The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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`#New York 2008 Instructions:
`@First of ... what is the goal of this game. The goal is to blow up New York
`@with an atomic bomb ... don't ask me why ... it's just that yer the player
`@and you have a sick mind ... I guess. Now to do that you have to go through
`@21 levels and fight in street fights, fight off cops, and generally speaking
`@be evil. That's how you get points.
`@This is yer starting point to everything. Here you usually hang out if you
`@have nothing to do.
`!Street Fights`@ - Go out into streets and look for trouble, kick peoples ass
`@ ... this is the best way to gain points.
`!Cop Fights`@ - Very similiar, though there are only 10 levels of cops, and
`@ they are random generated, if you get tired of the same old street dudes.
`@ They can be easy and they can be very hard to kill.
`!Player Fights`@ - Kick some other player ass. Do I need to say more ...
`!Food`@ - Get something to eat instead of starving to death.
`!Drugs`@ - YES! Buy and use drugs .... drugs can be helpful in many ways.
`@ They can also kill ya if you take too much.
`!Arm Yerself`@ - Buy Weapons to better kick ass .... buy a better Weapon every
`@ time you can or you're gonna loose.
`!Get Laid`@ - Of course .... here goes the good part ... you have to have sex
`@ or your fighting power goes down ... simple enough .... once a day is enough
`@ to keep you in top shape but can you get laid every day ... ?
`!Use Atomic Bomb`@ - If you got one ... use it and win the game ...
`!Mail`@ - Send mail and stuff ... remember sex with other players is sent through
`@ mail. You can use the Get Laid menu for that too ...
`!Instructions`@ - Now ... what could be that ... I think I forgot ... duh ...
`!Evil Stuff To Do`@ - Just what it says ... make some damage ... of course you
`@ can get busted but it's worth the fun and extra points.
`!Bank ... Money ... And Stuff`@ - Well this is where you put money in the bank
`@ so you can keep em even if you loose. also try robbing the bank if yer
`@ level 1 or over.
`!Healing`@ - Heal yerself .... everything from healing wounds ... to drug rehab
`@ to curing STDs ... costs money though.
`!Your Stats`@ - Now let me think what this could be ...
`!Who's Online`@ - This shows ... well ... who's online ...
`!List Players`@ - List all the players ....
`!Rest Somewhere`@ - Check into a hotel so other will have harder time killing ya
`@ spend more money ...
`!Newz`@ - List the daily newz ...
`!Kill Yerself`@ - Well just what it says ... go and commit suicide and start all
`@ over.
`!Quit to BBS`@ - Get outta this place ....
`!Help Level Toggle`@ - Toggles between Expert, Regular or Novice mode, I
`@ recomend the Regular mode, which will display the menu first time you
`@ enter it. Expert mode will not display menu at all, and Novice will display
`@ the menu every time. The menu can be displayed by pressing '?'.
`@Drugs are an important part of what you do ... here is what you acomplish by
`@using them:
`%POT,HASH,LSD`@ - Every time you raise yer points it will add some more so
`@you'll get into higher levels quicker. (Depends on the kind of drug and how
`@high you are). NOTE: These take away your strength though ... but aren't
`%COKE`@ - Increases yer attack and defense power a bit ... an addictive drug.
`%PCP`@ - Increases yer offensive power by some ... addictive.
`%HEROIN`@ - Increases yer defensive power ... addictive.
`@Addictive drugs add to yer addiction every time you use them ... If you are
`@addicted a lot and haven't had any fer a few days your power goes down. But
`@You will get off of them if you don't use them long enough ... the addiction
`@drops everytime you play. You can also take drug rehab if you have enough
`@If drug addiction gets to 100% or over yer dead and heffta start over!!!!
`@Here is how the drugs menu works:
`!Buy Drugs`@ - Buy hits of yer current drug.
`!Sell Drugs`@ - Sell a few hits of yer current drug, at a lower price of course.
`!Change Yer Drug`@ - Changes yer drug of choice, to change yer drug you heffta
`@ be 0% addicted and you heffta sell all yer hits of yer previous drug.
`!Use Some Drugs`@ - Take a hit of yer current drug. It adds 25% to your high and
`@ 10% addiction if the drug is addictive.
`@Other items are self explanatory.
`@Well in this game to succed you heffta get laid ... generally no girl will go
`@with ya if you are in lower levels and you don't have too many sexturns there
`@either. That's why there is rape and hookers ...
`@If you don't have sex fer a few days yer power drops.
`@But watch out for diseases. Use condoms to reduce the infection points.
`@To use condoms, just buy them and they're used everytime you have sex.
`@Of course there is nothing like safe sex, so you still can get infected,
`@just not as much.
`@If infected 100% you will die and heffta start over!!!!
`!Get Laid`@ - Try to get somebody to willingly have sex with ya ... very low
`@ probability at low levels.
`!Score Other Players`@ - Get a player of opositte sex to have sex with ya by
`@ sending them a note.
`!Buy Some Condoms`@ - Have some safe sex ... have condoms on ya at all times.
`!Your Stats`@ - ...
`!Rape Somebody`@ - Get some fer free ... better chances that otherwise but you
`@ can also get busted.
`!Pick Up a Hooker`@ - Well this is fer sure but ya heffta pay.
`!Masturbate`@ - Well it only reduces the days since not laid so it's not as good
`@ as the real thing ...
`!Return To Central Park`@ - ...
`@Well you gotta eat ... there are a few options try'em out. Yer hunger gets
`@bigger everyday so you heffta eat a lot ... It's usually cheap to get food.
`@Especially in higher levels.
`@Or you can steal it or eat from dumpster.
`@If your hunger goes over 100% yer dead when you leave the game .... so EAT!!
`!Go Eat Out`@ - Pay money and go to a restaurant.
`!Eat from the dumpster`@ - loose 1/3 of hitpoints, but it's free.
`!Return to Central Park`@ - Do I gotta say it again ...
`!Steal Some Food`@ - Well get some free food ... if ya can.
`!Your Stats`@ - hmmm ...
`@There are a few different fight menus ...
`!Street Fights`@ - Regular fights with programmed enemies.
`!Cop Fights`@ - 10 levels of random Enemies.
`!Player Fights`@ - Kick some other player's ass.
`@During the fight everything is self explanatory ...
`@I don't think the game needs too much explanation ... it's quite straight
`@forward ...
`@Well that's about it fer now fer instructions .... have fun ....