The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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By Filo
<aka> Wig De Moville
WWIV v4 Copyright (c) 1989 Wayne Bell
WWIV Sysop Guide Documentation
Copyright (c) 1989 White Star Software
Sysop's Guide to WWIV
Copyright (c) 1991 Wayne Bell
Sysop's Guide To WWIV
1.1 Introduction
WWIV Sysop's Guide was written in 1989 for WWIV v4.10 by
William Daystrom and copyrighted by White StarLine Software. The
present version of the documentation relies heavily upon that work,
but it has enough changes in it that it is being copyrighted by
Wayne Bell. The actual updating of Will's excellent documentation
was done by Filo.
This guide describes all SysOp and co-SysOp functions in WWIV.
Most of these commands are available both at WFC and the main
prompt. Section One presents a summary of commands. Section two
presents a detailed explanation of the Sysop commands, and
section three explains the co-Sysop commands.
1.2 Top of Screen Data
The local sysop's screen can show two screens of information,
which may be toggled with the F2 key. The first screen is system
1.2A Caller's Status for Top of Screen
The second screen shows the current caller's statistics. The
second screen has the following information.
The first line contains the user's name (alias) and number,
mail waiting for user, uploaded files and kilobytes, security
level, total logons, and posts. The second line contains the
user's real name, phone number, callsign, downloaded files and
kilobytes, download security level, total time on, and e-mail sent.
The third line contains the user's AR and DAR, restrictions,
exemption, logons today, and feedback sent. The fourth line shows
the user's note, sex, age, computer, time left, and feedback
waiting for the sysop. A fifth line may appear after a caller
requests a chat. This line would give the reason the caller
entered for wanting to chat. The border line at the bottom of the
topscreen information may also show Temp Sysop, Capture, Alert,
Comm Disabled, and/or Available and provide information about the
baud rate of the caller.
Temp Sysop appears when the sysop has toggled temporary sysop
status with F9. Capture appears when the sysop has toggled the
global capture with Shift-F1. Alert appears when the sysop has
pressed F6 to be informed when the caller hangs up. When Alert has
been toggled on, the computer will beep after the current user logs
off, and will not return to WFC so that the sysop can log on
locally. Comm Disabled appears when the sysop has pressed F3 to
prevent the caller from typing. Available appears when the sysop
has toggled the sysop available for chat option with scroll-lock.
More information about function keys is provided later in this
1.2B Abbreviations used in the TopScreen Information for Caller
To summarize the abbreviations used in the TopScreen:
W - Mail waiting for caller SL - Security Level
R - User restrictions DL - Download Security Level
AR - User AR/DAR PO - Total number of posts
LO - Total number of logons ES - Total e-mails sent
TO - Total minutes on FW - Feedback waiting for
FS - Total feedback sent EX - User exemptions
UL - Files uploaded/kilobytes uploaded
DL - Files downloaded/kilobytes downloaded
1.3 System Status Information for Top Screen
The system status topscreen information shows the following
data about the status of the system. The first line contains the
BBS name and today's date. The second line indicates the total
number of users, total calls to date, calls today, and number of
posts today. The third line displays the current user's name
(alias) and number, time the system has been active today, percent
of time today the system has been used, and amount of e-mail
sent today. The latter statistic as well as the number of posts
today includes both local and network information, if the board
happens to be participating in the network. The fourth line shows
the current user's security level, download security level, time
left, feedback waiting for the sysop, files uploaded today, and
feedback sent today.
1.4 WFC Commands
1.4A ? - list WFC commands
The question mark brings up a WFC Screen of commands available
to the operator from the local keyboard. Although it is not a good
practice to leave this screen up all of the time because it could "burn" or
etch a pattern on the screen, sysops who are new to WWIV will find this a
good source of information, and they are encouraged to study it and
experiment with the commands.
1.4B [Spacebar] - logon from the keyboard
Occassionally a sysop will find it necessary to log on to the
BBS. The purpose may be to upload files, make posts on the message bases
or perform other maintainance. The spacebar informs the software that
the sysop or other user at the local keyboard wants to log on. If
"Phone off hook" has been set in INIT, the BBS will pick up the phone for
the time you are logged on, and callers will get a busy signal. At the
prompt after pressing the spacebar, the sysop may press 'F' to logon
quickly as the sysop without entering logon information, or 'Y' to logon as
any account, with the need to enter password and phone number. Note that
the phone is not picked up until you have entered "Y" or "F". If you do
not actually wish to log on, just hit the spacebar again.
1.4C A - Answer phone
If you are talking to someone (voice) on the BBS phone line,
and want to allow that person to log on, hitting "A" will cause the BBS to
pick up the phone and send a carrier, just as if the phone had rung.
1.4D B - Boardedit
This command allows the sysop to change/add/delete message
bases. This command is explained more fully in the section dealing with
the //BOARDEDIT command which may be issued when the sysop is logged
into the BBS.
1.4E C - Chainedit
Using this command allows the sysop to change/add/delete
on-line programs (games). A more complete explanation of this command is
found in the section dealing with //CHAINEDIT which may be given by the
sysop when he is logged onto the board.
1.4F D - Diredit
With this command, the sysop can change/add/delete file
directories. The command when the sysop is logged onto the board is
//DIREDIT which may be given as either the Main Menu Prompt or the Transfer
Menu Prompt, and a more complete explanation is provided when that command
is discussed below.
1.4G E - Edit text file
By using this command, the sysop can edit any text file. This
can be handy if, for example, you are using LOGON.MSG as a type of news
bulletin. You can edit the file from WFC and enter new information or
delete old announcements.
1.4H F - DOS functions
This command allows the sysop to temporarily drop to DOS so the
SysOp can do something. If you have the "Phone off hook" set in INIT, the
BBS will pick up the phone during the time you are in DOS. Type "EXIT"
to quit the dos shell and return to the BBS. Do NOT attempt to run a
terminal program from this dos shell.
1.4I G - Gfileedit
This command allows the sysop to change/add/delete gfile
sections. The equivalent command when the sysop is logged on to the board
1.4J I - Init votes
This command permits the sysop to add/delete voting questions
for callers in the voting section.
1.4K L - Log of the day
This command provides a detailed account of what the callers did
while on-line today. If the "Use List Utility" has been toggled on in
INIT and if the List.com program is available either in the main bbs
directory or the path, the sysop will be able to have complete control of
the cursor while reading this log; that is, the sysop will be able to page
up or page down, jump to the end of the file, scan for a particular name,
etc. Sysops are strongly urged to obtain the excellent freeware program
called LIST and to utilize it in this fashion.
1.4L M - Read all mail
This command allows the sysop to read any mail that has been
sent on the system, and to delete any of it as well. NOTE: This should not
be used for reading feedback; use the R function for that.
1.4M N - Net log
If the BBS is a member of a WWIV network, this command will
show a list of the past 77 network connections, including
information such as connect times, data sent and received, systems
connected, etc. This listing will also operate under the LIST
utility if it has been installed in INIT.
1.4N P - Pending Files
If your system is a part of a WWIV network, this command
presents a list of pending files to be sent, along with various information
such as system numbers, bytes to send, and how many hours have elapsed
since the board last connected.
1.4O Q - Quit and terminate the BBS program
This command stops the execution of the BBS program and removes
it from memory. This is the proper way to terminate the execution of your
1.4P R - Read your mail
The sysop can read all mail sent to the number 1 account just as
if he had logged onto the BBS. If "Phone off hook" is set in INIT, the
phone will be picked up while the mail is read. The sysop is permitted
to read mail and perform any of the normal mail related functions
(answering, deleting, etc.) that are available when logged onto the board.
1.4Q S - Status display
This command displays a quick listing of total system usage,
disk space remaining, total number of callers, and several
other items.
1.4R T - Terminal program
If a terminal program has been setup in INIT, hitting
"T" will run it, and then return execution back to the BBS when it
is completed.
1.4S U - Uedit
This command allows the sysop to delete/modify caller
accounts/information. When the sysop is logged into the BBS the
equivalent command is //UEDIT.
1.4T Y - Yesterday's log
This command displays the Sysop log for the previous day. This
log will also operate under the LIST utility if it was installed in
1.4U Z - Zlog
This displays a short listing of daily activity for about the
past 3 months, including posts sent, uploads, downloads, time active, etc.
