+14h] ; get segment of int F1 call from
mov es, si ; stack -> es
mov bx, ss:[bp+12h] ; get offset of int F1 call -> bx
inc bx ; jump over the nop; es:bx now points
; to the imul ... command of civ.exe
; (see above)
mov si, ss:[bp+4h]
mov ds, si ; get data segment of civ.exe before
; the int f1 call from stack -> ds
mov bp, ss:[bp] ; bp before int f1 call -> bp
mov ax, es:[bx] ; get first bytes after the nop
cmp ax, 6ef7h ; test: are they F7 6E (imul ...)
jne error
inc bx ; bx two bytes further on
inc bx
mov ch, 0FFh
mov cl, byte ptr es:[bx] ; get position of x position on stack
; (e.g. E4 means [bp+FFE4] = [bp-1C])
mov si, cx
mov ax, ss:[bp+si] ; get x position
mov si, ss:[di+0ah] ; write to variable column
mov ss:[si], ax
add bx, 04h ; bx = bx+4
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 5eh ; there should be a 5E
jne error
inc bx
mov ch, 0ffh ; then follows the position of the
mov cl, byte ptr es:[bx] ; y position on stack
mov si, cx
mov ax, ss:[bp+si] ; get y position
mov si, ss:[di+0eh] ; write to variable row
mov ss:[si], ax
inc bx
mov al, byte ptr es:[bx] ; the next byte is a 8A in version 1,2
cmp al, 8eh ; and a 8E in version 3-5
je ver5
cmp al, 8ah
jne error
mov ax, ds ; version 1,2: ds contains the segment
; of the known/unknown data
mov si, ss:[di+1eh] ; write to variable segm_dark
mov ss:[si], ax
inc bx ; bx = bx+2
inc bx
mov ax, es:[bx] ; get offset of known/unknown data
jmp l1
error: jmp error1 ; a dummy; the first jne error cannot
; reach the error procedure otherwise
ver5: inc bx ; version 3-5:
inc bx
mov si, es:[bx] ; get pointer to segment address of
; known/unknown data
mov ax, ds:[si] ; get segment address
mov si, ss:[di+1eh] ; write this to variable segm_dark
mov ss:[si], ax
add bx, 05h ; bx = bx+5
mov ax, es:[bx] ; get offset address of these data
l1: mov si, ss:[di+1ah] ; write it to variable off_dark
mov ss:[si], ax
add bx, 07h ; bx = bx+7
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 0eh ; if all is ok., then is here a 0E
jne error
inc bx
mov si, es:[bx] ; get pointer on number of own civil.
mov cl, ds:[si] ; get number
mov ax, 0001 ; calculate at which bit is stored
; whether YOUR civ. knows a map field
shl ax,cl
mov si, ss:[di+16h] ; put this to variable dark_pos
mov ss:[si], ax
mov si, es ; estimate segment address where the
; start of the main data can be found
add si, 4a00h
mov es, si
mov bx, 0h
mov cx, 0h
mov si, 0h
l3: mov dx, 50h ; searching for the first 50h bytes
mov bx, 0h
mov cx, 0h
l4: inc si ; offset = offset+1
jz error ; end of segment reached ?
mov al, byte ptr es:[si] ; get byte
cmp al, 07h ; is it a 07h (tundra)
jne l6
inc bx
jmp l7
l6: cmp al, 0fh ; or a 0fh (arctic)
jne l3
inc cx
l7: dec dx
je l5 ; the $50th byte found?
jmp l4
l5: cmp bl, 05h ; has there been 5 tundra at least
jl l3
cmp cl, 10h ; and at least 16 arctic ?
jl l3
mov dx, 50h ; test the next 50h bytes as a
mov bx, 0h ; precaution
mov cx, 0h
add si, 0f0h
jc error1
l14: inc si ; offset = offset+1
jz error1 ; end of segment reached ?
mov al, byte ptr es:[si] ; get byte
cmp al, 07h ; is it a 07h (tundra)
jne l16
inc bx
jmp l17
l16: cmp al, 0fh ; or a 0fh (arctic)
jne l18
inc bx
jmp l17
l18: cmp al,01h ; or 01h (water)
jne l3 ; no, hasn't been the right block
inc cx
l17: dec dx
je l15 ; the $50th byte found?
jmp l14
l15: cmp bl, 05h ; has there been 5 land at least
jl l3
cmp cl, 10h ; and at least 16 water ?
jl l3
mov cl, 4 ; calculate correct data segment
shr si, cl ; (offset of data start should be 0h)
sub si, 18h
mov ax, es
add ax, si
mov si, ss:[di+12h] ; segment to variable segm_data
mov ss:[si], ax
mov ax,0 ; no error!
jmp l2
error1: mov ax,1 ; error!
l2: mov si, ss:[di+06h] ; write errorlevel to variable error
mov ss:[si], ax
pop ds
mov sp, di
pop bp
ret ; that's all
civext21 endp
code ends