The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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TheZoftWare Programming System
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Version 1.08
Copyright (C) 1992-1993 By Manuel Godinez
All Rights Reserved By the author.
Release date: February 9, 1992
Documentation By Mark Phillips & Manuel Godinez
Master Index
Presentation............................................. 1
Distribution............................................. 1
Registration............................................. 2
What's QWKBasic ? ....................................... 3
Hardware Requirements ................................... 3
Word Processors ......................................... 4
The Packers & Unpackers ................................. 4
The Quick Start ......................................... 5
Configuration of QWKBasic.CFG ........................... 5
Using QWKBasic .......................................... 6
The QWK Main Menu ........................................7
The Selection Menu ...................................... 8
The Conference Menu ..................................... 9
Entering a New Message .................................. 9
The Reading Menu ....................................... 10
Replying ............................................... 11
Editing a Reply ........................................ 11
Taglines ............................................... 11
History ................................................ 12
Thanks to .............................................. 13
The author ............................................. 13
Misc ....................................................14
QWKBasic Page 1
Welcome to the new offline mail reader : QWKBasic !
Thank you for trying this program, hoping that you will like
it. As the name of the program says, this program was written
using the language QuickBASIC version 4.50, as you can see
it's small compared to other mail readers and the speed is
fast enough for the tales they say about using Basic
You may distribute the program in its ORIGINAL form and
not charge no more than $4 for shipping/other costs. This
program is being distribute as SHAREWARE, NOT freeware or
public domain. You may try it for 30 day trial basis, and
if you find that it's for you, please send the registration
form to the address provided in the same.
After the 30 - day trial, you have to discontinue using this
program. Do NOT take or add anything to the executable files
or ANY other file inside the archive that comes with this
This program is distribute 'AS IS', that means I am NOT
responsible for ANY damages that this program may do to your
computer, hard drive ,floppy, etc. I am not held responsible
for anything.
This program is Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by the U.S. laws and
you may not change the copyright in any way. If you have
registered this program, then you may NOT give, share, loan
the registered program to anybody but yourself.
You should ONLY make copies for backup purposes. Other than
that, you cannot give away copies of the registered program.
The latest version of QWKBasic will be at The Fuzzy Connection BBS
(414) 822-1121.
QWKBasic Page 2
* R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M *
QWKBasic Offline Mail Reader
Copyright (C) 1992-1993 By Manuel Godinez
All Rights are Reserved By the Author
Send Registration Fee and your Personal Info
TheZoftWare PS
Attn. Manuel Godinez [PX]
P.O. Box 8761
Green Bay, WI 54302-8761.
First Name: _________________ Last Name: ___________________
Address: _____________________________. Apt/Suite: _______.
City: _______________________ State: _____. Zip Code _____
Age: _____. Your Telephone Number: ( ) _____-________.
Where did you get this copy of QWKBasic? (Be Specific please)
Please Send me ____ Copy(ies) of QWKBasic of $18.95 each copy
via :
[ ] U.S. Mail $4.00 (U.S. Only)
Current Shareware Version you have is Ver. 1.08
A am sending the total Money Order/Check (U.S. Only) of $
_____.__ , that included Shipping & Handling Fees Payable to
*** NOTE: Make Money Order or Check payable to Manuel
QWKBasic Page 3
WHAT'S QWKBasic ???
Well, QWKBasic is a mail reader for .QWK mail packets created
by mail doors in BBS's (Bulletin Boards) such as Tomcat,
MarkMail, and many more that allow users of BBS's to download
mail from that BBS and read it and reply in the comfort of
your own home, without having to stay online to read each
messages in the BBS.
This is great for long distance callers because they can
download mail and log off, saving a lot of money by having to
stay online by reading message by message and replying.
That's why QWKBasic was created as many other mail reader,
but cheaper and does the same as some other readers, but
EASY & Fast.
* An IBM PC, XT, AT or 100% Compatible computer.
* At least 320 Kb of RAM memory. (512 Kb Recommendable)
* Color Monitor (Not necessary)
* A Text Editor (TED.COM is included if you don't have one)
* Hard Drive (Not necessary but Highly recommended)
As you can see, the requirements are minimum. Now let's go to
the next section of this manual.
QWKBasic Page 4
Since QWKBasic does not have a built in word processor (to
save size of .EXE and memory), you will have to supply
QWKBasic with one. You can choose from many shareware,
freeware, text editor programs or even commercial programs to
use with QWKBasic.