1.4V / - Force callout
If you are a part of a WWIV network, this command forces the
bulletin board to call another network board. That board's node number
must be listed in the CALLOUT.NET file in the DATA directory for this to
work. For more information on this feature, refer to WWIVnet
1.4W Dos Macros
Beginning with v4.22, the Dos Macros are now available from WFC as
well as from the board itself.
1.5 Main Menu SysOp Commands
Normally, commands entered at the main prompt in the BBS will be
executed immediately after they are typed, without the need of
hitting the [Enter] key. Typing // at the main menu, however, will allow
you to enter a complete line of input. So, if the command you want is
Uedit, you would type //UEDIT. After most of these commands, you will be
prompted "SY:" and you should enter the Sysop password that you established
in INIT.
The following commands may be used by co-SysOps and SysOps:
1.5A LOG - Displays today's SysOp log
Same command and function as L from WFC. This provides a log
of daily activities and will work in conjunction with the LIST utility if
that utility was setup in INIT.
1.5B NLOG - Displays network activity log
This displays the network activity log and is the same command
as the N at WFC. This feature will also utilize the LIST utility.
1.5C YLOG - Displays yesterday's SysOp log
At WFC, the command is Y; however, when the sysop is logged on
to the board, the command is YLOG. LIST can be used in connection with
this log.
1.5D ZLOG - Displays log of past system usage
Same command as the Z command entered at WFC.
1.5E UEDIT - Runs the Uedit procedure
This is the same command as U from WFC. It enables the sysop
to edit the user list. After the uedit command has been entered, the
information in the user list for the individual who is logged on the board
will be displayed. Usually this information is for the #1 account unless
the sysop has logged on as another user. A question mark entered at this
time will provide a UEDIT Menu of options.
1.5F IVOTES - Runs voting initialization program
This command, like the I from WFC, enables the sysop to
add/delete/change the voting questions.
1.5G STATUS - Displays current system status
The same information is presented after this command is issued
as would be displayed after the S from WFC. Basic system status
information is displayed.
1.5H VOTEPRINT - Creates VOTING.TXT in the GFILES directory
This command does not have a counterpart at the WFC screen. It
causes a file, VOTING.TXT to be created in the GFILES Directory. The file
contains a summary of how each caller voted in the voting section.
1.5I TEDIT - Edit a text file located in the GFILES directory only
This command functions basically the same as E from WFC.
1.52 ? - This command will provide an on-line menu of Sysop and
Co-Sysop commands.
1.6 Sysop Commands
The following are SysOp commands, which require an SL of 255.
Most require the system password to be entered.
BOARDEDIT - Runs Boardedit procedure. Same as B from WFC.
DIREDIT - Runs Diredit procedure. Same as D from WFC.
CHAINEDIT - Runs Chainedit procedure. Same as C from WFC.
GFILEEDIT - Runs Gfileedit procedure. Same as G from WFC.
DOS - Drops to DOS. This will allow the SysOp, locally or
remotely, to temporarily drop to DOS for system maintenance. Type
"EXIT" to return to the BBS. Same as F from WFC.
CHAT - Toggles the scroll-lock key, thereby toggling the
sysop- available switch. This is used when the sysop is
calling remotely and wants for some reason to either turn sysop
available on or off.
STAT - Stack and Heap Info. This tells the sysop how memory
is being managed by the BBS.
RELOAD - This reloads the bulletin board's menus into memory,
in the event that you find it necessary.
RESETF - Reset NAMES.LST. The NAMES.LST file contains a short
list of all user names. At times, when accounts are changed or deleted,
this file is not changed accordingly. So, in a user listing, you might see
the same name appear more then once. In that event, use RESETF. It
re-creates NAMES.LST, removing all names that have been deleted from the
main user list.
REBOOT - Reboot the computer. This command will do just what
it says - reboot your computer - NOT the BBS. Use with caution.
EDIT - Runs the SysOp editor (or full screen editor if
selected); allows the text files to be located anywhere on the hard disk,
instead of just in the GFILES directory as with TEDIT.
LOAD - Loads a file from anywhere on the system into a
workspace. Then, for the next post or e-mail the SysOp does, that text
file will be used as if the SysOp had typed the entire file into the
CHUSER - Allows the SysOp to temporarily change to another
MAILR - Allows the SysOp to read all mail. Same as M from
, - List Network Logs
If you are part of a WWIV network, this command causes the
netdatx.logs to be listed. With v4.22 and NET32, the logs have
been revised to reflect which network the information relates to.
1.7 Transfer Section SysOp Commands
UPLOAD - For the current directory, the appropriate DOS
directory is is searched to see if there are any files in the DOS dir, but
not in the BBS dir database. If there are any, the sysop is prompted for
the description. This command is often used when sysop's are first
starting the BBS although it is useful at other times as well.
UPLOADALL - Same as UPLOAD, but acts on all BBS file
REN - Allows a filename, or its description, to be
changed, or an extended description to be entered.
MOVE - Allows a file (or files) to be moved from the
current directory to another one. Same as M from the transfer system
SORT - Sorts the current directory (or all dirs) by
M - Move a file. Same as //MOVE.
R - Remove any file entry from the file listing, with
the option to actually delete the file from disk and revoke upload credit
from the person who originally uploaded the file.
UPLOADFILE - Take file descriptions from a description file
created by another BBS software. Supported description files are those
from QBBS, RA, RBBS and PcBoard. This command can be particularly useful
if you utilize CD-ROMS that provide file descriptions in one of these
RSORT - Sort files in order of oldest first.
This section of the documentation examines some of the sysop
commands in greater detail, explaining how each functions.
2.1 Boardedit
The BBS, when first initialized, creates a single default
message base called General. Sysops normall will want to create additional
message bases and/or modify the names of those that may exist. WWIV can
handle up to 32 different message bases as a default, and registered sysops
can easily modify the source code to permit 64 message bases.
Beginning with WWIV v4.22, up to 999 Message Bases are supported. The
Sysop can set the number desired in INIT. As higher numbers require more
memory, the Sysop is recommended to set the number realistically rather
than just putting the maximum number.
A message base, sometimes called a sub or sub-board, is a place
where persons with the appropriate SL (security level) can read and/or
post messages. B from WFC, or //BOARDEDIT from the main prompt,
accesses the Boardedit procedure.
In the Boardedit procedure, you can delete, insert, and modify
subs. WWIV defaults with one sub-board, General. Any topic you can
imagine may be used for a sub. Common examples include politics, science
fiction, entertainment, sports, trivia, etc.
For each sub-board, the following information is necessary:
2.1A Name
Each sub-board needs a name, describing what type of messages
are expected on that sub-board. If your BBS is a member of a WWIV
network, the software will insert either <Net> or [Net] preceeding the
sub-board name when the sub listing is obtained. The difference between
these two uses of NET is discussed below under the Network Validation
2.1B Filename
Each sub-board also needs a DISTINCT FILENAME. If two subs
have the same filename, BOTH SUBS WILL REFER TO THE SAME MESSAGES. The
filename can be whatever you want (up to 8 letters in length), but it must
not contain an extension. For example, MODNET would be a legal name to
enter, but MODNET.SUB would be illegal because it uses an extension.
2.1C Key
Normally, all sub-boards are assigned a number (in ascending
order, starting at one for your first sub-board) which callers can press
to immediately access them. If you would prefer that a sub-board be
referred to by a key (such as %,&,#, etc) instead of a number, setting the
key to that character will do so. In most cases, this option will not be
2.1D Read SL
This setting determines the minimum SL required to allow a
caller to read messages on the sub-board. If the read SL for a sub is 40,
and a caller's SL is 39, that caller will never know that the sub-board
2.1E Post SL
This setting determines the minimum SL required for a caller
to post on the sub. The post SL should be greater or equal to the read SL.
Having the post SL greater than the read SL would allow callers to read
messages on the sub, but not post any. This type of setting is often
useful on some network subs where anyone may be permitted to read the sub,
but posting may be only by certain persons (perhaps the sysop and/or the
2.1F Anony
Setting the anony (no, yes, forced, dear abby) determines
whether or not messages posted on that sub can be anonymous. No means no
anonymous (unless the caller has a security level which permits it); yes
means the caller has the option of posting anonymously, regardless of
security level; forced means the post is always anonymous; dear abby means
that the caller will be presented a choice of "signatures" for his/her
post: their name (alias), Abby, or Problemed Person. In effect, the "dear
abby" option does the same thing as setting anony to yes, but it gives the
caller two options on which name will represent the author of the post.
