The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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1. Running Sound Blaster 2.0 programs from floppy disk
Sound Blaster 2.0 software works on both hard disk and floppy disk.
Although a hard disk is recommended for installation, you may still
be able to run the programs from floppy disk, as most of the executable
files are not compressed. Only some of the data files on the
distribution diskettes are compressed to conserve disk space. You have
to expand the compressed files before you can use them. Run CLZX.COM to
decompress those files.
2. Package Contents
The following are files contained in the 5.25" diskettes :
Sound Blaster 2.0 Disk #1
INST-HD.EXE - Hard disk installation program
README.COM - Program to display the README.TXT file
README.TXT - This file
CLZX.COM - File decompression program
TEST-SBC.EXE - Sound Blaster 2.0 card test program
INST-DRV.EXE - Program to reinstall drivers settings
SET-ENV.EXE - To set the BLASTER environment variable in AUTOEXEC.BAT
SBFMDRV.COM - Resident driver for FM music
FMORGAN.BAT - Batch file to run FM Intelligent Organ
In the \FMORGAN directory :
FMORGAN.EXE - FM Intelligent Organ program
ORGAN.DRV - FM Intelligent Organ driver
*.ORG - Sample organ files
ORGAN.CLZ - Compressed file containing other organ files
In the \PLAYCMF directory :
PLAYCMF.EXE - CMF music file player
*.CMF - CMF music files
Sound Blaster 2.0 Disk #2
VOXKIT.BAT - Batch file to run VOXKIT
In the \VOXKIT directory :
CT-VOICE.DRV - Loadable driver for voice memory version
CTVDSK.DRV - Loadable driver for voice disk version
VOXKIT.EXE - Voice-kit program
JOINTVOC.EXE - Program to join voice files
VOC-HDR.EXE - Program to add a header to raw voice files
VREC.EXE - Program to record voice into a file
VPLAY.EXE - Program to play a voice file
VSR.EXE - Program to change sampling rate
FROGS.VOC - Sample voice file
TV4.VOC - Sample voice file
In the \TDEMO directory :
TDEMO.CLZ - Compressed file containing Tetra demo programs
Sound Blaster 2.0 Disk #3
PARROT.BAT - Batch file to run the Talking Parrot
In the \PARROT directory :
VOICE.DRV - Talking Parrot voice driver
PARROT.EXE - Talking Parrot program
MAKEPV.EXE - Program to make Talking Parrot voices
PARROTV.VCB - Talking Parrot voices
PARROT.E? - Talking Parrot EGA picture files
PARROT.C? - Talking Parrot CGA picture files
In the \WINDOWS directory :
SNDBLST.DLL - Sound Blaster Windows Dynamic-Link Library
SETUP.EXE - Sound Blaster Windows Setup program
JUKEBOX.EXE - Sound Blaster Windows MIDI file player
In the \MIDI directory :
MINUET1.MID - Sample MIDI file
MIDI.CLZ - Compressed file containing some other MIDI files
Sound Blaster 2.0 Disk #4
SBAITSO2.BAT - Batch file to run Dr. Sbaitso
SBTALK.BAT - Batch file to install SBTALKER into memory
REMOVE.BAT - Batch file to remove SBTALKER from memory
In the \SBTALKER directory :
BLASTER.DRV - Text-to-Speech driver
SBAITSO2.EXE - Dr. Sbaitso program
SBTALKER.EXE - Memory-resident program to load BLASTER.DRV
SBTALK.BAT - Batch file to install SBTALKER into memory
REMOVE.EXE - Program to remove SBTALKER from memory
READ.EXE - ASCII text reader program
SBTEST.TXT - Sample ASCII text file
SET-ECHO.EXE - Program to set the echo effect for SBTALKER
3. Tetra Demo program
The TETRA program that comes together with the Sound Blaster 2.0
software package is a demo version. To run this program, you need to
have at least an IBM PC/AT machine and an EGA graphics adaptor. The
interrupt setting is selectable between 2, 3 or 7. The DMA channel used
is channel 1.
The complete TETRA package is sold separately. Please contact us or
your nearest distributor for ordering information.
4. SOUND and BLASTER Environment variables
INST-HD.EXE automatically inserts the SOUND and BLASTER environment
settings into your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
5. Maximum sampling rates for packed voice files
Sound Blaster 2.0 implements some compression schemes for voice
files. These allow space-savings of 2, 3 or 4 times, depending on the
scheme used (2:1, 3:1 or 4:1 compression, respectively). This diversity
in compression schemes results in different maximum sampling rates for
each scheme. The valid sampling rates are as follows:
8-bit (uncompressed) 4 KHz - 44.1 KHz
2:1 compression 4 KHz - 12 KHz
3:1 compression 4 KHz - 13 KHz
4:1 compression 4 KHz - 11 KHz
As a result of these limits, you cannot pack voice files that have
sampling rates outside these bounds. Attempting to do so will cause the
VOXKIT program to generate a "file cannot be packed" error.
********* End of README *********