I have also included one in case you don't have one, it's
called TED, that stands for Tiny-EDitor. This small but
powerful text editor is only 3 Kb in size so it should be
great for you.
Well, since mail doors compress the .QWK packet in a
compression format, you will need one for each compression
format such as : ARC, ZIP, ARJ, LZH.
You can find this program in almost any public BBS or
The above formats are accepted by QWKBasic v1.06 +
The filenames QWKBasic expects to find in the path supplied
QWKBasic Page 5
First of all, please make a hard copy of this document.
First create a subdirectory to hold QWKbasic programs,
such as C:\QWK. QWKBASIC is a self extracting program so
before you run it make sure you are in the directory you
have just created.
NOTE: QWKbasic is small enough so it will work on floppy
disk. It is best with two floppy drives. Just put the
reader programs on one drive and the .QWK packets on
Now that you have your reader extracted its time to set
it up for your personal use. Run QWKSETUP.COM program so
it will create the .CFG file to work with your system.
The QWKBASIC.CFG file is only 8 lines long, here is the
C:\QWK\TAGLINES.MR ...(Tagline file)
C:\WORK\ .............(QWKbasic's work directory)
C:\COMPRESS\ .........(Where your unpacker is located)
C:\TELIX\DL\ .......(Path where your .QWK packets are)
C:\TELIX\UL\ ......(Path where the .REP files go)
C:\QWK\TED ......(Path/name of text editor)
C:\QWK\REPLY.MSG ..(Path/name of Dummy File for replies)
0 ...............(Quoted Reply Mode)
Note the 'zero'(0) at the end of the config file this
will supply a > when it quotes the message. If you put a
'one(1) there it will Box the quote. The Box will cut the
reply text to 72 characters per line, so the > will too.
This is all it takes to make QWKbasic run.
NOTE: The REPLY.MSG can be any valid DOS name, but the
above is recommended.
QWKBasic Page 6
Ok, now that you have configured your .CFG file and created
the valid subdirectories etc. Let's now go and start the
program making sure first that we are in the Main path (Where
the .EXE files are).
Just to give you an idea, here are the files that should be
in the main directory of QWKBasic :
* QWKBASIC.EXE The Main Program
* QWKBASIC.CFG The configuration file
That's it !!! And make sure all paths are correct in the
.CFG file or the program will not work properly.
Ok, now from the DOS prompt type
follow by the [ENTER] key or [RETURN] in some keyboards.
Now you are in the Main Menu or should we say the QWK Main
Ok, now let's go to the next step.
QWKBasic Page 7
Ok, here you can select the .QWK packet you want to read, by
using the up and down arrow keys to highlight the name of
the packet and pressing [ENTER]. After that, the program will
shell to DOS and load the UnPackers program and dump all the
files inside to the QWKBasic working directory.
There are a few other keys available here in this first
section that I will explain briefly next :
Key Description
[Alt] + [C] This two keys will Display a Pop-Up Calander.
[Alt] + [S] This two keys will Shell to DOS.
[Alt] + [D] Delete the current highlighted .QWK packet.
[Esc] Quit to DOS.
This is it for this section, one more thing, QWKBasic will
Unpack any reply packet .REP if there is any with the same
name as the packet you pick to Unpack and after you are done
reading, it will update the .REP packet.
QWKBasic Page 8
Here you can select to read:
MAIL This option allows you to read the mail.
NEWS This other option allows you to read the news
from the BBS.
FILES Displays the new files available in the BBS
BLT-?? If any, this are the bulletins from the BBS.
To select any, just move the highlighted bar to select one
and press [ENTER].
If you wish to cancel this packet and go and select another
.QWK packet, just press [Esc] key.
QWKBasic Page 9
After you have seen (if any) the HELLO or screen, the next
screen you will see is the Conference Menu in a vertical
Here the menu will display all the conferences available in
your BBS along with the REPLY conference and the PERSONAL
This two above are very different from the rest of them, the
REPLY conference is where all replies are kept for editing or
deleting or review. I will explain this later.
The PERSONAL conference is where all the mail address to you
is. This conference gathers all your personal mail from other
conferences and puts them here for easy retrieval, you can
reply here but make sure you know the conference number when
replying by looking in the upper-right-corner of the Reading
menu and look for the number of this conference.
From this section you can enter a new message in any
conference EXCEPT the REPLY/PERSONAL conference, by using the
arrow keys to move the highlighted bar and selecting the
conference which to put the new message.
After this press [ENTER] and you will be asked to confirm if
you want to enter a new message in there.