2.1G Min age
This will allow you to set the minimum age of callers on that
sub. If, for example, you set the minimum age to 18 (years), anyone
under 18 would not know the sub existed. Usually used for adult-oriented
2.1H Max msgs
This sets the maximum number of messages that can be on the
sub at one time. This is usually set to 50 or 100, but can be up to 249.
When the maximum number is reached, the oldest post in the sub is rotated
off (deleted) as each new post is entered, unless a post has been given
permanent status. See the User Manual for details on that.
2.1I AR
This allows you to set the AR for that sub. AR is used to
allow specific people to access specific subs when other sub limitations
(age, post SL, etc) are not sufficient for your needs. As an example,
suppose you have a group of Amiga callers on your BBS. You want to give
them their own area to talk about Amigas. Age and SL restrictions would be
cumbersome and inefficient. That's where AR comes into play. There are 16
different AR flags that can be used, A through P. To give the Amiga callers
their own sub, you would use BOARDEDIT to create a sub for their use. Set
the AR to whatever you wish, as long as it isn't in conflict with another
sub which doesn't concern the Amiga people (you can use the same AR on
different subs, but realize that anybody with the same AR flag set would be
able to access all subs with the identical AR). For this example, set the
AR flag to A. Then you would go into UEDIT and activate each Amiga caller's
A flag. Now, all Amiga callers would be able to access the Amiga sub (as
long as SL and age requirements, if any, were met) and nobody else would
know the sub exists.
2.1J Net info
Used with WWIV network software on network subs to properly
allocate messages. If the sub you are editing is not a WWIV network sub,
leave this blank. Under v4.22, if you select this option, you will get a
sub-menu asking for information regarding Network, Type, Host, and Flags.
As you enter the information, you will receive helpful prompts. The
Networks that are recognized are those that you have setup in the INIT
TYPE refers to the SubType. Under WWIV v4.21a and NET31 or
earlier, these subtypes had to be integer values; under NET32 and WWIV
v4.22, you may use 7 letter character names for the subtype. This option
is referred to in WWIV literature as "sub-by-name".
HOST refers to the network host of the sub; if you host it,
the information will display HERE; otherwise, the host's network node
number will be shown.
FLAGS refers to whether the sub is auto-requestable and
whether or not the information about the sub should be reported in the
SUBS.LST distributed on each network. For more information on this, refer
to the WWIVnet Documentation that accompanies the NetWork Software.
2.1K Storage type
There are 2 main ways messages can be stored, either with
each message in its own file, or with all messages in that message base
in one large file. 0 means each message will be in its own (text) file, 2
means all messages in that sub will be in one large (non-text) file.
2.1L Val Network
This option may be toggled on or off. If toggled on,
sub-board that are network subs, will have [NET] in front of the name and
the sysop will need to validate the messages received there before the
messages will be sent over the network. If the option is toggled off, the
sub will have <Net> in front of the Sub-Board name. Because many network
subs have various restrictions (such as no ansi posts, or ansi posts only,
or post by #1 on the board only, etc), network validation is a means of
insuring that posts originating from this BBS are in compliance with the
sub-host's rules.
2.1M Req. ANSI
The sysop can require that the user have ansi enabled in
order to view this sub. This option is particularly useful if the sub is
one of ansi pictures drawn with THEDRAW or some other ansi editor. An
example of an all ansi sub is the WWIVnet Sub known as The Ansi Art
2.1N Disable Tag
This option, if toggled on, will disable taglines in the
messages. This may be useful if a network sub host does not permit posts
which have taglines added to them.
2.1O Description
This option is to permit you to provide a description of subs
that you host so that the description will be used in the SUBS.LST file.
The addition of this field makes it possible for your subs to be
reported in the SUBS.LST without your having to do anything special; the
only requirement is that the auto-info option in FLAGS be set.
There will also be a place for category. If this is chosen, a list of
available categories (distributed by the NC for the network) will be given.
The purpose of this is to allow the sysop to select the most appropriate
category (for that sub information) for listing in the Subs List that is
distributed by each network.
2.2 Diredit
WWIV allows files available for downloading to be logically
divided into different directories. The Diredit procedure will allow you to
set and update those directories. It functions very much like the Boardedit
The options you can set for each directory are:
2.2A Name
Each dir requires a name that designates what type of files
should be uploaded (and are available for downloading) in that directory.
For example, the following categories are often found on various BBSes:
Compression Utilities, Protocols, Communications, Applications,
Word Processors, etc.
2.2B Filename
Like the filename in Boardedit, each dir needs its own
filename to store data in. Each dir NEEDS its own DISTINCT filename.
Again, the filename should be 8 characters or less and should not use an
2.2C Path
Each dir can store files in a different DOS dir, or even on
a different drive. The paths for all new dirs default to whatever the
DLOADS dir is set to in INIT, but sysops will often want to change it. In
general, you should have each dir set to a sub-dir of DLOADS. So,
for example, the Sysop dir is set with a path of DLOADS\SYSOP\. If you
wish to use a directory on a different drive, specify the full pathname
from the root directory. Also, when entering the file name, do not put a \
mark after the name because WWIV will automatically insert one for you.
If you do insert one, the result will be an error.
2.2D DSL
Like the read SL, this sets the minimum DSL necessary for a
caller to access that directory. However, whereas the SL also determines
what additional benefits are available (i.e. posting anonymously,
reading anonymous posts, etc.), the DSL only controls what directories a
person has access to.
2.2E Min age
Like in Boardedit, callers who are younger than the age set
here can not access that dir. This might be used for an adult file
directory, where it may not be desireable to allow just any caller to
access the files.
2.2F Max files
This specifies the maximum number of files in the directory.
It may be anything up to 499. Once the maximum number is reached, no more
uploads will be allowed to the directory.
2.2G DAR
Like AR, this allows you to restrict access only to certain
2.2H Require PD
This is used when a caller wants to upload a file. Setting
this to Yes causes the BBS to specifically ask the caller if the file is
public domain. If the user says no to the question, the BBS software
assigns "Ass. Pts." Generally it is recommended that this option not be
2.2I Dir type
Currently not in use.
2.2J Uploads
You can prohibit uploads to a directory by using this option.
2.2K Arch. Only
This command allows you to permit only archived uploads. The
archived format allowed is the type that is listed first in the
archive methods established in INIT.
2.3 Chainedit
The Chainedit function is also quite similar to the Boardedit
function. The chainedit is a means of adding/deleting/modifying on-line
programs. A separate part of the WWIV documentation, CHAIN.DOC addresses
some of the subtleties of setting up on-line programs, especially those
which may have not been originally designed to work on WWIV. The
information presented here, however, should be sufficient to enable the
sysop to setup many on-line programs.
The designation of chains originated in Turbo Pascal versions of
WWIV when the BBS literally "chained" to the program. Although WWIV no
longer operates in that fashion and is no longer written in Pascal, the
CHAINEDIT terminology has remained.
Not all files can be run as external programs from WWIV. Only
those files that do all I/O through DOS calls can be run. This means that
Wordstar, WordPerfect, the Norton Utilities, and most other graphics
programs can NOT be run from WWIV.
When Chainedit is run, a summary of the chains currently
available, if any, is presented as a listing. Available options are:
Insert, Delete, Modify and Quit. When a new chain is inserted an old entry
is modified, the sysop is given a chance to change the following data:
2.3A Description
The description of the chain, printed out for callers. For
example, you might have something like Food Fite--The Ultimate Challenge,
or merely Food Fite. Many sysops put the version number of the game after
its title so that users will know whether or not a "new" version that they
may have seen elsewhere is running on this bbs. Many users will upload the
"latest" version to the Sysop if that version is not currently running.
2.3B Filename
The filename actually executed. The program to be used can
have either an EXE, COM, or BAT extension. Programs with a BAS or CHN
extension cannot be run from WWIV. If you put a "%1" anywhere in the
filename, before the chain is executed, the %1 will be replaced with a full
path and filename of a text file the bulletin board creates holding data
about that caller, such as the caller's name, security level, time left,
etc. For most programs explicitly written for WWIV v4, the %1 should be
placed after the filename. If you do not, you will see a "Parameter file
not found" error message. If you see that message when running a chain, add
the %1, as in "tw2001 %1".
