Dialog Caption Base Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95
Frame Caption Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 Setup
Frame Bitmap "plus.dll, 102"
Check Modules ScanDskWDlgClass, ScanDisk for Windows, MSDefragWClass1, Disk Defragmenter, DoubleSpaceClass, DriveSpace, MSExtraPakWClass1, Compression Agent, SysAgentClass, System Agent, Internet Explorer_Frame, Internet Explorer
About Box String Microsoft« Plus! for Windows« 95\nCopyright⌐ 1995-96 Microsoft Corporation.
Usage String Usage: Please run Setup.exe to install Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95.
Help File Name acmsetup.hlp
Inf File Name plus.inf
Setup Version
Maximum Object ID 2700
MSAPPS Mode local
Admin Mode Root Object ID
Floppy Mode Root Object ID 11 : 1
Network Mode Root Object ID
Maintenance Mode Root Object ID 12 : 1
Batch Mode Root Object ID
Disable OODS Install Now Button
ObjID Bat Title Desc Obj_Type Obj_Data Bitmap Id Vital_Attr Shared_Att Config_Dir Dest_Dir Check_Dir Installed_By Install_Data
1 Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 AppSearch %P\PLUS!<%P\Plus!>,PLUS!.DLL,4.40,200,,yes,2
21 yes &Typical "Microsoft« Plus! for Windows« 95 will be installed with the most common options. " Group 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 2500 "plus.dll, 103" yes %11
22 no &Custom "Microsoft« Plus! for Windows« 95 will be installed with options you select. " CustomDlg 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 : 2500 "plus.dll, 104" yes %11
30 [ Custom Modules ]
31 yes "DriveSpace 3 " "Provides enhanced disk compression, including Compression Agent, for creating more hard disk space. " Group 100 no %1
32 yes "System Agent " "Runs system-maintenance tasks and other programs at regular scheduled times, or when your system is idle. " Group 200 yes %1
33 yes "Internet Jumpstart Kit " "Provides quick and easy access to The Microsoft Network, the Internet, and Internet Mail." Group 499 97 yes %1\MICROS~1<%1\Microsoft Internet>
34 yes "Desktop Themes " "Customizes your Windows« 95 desktop around a central theme. " OptionDlg 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 : 93 2000 2440 yes %1
35 yes "Dial-Up Networking Server" "Configures your computer so you can dial into it from another location. " Group 1900 96 no %M
36 yes "3D Pinball " "The classic arcade game with great graphics and sound. " Group 1950 yes %1\PINBALL<%1\Pinball>
37 yes "Visual Enhancements " "Unleashes the power of high-end systems to make Windows« 95 look even better. " OptionDlg 71 72 74 75 76 : 2440 2530 no %M
69 [ Custom Module Options ]
70 ******* Visual Enhancements *******
71 yes "Full-Window Drag " "Displays a window's contents while it's being moved or resized. " Group 2410 no %M
72 yes "Font Smoothing (high color)" "Smooths jagged screen fonts to improve their look and legibility. " Group 2419 no %M
74 yes "Enhanced MS-DOS Font" "More legible Lucida font for the MS-DOS Command Prompt window. " Group 2450 no %M
75 yes "Animated Pointers " "Additional animated mouse pointers. " Group 2460 no %W\CURSORS<%W\Cursors>
76 yes "High-Color Icons " "Replaces standard Windows 95 icons with high-color icons. " Group 2600 no %M
79 Video Resolution Check CustomAction """plus.dll"",""HighColorCheck"","""""
80 ******* Desktop Themes *******
81 yes "Dangerous Creatures (256 color) " "Watch out and listen for the wild animals; choose a hornet for your cursor! " Group 93 2140 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
82 yes "Inside Your Computer (high color)" "Discover the amazing, mysterious universe where your data goes. " Group 93 2290 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
83 yes "Leonardo da Vinci (256 color) " "Enrich your desktop, icons and pointers with the flair of the great master himself. " Group 93 2170 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
84 yes "Nature (high color) " "Ahh, the birds and the bees and the leaves and the caterpillars. They all come to life as you work! " Group 93 2320 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
85 yes "The Golden Era (high color) " "Work in that industrial, art-deco 'golden age of radio' atmosphere that is pure 40's and great fun! " Group 93 2200 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
86 yes "Mystery (high color) " "Col. Batwing did it in your computer's haunted library with the knife! " Group 93 2260 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
87 yes "Science (256 color) " "From the elemental atom to the vastness of the universe, your desktop becomes a fascinating laboratory! " Group 93 2110 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
88 yes "The 60's USA (256 color) " "Right on! Return with us now to that tie-dyed wonderworld of flower children. Peace. " Group 93 2080 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
