The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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/* */
/* BTREE.H */
/* */
/* Copyright Borland International 1991 */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
#if !defined( __BTREE_H )
#define __BTREE_H
#if !defined( __CHECKS_H )
#include <Checks.h>
#endif // __CHECKS_H
#if !defined( __SORTABLE_H )
#include <Sortable.h>
#endif // __SORTABLE_H
#if !defined( __COLLECT_H )
#include <Collect.h>
#endif // __COLLECT_H
class _CLASSTYPE Node
/*dbg*/int debugKey; // !*!*!*! not for distribution!
Node( int b, InnerNode _FAR * P, Btree _FAR * T = 0 );
virtual ~Node();
virtual void add( Sortable _FAR *, int ) = 0;
virtual void remove( int ) = 0;
virtual Object _FAR & operator[]( long i ) const = 0;
virtual Object _FAR & found( Sortable _FAR *,
Node _FAR * _FAR *,
int _FAR *
) = 0;
virtual long findRank( Sortable _FAR * ) const = 0;
virtual long nofKeys() const = 0; // # keys in or below this node
virtual LeafNode _FAR * firstLeafNode() = 0;
virtual LeafNode _FAR * lastLeafNode() = 0;
virtual void split() = 0;
virtual void printOn(ostream _FAR &) const = 0;
friend ostream _FAR & operator <<( ostream _FAR &, const Node _FAR & );
int last; // for inner node 1 <= last <= InnerMaxIndex
// for leaf node 1 <= last <= LeafMaxIndex
// (last==0 only temporarily while the tree is being
// updated)
InnerNode _FAR *parent; // a parent is always an inner node (or 0 for the root)
Btree _FAR *tree; // the tree of which this node is a part
int isLeaf; // run-time type flag
class _CLASSTYPE Item
Item(Node _FAR * n, Sortable _FAR * o);
Item(Sortable _FAR * o, Node _FAR * n);
// data
long nofKeysInTree; // tree can have more than 32K elements
Sortable _FAR *key;
Node _FAR *tree;
class _CLASSTYPE InnerNode : public Node
InnerNode( InnerNode _FAR *, Btree _FAR * = 0 );
InnerNode( InnerNode _FAR *, Btree _FAR *, Node _FAR * );
void add( Sortable _FAR *, int );
void add( Item _FAR &, int );
void add( int, Sortable _FAR *, Node _FAR * );
void addElt( Item _FAR &, int );
void addElt( int, Sortable _FAR *, Node _FAR * );
void remove( int );
void removeItem( int );
Object _FAR & operator[]( long i ) const;
Object _FAR & found( Sortable _FAR *, Node _FAR * _FAR *, int _FAR * );
long nofKeys( int i ) const;
void setTree( int i, Node _FAR * node );
void setKey( int i, Sortable _FAR * obj );
void setItem( int i, Item _FAR & itm );
void setItem( int i, Sortable _FAR * obj, Node _FAR * node );
long getNofKeys( int i ) const;
void setNofKeys( int i, long r );
long incNofKeys( int i, long N=1 );
long decNofKeys( int i, long N=1 );
long findRank( Sortable _FAR * ) const;
long findRank_bu( const Node _FAR * ) const;
Node _FAR *getTree( int i ) const;
Sortable _FAR *getKey( int i ) const;
Item _FAR & getItem( int i ) const;
int indexOf( const Node _FAR * ) const;
void incrNofKeys( Node _FAR * np );
void decrNofKeys( Node _FAR * np );
long nofKeys() const;
LeafNode _FAR *firstLeafNode();
LeafNode _FAR *lastLeafNode();
void informParent();
void split();
void splitWith( InnerNode _FAR *, int );
void mergeWithRight( InnerNode _FAR *, int );
void balanceWithLeft( InnerNode _FAR *, int );
void balanceWithRight( InnerNode _FAR *, int );
void balanceWith( InnerNode _FAR *, int );
void pushLeft( int cnt, InnerNode _FAR * leftsib, int parentIdx );
void pushRight( int cnt, InnerNode _FAR * rightsib, int parentIdx );
void appendFrom( InnerNode _FAR *, int, int );
void append( Sortable _FAR *, Node _FAR * );
void append( Item _FAR & );
void shiftLeft( int );
int Psize() const;
int Vsize() const;
int maxIndex() const;
int maxPsize() const;
void printOn(ostream&) const;
int isFull() const;
void isFull( Node _FAR * );
int isAlmostFull() const;
int isLow() const;
void isLow( Node _FAR * );
Item _FAR *item; // actually items[maxIndex()+1] is desired
class _CLASSTYPE LeafNode : public Node
LeafNode(InnerNode _FAR * P, Sortable _FAR * obj = 0, Btree _FAR * T = 0 );
void add( Sortable _FAR * , int );
void remove( int i );
void removeItem( int i);
Object _FAR & operator[]( long i ) const;
Object _FAR & found( Sortable _FAR *, Node _FAR * _FAR *, int _FAR * );
long nofKeys( int i ) const;
long nofKeys() const;
long findRank( Sortable _FAR * ) const;
Sortable _FAR *getKey( int idx ) { return item[idx]; }
void setKey( int idx, Sortable _FAR * obj ) { item[idx] = obj; }
int indexOf( const Sortable _FAR * ) const;
LeafNode _FAR *firstLeafNode();
LeafNode _FAR *lastLeafNode();
void split();
void splitWith( LeafNode _FAR *, int );
void mergeWithRight( LeafNode _FAR *, int );
void balanceWithLeft( LeafNode _FAR *, int );
void balanceWithRight( LeafNode _FAR *, int );
void balanceWith( LeafNode _FAR *, int );
void pushLeft( int cnt, LeafNode _FAR *, int parentIndex );
void pushRight( int cnt, LeafNode _FAR *, int parentIndex );
void appendFrom( LeafNode _FAR *, int, int );
void append( Sortable _FAR * );
void shiftLeft ( int );
int Psize() const;
int Vsize() const;
int maxIndex() const;
int maxPsize() const;
void printOn(ostream _FAR &) const;
int isFull() const;
int isAlmostFull() const;
int isLow() const;
Sortable _FAR * _FAR *item; // actually Sortable* item[maxIndex()+1] is desired
class _CLASSTYPE Btree : public Collection
Btree( int ordern = 3 );//-create a Btree of order n
void add( Object _FAR & );
void detach( Object _FAR &, DeleteType = NoDelete );
void flush( DeleteType = DefDelete );
virtual int hasMember( Object _FAR & ) const;
virtual Object _FAR & findMember( Object _FAR & ) const;
virtual int isEmpty() const { return itemsInContainer == 0; }
virtual countType getItemsInContainer() const { return itemsInContainer; }
virtual classType isA() const { return btreeClass; }
virtual char _FAR *nameOf() const { return "Btree"; }
virtual int isEqual( const Object _FAR & ) const;
virtual void printOn( ostream _FAR & ) const;
virtual ContainerIterator _FAR & initIterator() const;
int order();
Object _FAR & operator[]( long i ) const;
long rank( const Object _FAR & ) const;
void incrNofKeys() { itemsInContainer++; }
void decrNofKeys() { itemsInContainer--; }
long i_add( const Object _FAR & );
//-add the object to the tree; return the index
// in the tree at which the object was inserted
// (C++ doesn't allow signatures
// to differ in only the return value).
