The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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File List
47 lines
Name: Number: Bits: Baud Rate: MNP: Echo:Term:
Alto's Madhouse (410) 828 5480 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Anchor (410) 272 1322 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Wild Angels Haven (410) 273 6435 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Basement (410) 836 0184 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Cool Worlds Beyond (410) 838 7005 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Cavern of Darkness (410) 592 8603 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Last Domain (410) 939 6294 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Stumpy's Bar (410) 638 5896 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Mythical Barn (410) 272 2594 8N1 9600 None N ANSI
Computer Club of HC (410) 838 3403 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
N.H.Of W.People (410) 838 1930 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Bail 'o' Hay (410) 817 4043 8N1 9600 None N ANSI
Digital Illusions (410) 284 0970 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Abingdon Info Exchange (410) 569 8336 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Culler (410) 679 2720 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Fire Station (410) 780 8613 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
HHC Internet (410) 638 8950 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Sacred Ground (410) 838 2796 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Labrynth (410) 836 8663 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Pure Energy (410) 391 3089 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
AOL Support ** (410) 1 800 827 5808 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Night Club (410) 638 7895 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Pseudo (410) 838 4321 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Phsychodelic Realm (410) 638 7633 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Coffee House 11p-8a (410) 838 3996 8N1 9600 None N ANSI
Harvester (410) 828 4572 8N1 9600 None N ANSI
BCN (410) 668 2304 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Modem Doctors (410) 256 3631 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
Phsyco City (410) 939 3081 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Dog Pound (410) 256 4346 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
The Silvertone (410) 671 6830 8N1 19200 None N ANSI
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