The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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Raster Master V3.6
(c) Copyright 1991-93 by Blueview Software.
All Rights Reserved.
Raster Master is a powerful sprite/icon editor that allows programmers to
create and edit small images. Raster Master can edit images from 1x1 pixels
up to 100x100 pixels. Images can be saved in standard PCX format or as source
code. Raster Master was designed to work in conjunction with other toolkits
and graphic libraries. This includes Fastgraph and TEGL Windows Toolkit as
well as the standard graphic libraries for Turbo C, QuickC, Turbo Pascal, and
QuickBasic. Additional BMP and ICO formats are supported for Windows 3
VGA Card, SVGA optional for the 256 color mode
DOS 3.0 or higher
Customer Service...
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions,
Blueview Software can be contacted by several ways.
BBS - Baudeville BBS (416) 283-0114
- Leave message to NICK ONOUFRIOU in the main conference.
and ILINK. Leave message to NICK ONOUFRIOU.
Internet: nick.onoufriou@bville.gts.org
Fido net-mail: 1:250/304
Surface Mail - Blueview Software
2300 Lawrence Ave. East BOX 80551
Scarborough, Ontario
NOTE: All mail _will_ be answered. If you do not receive a reply
within a few days please try again, mail does get lost.
Using the editor...
OPEN/SAVE: Click in the FILENAME area and type in the name.
Any FILE in the FILE LISTING can be selected by simply pointing to it.
DIRECTORIES can be accessed in one of two ways. Either by changing the contents
of the DIRECTORY area or pointing to the actual directory in the listing.
CHANGING THE OPEN FORMAT: Press the RIGHT mouse button over the OPEN gadget.
CHANGING THE SAVE FORMAT: Press the RIGHT mouse button over the SAVE gadget.
Use the up and down gadgets to select the new format.
CLR Clears the screen.
UNDO Deletes last step taken.
GRID Toggles the grid ON/OFF.
SIZE Allows you to select the size of the zoom area. 25x25, 50x50,
100x100 pixels are supported. The scrollers can be used to move to
different areas of the image when in the 25x25 or 50x50 zoom mode.
VIEW Previews drawing in one of the listed resolutions.
MODE Toggles between 16 and 256 color mode. Note: ONLY registered users
will be given the opportunity to save their images in the 256 color
EXIT Exits Raster Master.
CLIP Switches to clip mode allowing you perform the following functions.
OPEN/SAVE: Works the same way as the OPEN/SAVE described above. When
OPENing/Saving, only the clipped area will be affected.
HFLIP/VFLIP: Horizontally/vertically flips the clipped image.
LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN: Scrolls the clipped image in the appropriate
EXIT: Returns to the main menu.
Drawing tools...
FREEHAND DRAWING Move the pointer inside the zoom area and click to plot
a pixel.
SPRAY PAINT Randomly plot pixels until release of mouse button.
FLOOD PAINT Fills an enclosed area with the current color.
ALL remaining tools work by selecting the starting point, dragging the
mouse, then releasing the mouse button.
Selecting colors...
Simply select the color of your choice. In the 256 color mode you can scroll
through the remaining colors by pressing on the up or down gadgets.
Pallete editing...
Press the PAL gadget, select a color, use the RGB scrollers and gadgets to
modify the color.
Adding graphics to your programs...
One of the great features of Raster Master is its ability create images
compatible with the standard graphic libraries included with Turbo C,
QuickC, Turbo Pascal, and QuickBASIC. Raster Master also supports additional
libraries like Fastgraph and TEGL Windows Toolkit. Source code can be
generated for images, palettes, and mouse pointers.
1. RM RAW - Raster Master's RAW format.
2. Palette - Binary format containing RBG values.
3. Palette (C) - Source code in C for the palette.
4. Palette (PAS) - Source code in Pascal for the palette.
5. Palette (BAS) - Source code in BASIC for the palette.
6. TP/TC (Binary) - Turbo C/Pascal binary image format to be displayed
with the putimage function.
see Demo1.c for Turbo C
see Demo1.pas for Turbo Pascal
For 256 color images you must use the supplied
SVGA256.bgi driver.
7. TP Constants - Turbo Pascal source code for format 6
see Demo2.pas
8. TC Constants - Turbo C source code for format 6
see Demo2.c
9. QC/QB (Binary) - QuickC/BASIC binary image format to be displayed with
_putimage (QC) or PUT (QB).
See Demo3.c for QuickC
See Demo1.bas for QuickBASIC
10. QC Constants - QuickC source code for format 9
see Demo4.c
11. BASIC DATA - QuickBASIC source code for format 9
see Demo2.bas
12. TEGL DEF - TEGL Windows Toolkit text based HEX format
Refer to manual and TEGL code for DEF.