// NOTE: other insertions and deletions may
// change this object's index.
int Order; //-the order of the tree (should be > 2)
int Order2; //-always == order*2+1 (assumes a memory access
// is cheaper than a multiply and increment by one
int Inner_LowWaterMark;
int Leaf_LowWaterMark;
int Inner_MaxIndex;
int Leaf_MaxIndex;
Node _FAR *root;
void finishInit(int);
void rootIsFull(); // called when the root node is full
void rootIsEmpty(); // called when root is empty
unsigned itemsInContainer;
friend Node;
friend InnerNode;
friend LeafNode;
inline Node _FAR *InnerNode::getTree( int i ) const
return item[i].tree;
inline Sortable _FAR * InnerNode::getKey( int i ) const
return item[i].key;
inline Item _FAR & InnerNode::getItem( int i ) const
return item[i];
inline void InnerNode::setTree( int i, Node _FAR * node )
item[i].tree = node;
node->parent = this;
inline void InnerNode::setKey( int i, Sortable _FAR * obj )
item[i].key = obj;
inline void InnerNode::setItem( int i, Item _FAR & itm )
item[i] = itm;
itm.tree->parent = this;
inline void InnerNode::setItem( int i, Sortable _FAR * obj, Node _FAR * node )
setTree(i, node);
setKey(i, obj);
inline long InnerNode::getNofKeys( int i ) const
PRECONDITION( i >= 0 && i <= last );
return item[i].nofKeysInTree;
inline void InnerNode::setNofKeys( int i, long r )
item[i].nofKeysInTree = r;
inline long InnerNode::incNofKeys( int i, long N )
return ( item[i].nofKeysInTree += N );
inline long InnerNode::decNofKeys( int i, long N )
return ( item[i].nofKeysInTree -= N );
inline long InnerNode::nofKeys( int i ) const
return getNofKeys(i);
inline int InnerNode::Psize() const
return last;
inline int InnerNode::Vsize() const
PRECONDITION( parent != 0 && parent->getTree(0) != (Node _FAR *)this );
return Psize()+1;
inline int InnerNode::maxIndex() const
return tree->Inner_MaxIndex;
inline int InnerNode::maxPsize() const
return tree->Inner_MaxIndex;
inline int InnerNode::isFull() const
return last == maxIndex();
inline int InnerNode::isAlmostFull() const
return last >= maxIndex() - 1;
inline int InnerNode::isLow() const
return last < tree->Inner_LowWaterMark;
inline void LeafNode::removeItem( int i)
inline Object _FAR & LeafNode::operator[]( long i ) const
PRECONDITION( i >=0 && i <= last );
return *((Object _FAR *)item[(int)i]); // CHECK - cast to int OK?
inline int LeafNode::Psize() const
return last+1;
inline int LeafNode::Vsize() const
PRECONDITION( parent != 0 && parent->getTree(0) != (Node _FAR *)this );
return Psize()+1;
inline int LeafNode::maxIndex() const
return tree->Leaf_MaxIndex;
inline int LeafNode::maxPsize() const
return tree->Leaf_MaxIndex + 1;
inline int LeafNode::isFull() const
return last == maxIndex();
inline int LeafNode::isAlmostFull() const
return last >= maxIndex() - 1;
inline int LeafNode::isLow() const
return last < tree->Leaf_LowWaterMark;
inline int Btree::order()
return Order;
inline ostream _FAR & operator <<( ostream& outputStream, const Node _FAR & aNode)
aNode.printOn( outputStream );
return outputStream;
class _CLASSTYPE BtreeIterator : public ContainerIterator
BtreeIterator( const Btree _FAR & );
virtual ~BtreeIterator();
virtual operator int();
virtual Object _FAR & current();
virtual Object _FAR & operator ++();
virtual Object _FAR & operator ++( int );
virtual void restart();
const Btree _FAR & beingIterated;
long index;
inline BtreeIterator::BtreeIterator( const Btree _FAR & toIterate ) :
beingIterated( toIterate ), index( 0 )
inline Object _FAR & Btree::operator[]( long i ) const { return (*root)[i]; }