The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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New York 2008 Sysop Documentation
WARNING! This game might contain material some people might find offensive,
please review the game if you are not sure. You might edit the language file
if you wish, "LINES.DAT" and "MENUS.DAT". (Never offended me! It's quite clean
as for my personal opinion)
"LINESC.DAT" and "MENUSC.DAT" are the clean version files.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
If you only want to try the game, type ny2008 -l at the command line!
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Welcome to New York 2008 version 0.05a
Read WHATSNEW.DOC for new stuff in this version!
[ NOTE: I included file called NY2008.ANS (and a smaller .ASC) to include in ]
[ your logon proccess if you wish. ]
NY2008 is a fully multi-node aware RPG door game, which includes on-line
fights and, on-line messages. Also the game includes all essential parts of
an RPG game, being similiar to some other popular doors, like LORD or USURPER.
The purpose of the player is to blow up New York and get rid of it's evil ways
for this the players need an Atomic Bomb. Try the game out with the -L option.
This game can run in ASCII, ANSI or AVATAR, and I will add RIP as soon as
somebody draws some nice pics...
There is a clean mode in now with the -CL option. (I don't recomend it!)
No reset is neccessary, the game assumes it's a new game if the user files
are missing.
If you want to change some of the language, edit files LINES.DAT and MENUS.DAT!
(or LINESC.DAT and MENUSC.DAT for clean mode)
form ALL versions:
Just unzip the archive into yer directory. Check for new stuff in the
SAMPLE.CFG file so that you can edit your .CFG file. It is not necessary to
use the SAMPLE.CFG file, but It might have new stuff in it.
Well to get you up and running fast, let's get to the instalation. Copy all
files into a directory (e.g. C:\NY2008) and edit the SAMPLE.CFG file to your
systems specifications and then save it as NY2008.CFG. It has been known to
cause problems, if you edit the comm parameters in the .cfg file, I recomend
leaving them commented out if your bbs software can pass those to the program.
They are there for the purpose if some bbs didn't pass these.
The game will read NY2008.CFG unless otherwise specified, so make sure that
NY2008.CFG file exists. If it does not exist, it will use default settings,
but I'm sure you wanna change some of them.
If your bbs software cannot pass the comport information through the door
file, then edit the comport options in the .CFG file. If you run a multiple
nodes on such a system create more .CFG files (e.g. NY1.CFG, NY2.CFG) edit
these ... (You have to put all the settins in both af them!) and start the
NY2008.exe with the -C option (e.g. NY2008.EXE -Cny1.cfg)
If you have a bbs software that passes the comport information leave the
comport settings in the .CFG file commented out. Even on a multinode system.
!!Unless you use non-standard IRQ's, read in the problems section!)
The game does not need to be reset ... if all system files are missing it
tells the program to start over. If you ever need a reset run:
which will erase all user information.
If you specified different door directories in .cfg file than the one that
the bbs is run on, just run:
NY2008 -C<config file to use> RESET
NOTE: the file of winners will not be deleted on reset to keep records
NOTE2: reset only works locally!
The game does not need to be reset at all for that matter, every time
somebody wins he is just ereased so others can continue to play and this
person may start over. So the game is more or less continuous.
Take a look at the EXAMPLE.BAT to see an example batch file to run the game.
The game now does not read in the bps rate if you are using fossil. Use the
-RDBPS option to force reading in the bps rate (only if you have trouble!)
If you run Wildcat then if the game don't work, try editting .CFG files for
each node (they'll be same escept for BBSName and Node fields) and then call
the game like:
NY2008 -CNY3.CFG
That is assuming you made a .cfg file named ny3.cfg, try using the command
line parameters as explained in example.bat first. This is the more
difficult solution and you should use it only if your system gets confused
by long command lines.
If you run with multinode stuff enabled:
I recomend running "NY2008 -CR" everynight when nobody is online as this
should solve flag problems if there are any ... (If program terminated and
did not erase them)
NY2008 can behave like (status line and sysop keys):
NY2008 (behaves as the Standard, but the status line has player stats)
Standard Opendoors Door (Similiar to to RA 1.11)
Remote Access
You can switch to the NY2008 personality anytime by pressing Alt-[F1] in the
game. From this personality you can go to any other personality. Or you can
set the default personality in the .CFG file.
Clean Mode
I don't think it's neccessary as the game is quite clean, and adding this
will prolly not making it as fun and also taking away some choices for the
At requests I added clean mode. I cleand up the lines.dat and menus.dat files
and saved them as linesc.dat and menusc.dat. Use the -CL option to enable
clean mode. Rape and getting hookers was taken out in the clean mode.
If you have any ideas what not to put in the clean mode and/or how to change
it, please let me know!!!!
Adding IGM's
You can add In Game Modules to NY2008 as they become available. You can an
infinite number of IGM's.