13. PPR Fastgraph - Fastgraph Packed Pixel Run format. 16 colors or less.
14. SPR Fastgraph - Fastgraph Single Pixel Run format. max 256 colors.
15. FG PPR (C) - C code for format 13
16. FG SPR (C) - C code for format 14
17. FG PPR (PAS) - Pascal code for format 13
18. FG SPR (PAS) - Pascal code for format 14
19. FG PPR (BAS) - Basic code for format 13
20. FG SPR (BAS) - Basic code for format 14
Refer to the Fastgraph user and reference manuals.
Use the included program xinfo.exe to obtain the run
count and width from Raster Master created SPR and
PPR files.
21. Mouse (C) - C code for mouse image.
22. Mouse (PAS) - Pascal code for mouse image.
23. Mouse (BAS) - Basic code for mouse image
When saving in this format only the first 16X16 pixels
from the left top corner will be saved. If the image
is clipped only the first 16X16 pixels starting from
the top left corner of the clipped image will be
The colors black, white, and dark blue are used to
build the mouse image. Dark blue will be considered
transparent. Any other color is used to indicate that
the screen pixel under the mouse image will be
Raster Master supports its own format for saving and retrieving files. The
format is broken up into three main parts. The header, palette, and image
--- HEADER ---
1 , 2 - Width of Image
3 , 4 - Height of Image
5 , 6 - Number of Colors - if 0 image does not contain a palette
--- PALETTE ---
7 , 8 , 9 - Red, Green, Blue values of the first color. The values will range
from 0 to 63. Each additional three bytes indicate the values of
the next color. For an image that contains 16 colors the PALETTE
size will be 48 bytes (3*16).
--- IMAGE ---
What ever follows after the palette is the actual image. The first byte
following the palette will be the first pixel starting from the left top corner.
The remaining pixels follow row by row. Each pixel takes exactly one byte no
matter how many colors there are in the image.
The api...
Raster Master also supports additional formats with its tiny API system.
Raster Master does this by allowing the programmer to write a conversion program
that will be executed automatically when the format is selected. When selecting
the change format option (RIGHT mouse over OPEN or SAVE) Raster Master will look
for a file called RM.FIL. This is a standard TEXT file that will contain the
parameters of your conversion program. Lets say you want to write a conversion
program that will save your image as a GIF file. The first line of RM.FIL should
| | | | |_________________ Format Description
| | | |
| | | |___________________ Read/Write
| | |
| | |_____________________ Format Number
| |
| |________________________ Format Extension
|__________________________________ Filename
FILENAME of conversion program must 12 characters or less.
FORMAT EXTENSION must be 3 characters or less
FORMAT NUMBER must be 3 character or less
FORMAT TYPE must 1 character. Either 'W' OR 'R'. The W indicates that the listed
format will only appear in the 'Save format menu.' The R indicates that it will
appear in the 'open format menu.'
FORMAT DESCRIPTION must be 20 characters or less
The FORMAT EXTENSION is required by the file requester to list the appropriate
The FORMAT number is what will be passed to your conversion program in the
command line parameters. One conversion program can have more than one input
and/or output format(s).
The conversion program will be executed by Raster Master in the following manner
when a file is being saved:
Once your conversion takes over there will be a file called RM$$.RAW in the
current directory that it must convert to the specified format and name.
The RM$$.RAW file is saved just like the previously described RAW format. The
RM$$.RAW file will be deleted by Raster Master automatically after your
conversion program is through with it.
If your going to write a conversion program that reads an image into Raster
Master you must create the RM$$.RAW file from your original format. Raster
Master passes the following parameters when executing a conversion program for
reading an image.
The additional information indicates the co-ordinates that the image will be
displayed in. If the <PAL> value is 1 it means that you may include a palette in
the RM$$.RAW file. If 0 it means that a palette is not required and will not be
Your conversion program should not display any kind of messages.
Registeres users...
The format of the key file has been changed from versions prior to 3.0. You
can upgrade your key by sending a filled registration form along with $8.
Include the word upgrade in the comments/suggestion area. This was a necessary
change in order to accommodate the new format Raster Master is released under.
BBS users may call Baudeville BBS and leave a private message to
'NICK ONOUFRIOU' with your name/address and invoice number. When you call back
24 hours later there will be a new key file waiting for you, no other calls will
be necessary.
The key file should be placed in the same directory as your RM.EXE file.
Raster Master is NOT free software. If you use this program you must pay for
it. Registration entitles you to a key file that removes the nag screens and
enables the 256 color "save option." For a limited time you will also
receive BONUS programs when you register! See BONUS.TXT for more information.
Raster Master is updated constantly with new features being added all the time.
Fill out ORDER.TXT or VISAORDR.TXT to register.