If the program is not specifically made for WWIV, it may be
necessary to run it from a batch file which you create and the batch file
may first need to run a chain.txt converter. Chain.txt is the file that
the BBS creates with the user information in it. The converter processes
the information and creates a new file in the format required by the game
that you are running. For example, a game designed for QBBS or RBBS would
require a DORINFO1.DEF file.
There are several popular converters which will make such a file
from the information in chain.txt.
2.3C SL
The SL (security level) required in order to run the chain.
Most sysops will set this at the level of validated users or higher.
2.3D AR
The AR required in order to run the chain. The sysop can
allow only certain people to play the game by adjusting the AR. This may
be particularly useful if the game is limited to a certain number of
players. People can sign up to play the game and those chosen for the
first round can be given the appropriate AR. When the game ends, a
different group of players can then be given the AR.
If ANSI is required in order to run the chain. Because some
games or on-line programs make extensive use of Ansi screens, those users
who do not have ansi may experience significant problems with the game.
This feature allows you to screen out the people who do not have ansi
2.3F Intercept DOS calls
Many programs run remotely will not have built-in code for
accessing the modem. For these programs, the BBS should be set to
intercept the DOS calls, and "re-direct" the output to go to the modem, as
well as the screen. It is possible, however, that you will have a program
that will do its own modem access, in which case it should be set so that
the BBS won't intercept DOS calls. In most cases, you WILL want the BBS to
intercept DOS calls. If the game does not seem to operate properly, you
may need to experiment with this setting. As a general rule, you should
try having the BBS intercept DOS calls for those games designed
specifically for WWIV and try having the BBS not intercept DOS calls for
those games designed to be run on other systems. These settings may still
need to be changed, but the general rule is sound advice for what to try as
the initial setting for this variable.
2.3G 300 Baud
Some programs use ANSI graphics to such an extent that the
display rate with 300 baud connections would be intolerable. With this
setting, the sysop can prohibit 300 baud callers from using the chain.
2.3H Shrink
The Shrink feature was introduced in WWIV v4.10. This option
handles memory very differently from the way it is handled if this feature
is not used. With Shrink set to off, the BBS remains in memory when you
run an external program, thus restricting the maximum size of the program
you can use. With Shrink set to on, the BBS will essentially unload from
memory, allowing larger externals to be run. Shrinking reduces the
amount of memory the BBS occupies to around 4k. Other than this different
way of handling memory, chains run with Shrink operate just as they do
without Shrink - except for a slight delay when entering and exiting the
program. If memory is a problem on your system, use Shrink. Otherwise, it
isn't necessary to use it. Generally, the larger the program to be run
is, the more desireable it will be to use the shrink feature.
2.3I Disable Pause
This feature was added in v4.20. Some games, such as the
on-line program TETRIS, do not work well when the BBS attempts to pause the
screen. If the user has pause toggled ON in the defaults, then the bbs
will attempt to pause after the number of lines of vertical height that the
user had specified. This option allows the sysop to disable the user's
pause option as he enters that particular program. When the user exits,
the pause status will be reset as it was before the program was run.
3.1 Gfileedit
Gfiles in this instance are just text files that are available
to callers to read; in other words, they are similar to bulletins.
With Gfileedit, the file directories for gfiles may be created and the
particular gfile areas which callers can access can be designated.
Most WWIV Sysop functions behave in similar ways. This enables
a sysop to learn how to use each of them very quickly, without having to
know many different commands and parameters. As with the previous commands
already presented, Gfileedit displays a summary of gfile directories
currently in place, if any. The insert, delete, modify and quit options are
again available. When inserting a new gfile section or changing an old
one, the following data can be modified:
3.1A Name
This is the name of the section shown to the user. This name
should describe the kind of files to be displayed in that directory, such
as humor, communications, ANSI, etc.
3.1B Filename
The filename for the section. In this instance, however, the
filename is ALSO the directory where the gfiles for this section will be
stored. The directory chosen will be a sub-directory of the main GFILES
directory. After the filename is entered, you will be asked if you want to
create the directory. If you say no, you will have to create it yourself
(i.e. manually). In either instance, once the directory exists, the
files or bulletins to be displayed must be moved to it.
3.1C SL
The sysop can set the SL required for section access. Callers
cannot add their own gfiles to the section, so there is no "post" SL
3.1D Min. Age
The sysop can set the minimum age necessary for section
access. This feature is sometimes used if the gfiles section contains some
"adult" material.
3.1E Max Files
The maximum number of gfiles in the section (can be up to 99)
is set here. Once the maximum number is reached, additional gfiles cannot
be added unless this setting is increased. The section cannot be
increased beyond 99 files per separate directory unless the source code is
modified. Such modification is only available to registered sysops.
3.1F AR
AR required for section access is established by the sysop
with this parameter. This option works exactly the way it does in
3.2 Gfile Commands in the Gfile Section
3.2A A - Add Gfiles to All Sections
When the Sysop enters the gfiles section (command G at the main
menu), hitting A at the SECTION prompt (first prompt given) will add
gfiles to ALL sections.
Hitting A within a section will add files for that section only.
When the add files to a gfile section option is selected, the BBS will
search that section's directory for files to add. For every file it
finds, it will prompt for a description. Once a description has been
entered, that file will be accessible to anyone who is capable of using
that gfile section.
3.2B R - Remove Gfiles for a Section
Selecting R within a section will allow a co-sysop to remove
3.3 Uedit
Uedit is the user account editor function which allows the sysop
to maintain the user list and alter accounts as needed.
3.3A Toggling the Uedit Display
There are two possible displays in Uedit - the short display,
and the long display. If there is a remote caller, it will default to the
short display. Otherwise, it will default to the long display. Typing a
period at the Uedit prompt will toggle between the long and short displays.
In the short display, typing a comma will expand to the long display FOR
3.3B [ and ] to move in Uedit
You use [ and ] to move down and up accounts in the user list.
"]" will move to the next higher account in the user list, and "[" will
move to the next lower account.
3.3C { and } in the Search Option
"{" and "}" search through the user list, using the options set
with "/", to the next (or previous) account which satisfies the selected
criteria. Entering "U" and then entering a (full or partial) name
will go directly to that account, or you can access a particular account by
entering "U" and then the user number.
3.3D Other options in Uedit are:
? - Menu of options
: - Force user to re-enter birthdate upon next logon.
~ - Reset ass_pts to zero. Not currently implemented elsewhere.
A - Change user's AR.
C - Change user's callsign.
D - Delete the current account, erasing any mail to/from that
user and discounting any votes made by that user.
E - Change user's exemptions
0=no exemptions
1=exemption from transfer ratio
8=exemption from post/call ratio
9=exemption from both transfer and post/call ratio
G - Change user's birthdate.
I - Change user's DAR.
L - Change user's real name.
M - Change user's computer type.
N - Change user's name.
O - Change note about user.
P - Change user's phone number.
Q - Quit out of Uedit.
R - Restore a deleted user. This doesn't re-create any mail, or
add back in votes made by that user before deletion.
S - Change user's SL.
T - Change user's DSL.
Y - Change user's sysop sub. Set to 255 to clear the sysopsub
Z - Change user's restrictions.
% - Change user's address data.
3.3D1 Available restrictions are:
A - Automessage : The caller cannot change the automessage.
C - Chat : Caller won't be able to request chats with
E - E-Mail : The caller cannot send e-mail.
L - Logons : Limits the caller to 1 logon per day.
N - WWIVnet : The caller cannot use the WWIV network
P - Posts : The caller cannot post messages.
V - Voting : The caller is not permitted to vote.
* - Anonymous : The caller cannot post anonymously.
U - Upload : All uploads by this user will go to the
sysop dir.
M - Messages : Posts by the caller will not be accessible
by your other callers until either yourself or a co-sysop have read
and approved the message for public viewing.
3.3E Long Information on User
The long information printed about a user account consists of:
Name: Random #1 (name/alias of user, number of user)
RN : Wayne Bell (real name of user)
Call: N6PLU (amateur radio callsign)
PH : 213-208-6689 (Voice phone number)
Age : 22 M (age, sex)
PW : AAA (password)
Comp: IBM AT (80386) (user's computer type)
Last: 07/12/89 12/15/87 (last date on, first date on)
Msgs: P=123 E=148 F=125 W=64 (posts, emails, feedbacks, mail
Log : 802 4 I=0 (total calls, calls today,
illegal logons)
UpDn: U=17-989k D=3-43k (uploads, downloads)
Note: This is a note (user note)
Street: 101 WhiteHouse (user's street address)
City: Los Angelos (user's city)
State: CA (user's state)
Country: USA (user's country)
DATAPH: 310-218-7766 (user's dataphone number)
SL : 255 DSL=255 (SL, DSL)
The comments on the right are not printed in Uedit. Some of the
lines are not always printed unless they have a value. For example, if
the user did not have an amateur radio callsign, the callsign line would
not be present in the Uedit listing. This rule also applies to
restrictions, AR, DAR, and sysopsub. The information on street, city, etc
is new to version 4.22 and does not appear in earlier versions.