You can also add IGM's as fight events. you add the igm's to the file
3rdevent.dat the same way you add them to 3rdparty.dat. If you want all the
IGMs you have in the otehr stuff menu available as fight events just copy
the 3rdparty.dat file into the 3rdevent.dat file!
To add IGM's follow the instructions of the IGM author. If the IGM does not
have an installation program that adds it to the 3rdparty.dat file, you have
to add it yourself, it is done like this: (you add two lines for each IGM)
(there can be comments - lines starting with ";" or blank lines in the
3rdparty.dat file now)
How to put entries into the 3rdparty.dat file (and 3rdevent.dat).
This will run CASINO.EXE with the game dir as it's working dir:
This will run CASINO.EXE with c:\bbs\ny2008\casino as it's working dir:
NOTE: The "*" must be THE VERY FIRST character on the command line!
This will show CASINO.EXE IGM only to users with security higher or equal
to 50 (lower cannot run it):
NOTE: the brackets can be placed anywhere in the command line:
are equivalent!
You can also have your personalized ANSI, ASCII and AVATAR IGM menu, just
create OTHER.ANS, OTHER.ASC and OTHER.AVT and put it into the game dir. You
don't have to make all of them .ANS and .ASC will suffice but creating .AVT
version makes it faster! (if the player has that terminal emulation!)
NOTE: Probably the IGM will need the path to the dropfiles that ny2008 creates.
The node number and user number will be passed to the program by generic
arguments so you don't have to worry about it.
NOTE2: The name of the IGM should only be under 30 characters long.
(including color codes)
Drop Files
NY2008 Recognizes these dropfiles (you can configure your own drop file
in the .cfg file. See the ny2008.cfg file for complete details.
NY2008 does not need to know the name of the drop file as it will find the one
it thinks is the best, if you want to specify exactly which drop file to use
put it's name in the path either in the .cfg file or with the -P option!
| & | Remote Access (versions 0.01-0.04) |
| EXITINFO.BBS (Std. Ver.) | |
| DOOR.SYS (DoorWay Style) | Remote Access |
| DOOR.SYS (PCB/GAP Style) | PC-Board |
| | GAP |
| DOOR.SYS (WildCat Style) | Wildcat 3.00 and above |
| | Telegard |
| SFDOORS.DAT | Spitfire |
| | TriTel |
| CALLINFO.BBS | WildCat 2.xx |
| DORINFO1.DEF | Remote Access (versions 1.00 and later)|
| & | |
| EXITINFO.BBS (Ext. Ver.) | |
There are two ways to run the maintanance:
SMART MAINTANANCE: First time the game is played in a day. This way users
will not get deleted if nobody plays that day does not count.
REGULAR MAINTANANCE: Maintanance has to be run from a batch file.
While this otion is not so useful on a small system or if the game is
not used too often.
SMART MAINTANANCE: This is the default so you do not have to worry about
but I recomend running "NY2008 -CR" in your nightly maintanance file if
you run with the multinode support turned on. Make sure nobody is in the
game while this runs ... it would mess their game up.
REGULAR MAINTANANCE: Will not cause problems if others are on at the time of
maintanance (e.g. Somebody logged on just before midnight and another player
after midnight). Although this is acounted for I recomend using regular
maintanance in cases this happens too often.
To run regular maintanance, run the game with the -NM option so that if you
call maintanance at say 3:00AM the game knows not to run the maintanance
earlier. Then call the game with the -M option to run maintanance only. This
option will not send anything to the remote system. New day WILL start at
midnight no matter what time the maintanance is run, be sure to run it every
day though ....
I also recomend running crash recovery nightly, but that's optional, if you
run the crash recovery do not use any other options, same as with -M option.
Make sure nobody can be online when you run the crash recovery.
NOTE: Crash recovery WILL NOT run the maintanance so you will have to run:
NY2008 -CR
NY2008 -M
NY2008 has the option to run an external program after it's nightly
maintanance, just create 3rdmnt.bat and put whatever you want in there and
it will run it after every maintanance. Do not make your maintanance too
long since on most systems maintanance usually takes place when the first
user gets online.
This is good for some IGMs. Ones that need to run something everyday.
If you want to send remote output, there is a "3rdmnt.inf" file created,
it has the same format as the IGM dropfile, so look at that in the
3rdparty.doc file
You could also use the old style, and use the option in the .cfg file, but
no "3rdmnt.inf" is created for that one and I recomend strongly against it
since the above way is just a better way to do it, and more flexible.
-C = Run the game with config file differen from NY2008.CFG
(e.g. -Cnyalt.cfg = run NY2008 with the NYALT.CFG file)
-L = Force local operation. Does not read the drop file and asks for
your name. (press enter on the name prompt for quick sysop logon)
-P = Use drop file in dir specified after this option. You can also
specify a drop file to use. (e.g. -Pc:\ra\doorinfo1.def)
-N = Which node is this game running on. (e.g. -N2 for node 2)
can be from 1 to 255.