NOTE: This procedure will occur ONLY if there is NO mail
inside that conference. If there IS mail in that
conference, then you will need to go to that conference
and then, when reading mail from that conference, just
press [R] like if you were replying to that message but
you CHANGE the destination to your choice.
QWKBasic Page 10
Well, here we are now, in the Main Reading Menu.
Date: 01-31-92 Time: 13:43
From: MARK SILVE Msgs: 455 Read: NO
To: JOHN DENAR Refe: NONE Message 1 of 1
Subj: Net Mail Flag: Public Conference : 0 Gen
┌───────────────────[ ■ QWKBasic 1.06 ■ ]──────────────────┐
│> │
│>So what do you think ? │
│> Later... │
│> John │
│ │
│Make that 4 for IDO. │
│■ QWKBasic 1.06 ■ Control is being able to hit │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
BBS: Bass Ace's Green Bay, WI Time 12:00 pm
This is the Reading Menu, it simple to understand. From here
you can press any of this keys:
Keys Description
[Alt] + [C] Displays a Calander
[PgDn] [PgUp] This keys will allow you to scroll Text 10
[Up] [Dn] This keys will scroll text up/down
[Left] [Right] This will scroll text left/right.
[Ins] use the Index menu.
[R] Reply to a message (or enter a new message)
[A] Display the current message in ANSI.
[+] or [ENTER] Go to the Next message.
[-] Go back to the last message.
QWKBasic Page 11
After you Select [R] , a small menu will appear asking you
the name to who you'll send the letter, press [ENTER] to keep
the current name or press [Del] until the current name is
erase completely and insert the new name to whom you will
send the letter follow by the [ENTER] key.
Next, do the same with the subject, if you want to keep the
same subject just press [ENTER], if not change it.
Next, if you want to make the message private or public, just
type YES or NO or if you don't want to make any changes, just
press [ENTER].
Last is the conference number. A Pop-Up Menu will appear
asking you to highlight with the bar, the conference you
want, to put the message in the same conference number, just
look at the upper-right-corner for the conference number and
select it with the arrow keys in the Pop-Up menu.
Now it will ask you if you want to continue, select YES or NO
with the arrow keys follow by the [ENTER] key.
Now select the Tagline. Press [Esc] if no tagline.
To edit a reply go first to the conference Menu and select
the REPLY Conference.
Select the message to edit by using the [+] or [-] keys.
Then press [E] for edit. Follow the same rules for replying a
You may also Delete a reply by pressing [Del] key.
You may steal taglines while reading messages that have the
following trademarks by pressing [T] key :
■ QWKBasic ■ Steal taglines from QWKBasic Logo
■ SLMR ■ Steal Taglines from Silly Little Mail Reader
■ OLX ■ Steal taglines from OLX.
QWKBasic Page 12
Version 1.00
This version wasn't release to the public.
Very simple version with not many options.
Version 1.02 This version with some features and some bugs
fixed in the conference menu.
Version 1.06 ß Major changes and additions. Some bugs fixed
in the QWK menu and Reading Menu.
Version 1.06 Original Version -ShareWare- This was sended
via SDS distribution files. The Documentation
was ok but some subjects missing.
Version 1.08 This Version. Better Documentation and the
addition of a sharware screen. Same as Ver 1.06
QWKBasic Page 13
Thanks to Mark Phillips for helping me fix bugs and some VERY
valuable suggestions for this new reader. Without him
couldn't done nothing. Thanks for the docs Mark too !!!!
Also will like to thank Mark Goodwin, Mark May, Mike Nelson,
Jim Brewer too any so many people who helped me develop this
type of reader.
The reader was created using QuickBASIC 4.50 and it works
VERY fast by reading messages. So far I haven't been able to
calculate the number of messages it can read. The maximum
have been 300 messages PER CONFERENCE so I think it Should
read more than that, unlike other readers that have the
barrier of # of messages that can handle, QWKBasic can read a
few more.
Me <grin>, you can contact me for ANY questions concerning
the QWKBasic Reader by sending me mail via:
FIDONET 1:139/630.23
COMPUSERVE 72470,330
U.S. MAIL TheZoftWare PS
Attn. Manuel Godinez
P.O. Box 8761
Green Bay, WI 54302-8761.
Or the QuickBASIC echo in the Fidonet area.
QWKBasic Page 14
Please remit any suggestions, comments or questions to the
above address. Anything will be greatly appreciate it !
About the docs, I will try to improve them as the next
version comes public. Thanks for your understanding !
Manuel Godinez