Passwords are ONLY printed for 255 SL's. If a co-sysop goes into
Uedit, passwords will not be displayed (although they will be printed
locally on your computer screen).
3.4 Voting Initialization
The voting initialization procedure allows the setup of voting
questions. When this procedure is run, a list of all current
questions is displayed, with those not in use listed as >>> NO QUESTION
<<<. There are a total of 20 possible voting questions. Entering the
number of the question to be altered allows the addition, deletion, or
change of a question. After a question has been entered, all possible
responses (up to 19) should be entered.
3.5 Sysop Text Editor
The BBS contains an internal text editor that may be used to
edit files. This editor is different from the one used when writing e-mail
or posts. If your account has a full screen editor selected, that editor
will be used instead of the internal editor. The use of a full screen
editor is greatly encouraged, since they are much easier to use, and since
the internal editor has minimal editing features.
3.5A Internal editor Options
The internal editor is line-oriented, and has the following
P - Print the current line.
L - List from the current line onward.
I - Insert lines starting BEFORE the current line.
D - Delete line(s). D10 will delete 10 lines, starting with the
current line.
+ - forward line(s). +10 will move forward 10 lines.
- - backward line(s). -10 will move backward 10 lines.
Q - Quit, without saving.
S - Save & exit.
C - Clear workspace.
# - entering a number will go directly to that line.
3.6 Mail and Message Base SysOp Functions
3.6A Co-Sysop (or Sysop) Options at Mail Read Prompt
At the mail read prompt, a co-sysop has the following additional
3.6A1 Form Letters
O - Reply with a form letter. This option allows you to send a
pre-written message as a reply to the e-mail you just read.
This is often used to respond to validation letters or
frequently-asked questions. Form letters must have a filename of
the format "FORMxxxx.MSG" where xxxx are 1-4 characters, and be placed in
the GFILES directory. For example, a validation confirmation form letter
might be called FORMVAL.MSG. After typing 'O' at the mail read prompt, you
will be prompted for the 1-4 character suffix of the filename. Following
the example, you would simply type VAL. If the letter exists, it is
loaded into the text area and you are prompted for the title of the
Once entered, the contents of the form letter are used in the
message area, and the letter is sent to the user.
3.6A2 Validating the Writer of the letter
V - Validate the sender of the current piece of mail. By
hitting V, a co-sysop can view some basic information about the
user, and also change the SL, DSL, AR, DAR, and restrictions. By typing U
while reading the letter, the Sysop can also access user restrictions,
exemptions, etc.
3.6A3 Zapping Mail
Z - Zap mail. This is the same as "D"eleting the mail, except
with the Z option, no confirmation is sent back to the sender
telling him that the mail has been read.
P - Purge Mail. This option will remove all waiting mail
authored by the person who wrote you the current mail. This might be
called the "pest" feature.
3.6B Co-Sysop (or Sysop) Options from the Scan Prompt
At the scan prompt, a co-sysop has the following additional
V - Validate the user. Same as in mail read, or "!" from main
N - No-delete. This will save the message from being
auto-deleted to make room for new messages. For a no-delete
message, a limited co-sysop must explicitly remove the message.
U - Un-anonymous a post. If a message was posted anonymously,
the U option will make the name visible for anyone to see.
D - Delete the message.
M - Move the message. The co-sysop will be prompted for the
message base to move it to. ? will list the subs.
3.7 Extract to a File
Also, at either the mail read or scan prompt, hitting "E" by a
sysop (SL=255) will extract the message/mail out to a text file in the
GFILES directory. A filename will be prompted for, and if the file doesn't
already exist, the message will be written out to that text file. If the
file does exist, the sysop is prompted to select a new file (N), overwrite
the current file (O) or quit (Q).
3.8 Function Key Assignments
While a user is logged on, there are many sysop function keys
that may be used to change the current status, or information about the
user's account. The keys are:
F1 - Validate the user. This will pop up, on the screen, a
Window allowing you to change the caller's SL, DSL, AR, DAR,
exemptions, sysop sub, and note. The up-arrow will move to the previous
field, down- arrow (or <C/R>) moves to the next field, and escape (or F1)
finishes changing the data and returns back to the normal BBS. To change
AR, DAR, or the restrictions, simply move to the character position you
wish to toggle, and hit the spacebar to clear that option, or hit the
letter of the AR/DAR to be toggled on or off.
NOTE: A person of the same or lower SL cannot change the
SL of a higher level person, except from the keyboard when the
person to be changed is logged on.
Shift-F1 - Global Capture. This will toggle a global capture
system on and off. Global capture will write to a text file in the
GFILES directory (GLOBAL.TXT) everything that occurs on the BBS from the
moment capture is turned on. Subsequent captures are added to the end of
the GLOBAL.TXT file.
F2 - Toggle top of screen info. The top of screen data defaults
to information about the user's account, but may be changed.
Hitting F2 once will clear the top of screen data, so the entire screen may
be used normally. Hitting F2 again will display system status information
in the window.
F3 - Disable remote typing. If you wish to temporarily disable
the remote user from typing, hit F3. Hit F3 again to restore his
ability to type. Note that the caller will still be able to see everything
printed on the screen even if the caller isn't allowed to type.
F4 - Disable chat call. If a user is requesting a chat, and you
don't want to talk with that user, hit F4 to turn off the chat
F5 - Hang up on the user. When you hit F5, carrier is
immediately dropped.
Ctrl-F5 - Prints out "Call back later when you are there" and
hangs up. This message is also the one printed out when a user has
not pressed a key for 3 minutes and is disconnected due to inactivity.
Shift-F5 - Prints out a few characters of garbage, then hangs
.up on the caller. This may appear to the caller as if disconnection
was due to line noise.
F6 - Toggle sysop page. If a user is on, and you want to use
the system but don't want to hang up on the user (such as with the F5 key),
you can set the sysop page using the F6 key. "Alert" will appear in the
topscreen information border. When the user logs off, the BBS will beep at
you for about a minute, telling you that the user is off the system,
and you may now use it.
F7 - Subtract 5 minutes from the time the user has on. If the
time gets to zero, this will not hang up on the user, but when the
user gets to the main menu (or scan prompt, or any one of a number of
other places), he will be logged off.
F8 - Add 5 minutes to the time left on, to a maximum of 255
F9 - Temporary sysop. If you wish to perform sysop functions
while a user is on-line, hitting F9 will temporarily change their
security level to 255. Hitting F9 again will return their security level to
what it previously was. If a user hangs up while a temporary sysop, his SL
will automatically be returned to what it was before.
F10 - Chat. If you wish to chat with a user, hit F10. If the
user supports ANSI (and supports at least 1200 bps), two-way chat
will be used (unless disabled in INIT). This is a split-screen chat system
whereby everything you type will be printed in the top half of the screen,
and everything the user types will be printed in the lower half. If the
user does not support ANSI, standard chat mode will be used. Basically,
this is a system whereby the entire screen is used for dialogue; one person
types, then another, then another in turn, while the text of the
conversation scrolls off the top of the screen. While in standard chat (NOT
two-way), you may hit the [Home] key to record what is typed. It will be
stored to CHAT.TXT in the GFILES dir. Turning on chat capture will INCLUDE
the line you hit [Home] on, even though a message saying things are
being captured is printed after that line. Likewise, when chat capture
is turned off, the current line will NOT be included, even though the
message is printed after that line. Those messages telling you when capture
is on or off are printed locally, but not remotely, so the caller will not
see them. If you want to save conversations made in two-way chat mode, you
must use global capture, by toggling Shift-F1. Chats saved with global
capture will be saved just as they happened, so in some instances (for the
sake of clarity) it may be preferable to use standard chat and [Home] to
record chats.
Ctrl-F10 - Chat. This chat mode differs from the above in that
two-way is not used at all. With Ctrl-F10, you can force standard
chat mode when two-way chat would normally be used. This enables you to use
the [Home] key to save the conversation if you want to.