-NM = Do not run the maintanance. The game will be aware it is a new
day, but the data files are left alone. (See above)
-M = Run maintanance only, runs only in local mode, used to run
maintanance from the nightly batchfile. It will only run if it has
not been run that day before. (See above)
-DV = Use direct video writes. Might be faster local display but can
cause problems in multitasking enviroments.
-CR = Crash recovery. Turn all online flags off and read in all the
temporary files so that users will not loose what they got when
the crash occured. Also will read in the ny2008.usr file and
create new score file!
-CL = Clean mode. I don't recommend it, but if you really think the
regular ver is offending, use it then. Give me any ideas of
what should still be changed in the clean mode.
RESET = Use this to reset the game (read above), can be used with options
-RDBPS = Force the game to read the BPS setting for the .cfg file or the
drop file. Use this if you have trouble. Only if fossil is used!
-AD = Use auto terminal detection. This is used if you have trouble
with the game setting the right terminal for some users.
That's IT!!!
You've done it ....
run NY2008 -L to test it local, and enjoy the game
NY 2008 Player Editor!
Now a full blown editor lets you edit practically every aspect of the
character. But of course you have to register to get this great feature!
This editor is remote aware so it uses the same command line arguments,
(not the maintanance ones of course but it supports -C,-L,-P,-DV,-N ...)
The typical command line would be "nyedit -l" since i suppose you will do
most the editting, but you also might give the co-sysops the oportunity to
do some editting. The editor does not require ANSI graphics! (but it will
sure look better in ANSI, and also supports AVATAR!)
These are the problems I know about, if you run into a problem installing the
game, try looking in some other doors docs if you can find an answer there, or
contact me or somebody who has more experience (Me of course being the
If RIP users get ASCII, try using the -AD command line parameter which will
autoedetect the terminal emulation!
If your remote users get garbage, that's probably because your bbs is
locked at a different baud from the door, check these settings. Try
fiddeling around with the settings. Sometimes this happens if the port isn't
locked properly. Try disabeling the communication options in the .cfg file
if your bbs can pass them, to be sure that they are the same. And try
to use DOOR.SYS if you can as it passes more info to the door! Also check
your modem manual for the lock rates, usually it is 19600 for 14400 modem
etc... It might be different and causing problems. If you use a fossil, be
sure it's locked right. Some dropfiles pass the connect rate and not the
locked rate, in this case if you don't have DOOR.SYS, just make your own
dropfile in the .CFG file, one which passes the locked rate or have NY2008
ignore the baud rate in the drop file and pass it in the .CFG file.
If you use Fossil and non-standard IRQ's you have to create individual
*.cfg files for each node (see INSTALATION) and in those you have to
specify the IRQ number and the other com stuff. This is a problem in the
comm drivers I use, but you can easily work it out like this. Also
it may work without the workaround, but it might not.
If your user file or your messages get erased during or after maintanance,
each maintanance creates backup files of both the mail and the users.
"nybak.usr", "nyback.msx" and "nyback.msg" are backups created before
maintanance or crash recovery of "ny2008.usr", "ny2008.msx" and "ny2008.msg".
If you want too keep permanent backup these are the files to backup. If
you put them back into the directory and want the game to read them run
"ny2008 -cr" to read them in. (they have to be named "ny2008.*" not
This problem is an *OLD* one and has not been around for quite a few month
now so I just include it if it happens, but I'm 99% sure it won't and that
I fixed it.
If your user file gets erased and the game displays the unable to access
user file message then the file locking bug is not yet fixed, since i will
not be here over the summer and i will have no time or place to work on the
game, you will just have to bear with it. It is not a bug that happens all
the time, on my system the game with the bug ran 2 weeks before any problems.
What I recomend is to keep backup files as described above and if an error
occures, just put in the backups. If you have a single node system, set
the SingleNodeOnly option in the .cfg file as this should kill the bug. At
least as far as I know it could be something in the file locking. Sorry about
that guys and I hope i fixed it, but I'm not sure (All the other stuff now
seems right so i don't think there is no reason for that bug to happen, and
I've tried to test the game through several maintanances and play it, but
one player does not do as much as many people do, but at least it worked
fine for me).
Do you want to see something in the game that's not there ... just contact me
and tell it to me and if I find it usefull or fun I'll add it ...
Here is what I'm planning on doing in the game:
Special skills in fighting (karate,boxing,telepathy,...)
RIP Graphics ...
Make fights generally more sofisticated (using limited items - rocks ...)
The registration is $15 and all future upgrades are for FREE.
Read the REGISTER.DOC for more info. There is ONLINE REGISTRATION available!
If you have any questions, call my board :
(520) 297-0889
or send me internet e-mail to:
See the CONTACT.DOC for all the distro sitez, beta sitez and other contact