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- WWIV v4.12 ReadMe file
- Copyright (c) 1988 by Wayne Bell
- READ.ME file: This contains general comments on WWIV v4.12. If you have
- a question not addressed in the other documentation, read through this
- for more information (even if you've already read it).
- This file also describes registration procedures.
- Accompanying documentation:
- README.412 - Describes new features to WWIV v4.12 (from v4.11)
- WWIVINIT.DOC - Initialization/configuration documentation
- WWIVSYSP.DOC - Sysop documentation
- WWIVMODM.DOC - Documentation on setting up your modem
- WWIVUSER.DOC - User/Sysop documentation
- The accompanying documentation files are all written by William
- Daystrom. This READ.ME file is written by Wayne Bell.
- *************************************************************************
- If you have decided to use WWIV for your Bulletin Board System software,
- you must register it with the author. Registration is $50 per copy of
- WWIV being used. Registration is necessary if you have found WWIV to
- suit your needs and plan to keep using it.
- Unlike most BBS's, the source code to WWIV is available to registered
- users. WWIV is written in Turbo C (v1.5 or v2.0 or TC++), and is about
- 25,000 lines long.
- The source code is available to registered users ONLY, and may not be
- given out. Furthermore, modified versions of WWIV may NOT be
- distributed. The source code to the init.exe program is not available.
- The $50 registration must be in U.S. currency (check or money order) and
- payable to Wayne Bell. It should be sent to:
- Wayne Bell
- 904 Silver Spur Road #636
- Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
- Registering WWIV will get you a WWIV registration number, plus access to
- download the WWIV source code from my BBS (if you have an account
- there). Registered users of WWIV may also have the source code to WWIV
- sent to them on a floppy disk. The cost is $5 per disk. Thus, if you
- would like to register WWIV, and receive a copy of the current version
- of the source code on a disk, you would send $50 + $5 = $55.
- In a letter accompanying your registration, be sure to indicate:
- 1. The address where you would like any correspondences (or diskettes)
- mailed.
- 2. Exactly what you expect (ie, "I would like a copy of the source code
- sent to me on a disk", or that you have enclosed an additional $5 (=$60)
- for a copy of the next version on a disk).
- REMEMBER: WWIV, either source or compiled, takes up a whole 360k
- floppy. If you would like me to send you any combination of the source,
- compiled version, and networking software, each requires a separate
- 360k floppy (ie, $5 per item). However, if you have a 1.2 meg
- floppy drive, all of the above will fit. The cost per 1.2 meg
- floppy sent is still $5, and can contain the source, compiled ver,
- and networking programs. BE SURE to say you can read a 1.2 meg
- floppy if you can.
- *************************************************************************
- Setup and initialization instructions are described in the file
- 'WWIVINIT.DOC'. This will allow you to get your system up and running.
- If you are having problems with your modem (ie, not hanging up on users,
- not accepting callers correctly), read 'WWIVMODM.DOC'. After you have
- your system running, read 'WWIVSYSP.DOC' for information on sysop
- functions you may need in operating your BBS.
- In setting up WWIV v4, you should read through all the documentation
- before beginning. If, after you have read through the documentation,
- you are having problems understanding something, don't worry about it.
- Just go ahead and set up the BBS anyway. Most likely, along the way,
- you will be able to figure out what you were having problems with.
- If, after playing around with the BBS, and reading through the
- documentation for any clue (again), and asking anyone you might know for
- help, you can contact a WWIV Support BBS for help. There are a number of
- support systems located throughout the United States. The file,
- SUPPORT.LST, lists the current support bulletin boards. Sysops of those
- systems will help you solve whatever problems you are encountering, and
- will also acquaint you with WWIVnet, the network of WWIV bulletin boards
- which exchange email and messages across the country. See the file
- 'support.lst' for a list of WWIV support systems.
- If you have a problem which is of a nature that it cannot be handled by
- a support sysop, you can attempt to contact Wayne Bell, the author of
- WWIV. You have three avenues open to you:
- 1. If you call a WWIVnet bulletin board, you can send mail to him by
- addressing the email to 1@1.
- 2. Call his bulletin board to leave feedback. The number is
- 213-208-6689, and it supports 300/1200/2400 bps, 24 hours per day.
- 3. If either of those choices is prohibitive (financially or otherwise),
- you can send a letter to him.
- The address is:
- Wayne Bell
- 904 Silver Spur Road #636
- Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
- Sending mail to him in this manner is of course the slowest, for obvious
- reasons. Therefore, if you can possibly send mail through WWIVnet or
- call his BBS, do it. Wayne Bell does not give out his voice telephone
- number (and it is unlisted), so you won't be able to contact him voice
- by that route.
- Whether you write to Wayne or contact a WWIV support sysop, if you are
- having problems, there are some things you NEED to indicate. Just
- saying, "The BBS won't answer the phone" doesn't help anyone figure out
- what type of difficulty you may be having. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Most of
- the people asking for help don't give enough information to figure out
- what the problem is, and it takes a few emails back and forth to extract
- the necessary information.
- Be sure to indicate what type of computer you are using, and as much
- info about your modem as possible (if your problem deals with the
- modem). Make sure you indicate what exactly the system did wrong, and
- say what you expected it to do. If you can, tell what the system
- printed on the screen around the problem area.
- *************************************************************************
- Run the INIT program once, if you have a previous version of WWIV
- already installed. This will create a few new data files that are
- required.
- You will notice that this version of WWIV has an option for "WWIV
- Registration Number". This is a number given to all registered users of
- WWIV, indicating that they have registered. If you have registered WWIV
- before, but don't know your registration number, contact me through one
- of the channels listed above and ask me what your registration number
- is. You must be sure to tell me your full name and address, as well as
- the approximate date (month/year) that you registered WWIV.
- *************************************************************************
- Craig Arnush (1@6950) - bugged me enough so that I compiled WWIV with
- all the crazy optimizations on. Conceived of & wrote the "extended
- log". Went throgh some of the older source code in WWIV & optimized it a
- bit for speed & size (and yes, the BBS IS shorter now, due both to his
- optimizations and the compiler optimizations).
- Dash -Riprock - Wrote the quicksort routine which is now used to sort
- the file section. A bit faster. Also wrote the two-way chat routine.
- Doug Fields - various miscellanous things, like supporting logon.ans,
- the menu????.ANS. Also for finally figuring out how to type-cast
- functions so that there is no more warning when compiling utility.c.
- Eric Golden - wrote the new topscreen, set up the WWIV support BBS
- network, and bugged me about thousands of little things I needed to
- change.
- Joseph Rybaczek - Kept the WWIV Support Network going.
- And, finally...
- William Daystrom - for writing up some "real" documentation, as opposed
- to what I had before. If he hadn't decided to "just do it", then there
- still wouldn't be any decent documentation. I'd like to especially
- thank him for making some last-minute changes (at my request) while
- about to move. Which brings me to the last point, acknowledgements for
- the documentation (written by William Daystrom):
- I would like to thank Wayne Bell for creating and supporting WWIV, and
- for co-operating with this project, and Michael Coyne for writing a user
- help document which saved uncounted hours in User Guide preparation.
- The complete WWIV documentation, as released by White Star Software,
- is dedicated to Lora Ruffner. She provided encouragement and support
- at a time when I needed it most, and I can safely say that without her
- persistent inspiration and confidence in my abilities, you would still
- be reading the old docs; and so, the credit for the release of this
- documentation belongs as much to her as it does to me.