Shift-F10 - Drops to DOS. The remote caller sees "[WAIT]" while
you are in DOS. Note that this is different from //DOS in that
there is no remote echo.
4.0 Dos Macros
WWIV v4.20 introduced a feature called DOS Macros. This
feature enables a sysop to run a DOS program by pressing the ALT KEY and
holding it down while pressing a letter. In order for this feature to
work, the sysop must first create an ascii file in the DATA directory
called MACROS.TXT. This file should contain the letter that the sysop
wants to use to activate that program and then the command line (dos legal)
that should be executed. For example, a sysop might wish to use the LIST
utility to look at certain special network logs which are created in
GFILES. The logs are called NETDAT0.LOG, NETDAT1.LOG, and NETDAT2.LOG.
These logs represent three days worth of information about network
The MACROS.TXT might contain the following:
which would enable the sysop to enter ALT A to view NETDAT0.LOG or
ALT C to view NETDAT2.LOG. This handy feature vastly expands the sysop's
ability to maintain the board by running various utility programs from this
dos shell.
That's all there is to the Sysop's Guide. If so many commands
seem confusing, don't worry about it. Knowing which key to press to use
certain functions will become second-nature once you've become accustomed
to using them. If you have read this far, it is assumed that you already
looked through the Installation/Configuration docs. Now, if you haven't
already, take a look at the User's Guide. It will provide you with
information pertaining to commands available to the average caller, as well
as to co-sysops, who will use your bulletin board. Many sysops make the
WWIVUSER.DOC available to users as both a GFILE for on-line reading
and as a downloadable file to facilitate their getting to know how WWIV
One final reminder, if you have not registered WWIV, you are
entitled to try the shareware version for a period of 60 days. If you
continue to use it beyond that time period, you should register it.
Registration is simple. Send a cashier's check (i.e. certified check) or
money order to WWIV Software Services. The complete address is obtainable
by typing //VER at the main menu of the board. If you wish to have the
source code mailed to you on disk, you should include an additional $5 for
each disk required. You should include information regarding the disk
format which your computer uses (i.e. 360k, 1.2mg, 1.44mg, etc.).
6.1 OPTIMIZING HS/LINK FOR WWIV 4.21 (by Lance Halle, 1 @6211)
After talking at length with Sam Smith, the author of HS/Link,
I think I have the proper setups to make HS/Link work reliably with PC
Pursuit. I also found out a couple of other things that really speed
HS/Link up for regular transfers.
The first part of this document defines some terms that
are used in the rest of this discussion. The second part discusses ways of
setting up HS/Link to optimize normal WWIV BBS connections. The third part
describes the problems involved using HS/Link on WWIV with PC
Pursuit, and how they can be taken care of. Part 4 deals with optimizing
HS/Link for use with your terminal program, and part 5 deals with how to do
Bi-Directional uploads and downloads.
Part 1 - Definitions:
HS/Link sends data in packets (blocks). Normally each block
contains a unique sequence number and checksum info to aid in data
verification and error detection and recovery.
Size of each block in bytes.
An ASCII file that is used to set HS/Link's options. This file
can be created with HSCONFIG, or with your editor. The default
configuration file is HSLINK.CFG. This is the file that HS/Link looks for
if no other is specified on the command line. To specify another
configuration file start your command line as follows:
"HSLINK -@filename".
Don't type the quotes. The filename is the name of the alternate
configuration file you want HS/Link to use. This MUST be the
FIRST option on the command line.
Be sure to use the LATEST release of HS/Link. While the
current version is always compatible with older versions, you will not
get the benefit of the latest enhancements and fixes if you are using
an old version. At the time of this writing, the latest RELEASE
version is 1.12.
This option controls the destination directory for incoming
files. By default, HS/Link will put incoming files into the "current"
directory. This is where WWIV is expecting to find them. The BBS will move
the files to where they belong, so the -U option should NOT be used for
the BBS. It may however be used in conjunction with a caller's terminal
program. For Example, -UC:\TEMP in the caller's HSLINK.CFG
file would place the . incoming files in his TEMP directory on drive C:.
This option causes the remote (called) end to use some of the
options specified by the calling end. This does NOT affect any of the
options having to do with security, such as the upload path, or the
overwrite option. It does affect block size (-s), xon/xoff (-hx), and
windows (-w).
A means of flow control where the modem asserts the CTS (clear
to send) line when it is able to receive data from the computer.
If its buffer fills up, it drops the CTS line. In the same way, the
computer asserts the RTS (request to send) line when it is able to
receive data from the modem, and drops it if it is busy. This scheme is
used by High Speed modems that can operate with a port speed that is
higher than the connect speed.
Sends Xoff or lowers RTS during disk I/O. This causes the
computer to signal the modem not to send any data during disk I/O. It is
available for systems with slow disk access. It may help if you get
frequent CRC errors of COM overruns on clean lines.
WINDOW (-w) :
The number of blocks HS/Link will send before stopping and
waiting for an acknowledgment (ACK)
XON/XOFF (default) :
A software method of telling the other end to suspend/restart
sending data. It is not generally necessary for error correcting
modems, but no harm is done by leaving it enabled. (Do not
disable this if Slow Handshaking (-hs) is required by your system)
Part 2 - Optimizing HS/Link for WWIV BBSs that do NOT make NET
calls via PCP
If you operate a WWIV BBS that does NOT make NET callouts via
PCP, then the following HSLINK.CFG file settings and INIT settings
should be optimum for you.
HSLINK.CFG - use HSCONFIG or wordprocessor to
-A /* don't send ACKs */ << don't type the>>
-S4096 /* sets 4k blocks */ << comments >>
-W0 /* do not wait for ACK /*
INIT settings for HS/Link
Description : HS/Link
Xfer OK code : 0
Require MNP/LAPM : N
Receive command line:
HSLINK -P%2 -E%4 -U%3
Send command line:
HSLINK -P%2 -E%4 %3
Receive batch command line:
HSLINK -P%2 -E%4 -U%3
Send batch command line:
HSLINK -P%2 -E%4 @%3
Bi-directional transfer command line:
HSLINK -P%2 -E%4 -@ @%3
Part 3 - Optimizing HS/Link for WWIV BBSs that make NET calls
via PC Pursuit
OK, now for the problem with PCP. Being a timeshare net,
it does not transmit data continuously, especially during busy times. There
may be delays in data transmission. If the HS/Link default block size of
1024, or 4096 is used, and the default window of 8 is in effect, HS/link
will send 8 of these blocks before stopping for an acknowledgment. If PCP
is Busy, this may be more data than it can "swallow" in one gulp. Once PCP
gets behind, it may have problems recovering, in which case the data may or
may not get thru. Even if it does, the ACK may not get back to the sending
end, in which case HS/Link waits for it's internal timeout, before trying
again. Often PCP cannot recover at all, and HS/Link will finally about the
This problem can be resolved by using smaller blocks, and
smaller windows. A setting of 512 or smaller for the block size is
recommended, and a window of 4 should work fine. This will give PCP smaller
blocks of data, and HS/Link will stop more often to check that the data has
been received.
This sounds easy to implement, but there is one problem
with WWIV that we have to overcome. We are able to set the command line
that HS/Link uses for regular BBS callers by using the INIT program, BUT we
have no way of controlling the command line that the NETWORK uses for it's
callouts. This means we are stuck using the same configuration for both
our NET calls and our regular callers.
There is a workaround that will do the job for those
systems that make NET callouts via PCP, but still want their regular
callers to get the best speed out of HS/Link. We can set the options we
want to use for NET callouts in the HSLINK.CFG file, since that is the one
HS/Link looks for by default. Then we can create another configuration file
to use when a regular caller activates HS/Link. We can specify that
alternate configuration file on the HS/Link command lines in INIT. If you
called your alternate config file BBS_CALL.CFG, and it was in your C:\WWIV
directory, then your HS/Link setup in INIT should look like this:
Description : HS/Link
Xfer OK code : 0
Require MNP/LAPM : N
Receive command line:
Send command line:
Receive batch command line:
Send batch command line:
Bi-directional transfer command line:
HSLINK -@C:\WWIV\BBS_CALL.CFG -P%2 -E%4 -@ @%3
Your default HS/Link config file that will be used for
the NET callouts should look like the following. It should be named
HSLINK.CFG, and should be in the same directory as HS/Link. This is the
optimum setup for use with PCP:
-! /* force remote to use these settings */
-S512 /* use 512 byte blocks */
-W4 /* wait for ACK after every 4 blocks */
Your alternate config file for use with regular callers
should look like this, and the name should match what you specified in
INIT on the HS/Link command line (ie. BBS_CALL.CFG), and should also be in
the same directory as HS/Link.