89 yes "Sports (256 color) " "Get into the ultimate computing environment for sports fans! " Group 93 2230 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
90 yes "Travel (high color) " "Take the grand tour while you work. Go by train, plane or car to see and hear it all! " Group 93 2350 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
91 yes "Windows 95 (256 color) " "The desktop of the future -- where Windows 95 opens up a new world of possibilities, and makes computing more fun." Group 93 2050 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
92 yes "More Windows (high color) " "More Windows, Windows, Windows for your desktop. " Group 93 2380 no %34\THEMES<%34\Themes>
93 Restore the reg if deinstalling CustomAction """plus.dll"",""RestoreRegIcons"","""""
263 SAGE.DEF (pm no CA) CopyFile """SystemAgent"",""adf""" yes %32\SYSTEM<%32\System>
264 SAGE.DAT (pm no CA) CopyFile """SystemAgent"",""adt""" yes %32\SYSTEM<%32\System>
265 SAGE.DEF (am no CA) CopyFile """SystemAgent"",""cdf""" yes %32\SYSTEM<%32\System>
266 SAGE.DAT (am no CA) CopyFile """SystemAgent"",""cdt""" yes %32\SYSTEM<%32\System>
269 Pointer to SAGE.DAT AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent"",""ConfigPath"",""%s\SAGE.DAT""" yes %32\SYSTEM<%32\System>
270 *** Sage Awareness *** Group 271 291 321 351
271 *ScanDisk for Windows Group 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287
272 Sage Awareness CustomAction """plus.dll"",""BinReg"",""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Scandisk for Windows,Settings,01,1"""
273 Sage Awareness AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows"",""Program"",""SCANDSKW.EXE"""
274 Sage Awareness AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows"",""Friendly Name"",""ScanDisk for Windows"""
275 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""Success"",""1"""
276 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""0"",""No errors found"""
277 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""1"",""Errors found and all were fixed"""
278 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""249"",""One or more drives could not be checked"""
279 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""250"",""Drive could not be checked - could not load or find DSKMAINT.DLL"""
280 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""251"",""Drive could not be checked - insufficient memory"""
281 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""252"",""Errors were found and some were not fixed"""
282 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""254"",""Check was canceled"""
283 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\ScanDisk for Windows\Result Codes"",""255"",""Check was stopped because of an error"""
284 Set0 CustomAction """plus.dll"",""BinReg"",""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Scandisk for Windows\Set0,Settings,4195249,4"""
285 Set0 CustomAction """plus.dll"",""BinReg"",""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Scandisk for Windows\Set0,DrivesToCheck, 2147483648,4"""
286 Set1 CustomAction """plus.dll"",""BinReg"",""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Scandisk for Windows\Set1,Settings,4195233,4"""
287 Set1 CustomAction """plus.dll"",""BinReg"",""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Scandisk for Windows\Set1,DrivesToCheck, 2147483648,4"""
295 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""Success"",""0"""
296 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""0"",""Completed successfully"""
297 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""2"",""Unsuccessful; not enough free space"""
298 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""3"",""The process was interrupted before completing"""
300 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""5"",""Unsuccessful; error reading from drive"""
301 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""6"",""Unsuccessful; error writing to drive"""
302 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""9"",""Unsuccessful; not enough memory"""
303 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""10"",""Unsuccessful; the drive was invalid"""
304 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""15"",""Unsuccessful; disk was write-protected"""
305 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""26"",""Unsuccessful; could not access drive"""
306 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""105"",""Unsuccessful; drive was locked"""
307 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""106"",""Unsuccessful; could not access drive"""
308 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""108"",""Unsuccessful; could not access drive"""
309 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""109"",""Unsuccessful; 32-bit compression driver not installed"""
