The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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296 lines
`@C`4entral `@P`4ark
`9You find yerself sitting on the grass ... thinking bout yer next move...
`@S`4 - Street Fights `@E`4 - Evil Stuff To Do
`@C`4 - Cop Fights `@B`4 - Bank...Money...and Stuff
`@P`4 - Player Fights `@H`4 - Healing
`@F`4 - Food `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@D`4 - Drugs `@W`4 - Who's Online
`@A`4 - Arm Yerself `@L`4 - List Players
`@G`4 - Get Laid `@R`4 - Rest Somewhere
`@U`4 - Use Atomic Bomb `@N`4 - Newz
`@M`4 - Mail `@O`4 - Other Stuff
`@I`4 - Change Yer Info `0!`2 - Instructions
`%X`4 - Help Level Toggle `0K`2 - Kill Yerself (Start over)
`0Q`2 - Quit to BBS
`@E`4vil `@S`4tuff
`9So you wanna do some damage ....
`@S`4 - Steal From Beggars `@D`4 - Destroy a Car
`@B`4 - Burn a School Down `@R`4 - Break a Window
`@P`4 - Poison Water `@W`4 - World Trade Center Bombing
`@Q`4 - Return to Central Park
`@B`4ank ...`@M`4oney ...`@A`4nd `@S`4tuff ...
`9Money...Yeah...Gotta get some...
`@D`4 - Deposit In Bank `@G`4 - Go Steal Some Money
`@W`4 - Widthraw From Bank `@S`4 - Send Money To Others
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`9You enter a hospital... that smell is familiar... horrible memories ...
`@H`4 - Heal Wounds `@C`4 - Cure STD's
`@D`4 - Drug Rehab `@Y`4 - Yer Stats
`@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`9Well you gotta eat sometime ...
`@G`4 - Go Eat Out `@S`4 - Steal Some Food
`@E`4 - Eat From Dumpster `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`9You enter the drug strip... This is heaven you say to yerself...
`@B`4 - Buy Drugs `@U`4 - Use Some Drugs
`@S`4 - Sell Drugs `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@C`4 - Change Yer Drug `@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`@A`4rm `@Y`4erself
`9You call up a friend of yours ... he deals illegal guns ...
`@B`4 - Buy Some Weapon `@S`4 - Sell Your Weapon
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@L`4 - List Prices
`@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`@G`4et `@L`4aid
`9Looking to score? ...
`@G`4 - Get Laid `@S`4 - Score Other Players
`@B`4 - Buy Some Condoms `@M`4 - Masturbate
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`9Ahhh post office ...
`@S`4 - Send Mail `@R`4 - Read Yer Mail
`@A`4 - Anounce Something `@O`4 - Online Message
`@C`4 - Colors Info `@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`@R`4est `@S`4omewhere
`9So u wanna go to sleep and come back tomorrow ...
`@C`4 - Cheap Motel... `@R`4 - Regular Hotel
`@E`4 - Expensive Hotel `@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`2By `0Franz
`4Version `@`v `%`w
`1Copyright 1995, George Lebl
`@E`4 - Enter The Streets
`@L`4 - List Players
`@Y`4 - Your Stats
`@N`4 - Newz
`@Q`4 - Quit I Don't Wanna Die
`9So you wanna beat someone up ....
`@K`4 - Fight a Player `@H`4 - Heal Wounds
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@T`4 - Take a Drug
`@L`4 - List Consious Players `@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`9So you wanna beat up some cops ....
`@L`4 - Look For Some Cop `@H`4 - Heal Wounds
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@T`4 - Take a Drug
`@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`9So you wanna beat up somebody ....
`@L`4 - Look For Enemies `@H`4 - Heal Wounds
`@Y`4 - Your Stats `@T`4 - Take a Drug
`@Q`4 - Return To Central Park
`0O`2nline `0P`2layer `0L`2isting `0F`2or `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`!Rank: Lvl: Name: Points: S: T:
`%T`3h`9e `%N`3e`9w `%Y`3o`9rk `%T`3i`9mes
`0P`2layer `0L`2isting `0F`2or `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`!Rank: Lvl: Name: Points: S: T:
`0C`2onsious `0P`2layer `0L`2isting `0F`2or `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`!Rank: Lvl: Name: Points: S: T:
`@[A] `4- `@A`4ttack
`@[T] `4- `@T`4ake `@D`4rug `@A`4nd `@A`4ttack
`@[G] `4- `@G`4et `@O`4utta `@H`4ere
`@[Y] `4- `@Y`4er `@S`4tats
`7Of course blowing up New York with an A-Bomb did wonders to your body ...
basically what I'm saying is, you DIED... but you completed yer mission ...
just think of all the people that died with you ...