-A /* don't send ACKs */
-S4096 /* sets 4k blocks */
-W0 /* do not wait for ACK /*
These should provide optimum setup for those WWIV BBS
systems that callout via PCP and want the best for their non PCP callers.
Regular PCP callers should configure their terminal programs to use a setup
like the HSLINK.CFG mentioned in part 4.
Part 4 - HS/Link and your terminal program
The calling party has the responsibility of determining
the best HS/Link configuration options for his/her particular situation
(PCP, Non PCP, etc). You should configure HS/Link for your terminal
program, and include at least the following options in the .CFG file. Be
sure to include the (-!) to force the remote to also use your preferences.
If you are calling via PCP, then your HS/Link config file
should look like the following one. You should also use PCP's default
-! /* force remote to use these settings */
-S512 /* use 512 byte blocks */
-W4 /* wait for ACK after every 4 blocks */
-UC:\temp /* set this to the directory you want your downloads
to go in /*
If you use "direct" connections ( regular lines), then
your HS/Link config file should look like this:
-! /* force remote to use these settings */
-A /* don't send ACKs */
-S4096 /* sets 4k blocks */
-W0 /* do not wait for ACK /*
-UC:\temp /* set this to the directory you want your downloads
to go in /*
In the event that you do both PCP and Non PCP calls, you
can give one of these files a different name (ie NON_PCP.CFG), and then on
the HS/Link command line for your Non PCP calls, include the following
as the FIRST option:
Be sure to include the pathname. ie @C:\TELEX\NON_PCP.CFG
Part 5 - Bi-Directional file transfers
For bi-directional transfers to work properly, You must NOT
have a "Download Directory" set in the HSLINK.CFG file for the BBS ! This
is the option that begins with a -U. If you want uploads to go to the
Sysop directory, you should set that option in INIT. It is ok for the
caller to have the -U option set for his terminal program.
Here is the procedure for doing bi-directional file
Select (D)ownload
Enter the file name you want to receive
Select "Batch" as the protocol
Repeat for additional files
Select (U)pload
Enter the file name and description of the file to be uploaded
Select "Batch" as the protocol
Repeat for additional files
Type X or B to bring up the "Batch" transfer menu
Select B from the menu << this is important. D or U will
NOT work >>
Select HS/Link as the protocol
Start your HS/Link UPLOAD << HS/Link will take care of the
downloads >>
I hope this takes some of the mystery out of HS/Link
operation. Sam Smith (HS/Link author) has looked this over, and it has his
blessings. If you have any problems, or discover something I have
overlooked, or described incorrectly, PLEASE notify me as soon as possible.
I will attempt to update this document as new information becomes
6.2 Using Search Options in UEDIT
Since many sysops have been somewhat baffled by the search
options in UEDIT, this appendix has been included to provide more
information on the function and how to use it.
This functions very similar to an 'if test' if a program; that
is, you specify a condition according to the appropriate format, and then
when the search finds a user meeting that condition, it stops. Generally,
you will have a condition such as sl, dar, ar, etc., and a comparison. For
example, the setup to look for a user with an sl greater than 50 would look
like this:
Note that the number is included in brackets. You can use either
> or < that is, greater than or less than. Greater than is the default.
These conditions can be modified as follows:
! meaning NOT
& meaning AND
| meaning OR
and you can use parens (parentheses) to group them together.
Precedence (ie order) is determined from left to right. There is no
default of & over | as there is in C.
A search string such as the following might be used to purge
users who have not been on during the last 80 days and who do not have an
AR of A.
!DAR[A] & LASTON>[80]
A more elaborate example is the following which would search for
everyone having an AR of C and who is either Male or over 21 years old:
AR[C] & (Sex[M] | AGE>[21])
Current searchable variable include: last-on, baud-rate, real
name, number of logons, area code, sl, dsl, ar, dar, sex and age.
After entering the search criteria, the } will search in
ascending order and the { will search in descending order.
6.3 Setting up WWIV for Multiple WWIV-based Networks
Beginning with WWIV v4.21a and NET31, WWIV was able to support
more than one WWIV-based network. V4.22 and NET32 enhance that ability
by providing the ability to send e-mail across networks and/or to
"gate" subs from one network to another. What follows addresses how to
setup for more than one network using NET32 or better.
6.3a Network Executables
The network executables include all EXE files commonly found
in a NETxx package. The only exception to this is the DE1.EXE and any
DExxx.EXE files which shall be referred to as a Verification Files. All
network executables, except for Verification files, should be place in the
main WWIV directory. So, for example, you might issue the following
command when your current directory is the WWIV directory and when the
NET32.ZIP is located there also:
That command will place all network executables in your main WWIV
directory. If you already have one network setup, it is assumed
that that network's DATA files are located in the directory, DATA. If you
do not already have a network setup, you may unzip the network data files
into DATA. The WWIVNET.DOC distributed with NETxx explains in detail
how to setup for a network and you are encouraged to refer to that if you
have problems. This document assumes you have read that document.
Next, if you have not had a network setup, you should enter
your node number in the INIT, option 2. If you are already setup
then,after unzipping the network data files into DATA and preparing the
CALLOUT.NET in DATA to reflect your connections on that network, you should
run NETWORK3 Y from your main WWIV directory. This forces an analysis of
your data files and causes a message to be sent to your mailbox.
You should log onto the board and read that mail to be certain
that everything is fine before preceeding to the next steps. INIT,
option N allows you to add additional networks. You will be asked for the
network Name, your Node number in that network, and the data directory
where that network's data files will be found. For example, your setup
might show:
Network Name Node Number Network Data Directory
1) WWIVnet 2050 \DATA
2) IceNET 5252 \IDATA
3) WWIVlink 2050 \LDATA
4) FireNet 5252 \FDATA
Although the example above shows different network node numbers, this is
not necessary. Your node numbers may be the same or different in each
network. You should just indicate your node number, whatever it is. It
is also not necessary that the data directories end in the word data; this
was done for convenience.
Each of those network directories should contain the network
data files for that network (BBSLIST.*, CONNECT.*) and, where
appropriate, the DE1.EXE and any other DExxx.EXE files. In otherwords,
both the data files and the verification files belong in each network's
data directory.
You must also have a CALLOUT.NET in each network's data directory
indicating your connection(s) for that network. If you host a sub, you
will put the Nxxxxxx.net file in each separate directory (where the sub is
available) and keep the node numbers of subscribers from that network in
If you are using both v4.22+ and NET32+, you will no longer need the
NNxxx.NET files, an NNall.NET file, or a SUBS.PUB file. These have all
been replaced and are created through the operations of BOARDEDIT in
In order to force an analyis of these different networks, with
NET32, you can type the network executable name followed by .net number to
have that command operate on the specified network. The only thing to
remember here is that the .net number is one less than what was listed in
INIT. For example, in the example above, I would run NETWORK3 .0 to have
network3 run on WWIVnet, or NETWORK3 .3 to run on FireNet. Each of the
network executables will work in this way. For example, LNET .2 would run
LNET on the data in the WWIVlink directory.
Under NET31, those effects could be achieved by setting the
environmental variable wwiv_net = net number, running the
executable and then setting the environmental variable to null. NET32
greatly simplifies this process.
In summary, place the network executables in the main WWIV
directory, place the network data files and any verification files (such as
DE1.EXE) in the data directory for that network.
6.4 Setting up Zmodem in WWIV
Zmodem is a proprietary protocol that is distributed as shareware. It
may be registered with Omen Technology INC, 17505-V NW, IS RD, Portland, OR
97231. When it is present in your path or in your WWIV main directory, the
WWIV network software will use it or HS/LINK in preference to the protocols
built into WWIV. The settings that you will probably want to use for
Zmodem are:
Description : Zmodem
Xfer OK code :0
Require MNP/LAPM : N
Receive Command Line:
dsz port %2 speed %1 rz%3
Send command line:
dsz port %2 speed %1 sz %3
Receive batch command line:
dsz port %2 speed %1 est 0 %4 rz %3
Send batch command line:
dsz port%2 speed %1 est 0 %4 sz @%3
If you are using a high speed modem, you may wish to add some hand shaking
options such as HA ON or HA Both immediately before the rz and sz commands.