310 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Disk Defragmenter\Result Codes"",""249"",""One or more drives could not be defragmented"""
325 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""Success"",""1"""
326 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""0"",""Completed successfully"""
327 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""1"",""Some files could not be optimized, due to low disk space"""
328 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""2"",""Unsuccessful; not enough free space"""
329 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""3"",""The process was interrupted before completing"""
331 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""5"",""Unsuccessful; error reading from drive"""
332 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""6"",""Unsuccessful; error writing to drive"""
333 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""9"",""Unsuccessful; not enough memory"""
334 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""10"",""Unsuccessful; drive was invalid"""
335 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""11"",""Unsuccessful; no DriveSpace 3 drives found"""
336 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""15"",""Unsuccessful; disk was write-protected"""
337 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""26"",""Unsuccessful; could not access drive"""
338 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""105"",""Unsuccessful; drive was locked"""
339 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""106"",""Unsuccessful; could not access drive"""
340 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""108"",""Unsuccessful; could not access drive"""
341 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""109"",""Unsuccessful; 32-bit compression driver not installed"""
342 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Compression Agent\Result Codes"",""249"",""One or more drives could not be recompressed"""
351 *Low Disk Space Alarm Group 352 353 354 355 356
352 Sage Awareness CustomAction """plus.dll"",""BinReg"",""HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Low disk space notification,Settings,01,1"""
353 Sage Awareness AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Low disk space notification"",""Program"",""DISKALM.EXE"""
354 Sage Awareness AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Low disk space notification"",""Friendly Name"",""Low disk space notification"""
355 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Low disk space notification\Result Codes"",""Success"",""0"""
356 Result Codes AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Plus!\System Agent\SAGE\Low disk space notification\Result Codes"",""0"",""Completed successfully"""
398 Checks that there is not a newer DS3 CustomAction """plus.dll"",""DS3VerCheck"",""116""" no %M
400 ~~~ Disk Tools (common to Compression & SystemAgent) ~~~ DependAsk 398 ? 401 415 450 455
401 *** ScanDisk *** Group 402 403 404
402 DSKMAINT.DLL CopyFile """DiskTools"",""mnt""" no %M
403 SCANDISK.EXE CopyFile """DiskTools"",""sdd""" no %W\COMMAND<%W\Command>
404 SCANDSKW.EXE CopyFile """DiskTools"",""sdw""" no %W
415 *** Defrag *** Group 417 1905
416 Does DEFRAG.EXE exist? DetectOlderFile """defrag.exe""" no %W
417 Depend 416 ? 419 : 420 421 422 no %W
418 Is DEFRAG.EXE old? DetectOlderFile """defrag.exe"",""""" no %W
419 Depend 418 ? 420 421 422 no %W
420 GenInstall DEFRAG.EXE CustomAction """plus.dll"",""DTApplet"",""""" no %W
1526 AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CSLIP"",""DisplayName"",""SLIP and Scripting for Dial-Up Networking"""
1537 AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Authentication\SMM_Files\CSLIP"",""Desc"",""CSLIP: Unix Connection with IP Header Compression"""
2522 Stamp the Pid info StampCDInfo """2511"", ""106"", ""196"""
2523 PlusVersionOverride AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"",""Plus! VersionNumber"",""Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95"""
2613 Recycle Bin Empty . AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\DefaultIcon"",""empty"",""%s\cool.dll,20""" %M
2614 Recycle Bin Full . AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Classes\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\DefaultIcon"",""full"",""%s\cool.dll,21""" %M
2615 Control Panel . AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon"","""",""%s\cool.dll,12""" %M
2622 The Microsoft Network . AddRegData """HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"",""CLSID\{00028B00-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\DefaultIcon"","""",""%s\cool.dll,31""" %M
2663 Control Panel in StartMenu . AddRegData """HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"",""Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Icons"",""35"",""%s\cool.dll,12""" %M