`@W`4ell the maintanace is running on some other node so please come back
later, or if it is a one node bbs or the sysop's running the maintanance in
the nightly batch file then he should delete the MAINT.RUN flag file....
`%A`2. (price `0 70`2) `0P`2epper `0S`2pray
`%B`2. (price `0 1,500`2) `0K`2nife
`%C`2. (price `0 7,000`2) `0C`2hain
`%D`2. (price `0 30,000`2) `0G`2un
`%E`2. (price `0 130,000`2) `0R`2ifle
`%F`2. (price `0 500,000`2) `0L`2aser `0G`2un
`%G`2. (price `0 2,000,000`2) `0S`2hotgun
`%H`2. (price `0 8,000,000`2) `0M`2achine `0G`2un
`%I`2. (price `0 30,000,000`2) `0G`2ranade `0L`2auncher
`%J`2. (price `0130,000,000`2) `0B`2laster
`%K`2. (price `0500,000,000`2) `0A`2tomic `0B`2omb
`@W`4hich one ya wanna attack:
`%0`4. `0Museum Nightguard
`%1`4. `0School Security Guy
`%2`4. `0Old Sergant
`%3`4. `0Regular Street Cop
`%4`4. `0Motocycle Cop
`%5`4. `0Detective
`%6`4. `0Gang Unit Member
`%7`4. `0Special Assigment Member
`%8`4. `0Anti Terrorist Unit Guy
`%9`4. `0SuperCop
`@W`4elcome `@T`4o `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `@2008
`0T`2his game is quite self explanatory... `0T`2hough here is yer mission...
`0Y`2ou are the child of terrorism, your grandfathers could only dream of what you
rare about to do ...`0B`2low up `@N`4ew `@Y`4ork `2...
`0F`2or this you will need an `0ATOMIC BOMB`2...
`@H`4ere are a few game tips: (read the instructions anywayz!)
`@I`4f you get drug addiction of an addictive drug to 100% you die and heffta start
over. `@S`4ame with hunger and sexual deseases ... so watch those percentages.
`@A`4lso read instructions on the efects of drugs ... `@O`4ne more tip, if you
don't have sex fer a while, your attack force goes down. `@K`4eep it in mind!
`@C`4olors can be used in messages and in the stuff you say or namez!
`@W`4hat are you....
`01`2. `0H`2eadbanger
`02`2. `0H`2ippie
`03`2. `0B`2ig `0F`2at `0D`2ude
`04`2. `0C`2rack `0A`2ddict
`05`2. `0P`2unk
`@O`4ther `@S`4tuff
`9You go and look for something less boring ...
`@I`4nput yer new name: (`@ENTER`4=abort)
`@W`4hat do you say when you win:
`@W`4hat do you say when you get yer ass kicked:
`@T`4en `@B`4est ... `@W`4inners
`!Rank: Name: Points:
`%BUSTED!!!! ...
Why don't you try again tomorrow ...
Ya lost 2% of yer points!
`%You were beaten ... oh well that happens
Come back tomorrow to get revenge ...
You lost all the money on ya ...
And 2% of yer points
`%You were beaten ... oh well that happens
Come back tomorrow to get revenge ...
Ya lost 8% of yer points
`@Y`4a `%LOST`4!!!!
`@C`4ome back tomorrow to get revenge
`@8%`4 of yer points lost
`@S`4o ya'd like to use colors, huh?
`@W`4ell its easy. `@T`4hey can be used in mail and the stuff you say.
`@Y`4ou simply type the `%`` `4character and one of the following:
``$Colors ``0RULE
Would look like:
`$Colors `0RULE
`@N`4OTE: `@S`4ame as in `@LORD
`01`2. `0P`2ot
`02`2. `0H`2ash
`03`2. `0L`2SD
`04`2. `0C`2oke
`05`2. `0P`2CP
`06`2. `0H`2eroin