You should consult the dsz documentation regarding these options.
6.5 Using External Strings -- Changing the look of your BBS and Some
Advice to Modders
With WWIV 4.22's string-externalization, some things are now possible
that were not possible previously: changing the look-and-feel of the board
can be done by simply editing data files rather than modifying and
recompiling; memory is freed up for more productive use; and multi-language
support is on the way (v4.23).
However, with the strings external now, some things become somewhat
more complicated, especially modifications. For instance, let's say you add
a modification that uses some strings. Where do you put those strings? If
you put them right after the "stock" strings, what happens if a later
version of WWIV uses those same string index numbers? You have
inadvertently shot yourself in the foot unless you renumber all the
following strings (a major hassle).
Because of this, it would be wise for modification writers to take some
precautions so as not to interfere with expansion of stock WWIV. There are
a couple of ways to do this. If the modification is basically a
self-contained unit, the strings it uses can be put into their own
completely separate string datafile. This also makes porting the
modification from version to version a very easy thing to do; thus the
creation of a separate string datafile for the mod is the recommended
If you must add the strings into WWIV's string datafiles, then I would
highly suggest adding at least several hundred blank "pad" strings first,
and then working your way backward, so that the index numbers do not later
collide with any in use (or potentially in use in the future). For example,
let's say WWIV uses strings 1-1200. You add a modification that uses 100
strings and for some reason you do not wish to put it in its own separate
datafile. You should >not< simply use strings 1201-1300 because WWIV may
itself use those numbers as it is improved and expanded. Instead, pad the
string datafile out to, say, 3000 strings and use strings 2901-3000,
leaving 1700 "dead" strings in between for WWIV to allocate in later
versions. Obviously this method will be more wasteful on disk space than
simply allocating a separate datafile.
In addition to these concerns, modification writers will also need to
be aware that it won't be difficult to really foul up the multi-lingual
support. As long as you are modifying for your own use, you only affect
yourself, but if you are "publishing" your mods on the various networks for
use by others, you should give some thought to how such things as multi-
language versions will be affected. However, because some people >do<
care about such support, it would be best if those who write modifications
wrote them so as to minimize causing problems for multi-lingual support.
The language each user sees is stored as a field in the userrec. A zero
value means English, and this will be all there is for 4.22. Later versions
will have other options available. Now let's say you add a modification.
Unless you know how to translate that modification to several different
languages, you should code your modification so that it will simply "hide
itself" from anyone not using your default language (assuming that the
modification uses strings other than symbols).
The following is sample code (that doesn't really exist), to
illustrate what a piece of code might look like before and after a
modification, insuring that problems for multi-language support are not
created up:
/* logon code */
You want to change it so that if the user's security level is 60 or higher
then it welcomes the user as a sysop:
/* logon code */
if ((thisuser.sl>=60) && (thisuser.language==0))
pl("Welcome Visiting Sysop!");
First it checks to see if their security level is 60 or greater (that's
what you wanted). But it also checks to see if their language is 0
(English). The sentence would be gibberish to anyone not speaking English
anyway. The string is still in the code this way (though it would not need
to be). However, if the string were externalized, then unless you created
multi-language versions of that string in each datafile, the string
wouldn't even >exist< in anything other than the English datafile, which
would cause problems.
This may sound complicated but it's not; generally all that is necessary is
the addition of an "if" statement to trap strings for a specific language
(or the addition of a trap to an existing "if" statement, as above). Follow
these guidelines and there will be no problems.
6.4 Table of Contents
Section Description Page
1.1 Introduction............................ 2
1.2 Top of Screen Data...................... 2
1.2A Caller's Status for Top Screen ....... 2
1.2B Abbreviations used in Caller TopScreen 3
1.3 System Status for Top Screen............ 3
1.4 Waiting-for-Call (WFC) Commands ........ 3
1.4A ? List WFC Commands .................. 3
1.4B Spacebar ............................. 3
1.4C Answer Phone ......................... 4
1.4D Boardedit ............................ 4
1.4E Chainedit ............................ 4
1.4F Diredit .............................. 4
1.4G Edit Text File ....................... 4
1.4H Dos Functions ........................ 4
1.4I Gfileedit ............................ 4
1.4J Init Votes ........................... 4
1.4K Log of the Day ....................... 5
1.4L Read All Mail ........................ 5
1.4M Net Log .............................. 5
1.4N Pending Files ........................ 5
1.4O Quit and Terminate BBS ............... 5
1.4P Read Your Mail ....................... 5
1.4Q Status Display ....................... 5
1.4R Terminal Program ..................... 5
1.4S Uedit ................................ 6
1.4T Yesterday's Log ...................... 6
1.4U Zlog ................................. 6
1.4V Force Callout ........................ 6
1.5 Main Menu Sysop Commands ............... 6
1.5A Log .................................. 6
1.5B Nlog ................................. 6
1.5C Ylog ................................. 6
1.5D Zlog ................................. 7
1.5E Uedit ................................ 7
1.5F Ivotes ............................... 7
1.5G Status ............................... 7
1.5H Voteprint ............................ 7
1.5I Tedit ................................ 7
1.6 Sysop Commands ......................... 7
1.7 Transfer Section Sysop Commands ........ 8
2.1 Boardedit .............................. 9
2.1A Name ................................. 9
2.1B Filename ............................. 9
2.1C Key .................................. 10
2.1D Read SL .............................. 10
2.1E Post SL .............................. 10
2.1F Anony ................................ 10
2.1G Min Age .............................. 10
2.1H Max Msgs ............................. 10
2.1I AR ................................... 11
2.1J Net Info ............................. 11
2.1K Storage Type ......................... 11
2.1L Val Network .......................... 11
2.1M Req. Ansi ............................ 12
2.1N Disable Tag .......................... 12
2.2 Diredit ................................ 12
2.2A Name ................................. 12
2.2B Filename ............................. 12
2.2C Path ................................. 13
2.2D DSL .................................. 13
2.2E Min Age .............................. 13
2.2F Max Files ............................ 13
2.2G DAR .................................. 13
2.2H Mask ................................. 13
2.2I Dir Type ............................. 13
2.2J Uploads .............................. 13
2.2K Arch. Only ........................... 13
2.3 Chainedit .............................. 14
2.3A Description .......................... 14
2.3B Filename ............................. 14
2.3C SL ................................... 15
2.3D AR ................................... 15
2.3E Ansi ................................. 15
2.3F Intercept DOS calls .................. 15
2.3G 300 Baud ............................. 15
2.3H Shrink ............................... 15
2.3I Disable Pause ........................ 16
COMMANDS ................. 16
3.1 Gfileedit............................... 16
3.1A Name ................................. 16
3.1B Filename ............................. 16
3.1C SL ................................... 17
3.1D Min Age .............................. 17
3.1E Max Files ............................ 17
3.1F AR ................................... 17
3.2 Gfile Commands in Gfile Section ........ 17
3.2A Add Gfiles ........................... 17
3.2B Remove Gfiles ........................ 17
3.3 Uedit .................................. 17
3.3A Toggling the Uedit Display ........... 17
3.3B [ and ] to move in Uedit ............. 18
3.3C { and } in Search Options ............ 18
3.3D Other Uedit Options .................. 18
3.3D1 Available User Restrictions ........ 18
3.3E Long Information on User ............. 19
3.4 Voting Initialization .................. 19
3.5 Sysop Text Editor ...................... 20
3.5A Internal Editor Options .............. 20
3.6 Mail & Message Base Sysop Functions .... 20
3.6A Co-Sysop (or Sysop) Options at Mail .. 20
3.6A1 Form Letters ....................... 20
3.6A2 Validating the Writer of Message.... 20
3.6A3 Zapping Mail ....................... 21
3.6B Co-Sysop (or Sysop) Options from Scan. 21
3.7 Extract a file ......................... 21
3.8 Function Key Assignments ............... 21
4.0 Dos Macros ................................ 23
5.0 Conclusion ................................ 24
6.0 APPENDICES ................................ 24
6.1 Optimizing HSLINK for WWIV v4.21........... 24
6.2 Using Search Options in Uedit.............. 29
6.3 Setting up WWIV for Multiple WWIV-based
Networks............................... 32
6.3 Table of Contents ....................... 26
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