The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Text File
78 lines
From Maxis
Supplier: Some Anon Guy
Cracking: No protection found...
Graphics: VGA/EGA/Herc
Controls: Keyboard/Mouse
Sound: Big sound files, LOTS of SOUND!
Cracking/Game Notes: I played LOTS of time on this thing. I found no
protection, unlike USA I actually PLAYED this thing before I put it out..
Run the Install first!
Greets: INC - You missed this one!
USA - I bet you like my Br0derbund contact!
The Humble Guys are:
Candyman, Fabulous Furlough, NightWriter, The Slavelord, Lord Zombie,
Predator, JROK, Mace Mandella, Sauron, Plato, Eddie Haskel,
Fletcher Christian, The PieMaN, Mad Scientist
|The Humble Boards|
Members |The Slave Den (2 Nodes) (904) 331-1038 The Slavelord |
|Plato's Place (6 nodes) (618) 254-5263 Mr. Plato |
|SpamLand (3 nodes) (800) EAT-SPAM Eddie Haskel |
|The P.I.T.S. (5 Nodes) (718) THE-PITS The PieMaN |
|HMS Bounty (3 nodes) (714) 563-2206 Fletch |
Boards +----------------------------------------------------------------+
Dist. |Elusive Dream (2 Nodes) (317) 452-1257 The Toyman |
|The Ice Castle +47 PRI-VATE The Iceman |
Sites |Covert Society (206) 946-6666 The Lizard |
|The Toy Box (614) 436-9863 Totally Insane |
|Cloud Nine Elite (2 Nodes) (314) 537-5247 Nimbus |
|Big City Lights (217) 356-7763 The "Sky" Hook |
For an 8x10 glossy of your favorite Humble Guys member, send a self-addressed
The Humble Guys!
P.O.Box 24541
Nashville, TN 37202
Send us any letters thanking us for being so incredibly great!! We know
you guys worship the ground we walk above, but it's good for you guys
to tell us. All letters will be posted on the LSDnet (tm) arts and letters
section! Please send any computer hardware you don't need! We can use it!
Especially modems and hard drives!!
* Note * All Letter Bombs will be returned to sender.
Call The Humble Guys Voice Mail Box! 615-664-1952! Leave us a message!
* N O T E ! *
If you were a Member or Distribution site, and are interested in being again,
then Call the Pits, and log in.
Also, Call the Humble 900 number - 1-900-535-4200 ext. 780
NOTE! $2.00 per minute. Updated EVERY Monday Morning!!
Kiddies under 18 MUST have their parents Permission!