The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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117 lines
Sysop #1 @5209
Thu Sep 13 10:22:15 1990
=- -=
-= AutoVote Mod =-
=- For 4.xx systems Updated for 4.12! -=
-= 9/13/90 - V2.0 =-
=- Written by: The Duke -=
(A 'My First Mod' production)
Description: Have you ever seen your new users trying to figure out how
to use the voting booth? Or, after adding, deleting, and
modifying questions, do your users have problems working
their way around trying to find only the new
questions? If so, then this mod is for you!
This mod will automatically give all the voting questions
that the current user has not answered yet, all by only
pressing 1 key.
Of course, if you are one that has removed the voting
section for various reasons, then you may stop reading
Disclaimer : First of all, to me this is a original mod. I have NEVER
seen, or heard of this mod previously. If it has been
previously written, I will hereby relinquish my first
born to the previous author.
Also, continuing with the disclaimer, if this mod causes
your new CD-ROM to become a glass coaster, or for acts of
God to bestow upon your house, that are not covered by
Nationwide, then I cannot be held responsible. This mod
works great on my system (WWIV 4.11) and even though it only
took 5 minutes to write, (this Doc File took longer!) it
should not cause any problems... So.. Without further ado...
Note: For 4.12 systems, see the end notes, as file changes are
- The Mod -
(< Legend >)
+ Add line
% Change Line
= Leave as is
- STEP 1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
In the variable section of void vote(), add: loop to the list of int's.
= void vote() /* Line 1277*/
= {
% int i,i1,i2,f,map[21],mapp,abort,n,done,loop;
+ char s[81],s1[81],s2[81],sodc[10],*ss;
- STEP 2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Lower in BBSUTIL1.C:
Change/Add the following code in void vote(), according to the legend:
= print_quest(f,mapp,&map[0]);
= done=0;
= do {
= nl();
= nl(); /* Below is line 1319 */
% prt(2,"Voting Booth: (Enter A to AutoVote, Question Number,");
+ nl();
+ prt(2," Q to Quit, or ? for list of questions): ");
= strcpy(odc,sodc);
= ss=mmkey(2);
= i=atoi(ss);
= if ((i>0) && (i<=mapp))
= vote_question(f,i,map[i]);
+ else
+ if (strcmp(ss,"A")==0) {
+ for (loop=1; loop <= mapp; loop++)
+ if ( (!thisuser.votes[ map[loop] ]) && (!hangup) )
+ vote_question(f,loop,map[loop]);
+ nl();
+ prt(1,"AutoVote Complete.");
+ done=1; }
= else
= if (strcmp(ss,"Q")==0)
= done=1;
- STEP 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Just hit F9, and copy the new version into your BBS directory.
That was easy, wasn't it? Not bad for a 5 minute mod, if I do say so
- 4.12 Users -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Please note that instead of in BBSUTIL1.C, it is the last function in
MSCCMD.C. Also, in the first part of the mod, I added a "done=0;" to
the code. Wayne removed this in 4.12, and it should be added back in
to make sure AutoVote works correctly. Also note that the line numbers
specified will be incorrect. Other than that, the mod works great!
Conclusion: All I ask, is that if you try this mod, please E-Mail me
at 1@5209 (Crimson Connection) to say that you have tried
it, and what you think about it. Thats not too much is it?
Remember, send mail to 5209!