The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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By Deirdre Brooks (deirdre@efn.org)
(Author's Disclaimer: I am a practicing Wiccan, and this is what I
would do if I were initiated into the Verbena. The beliefs, practices,
etc. are based on the Witches I know, and have known, for
approximately 7 years now. Any complaints, suggestions, etc, should be
directed to the Mgt. :-) )
The Wika are formed from a splinter group who were initially trained
by Verbena, but were appalled at the Blood Magick used by that
Tradition. The group of them formed a Coven and began training others
to use the Magick of Life in healthier fashion. Now, the Wika is one
of the smallest Traditions extant but growing vigorously.
The Wika work toward bringing the Wiccan religion into the mainstream
of modern culture so people can see that Witchcraft is not an evil
thing. They will not reveal the practices of the Verbena to the world
because the information would simply be used to attack _them_ as well.
However, this does not prevent them from denouncing the Verbena in
front of memebers of other Traditions.
Like the Verbena, Wikan Magick deals mostly with the natural world,
but the underlying philosophy behind this is "An' it harm none, do
what ye will." This would seem to give the Wika a non-
confrontationalist attitude, but as a matter of fact, they are quite
willing to defend other living beings from being harmed. They tend to
use effects that confuse, frighten, bind or otherwise prevent another
from carrying out their plans, but on occasion, if forced to do so,
they can be as deadly if not moreso than any of the other Traditions.
Unlike the Verbena desire to allow the body to override the mind, the
Wikans tend to feel that uniting the body and the mind, since both act
on the other, a balance must be maintained.
The Wikans feel that Ascension can only be gained once the restrictive
Patriarchal religions have lost their yoke on the world and a more
egalitarian outlook come about. As long as imbalance, between body and
soul, male and female, or even technology and Magick exists, Ascension
cannot happen.
Because the split occurred less than three decades ago, most of the
traditions and customs are very close to the Verbena, but the
attitudes behind them are different, so do not mistake the two.
Philosophy: Balance is the key. Without it, we go too far in one
extreme and fall. As long as the Patriarchs continue their murderous
wars, and hateful proclamations, humanity will be denied Ascension,
tied to these unbalanced concepts. The technocracy enforces these
rigid regimes to bring about their sterile world, and in so doing,
destroys our chance to return to the Goddess.
Organization: Like the Verbena, Wikans tend to form groups they call
Covens. They also use the word "Chantry." Numbers vary, again, and
there does not seem to be a special emphasis on number in some, and
others insist on 13. Some are female only, some are male only. A wide
variation exists, since most of the Wikans are still influenced by the
Wiccan traditions they were members of beforehand.
Meetings: The eight Sabbats of the Year, as per the Verbena.
Initiation: The Wikan is initiated into the Coven in much the same way
as the Verbena.
Chantry: Wherever they manage a large meeting at Beltane. They as yet
have no fixed main Chantry.
Acolytes: Wiccans, New Agers, scholars, fortune tellers
Sphere: Life
* Athame - Life/Mind
* Wand - Correspondence/Forces/Time
* Cup - Entropy/Spirit
* Crystal - Matter/Prime
(Note: Athame is a knife that _has never drawn blood_. It must also be
attuned to the Wikan who uses it, but doesn't really qualify as
unique. It simply means that a Wikan can't just buy a knife and use it
right away.)
Concepts: druid, witch, anthropologist
Quote: "Some of the sleepers say we follow their Christian devil, the
Verbena say we are blind to the meaning of life. Unlike either group,
we have the respect for life that they have either forgotten or never
Akashic Brotherhood: They are too passive in their outlook, too
introspective. However, we do have some things in common, and they can
be valuable allies.
Celestial Chorus: At the opposite extreme from the Verbena, they focus
on the mind at the expense of the flesh. On the surface they seem easy
enough to get along with, but there is something dark hidden.
Cult of Ecstasy: They exemplify our own philosophy, as summed up "An'
it harm none, do as ye will." It is no wonder they draw ridicule, fear
and disrespect from the other Traditions. They follow their hearts.
Discordians: Often too strange and unfocused to finish the task they
have set for themselves.
Dreamspeakers: Possibly the group that has the most in common with us.
They quite likely cannot save Gaia without help.
Euthanatos: Euthanasia is not necessarily evil, and death but a
transformation, but we can't help but think that they sometimes take
it too far.
Hollow Ones: Poor lost Orphans. If only we could find them before they
start on this gloomy path.
Order of Hermes: We can work with them as long as they do not attempt
to dominate us.
Sons of Ether: Their illusion of technology is a crutch for their
Verbena: Abominable! The shedding of human blood for the simple
purpose of working Magick is insane! They are the ones who cause the
religious to start their witch-hunts that we all suffer from. If only
they had taken a different path from the beginning.
Virtual Adepts: Computers are nice tools but they make a terrible
world to live within.